Samir hurried back to the White Pagoda, and first searched in the snowy forest outside the White Pagoda. It was still dark at this time, and the little black dragon usually played outside for a while.

But there was no sign of the little black dragon in the entire Xuelin. He went back to the white tower, asked who was playing with the little black dragon today, and found Haas.

Haas was writing his report, when he heard Samir ask, he said blankly: "Isn't Little Duck outside?"

Samirmin pursed his lips and shook his head.

Haas was also a little flustered, immediately put down the things in his hand, and said, "I'll go out with you and look for it together.",

The two left the White Tower and searched again within the area that Samir had divided. At this time, Samir had vaguely felt that the little black dragon was no longer here.They went to the edge, and Haas said, "Did he run out to play? But little Duck is not the kind of kid who runs around..."

Samir looked at the huge footprints on the ground. The little black dragon had stood here before, and the footprints had not been covered by the wind and snow.But then the footprints disappeared, and he couldn't sense the little black dragon's breath at all.

He asked: "Is there a recent record playback of this magic barrier?"

Ordinary magic barriers of course don’t have this function, but Samir had faintly heard magicians discussing the issue of recording visitors before, and the Snow Forest White Tower has always been different, walking on the cutting edge of the magic world in all aspects, and is committed to creating more Practical more comprehensive magic.

"Yes!" Haas slapped his forehead violently, and said quickly, "I'll check the records! If I find it, I'll contact you through the White Tower badge!"

Haas rushed back to the White Tower, Samir walked out of the range he drew, and continued to search within the White Tower.There was no sign of the little black dragon anywhere, and the entire Xuelin was a vast expanse of whiteness, just like his feeling of regret, fear and loss.

He was obviously about to leave the human race, why did he disappear today...

If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have let him out.

Samir's thoughts are different from Haas's. There is really no basis for the little black dragon to face ordinary adventurers or ordinary magicians.However, a black dragon cub is enough to trigger huge greed, and he can't imagine what will happen to the little black dragon who is defenseless against the outside world.

All kinds of bad pictures flashed in Samir's mind involuntarily, which made his emotions constantly surge, like a boiling volcano, at the critical point of eruption.

If it was just Xiao Heilong who was being mischievous, it would be fine if he ran out to play... In this way, it would be solved if he was caught and beaten.

At this moment, the badge began to glow, and Samir knew that it was Haas who was contacting him, so he hurried back to the White Tower.

Haas stood in front of a light curtain, and on the light curtain was the picture of the little black dragon leaving with the skeleton.

Thick sweat broke out on Haas's forehead, and his voice was tense: "Oops, he was taken away by a necromancer!"

"Go back and let me read it again," Samir said.

Haas quickly turned back the image, the little black dragon flew to the edge of the magic barrier, saw the man in black robe, and the two sides started a dialogue.They couldn't hear the conversation here. During this process, Samir's heart beat faster and faster, praying that the little black dragon would ignore the man in black robe.But in the end, the little black dragon stepped out and followed the man in black.

How could he be so stupid? !

However, Samir also knows that the little black dragon is not stupid... After the shell was broken, the only people Dak met were the magicians in the White Tower, and everyone was kind to him. He still didn't know the outside world It is different from the White Tower.

He simply trusted others.

Haas didn't even dare to turn his head to look at Samir at this time. Samir exudes a very oppressive aura. At this moment, he heard Samir's lowered voice: "Slow back a little bit."

Haas hastily dragged the screen back a bit, only to see the little black dragon flying in front, but he suddenly turned his head and glanced towards the White Tower.

In those empty eye sockets, only faint blue flames flickered, revealing glaring sarcasm and malice.

He is provoking the White Tower!

Samir took a deep breath, settled down, and asked, "Do you know who this necromancer is?"

After hesitating for a moment, Haas said, "Although I don't know who he is, there is only one person who is so malicious to Xuelin White Tower!"


"Necromancer Merkshe."

Samir had never heard of this name before. Seeing this, Haas explained: "The tower master has a teacher named Julian, who is a great magister. Besides the tower master, Julian also has a student named Merck. Xie, at first he learned spiritual magic from His Excellency Julian. Because the tower master was better and promoted faster, Mo Kexie became jealous, and even intended to hurt the tower master and Lord Julian. Later, after he missed, he Fleeing to the Southern Alliance, learning necromancy... Didn't the tower master tell you about him?"

Samir shook his head, but he also understood that for Rodster, there are too many things in this world that are more important than Merck, and he will not pay attention to the existence of that kind of person.

Rodster is a person who walks on his own path wholeheartedly.

"There are many magicians who study necromancy, but Merkhe is the necromancer most in line with the imagination of ordinary people. He does all kinds of evil, even slaughtering the entire town in search of suitable materials. He is also good at all kinds of tricks Spells, let relatives and friends kill each other. The Association has long issued a killing order for him, but he is very well hidden. Every time he appears, he uses the corpses of his subordinates. So far, he has never appeared in front of others with his body. ..."

After Haas spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller. According to him, the skeleton is very likely to be Mo Kexie's puppet this time. Obviously, the little black dragon is already in danger.

Moreover, Mo Kexie is extremely good at hiding himself, so it seems that the possibility of finding the little black dragon is very slim.

Samir asked, "Why did he take Dark?"

If it was other magicians, the reason for taking the little black dragon was obvious, but for Mo Kexie, it was obvious that he didn't just want to get the little black dragon's body.

Haas whispered, "I don't know..."

"...He wants Rodster to rescue Dak." Samir said slowly: "This is a trap aimed at Rodster. So in order to let Rodster step into the trap, he must stay Go down and find Dak's clues."

Haas was slightly taken aback. He was surprised by this line of thought at first, and then felt that Samir could still think calmly in this situation, really...

"In that case, I'll go find him." Samir continued.

Not calm at all!You clearly know that you are trapped, maybe you will die if you go there!

Haas clenched his fists, summoned up his courage and said, "I'll go with you, this matter is my responsibility, if only I could look at Little Duck..."

Samir said: "You stay here, wait for Rodster to come back, and tell him the matter."

"But if you go alone..."

"The most important thing is, you won't be able to help if you go there." Samir said bluntly.

"I am also a great magician..."

While the two were arguing, another magic apprentice came over and reported to Haas, "There are guests visiting outside."

Samir and Haas frowned at the same time. In this situation, they didn't have the mind to take care of other things.Moreover, who will visit at this time...

The magic apprentice went on to say, "It's an elf. He specified that he wanted to see His Excellency Samir."

Samir froze for a moment, gave Haas a look, and said, "I'll go see him."

The magic apprentice brought Samir to the reception room at the bottom. During the short journey, Samir kept wondering which elf wanted to see him.In fact, although he stayed in Elven Island for a long time, he didn't know many elves, and spent most of his time with Atlans.

Will it be Atlantis?But didn't he go back to Elven Island to solve the problem of the Elven God Tree...

The first thing Samir saw was a tall figure with pointed ears protruding from the blond hair, a slender waist and long legs. Compared with humans, elves were taller and slender.

The elf turned his head, a pair of light green eyes, slightly round eyes, bright red lips, and a complexion like jade.

This is an elf.

It is not accurate to say that it is an elf. It is about two or three hundred years old. There is a hint of cuteness in its handsome appearance. The pupils are green like newborn buds, and there is a freshness that almost drips water.The elves come of age at the age of [-], and this elf is still in adolescence.

However, this young elf's expression was very calm and stable. When he saw Samir, he looked a little nervous.

Samir first asked: "I am Samir, do you have anything to do with me?"

The young elf paused, his eyes fell on Samir, his light green eyes seemed to have a lot of things, but also seemed to have nothing.

"I know you're looking for Necromancer Merkshe." The young elf said surprisingly, "I can help you find him."

Samir was slightly startled, and after a few thoughts in his mind, he first asked, "Who are you?"

"I've been chasing the necromancer for a long time since I came out of Elven Island." The young elf met his gaze, and his voice gradually became tense: "My name is...Lang Luo."

Samir still trusted the elves very much. He quickly made a decision and said, "The necromancer took away a relative who is very important to me. I must find him as soon as possible."

"So, let's go now."

Samir's ability to move was extraordinary, and he immediately told Hass, and was about to leave.

Haas held him back, looked at the strange young elf hesitantly, and asked, "Are you really going to go with him...but he looks suspicious. What if he was sent by a necromancer? Why don't we wait for the teacher to come back..."

Haas was extremely flustered, always feeling that if he let Samir go now, things would develop in an irreversible direction.

Samir said, "It's too late to wait for him."

He patted Haas on the shoulder reassuringly: "Don't worry, if he is really sent by a necromancer, wouldn't it be just right. Haas, thank you for taking care of me during this time."

Haas couldn't refute him, and could only watch Samir and the young elf named Lan Luo quickly disappear outside the range of the White Tower.

After leaving the White Tower, Langloo and Samir ran quickly on the path. When they left the town and the crowded places, Samir grabbed the young elf and said, "Come up."

The young elf who claimed to be Lan Luo froze for a moment. The touch of Samir's grip on him made him tremble slightly. Then he saw a silver scale growing on Samir's cheek. After only a few breaths, he changed back to The original form, and threw the young elf on his back.

The silver dragon rises abruptly and keeps going up, and the scenery as far as the eye can see becomes wider and wider. You can see the mountains in the distance, the endless fields, the big river running through the north and the south, and the lush and pine forest...

The scenery flew by quickly from the corner of my eye, but Lan Luo only stared at the flying silver dragon for a long time and deeply.The round white horns, the curvature from the top of the head to the neck, the sound of the spread wings rubbing against the wind, those fine scales cast a layer of gentle light in the dusk...

There is nothing around, the sky and the earth are vast, only the wind whistling past the ears, and the white clouds reflected in the eyes.

In the past, Samir would take him to fly aimlessly like this. They flew to the highest place, went to the deepest canyon, chased the sunset in the sky, rose together with the full moon, and felt each other's heartbeat under the starry sky.

...but then it's all gone.

"Tell me what's going on." Samir suddenly said, interrupting Lang Luo's memory.

Lang Luo asked: "Do you remember the elf-trafficking thing that happened last year?"

Samir: "Remember."

Lan Luo slowly said: "...After the ancestor returned to the Elven Island, he found that the Elven God Tree was polluted by special means. After investigation, it was found that the people who polluted the God Tree and the traffickers who abducted the elves were the partner."

Samir asked, "Are they related to necromancers?"

Lan Luo: "They are all necromancers. Necromancers use this method to make money. They not only sell elves, but also orcs and... dragons. Moreover, their buyers are not only humans..."

Samir was silent for a while.

What the elf said echoed in his mind, combined with the information he knew before, gradually formed a clear thread.

Necromancers, rare alien dealers, mage associations, psychic and necromantic magic, soul corruption on Duck, destroying towns...

It was the necromancer Merkshee who performed the soul corruption on Dak back then!This is a large criminal group headed by him. They will sell rare races everywhere, and even the buyers are not only human races.

In the small town of Chuxue, the necromancer who summoned the death knight is also Mo Kexie!

Samir asked, "Why are there so many magicians working for him?"

Back then, Atlans told him at the banquet that the criminal group might have something to do with the Mage Association, because there were too many magicians in the criminal group. Now it seems that it may be because the person headed by them is a top-level Necromancer.

Langlo shook his head, then realized that Samir couldn't see, and said, "I don't know."

Samir: "Then how did you know where the Necromancer was?"

"...the ancestor shot an arrow at him, leaving a scar that will follow him forever, unless the necromancer's soul dies. I came to hunt him down by the order of the ancestor, so I can track the scar breath."

"Can you actually escape from Jin's hands..." Samir was thoughtful. From this point of view, the strength of the necromancer Mo Kexie is really a bit unfathomable.

He was thinking about how to deal with the necromancer, but he didn't notice the sudden silence of Lang Luo on his back.After a long time, Lan Luo suddenly asked in a low voice: "Do you call the ancestor... Jin?"

"Ah, I'm sorry." Samir thought to himself, maybe for these young elves, the First Ancestor is unattainable, just like the moon in that day, they can't be approached or profaned, so naturally they are not allowed to be called by that middle name.

"It's okay." For some reason, the voice of Lan Luo, the young elf, was a little excited: "Why do you call him Jin?"

Samir said: "This name is very suitable for him. I can't think of a name that suits him better than this."

And Samir is used to it, think about it, he has been calling it for more than 100 years, how could he change his mouth so easily.Of course, when facing the ancestor, he would still deliberately remind himself to use the honorific title because of excessive nervousness and high concentration.

"Do you like this name?" Lan Luo asked cautiously.

"Of course I like it." Samir replied casually, the middle name was given by him.He didn't look back, so naturally he didn't see the young elf's light green pupils gradually darken, almost turning into the deep emerald green he was most familiar with.

"But you seem to be more familiar with the name Atlans." Samir smiled and said relaxedly, "I will try not to call you that in front of you from now on."

Lang Luo almost blurted out, why didn't he bark, but asking this way would make him look weird, and the urgent look before was also very abrupt, Lang Luo didn't want to reveal his true identity, otherwise it would be meaningless to become like this, so there is no say.

He lowered his head, and his long golden hair seemed to have lost its luster.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't say so much.

When we met for the first time, we messed it up...Lang Luo felt aggrieved and disappointed, he had to be more careful.

Under the guidance of Lan Luo, they flew for three days and three nights and arrived at a place called Scarlet Stone Forest.

The Scarlet Stone Forest used to be the borderline between the two countries, and wars broke out frequently.In the beginning, this place was a high mountain. Later, a magician turned it into a flat land. Later, trees like stone pillars suddenly grew here.After several wars, people threw their bodies into the stone forest, and this place gradually became known as the Scarlet Stone Forest.

Those two countries have long since disappeared into the long river of history.

The Scarlet Stone Forest is a place that ordinary people must never enter. For adventurers, it is also a place marked with extremely difficult tasks.Samir and Lang Luo didn't have any worries. They flew directly into the stone forest from the outside world. Samir hung high above the sky, with his wings spread, and asked in a low voice, "This is it?"

Langlow said, "Yes, this is his hiding place."

"Then let's go down." Samir said, "Be careful!"

Samir suddenly turned into a human form, and Lan Luo fell from the sky. When he wanted to use the levitation technique to fly, Samir grabbed his hand tightly.

Samir pulled hard, hugged the young elf in his arms, and then rushed towards the ground.


Inside the tomb.

"That silver dragon is here? How did it come so fast..." Necromancer Mo Kexie looked at the picture on the transparent light curtain. He hid here, and naturally always paid attention to the outside environment. , he especially resented the legendary magician, and it was because of Rodster that he ended up hiding and running around.

The necromancer thought to himself that it would take at least two days for Silver Dragon to discover the clues he left behind.And on the way here, there will naturally be many "surprises" waiting for him. No matter what, it will take a week to come here from Xuelin White Tower.

How did he do that?

At the beginning, Lan Luo was on the back of the silver dragon, so the necromancer didn't notice it. When Samir turned into a human and fell with the young elf in his arms, the necromancer suddenly stood up and shouted angrily: "The elf !"

Damn elves!

Ever since the necromancer left the White Tower, he has tried his best to run his own dark empire, and has never failed.Until he met the ancestor of the elves, that incredible existence made him suffer irreparable damage for the first time. No matter what method he used or how many bodies he changed, he couldn't get rid of that scar.At the same time, he found himself becoming more and more afraid of elves.

If fear is felt, Merkche will do whatever it takes to destroy the source of fear.

The more you fear, the more you hate.

Mo Kexie's hatred for elves now is almost on the same level as Rodster.

His sound was very ear-piercing in the dead silence of the tomb, and woke up the little black dragon locked in the cage.

The little black dragon wanted to open his eyes, but the pain in his eyes was too great. The pain was connected to the nerves of the skin and muscles, went deep into the bone marrow, and spread to every part of the body.He had never felt such pain since he was born, as if every part of his body was being cut, rubbed, and burned over and over again.These pains are too severe, and even the chaotic feeling in my mind is not important.

He still had some vague impressions of the previous events. He wanted to give Samir a surprise and some gifts, so he walked out of the White Tower and followed the skeleton to a strange place. There were many skeletons, zombies, liches, and He smelled the breath of death and decay, and later, he saw a withered figure in the tomb, so he didn't know anything.

Wait... Who is he trying to surprise?

Why is he here...

Can't think about it anymore.

It hurts.

My brain seemed to be splitting open.

Just like this, there will be no pain...

"Speaking of which, we are destined." The necromancer noticed that the little black dragon had woken up and slowly floated over. Under the black robe was a pair of feet showing bones.His current body originally belonged to a young man full of vigor, but he only used it for a month before it turned into dead wood.

"At the beginning, I worked so hard to bring you out, and I planned to train you to be my finally returned to my hands."

"Go and help me solve the troubles outside." The necromancer said: "Be obedient, and it won't hurt."

The author has something to say:

That's right, the elf is going to reopen the vest, and do it again!


Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 23 bottles of old ice cream; 12 bottles of Htfxygcg; 2 bottles of Wuxiang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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