"Why, are you afraid that I will eat the dragon egg?" Rodster asked.

Samir said sternly: "That's definitely not the case. Even if it's a transaction, you have to look at the goods first."

Rodster leaned back slightly, looked at Samir for a while, and seemed to be thinking.Behind him is a very large laboratory table, on which test tubes and props of various colors are neatly placed.The most striking thing is that there is a pot of green plants in the center of the test bench.

The legendary magician exclusively occupies the top of the tower as a laboratory, so there is a huge space here, and most of it is covered with green plants, various dwarf trees and flowers are interspersed, and vines spread from the corners.

Didn't expect that Rodster actually likes the type of pure natural ecology?

Samir didn't know any of those plants. He thought that even if he wasn't proficient in this area, he could still tell that these plants were different from ordinary plants.

At this moment, Rodster said: "If you want to see the dragon egg, do something for me first."


"come here."

Samir walked up to him, Rodstra held his hand, and placed it on the pot of green plants on the table.

Samir's fingertips were lightly attached to the leaves of the plant. The leaves were cold, but the veins in them were beating, just like the heartbeat of an animal.

Samir was slightly taken aback, he even felt the blade in his hand was stretching, touching his palm in turn.

"After years of division, magic is divided into ten categories." Rodster said.

Samir continued: "Psychic system, protection system, spell system, elemental system, prophecy system, illusion system, necromancy system, transformation system, time and space system, biology system."

Rodster asked, "Are you good at biology magic?"

Biological magic is relatively unpopular. Even in the academy, Samir seldom sees students who specialize in biological magic.

"Not good at it," he said.

Rodster nodded and said, "Then you have a try and use your spiritual power to fuse this Lingsi grass."

It was originally called Lingsi Grass. Samir thought about it carefully, but still had no memory at all.

"how should I do?"

"Cover it with your mental power, and then try to invade."

…You clearly mentioned fusion just now. The reason why Samir is confused is because most of the time, the targets of spiritual invasion are organisms with independent consciousness and capable of thinking.

Plants are never objects of spiritual intrusion.

Although Samir was puzzled, he did so. He controlled his mental power, covered the leaves of the Lingsi grass, and tried to imagine it as a conscious creature, trying to invade.

During this process, Samir slowed down his breathing, and only using the point that his fingertips touched as a medium, he imagined himself becoming extremely small—for a magician, imagination is very important.At first, he didn't see anything, just kept this action.Until a green light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, Samir carefully and cautiously chased the green light, and then entered a pure green space.

He felt that his body became very light, and in the process of slowly falling, he spread his spiritual power to the entire green space. The spirit grass did not stop him, and Samir even felt a trace of tranquility and peace.

Relying on instinct, he tried to wave his hand, and suddenly felt a whirlwind, and he woke up.

After Samir withdrew his mental strength, his body shook slightly, and he blinked before he could see the scene in front of him clearly.

With a mysterious smile on the corner of Rodster's mouth, he asked him, "What did you see?"

Samir spoke out his feelings truthfully: "...in the body of Lingsi Grass, I felt the touch of the body from its perspective. Later, I tried to wave it, but the mental power was forced out, just like dew falling from the water. The feeling of slipping on the lotus leaf."

Rodster pondered for a moment: "You can do this for the first time, don't you have talent in biological magic?"

Samir: "I'm sure not, after all, it's impossible for a silver dragon to be gifted in biological magic."

Rodster said lightly: "I let those apprentices try."

Samir: "Huh?"

Rodster: "But none of them succeeded at the first time, and some of them have not even been able to integrate with the Spirit Grass until now."

Samir stroked the pot of Spirit Grass. This kind of grass has broad leaves, barbs on the edges, and grows very lushly: "Actually, I'm surprised that plants are never the target of spiritual invasion. Elves and druids do You can talk to plants and manipulate plants to attack, but..."

"But that's not really manipulation," Rodster said. "They're using plants, like we use magic elements, without melding with plants."

Samir tried to understand the meaning of the magician - he found that Rodster seemed to be particularly fond of mind control magic, how strong is this man's desire to control.

"Fusion and invasion...these two words are different." Samir raised a question that he had always cared about.

Rodster smiled: "Invasion refers to complete occupation, absolute control, and complete suppression or destruction of the original owner's thinking. But fusion refers to the coexistence of both sides, mutual influence, and shared memory. Generally, what we do is invasion, But my goal is fusion."

Samir asked tentatively: "But the premise of fusion is invasion, right?"

"Smart." Rodster smiled approvingly: "Unless the other party is willing to actively open the brain...but how is that possible."

Samir said slowly: "Actually, I was introduced just now..."

Rodster paused and opened his eyes slightly: "Why? How is this possible?"

"Maybe it's because I'm naturally more plant-friendly." Samir smiled: "I've always only eaten meat, not grass."

The green leaf he put on his chest was slightly warming up.

Rodster laughed dumbfounded, stood up, and opened a transparent magic barrier in the middle.

After the barrier was opened, a completely different space was revealed, surrounded by snow, with a table in the middle, and a black dragon egg stood on the table.

Samir walked over quickly, and the black dragon, which had been sleeping inside, seemed to hear his footsteps, swayed from side to side, turned around, and rolled towards the edge of the table uncontrollably.

Samir flew over in an instant and caught the dragon egg. The dragon egg was still twisting and turning in his hand, and even the temperature rose.

Rodster said from the side: "Look, not only alive, but also jumping."

Samir hugged the dragon egg and gasped in shock. The dragon egg became heavier and heavier: "How can you put it on the table?"

"... Otherwise? Are you going to put it on my bed?"

"It needs to be kept warm." Samir looked very serious, and then said, "If you don't want to, you can put it on my bed."

"Keep warm?" Rodster never thought about this question.

Samir grabbed his hand unexpectedly, touched his cold fingertips, and said, "Your body temperature is lower than that of plants. If the dragon egg stays with you, it will be stunted."

Rodster grabbed his wrist instead, and said with a half-smile, "Why, do you really know how to hatch eggs?"

"It's just common sense." Samir pulled his wrist away, looked at him with blinking eyes, and whispered, "That's the end of today's visit. I'll go first. I won't disturb your research on the profound biological magic issues..."

"Put down the dragon egg." Rodster said lightly.

Samir sighed, looked around, and said, "Is there anything like a soft cushion?"


"Black dragon cubs need a higher temperature to develop normally. It was Black... that black dragon told me." Samir held the dragon egg with his palm on it, providing a slightly warm temperature.

"Then just throw it into the fireball?"

"That's the Red Dragon!"

"You little silver dragon, you know other dragons very well. I heard that you have internal quarrels and frequent civil wars among different dragons. You don't even think that other dragons are of the same race as you. Little silver dragon, why are you so concerned? What about the black dragon?"

Samir wondered if Rodster was turning a corner to inquire about the Dragon Clan's information?However, the civil war of the dragon clan is not a secret. He explained: "300 years ago, there was an unprecedented melee among the dragon clan. In that melee, the black dragon won the final victory, and the head of the black dragon became the head of the dragon clan. Now, there has never been a war, and the rule of the black dragon patriarch is absolute."

"I was born more than 600 years ago, and I don't have a deep impression of the split period. In short, no matter whether it is a black dragon or a green dragon, they are all my compatriots."

"We are both outside of Mojacher at this time, so, as the older party, I must take responsibility for protecting my fellow man."

Rodster listened to him quietly, and asked with a smile, "What if I treat the dragon eggs as experimental materials?"

"I, I will fight with you." Samir said tearfully, "At least I can destroy this White Tower."

It is really a silver dragon that cannot be underestimated.

Rodster put his hand on the table, and soon, a square cushion appeared on the table, which was completely made of magic power, and could even be heated automatically.

"let it go."

He turned away.

This is obviously not the real world, but Rodster's personal space. Priests have the sacred domain, mages have the personal space, and dragons also have the coercive pressure field. However, Samir is still underage and does not have this skill. Currently, he can only release personal attacks. Longwei.

Samir carefully placed the dragon egg on the cushion, then lightly cut his finger, a drop of blood melted into the dragon egg, was absorbed by the pitch-black surface, and disappeared without a trace.

This is not magic. How dare Samir use magic in front of the legendary magician, especially in the personal space of the legendary magician. This is a method he learned from other places.

In this way, the status of the dragon egg can be monitored at any time.

He followed Rodster out, and Samir asked with a smile: "Can I visit you every day?"

Rodster: "Are you sure you're here to see me?"

"I will be sad if I don't see you one day." Samir stared at him with shining eyes, full of longing: "Don't worry, I will never disturb you, just put me in a corner, if you don't feel comfortable It's safe, just let me stay in your space."

Rodster smiled and asked, "Aren't you going to start school soon, so you are free?"

"The next semester is the last semester, and the sixth graders have no classes."

"That's really free." Rodster said, "How about this, you live in the White Tower directly, and cooperate with me in the experiment of Spirit Grass every day, and I can open up the space for you to enter."

"It's not okay to live in the White Tower." Samir lowered his head: "I'm still the president of the Association of Researchers, and I need to help the president maintain the association."

Also, Wei An might send him the manuscript, and he must get it as soon as possible.

Rodster thought he had a lot going on, even though he was a little silver dragon, he had many good friends in the human world.That silly little nephew cared very much about Samir. When we talked about it earlier, the emotion in his words was obvious.

It's probably a struggle between "Samir is so talented and I'm so jealous" and "Samir is talented and hardworking, he is too strong and can't help being attracted".

"Then you come to the White Tower every day." Rodster said: "Has will give you a badge later, wear the badge, and you can directly transfer from the academy to the White Tower."

The emblem of each white tower has a teleportation function, but the only one with such a long teleportation distance is the Xuelin White Tower.

Haas was the magic apprentice who stayed outside to discuss with Samir whether the tower master had stolen eggs. When he heard the teacher wanted to give Samir a badge, he kept asking: "Really, why, doesn't this mean that Have you joined the Xuelin White Tower?" He carved the badge and handed it to Samir.

"It has your name and major on it, and only you can use it." Haas instructed how to use it, but couldn't help asking: "Why did the teacher let you join the White Tower? It's not that I look down on you, but usually you join the White Tower." The procedures are very complicated, and they have to go through double assessments by the association and the White Tower..."

"Maybe it's because Rodster likes me." Samir put away the badge: "Thank you, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow?" Haas was stunned for a moment, and found that Samir had turned and left. He stared blankly at Silver's back, and what Samir had just said was still echoing in his mind.

what did he say? !

Because Rhodes... Tower Master likes him? !

Is the tower owner the kind of person who ignores the rules and opens the back door because of personal relationships? !This is absolutely slander!

...But, he is really beautiful.

It is also possible that the tower owner is enlightened, and he is still a student of the Magic Department of the First Academy. After graduation, he can probably enter the White Tower directly. It is just that the tower owner let him in in advance, which is not considered as opening the back door.

Haas had countless thoughts and doubts in his heart, so he couldn't hold back, so he secretly found a familiar companion: "Hans, let me tell you a secret..."

In this way, Samir lived the life of running between the academy and the White Tower. Rodster asked him to fuse the Spirit Grass, not only to go in and feel and manipulate, but to connect to the spiritual body of the Spirit Grass itself, so as to truly fusion.Later, Samir gradually got used to feeling the surrounding environment from the perspective of the Linsi grass, and even moved the leaves.But he still couldn't talk to Lingsicao's spiritual body, maybe Lingsicao didn't have a spiritual body at all?He often fell into this kind of thinking, and followed Rodster to conduct one experiment after another.

During this process, Samir also gained a better understanding of Xuelin White Tower.The magicians in the White Tower must first submit a report if they want to study any magic formula or experiment, and create new magic items.After reviewing the report, Rodster chose to send it back directly, make appropriate changes, or directly agree and provide financial and material support according to the content of the report.

In this regard, Samir found that he was a very responsible and patient person. No matter how incredible themes were proposed by the magicians below, he would seriously consider the possibilities.When giving material support, he is not stingy.Even if it was some reports that seemed to be obviously wrong, he just rubbed his eyebrows and read them silently.

Later, Samir couldn't help pointing out the mistakes and omissions. Rodster looked at him in surprise, and then gave him the report.

This time it was Samir's turn to have a headache. He read through the magic report carefully and corrected the obvious problems. This process was definitely more painful than writing the report himself.After finishing, Samir handed the report to Rodster. After the legendary magician finished reading it, he said with satisfaction: "From now on, you will read all the reports following the great magician."

Samir: "Is there a salary? I won't do it if I have a salary!"

Who would a normal dragon do this?

"No salary." Rodster pinched his chin lightly and said with a smile: "But I can tell you that what I cast on you is indeed [Spiritual Connection]."

Samir narrowed his eyes.

"You've been looking for a way to fix it, let's see how far you can go," Rodster said.

Samir raised his chin, just placed it in the palm of Rodster's hand, looking very cute: "But that is different from the [spiritual connection] I found."

"Of course it's different." Rodster's eyes fell on the beautiful jawline, thinking that this little silver dragon really looks more and more pleasing to the eye.

From that day on, Samir's work in the White Tower became more and more heavy, and he had to read many reports every day.

His sleep time was severely squeezed. One day when Samir was merging with the Spirit Grass, he fell asleep halfway through.

He was woken by Rodster, who also said: "You are the first person who dared to sleep with me."

Samirton suddenly became vicious, and said fiercely to Rodster: "I don't have time to sleep! I am a dragon! I need a longer sleep time!"

Rodster said magnanimously: "I can cast [Keep Awake] on you for free, so that you only need one hour of sleep every day, and have more time to work."

Samir: "..."

Magicians are scary.

Rodster: "When I was six years old, I used [Keep Awake] on myself, and I haven't had any problems or side effects until now. My current method will only be better, do you want to try it?"

He stretched out his hand excitedly, and Samir stepped back three feet while covering his forehead, and whispered, "Obviously something serious has happened."

"What did you say?"

"Forget it, I will try my best to ensure that I will not fall asleep during the experiment again. You should keep this magic for yourself. I don't want to become a pervert like you."

He said so in one breath.

Samir gradually got used to this high-pressure workload. Later, he discovered that Rodster would intentionally show him more reports from the Department of Biology and Department of Prophecy.These are two categories that Samir is relatively unfamiliar with. He has to work harder and even consult a legendary magician to understand the report. In the process, he has a deeper understanding of these two types of magic.

After all, the people in Xuelin White Tower are already the most talented group of human magicians.Some of their reports, although wild and unconstrained, also gave Samir a lot of new ideas.

For magicians, imagination is very important.

The idea of ​​being able to keep in touch with top magicians is simply a supreme wealth.

While Samir was studying day and night, he had no idea what was going on outside.He came and left in a hurry every day, and he didn't notice that the magicians in the White Tower looked at him more and more strangely.

For such a long time, even a mage who has devoted himself to research and doesn't care about worldly affairs knows that there is a beautiful young mage who came in through the back door of the tower master, and every day he plunges into the top floor and then leaves directly.

It's better to live in directly.

On this day, Samir went back to the college dormitory and fell asleep right away.He dreamed that he was being pressed in front of the table by Rodster to change the report, and the more he changed, the more he changed.And Rodster was roasting the dragon eggs beside him, making a crackling sound...

Samir woke up suddenly and found that someone was knocking on the door.

He opened the door, and there was a classmate at the door, holding a big box in his hand, and said, "Classmate, this is for you."

Samir's mind has not yet come to his senses, after the dream just now made him fall asleep, he felt even more painful and tired.

Damn it, Rodster is the only one who has tortured him to this extent since he left Mojacher's Spine!

Of course, if Samir was asked to give up reading the report, he would definitely not be happy. The things he read were to some extent the absolute secret of the White Tower.Losing this opportunity, he would no longer have other access to so many latest magic reports.

The classmate looked at him worriedly: "Are you okay, senior?"

"It's just lack of sleep..." Samir said, yawning.

The classmate took a look and asked, "Senior, where is your handsome brother? He took it when I delivered it last time."

"He went home."

The classmate sighed regretfully.

Samir thought to himself, brother's appearance is still very deceiving.He carried the box into the dormitory, because of the nightmare just now, he didn't want to sleep for a while, so he opened the box.

The boxes are full of stacked manuscripts, some of which are so old that the handwriting on them is blurred.

Samir looked at a whole box of manuscripts and said with deep emotion, "This is all a pit."

He knew that this was a trap, so he was fully prepared, thinking that as long as he didn't sink into it, he wouldn't be sad.


After reading the first manuscript, Samir clutched his chest and said in pain, "What's going on in the back, I can't stop here..."


Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: molan1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of molan; 5 bottles of Junyuan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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