Samir didn't mind at all that Ailu was his defeat, or he never cared about it, and Ailu was the only one who had been bothered.

Samir said seriously: "Of course, you are the best person I know who knows prophecy magic."

Ai Lu: "Our relationship is not so good."

Samir: "But I can't find anyone else who can help."

Ai Lu: "Why, aren't you popular?"

Samir is powerful, cheerful and generous, doesn't care about anything, has no temper, and is very popular in the magic department and even the entire academy.

"But they are not as good as you. Isn't your prophecy magic already at the level of an intermediate magician?"

Ai Lu raised his mouth slightly. After graduating this year, he can directly get the badge of an intermediate magician through prophecy magic. A 16-year-old intermediate magician is very rare even in his prestigious family. Ai Lu has always Be proud of it.

Ai Lu was very happy to be told by Samir, and said, "In that case, let me help you."

Samir immediately began to tell: "I had a dream before..."

"and many more."

Generally speaking, a simple prediction only needs to be analyzed after listening to the other party in this environment, but Ai Lu intends to let Samir see his superb level, so of course he needs to find a suitable scene for formal operation .

Ai Lu said: "I'm going to get some materials, let's find a quiet place."

They went back to the dormitory to get some necessary materials for casting spells. Ai Lu wanted to find a spacious, quiet place suitable for casting spells, so Samir took him to the researcher's club.

The researcher association is the association formed by him and Caesar. Caesar is the president, and he gathers the number of people, so that the position of president can have a little bit of meaning.The First Comprehensive College has a special activity area, where students carry out club activities, but the researcher club is in a remote corner, Caesar does not know what deal he has made with the school, and occupies a small building alone as a club activity room .

Samir never asked much about Caesar, just as Caesar never probed into his anomalies, which was why they had been friendly for so long.

Far away from the main campus, a small white two-story building appeared at the end of the path. On both sides were tall, straight trees with lush branches and leaves. The small white building was hidden in this lush greenery.

Ai Lu: "Is this the legendary researcher community?"

Samir pushed open the door, let Ai Lu in sideways, and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"The researcher club is the most mysterious and difficult club in the college. The club content, club members, and club location are all mysterious." Ai Lu looked curiously at the interior of Xiaobailou, and asked, "What do you usually research?"

"I don't know either." Samir shrugged his shoulders helplessly in response to Ai Lu's incredible gaze: "I usually just come here to sleep..."

Samir took Ailu to the second floor, opened the door and said, "There is an experimental platform on the second floor, which is more suitable for magic rituals. The president usually stays on the second floor, so be careful not to touch his things later." .”

Ai Lu looked at the various magic research equipment piled up on the second floor, and thought that this was almost like a professional magic laboratory.He was more curious about the researcher community, but this was not a good time to ask.

The two stood in front of the experiment table. After everything was ready, Ai Lu drew a magic circle and placed all the materials in order.After Samir told about his dreams and insecurities, Ai Lu began to perform magic.

The tip of his staff shimmered, Ailu closed his eyes, and the magic power around him fluctuated constantly.What he uses is the magic called "dream perception", which can obtain information about the future from dreams.Beginners can use this magic, but how the predictive effect depends on the level of the user.

At the beginning, Ai Lu was still relaxed, but as he got closer, his expression became more and more serious, and he even broke out in a little sweat.The materials on the table have been exhausted, the magic circle emits dazzling light, and Ai Lu looks as if he has fallen into a huge quagmire.Samir was a little worried, and he could just forget it if he wanted to, but Ai Lu was in the state of casting spells at this time, and interrupting it rashly would cause damage to his mental power.

After a while, Ai Lu slowly opened his eyes. He slumped on the chair and gave Samir a complicated look.

"How do you feel?" Samir leaned closer and asked, "Do you want to rest for a while?"

Ai Lu waved his hand and said: "At first I didn't get any information from your dream, it seemed that it was just a simple dream. But for a magician with strong perception, the dream plus anxiety is already Fate is an important reminder."

Samir nodded.

"So I used your dreams and your expressions as a medium to detect from space, and then I found at least three undetectable places, one is located in the south, one is located in the sea, and the other has no location. I can’t know it, but I feel an ancient and powerful force. Fate dictates that your future is closely related to these three places.”

Samir didn't know the first two places, but the third place should be Mojache's Ridge.Because of something that happened hundreds of years ago, the Spine of Mojacher is shielded from prying eyes of all outsiders.

Ai Lu continued: "In addition to these three dimensions, fate also pointed out to me a word, chaos."

"Confused?" The instruction was rather vague.

Samir was thoughtful, and asked the question he was most concerned about: "Did the elves be mentioned in the prediction result?"

"No." Ai Lu continued: "Although the predicted result is vague, overall, I don't feel any danger."

Samir breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I'm at ease now, thank you, I'll pay you back for the cost of materials, thank you for your hard work."

Ai Lu was indeed working hard, but he didn't want to show his timidity in front of Samir. He should have given up when he first encountered setbacks, but then forced him to go one step further, which also consumed him a lot.

"No need." Ai Luyun said lightly, "This kind of thing is just a matter of little effort to me."

He stood up, went to the window and secretly wiped his sweat, then fixed his gaze, and whispered, "Hey, look, is that the Son of God?"

Samir walked to the window and saw a group of tall and burly students standing under the small building, surrounding Shengzi, and the uniforms were students from the Combat Department.The combat department trains all fighters, and most of them are melee fighters. They are the ones who stand in the front of the battle, so fighters are often accompanied by the words glory and sacrifice.

Samir knew that Joe had joined the Combat Department, and had just finished the first class today. Looking at the current situation, it seemed that Joe was not recognized by the Combat Department students.He was even wearing the white robes of the temple, holding a long holy stick in his hand, and his long platinum-blond hair was fluttering in the wind, which was out of place with the students around him.

His accompanying knight, who was always by his side, was also absent.

"A place like the Combat Department is not suitable for the noble Son of God," said the leading classmate.

Joe didn't speak, his eyes were calm, and he didn't seem to feel embarrassed by being said that, but looked at the headed students with peaceful eyes.

"The First United Academy is different from other places." The student said slowly: "If you want to enter the academy, you must pass a strict assessment. Especially the students in the Combat Department, they have to go through a narrow escape before they can get into the academy. Qualifications. There are tens of thousands of people who want to enter the Combat Department every year, but only 50 people are admitted in the end."

"Master Shengzi, do you think you are the top fifty out of tens of thousands of people when it comes to fighting with a sword or a gun?"

Qiao Si thought: "Of course not now."

The students of the Combat Department sneered: "But it doesn't matter to you. No matter which branch you want to enter, you don't need any assessment. In this case, why didn't Master Shengzi choose the easier history department or the more prestigious magic department?" What about the theory department?"

Samir upstairs stared at Joe with great interest, wondering why he chose the Combat Department.

Joe asked without answering, "So, what do you want me to do?"

"50 people are admitted every year, but not [-] of them can successfully graduate. Even so, the Combat Department is still a place where most people desperately want to squeeze in." The leader of the classmate said: "For your own good, please ask the Holy Son My lord, change to another branch, it’s still too late.”

Joe: "But I think it's good here."

The students in the Combat Department were irritated by his flirtatious attitude, and said: "I just hate your attitude. Every student in the Combat Department has passed strict examinations. People like you who are arranged to come in, let me Feeling angry, this is an injustice to all students of the Combat Department!"

Joe smiled slightly: "Just one quota, do you feel unfair?"

His words undoubtedly added fuel to the flames. These students from the Combat Department fit the public's stereotype of them. They were all irritable and extreme, especially the leader student who even raised his fist.

Samir yelled "Danger", jumped sideways while propping up the window coffin, and landed right among Joe and the students from the Combat Department. At the same time, a gust of wind trapped the arms of the students from the Combat Department.

Ai Lu, who was still standing on the second floor, opened his eyes slightly, and instantly cast Wind Binding without even maintaining his posture. Samir's strength in elemental magic was beyond his imagination.

Mind magic, elemental magic, I heard that Samir is also very good at transformation magic...

Ai Lu silently gripped the railing.

After Samir jumped down, he immediately blocked Joe behind him, and said to the classmate: "Student, there is no need to do anything."

Everyone was startled by Samir who fell from the sky. Joe was blocked behind, and his sight was suddenly blocked by a head of silver hair.


"I'm sorry, I was on the second floor and I just listened in on your conversation." Samir pointed to the small white building: "No matter what, Joe is already a student of the college now, and the college doesn't threaten or even fight with freshmen. plus tradition."

Several people around reacted for a while before linking the name of Lord Shengzi and Joe.

When Samir untied the wind binding technique, the classmate shook his fist and said, "Senior Samir, this is an internal matter of the Combat Department and has nothing to do with you."

Samir said righteously: "Of course, I don't care about the combat department, but Joe's matter has a lot to do with me."

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