Samir and the death knight fought fiercely. Every move was a moment of life and death. Samir used elemental magic and protective magic in turn. Their figures flashed in the tomb so quickly that ordinary people couldn't see them with their eyes.

Wei An's eyes followed Samir closely. After the initial fear, he became excited and even took out a pen and paper.

He couldn't help anyway, and Samir's battle with the death knight gave him a lot of inspiration.

Joe glanced at him, thinking that this man was strange, where did he come from, and he looked very familiar with Samir.

Joe has a lot of questions in his mind, but this is not a good time to ask them. He focuses on Samir. Samir is fighting the death knight with magic and sword. , and the death knight in the tomb, as long as it does not die completely, it has endless power and self-repair ability.

It cannot be dragged on like this.

Joe cast a recovery technique on himself, and felt that his physical strength had recovered a little.

"Samir, I can try to disperse him, but he must be weakened first. Death knights are immune to serious injuries and instant death, so he must be completely suppressed."

Samir heard Joe's voice, threw a scroll at the death knight, bought a second of breathing time, and said, "I'm trying!"

Up to now, he has a clear understanding of the strength of the death knight. To defeat the death knight, he must rely on other forces.After all, death knights are level fourteen undead creatures, while minor silver dragons are only level twelve.

Although he is not an ordinary underage silver dragon.

"I'll help you," said Joe.

He tore off the holy emblem he was wearing, held up the holy staff, a white light spread rapidly around him, and a mysterious aura instantly enveloped the entire tomb.

sacred field.

Samir felt that his physical strength was recovering. He was covered with a light shield. Correspondingly, the speed of the death knight slowed down in the field.

This is no problem, Samir continues to bombard the death knight with high-intensity elemental magic, the death knight is affected under the domain, and can no longer avoid magic attacks.Moreover, the magic that could only cause partial damage before could now easily destroy his body, and the death knight gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Joe maintains the sacred domain, which is very stressful for him: "Quick, now!"

Samir seized the opportunity and threw a powerful bind at the death knight.

The death knight paused for a moment, and Wei An, who was watching and recording the battle, heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to put away his pen and paper.

"His eyes turned red!" Wei An yelled.

Needless to say, both Samir and Joe have already noticed the abnormality. There are no eyes in the eye sockets of the death knight, but two orange-red lights shining.At this time, the two points of light turned completely red, and then the color became thicker and thicker, as if countless blood was spread on it.

And the tomb shrouded in the white sacred domain, with the death knight as the center, unfolded the black and red death domain.

The sacred domain and the death domain overlap, and the two corresponding forces constantly cancel each other out.Although this confrontation was silent, the various auras here were already very chaotic, and there were several piercing explosions in the air from time to time.

Joe held the holy emblem tightly, drawing strength from it.It is difficult for him to even open the sacred domain, let alone fight against the death knight.

He took out a holy relic, and the knowledgeable Wei An next to him said, "Wow, the letter of the leader in red."

Joe consumed the holy relic, and the sacred domain became stronger.

"Wow, the Pope's ancient holy stick, ah, it's gone."

"Wow, the angel feathers... are gone too."

In this way, Joe relied on the consumption of holy relics to maintain the sacred domain, and in the domain, the battle between Samir and the death knight came to an end.

With the help of the pressure caused by the dense magic, Samir rushed to the death knight with his sword.A faint blue light gushed out, and the death knight reached out and grabbed the blade.

Samir pushed the blade forward inch by inch, and the death knight's hand remained motionless like cast iron. His whole body was shrouded in that faint blue light. At the same time, the breath of death on the death knight was also corroding. With Samir.

The two sides were fighting for their lives in this square inch. The death knight's hand moved slightly, and Samir's nerves were tense. Before his brain could react, his body had already responded quickly - he grabbed the death knight's hand.

The hand was hard and cold, as if he was grasping a piece of cold iron.Samir raised his head slightly, meeting the black-red light in the death knight's eye sockets.

He was in a trance for a moment, and an unfamiliar scene flashed before his eyes.

Death knights were obviously affected as well.

Samir realized something was wrong and was about to let go, but more and more pictures flashed in front of his eyes, becoming clearer and clearer, and he soon fell into a hallucination.

An endless plain.

Samir stared blankly at the front, surrounded by silence, with the scent of green grass in the air, suddenly the horn of the city gate sounded, he held the reins, and looked back.

Behind him was a rough and crude castle. Seeing that castle, Samir felt a warm and firm force in his heart.

"Boss, the sentinels have found traces of alien races!" A warrior with a blurred face came running over on horseback. Samir rubbed his eyes, but he couldn't see his face clearly anyway.

Only then did he realize that he was also riding on the same horse.

"The battle has begun," said another fighter.

"The battle has begun!"

"The war has begun!"

Once the battle begins, it never ends.He didn't know how long he had been fighting, he only knew that he had been guarding in front of the castle.Even if the blood stained the moat red, there were almost no gaps in the corpses on the grassland, and the enemies in front of him changed from various alien races to monsters, and even demons...he never stopped.

He will dedicate himself to guarding this plain, this castle, and all the people behind him.

This cognition is deeply imprinted in my mind.

The moment his body was killed in a certain battle, Samir woke up.

All his sanity returned instantly, and he quickly realized that the plain he saw was the twilight battlefield that had now turned into a desert.And what he experienced was the guardian war thousands of years ago!There was no magic at that time, and the territory of human beings was extremely small, and in order to protect those territories, warriors kept fighting until they died.

[Here sleeps the guardian who died fighting to protect this land, Hel Nuo. 】

[Heroes are immortal. 】

Samir remembered the inscription that fell on the ground. This death knight is obviously the owner of the tomb, Hel Nuo!

But why did he wake up as a death knight.

After a powerful warrior dies full of resentment and anger, there is a chance to transform into a death knight.However, Samir had just experienced the memory of Her Nuo. He had never been angry or resentful until his death, but died peacefully.

Another possibility is that a necromancer awakened him and controlled him.

He should have slept peacefully here.

As a hero who died protecting him, he was forced to wake up, lose his mind, and destroy everything he wanted to protect.

Samir looked at the death knight, the black and red flames in the death knight gradually faded, showing a golden orange color as brilliant as the sunrise.


"You most important memory..."

The death knight's voice was hoarse and cold, like the sound of a distant glacier flowing silently under the abyss.

Joe felt that the power of the death knight was weakening, and the death field was fading, and shouted: "I will disperse him now!"

"Wait!" Samir's voice trembled slightly: "He seems to have woken up."

The death knight let go of his hands and drove his mount back two steps.Samir stood there watching him.

The death knight's body was only a skeleton, but he was still wearing clothes and armor on the outside, holding a long sword, and a worn red cloak fluttering behind his back.

It was a corpse, but the flames in his eye sockets made him look alive.

"Young man, I'm already dead, why did I wake up?" the death knight asked.

He used an ancient human language, and Samir had just learned a little bit, mainly to be able to recognize which things were valuable during adventures.

"You have been manipulated by the Necromancer," Samir said.

Death Knight: "Necromancer?"

Thousands of years ago, human magic was still in the ignorant stage, and there were no classifications, let alone necromancers.Samir briefly explained it to him. The death knight had a strong comprehension ability and quickly understood everything.

"So, how is the human race now, has the alien race been expelled?" He asked slowly.

"Humans are very powerful now." Samir said dryly: "Because of the existence of magicians, the power of the human race has never been stronger."

There have also been a few battles between the Dragon Clan and the Magician, which Samir watched as a child.

The death knight showed a puzzled expression. He couldn't connect the necromancer who controlled him with the magician who protected the human race.

"Magician?... I remember that they were a group of strange guys. So they have such powerful power."

"There are many types of magicians." Samir explained in a low voice.

The death knight turned his gaze to Joe, and said in a low voice, "Pastor, there have always been."

Joe watched the death knight nervously.

The death knight then looked at Wei An, the flames in his eye sockets flickered slightly: "Elves?...Why are elves wearing human clothes?"

"He's a half-elf, a hybrid of human and elf." Vian was too scared to speak, and Samir answered instead.

The death knight even shook his body as if struck by lightning, and said in disbelief, "Humans and elves intermarry?!"

"There are quite a lot of half-elves now." Samir touched his nose.

"But aren't the alien race and the human race sworn enemies?"

In that period of memory, Samir had seen various alien races, including elves.For humans, the so-called alien races are all races except humans.

There are also frequent wars between different races. 1000 years ago, the relationship on the mainland was so tense and complicated.

"It's different now. Everyone is developing peacefully, and there are not so many wars."

The death knight sighed, with a complicated tone: "It's different."

He drove the horse to take two steps, which is enough to show his tangled heart.Samir looked at him, and then asked tentatively: "My lord, do you have any memory of what the necromancer did after controlling you?"

The death knight stopped, the flames in his eyes flickered, and after a while, he said, "Yes, I remember fighting with a few magicians."

"anything else?"

"I summoned some skeletons and zombies, and let them attack the nearby town..." The death knight's voice became extremely hoarse: "They brought back some people, and then those people disappeared."

"Did I kill them..."

The death knight looked at his hands in pain.

The author has something to say: Joe: What are these relics and scrolls?I will be a dowry.

Samir: No, it's a breakup fee.

Holy Son is so miserable!

If you want to scold, scold Xiaolong!do not scold me!


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 16 bottles of An'an;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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