The ancient survivors include sea monsters, elves, dragons, giants, and underground people.Now the giants and underground people have disappeared from public view, the dragons have also closed the passage to Mojache's spine, shielding the prying eyes of the outsiders, and the sea monsters only exist in legends.

There are a total of more than a dozen different dragon species in Mojache's Spine. There are nearly a hundred black dragons, more than 30 silver dragons, and only a few rare dragon species. Ridge, all the dragons add up to less than three hundred.

That's all the numbers for a whole race.

What the wanderer held in his arms was one-thirtieth of the Dragon Clan.

After jumping off the cliff, the gust of wind made the hem of Samir's clothes rattle.He narrowed his eyes slightly, closely following the wanderer's breath in the frenzied clouds.

In mid-air, the wanderer suddenly disappeared.

Samir glanced down, and chased towards the place where the rogue disappeared. There seemed to be nothing unusual in the air, and he felt the air on both sides of his body press against him, as if he had jumped into a swamp.However, he was still falling, and the surroundings were pitch black. He was about to cast a slowing spell on himself, but after the magic power gathered in his body, it suddenly disappeared when he was about to release it.

Samir paused slightly, many thoughts had already flashed through his mind.There are many ways to invalidate the magic. He threw out another flying magic scroll. The magic power of the scroll fluctuated for a moment, and then disappeared.

He had a guess in his heart that there was actually an enchantment under the Kansero Mountains, and inside the enchantment, there was also a magic-forbidden domain.

The surrounding pressure was getting weaker and weaker, and Samir knew he was about to hit the ground.At the same time, his speed is getting slower and slower, which Samir guesses is also the reason for the enchantment.

A glimmer of light flashed before his eyes, and then it became more and more dazzling. Samir spun around in the air and landed lightly on the ground.

The position where he is at this time is a circular hall.Orange wall lamps were lit all around, and under the feet was a huge magic circle.It's a pity that Samir didn't take courses related to magic circles, and only occasionally heard the chairman briefly explain some basic concepts of magic circles.He tried his best to identify what kind of formation it was through those complicated lines, but unfortunately, he couldn't come to a conclusion after looking at it for a long time.

The rogue stood at the forefront, and put the dragon egg in his hand on the high platform next to it.

He stared at Samir, glanced at the silver hair and blue eyes, and said, "You're not one of the elf cubs we caught at all... a group of idiots who didn't even know they were mixed in."

However, since he has already chased here, it doesn't matter who he is.

This is their secret stronghold.

Only the dead don't reveal secrets.

The magic circle lit up, and a stone giant slowly appeared in the center of the hall.

The stone giant was much bigger than him in the soles of his feet. It was made of stones and was shaped like a human. There was a little red light on the head, and it looked down on Samir.

After the rogue activated the magic circle, the red light suddenly brightened and flowed in the troll's body.

Isn't it a magician who can summon trolls? Samir thought, if it is possible to use magic, this stone man would be easy to deal with, but there is a forbidden magic field here, and he tried it just now, but magic is still not available here.

Samir took out a long sword from the space ring.

In the realm of forbidden magic, only the warrior's method can be used to fight.

Holding the sword, Samir's mood calmed down a bit.

His breathing became long and slow, and the sword body swallowed deep and shallow rays of light, as if sprinkled with a piece of moonlight.

The troll rushed towards him, eyes glowing red, and every step caused a huge shock.It raised its fist high and threw it at Samir.

The huge stone fist hit the ground fiercely, causing another tremor, and he punched a hole in the ground, forming a network of cracks.At this time, Samir had deftly dodged the punch, and ran upwards stepping on the troll's body.Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the troll smashing the ground, and the magic circle was naturally destroyed.

However, a few seconds later, the ground returned to its original state, and the magic circle was naturally restored, as if nothing had happened.

Such a magical magic circle, Samir sighed with emotion. He could feel the connection between the magic circle and the trolls, but it was obvious that the magic circle was difficult to destroy.

Samir ran all the way, like walking on the ground, and had already reached the head of the troll.He slashed down with his sword, the blade was as light as a gust of wind, and when it touched the troll, he slashed down gently and irresistibly.

This sword cut off the troll's arm. After detaching from the body, the red light on the arm disappeared instantly, and fell to the ground from a high altitude, destroying the magic circle again.However, after only a few seconds, the magic circle automatically repaired, and the severed arm slowly disappeared, while the troll's arm had grown back.

After recovering, the troll let out a roar. In fact, it did not attack with its eyes, but with its sense of life.Sensing the existence of life above its head, it angrily slapped its head with its palm.

While dodging, Samir was slapped by this thing, even the dragon's body would be injured.While thinking about how to completely destroy the troll, the magic circle can repair the troll's body, and at the same time, the magic circle can automatically repair... In the process, he cut off the troll's hands, feet and head successively, and even cut the troll's body. The demon's entire waist was cut off, but it was repaired by the magic circle.

After Samir left the academy, he stayed in the yard for two days, and tracked the wanderer to the Kansero Mountains, barely resting during the period.

"It's just an elf cub..." The rogue was also very surprised, but he knew that the next step was the elf cub's limit.

After being repaired by the magic circle, the troll became even stronger. Samir ran wildly on this huge body. His feet never left the troll's body, like a light spot flickering around the troll's body. Cut a sword at every opportunity.His sword can no longer directly cut off parts, it can only cause shallow scars.

Wanderer said: "Useless struggle..."

He was tired of looking at it, and increased the output power of the magic circle, and the troll's movements instantly became faster and more precise.It was even harder for Samir to hide. The punch hit his shoulder, and Samir jumped up from the crack of the fist.

The silver hair scattered in the air, Samir turned around in the air, and the long sword slanted across the air.

The picture at that moment seemed to be frozen, forming a strong contrast between stillness and movement.Samir's body stretched out in the air, that sword was freehand, like the dance of an elf.


Samir shouted softly. As soon as the words fell, the troll's body made bang bang sounds at the same time. Those scars that had no effect before instantly emitted white brilliance. The bang bang sounded endlessly. Samir cut a total of 130 eight swords The giant broke into 130 nine segments and hit the ground.

The magic circle was completely destroyed, and it was being slowly repaired. The troll's body was broken into pieces, shaking on the ground, and groaning in pain.

The wanderer was startled, he didn't expect the silver-haired elf to be able to do this, but it doesn't matter, the magic circle will be repaired soon...

Just when he was thinking this way, silver light had already flashed in front of him.

Samir had already noticed that the rogue was manipulating the magic circle. He had to kill the rogue first while the magic circle was completely destroyed and the troll could not be repaired.

The rogue hides his body in place, his reaction is very fast, and he is not at the same level as the entourage knight, or the academy kid like Blue.The two sides had fought many times before, Samir's sword did not stop at all, and continued to move forward, and the moon-white light spewed out, turning into a rainbow light, penetrating the front.

With a bang, the wanderer showed his figure, he covered his neck, blood gushed out, and soon stained his palms and clothes.The rogue looked at Samir in pain and disbelief, not understanding how the other party found him.

Why... Could it be that in just a few days, he has improved...

Samir knew that his time was running out, and the tip of his sword pressed close to the rogue, wanting to kill him with one blow.As much as he wanted to capture the dragon egg that the living torture rogue got from, there was no room for doing so.

At the moment when Samir was about to kill the wanderer, a cloud of black mist fell from the sky and enveloped the wanderer.

The rogue let out a cry of pain, and Samir's sword missed its target.

"Idiot, wasting time with a cub here." A hoarse voice sounded, and a person in a black robe floated in the air.He stretched out a pair of dry and pale hands, like the branches of a dying tree in winter, and grabbed the wanderer.

The wanderer was rolled in the black mist ball and begged for mercy: "I'm sorry, master...please let me go..."

Samir looked warily at the black-cloaked man known as the master, but the other party didn't even look at him. Holding the wanderer, he said, "This place has been discovered and can no longer be used...Let those trolls play with him." Bar."

Then disappeared with the rogue.

The barrier is crumbling.

The ground began to shake violently, as if the sky was falling apart.Samir only had time to hug the dragon egg in the blink of an eye. Behind him, thirteen trolls slowly woke up from the magic circle and locked their targets on him at the same time.

With the collapse of the ground and the collapse of the enchantment, Samir found that the effect of the forbidden magic field was weakening, and the magic power was running smoothly in the body.

He chased after where the black robe and the rogue disappeared, but didn't disappear like they did.At the same time, the thirteen trolls moved, ran on the ground that was on the verge of breaking, and shook their fists at Samir.

Samir gave up looking for a way to escape, he changed back to his original form, and breathed out a mouthful of dragon breath.

come on.

Samir carefully placed the dragon egg on his chest and flew towards the thirteen trolls.

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