I engaged in modernization in ancient times

Chapter 64 A Sound of Reading in the City

For Mo Shaoheng, without electrical equipment, if a classroom does not even have a blackboard and chalk, it cannot be called a qualified classroom.

Many people may not be able to imagine how students can learn the knowledge in textbooks only by teachers speaking with their mouths without being able to present the content.

Blackboard and chalk may seem like small and inconspicuous things, but their effect is enormous.

It is also a product of the development of the times.

Therefore, Mo Shaoheng is working hard to study these two things.

Be sure to make it before school starts.

At this time, Liangjing has gathered many scholars.

Because the county examination in Liangjing is in the Gongyuan of Liangjing.

The difference from last time is that in the counties around Liangjing, scholars who passed the county examination will also go to the Liangjing Tribute Academy for reference.

Many scholars flooded into Liangjing City.

There are people everywhere drinking milk tea in beautiful cups.

Some people still held strange bags containing food in their hands.

Fighting can be heard all around.

Children carrying beautiful small bags strung around in the alley.

There is also a child wearing clothes with the word "goods", who is so happy that his feet are thrown up when he walks, carefree.

The strange thing is, no matter who waved, they just ran over with their small white teeth.

A strange conversation can be heard, "Li Mansion in Tongluo Lane, can you send me a box of salted fish before dark?"

How do you feel that there is such a big gap with their county, and even with other cities?

The people of Liangjing are watching the changes in the city bit by bit, so the feeling of tearing is not very obvious, but for those who are new to Liangjing, the feeling is too obvious.

Of course, some people have heard about Liangjing, "Are those fights the legendary Battle of the Three Streets? The latest game of Liangjing nobles."

the legendary...

People around: "..."

It is also strange that the dissemination of information in ancient times was weak, and it could only be passed on by word of mouth, and the result of word of mouth is that after several rounds of dissemination, the truth is often beyond recognition.

Scholars who have just entered the city will inevitably have to experience what is novelty.

Find a suitable inn to stay.

When the ancients came to a new place, they could go shopping better than modern people, because they usually had less chance to travel far.

They also knew that Liangjing must be more lively than their county, but they didn't expect it to be so lively.

Look at those streets, people can't squeeze in, and they still have to squeeze in.

Of course, some enthusiastic local people told them, "Don't look at the crowds there, but if you come to Liangjing, if you don't squeeze in and have a look, this Liangjing will be in vain."

"Look at the people crowded there, or our nobles from Liangjing."


Surprised, didn't you say that the nobles in Liangjing are very expensive?How come they are crowded around like ordinary people.

"Oh, that's because the surrounding rooms have been booked by other nobles."

"Those who want to watch the Battle of the Three Streets like them, and are addicted to food, naturally can only watch it on the street."

It's too proud to say it, how can there be such excitement in Liangjing.

Of course, they also respect these scholars who came to participate in the county examination. Who knows which of them will become officials in the future.

Liangjing is still lively, and the county examination has officially begun.

Compared with the last time, the scene this time is even more grand.

Readers are also looking at each other.

They are all people who have experienced the last unified examination, and they feel a little different.

While sympathizing with each other, there is also some sadness.

There are also a lot of common topics, which may be a feeling of the same period.

In the ancient imperial examinations, the candidates for the same period did have a deeper relationship. How many legendary friendships were forged during such concurrent examinations.

"I don't know how the exam questions are going to be this time?"

"I'm afraid it's still..."

But even so, there are still so many people who passed the county test.

There are so many talents, why don't you feel like a frog at the bottom of a well has learned a lot.

This time the county exam questions are indeed difficult, because... the people who made the questions were all determined, and they couldn't be easier than the county exam.

Candidates have already entered the Tribute Academy, the same rules as last time.When they got the test papers, "..."

But compared to being like a headless chicken last time, this time it was much better.

At least they know that the exam paper will be divided into six parts, in addition to what they usually study, they will also test common sense and laws.

In the past three months, they have made up a lot of lessons in these two areas. It can be said that everyone has a copy of "Beiliang Dizhikuo" and "Beiliang Law".

I have to say that it is very inappropriate to completely blame the uselessness of reading on the scholars.

Because the books that scholars read are guided by the imperial court.

Rather than saying that reading is useless, it is better to think about it and change the structure of the exam. Many people ignore the essential things and blame the victim.

However, although they knew the general direction of the exam, they were still shocked when they got the exam paper.

Mingjing, poetry, and stereotyped art are all that's it, the exam has gone a lot deeper, and people who are familiar with poetry and books must be able to guarantee that they will be foolproof.

But look at the policy topic.

The terminology is an ancient sentence, which is a bit awkward.

"Government of the court, teaching is obligatory, why?"

It probably means, "The imperial court has a policy called compulsory education. Please explain why the imperial court implements this policy."

It turned out to be current affairs.

If you don't know compulsory education, you may not even understand the title.

When Mo Shaoheng posed this question, he also explained the reason, "The decree on compulsory education has been posted to all counties, and even passed it on. The imperial court will select a group of teachers from among the students who passed the county examination to serve the imperial court. .”

"That's all for ordinary people, but if you don't care about any major events in Beiliang when you choose an official through the imperial examination, how can you expect him to always pay attention to the court's movements and cooperate with the court's administration?"

Probably, modern students just encountered the content of the exam questions in the news broadcast.

If you don't care, just look at the surface of a question.

If you care about it, you will naturally be more confident.

Even those who have read the announcement carefully, even if they just explain the content of the announcement, can get a good score.

Of course, if you have the real ability, you can quote the scriptures and tell the story of one, two, three, four, five, and you will naturally be served with high marks.

The only thing that absolutely cannot pass is the opposite.

Just like the modern civil service exam, you criticize the system.

Compulsory education, the country's most important weapon, can question and ask questions. It is better to have unique insights, but the reverse is never allowed.

Then there are legal questions, which are directly related to actual cases.

The content of the exam is to use the "Beiliang Law" to judge the case.


They also paid more attention to the "Beiliang Law" because of the last exam.

In fact, Mo Shaoheng really didn't come up with this question.

But it is also fair to all students. Everyone has only been exposed to "Beiliang Law" for three months.

If someone can use the "Beiliang Law" to judge a case, they will naturally stand out.

Among the six questions, there are four questions that they are familiar with. Even if they are partial, they may not have a chance. They still have an average score of B or above, as the standard line, and then choose the best ones above the standard line.

The exam questions this time, for most students, I am afraid that they are wailing again and again.

But there are always some students who are able to emerge from the thousands of troops.

At the beginning, Mo Shaoheng used "thousands of troops and horses" to describe the imperial examination, but it was not an exaggeration at all.

A full day of exams.

When the evening glow appeared, all the students came out of the Gongyuan.

Mo Shaoheng didn't become an examiner this time, since the last time he became a judge out of curiosity, he felt like a prisoner, locked up for three days.

Also today, Mo Shaoheng got out the blackboard and chalk.

When Mo Shaoheng came out from the master craftsmen, he happened to meet the students who had finished their exams.

"It's a bit like a college entrance examination student leaving campus." He muttered.

Some students can still be heard talking, "If you fail this time, you will only have to wait three years later."

"I don't know who came up with that topic. It's so embarrassing. I've searched all over the books of sages and sages, but I haven't found a similar sentence."

The corner of Mo Shaoheng's mouth twitched, the saint wanted to choose his question, what could he do?Anyway, he was not the only one who came up with the question, so the person who chose the question was to blame.

Without Mo Shaoheng's explanation, someone directly pointed to the wall of the Gongyuan, and it turned out that there was an announcement of the compulsory education law posted by the court directly on it.

Paper is cheap, so the imperial court was naturally generous, posting notices everywhere.

These scholars basically came to Liangjing ten days and a half months earlier. Even if they didn't see the notice in their county, they should have seen the notice in Liangjing.

This is also fair, because it is a county-by-county exam, and the general situation of the local counties is the same. Now they are all competing with the same county, and there is actually not much competition between the counties.

Mo Shaoheng smiled, he was also giving guidance, to become an official, one must have the consciousness of being an official, and there is still a difference between a scholar who does not listen to things outside the window.

The students are waiting hard for the list three days later.

Mo Shaoheng is also increasing the production of blackboards and chalks.

After the county examination is over, the imperial court will begin to select a gentleman.

Mo Shaoheng wanted students who went to various places to teach pencil calligraphy to bring the blackboard and chalk to publicize.

Time flies.

The imperial court sent an order to the counties to select the appropriate number of teachers according to the number of local children who need to go to school.

Mo Shaoheng also went up to the court holding the blackboard and chalk.

"My lords, what do you think of my blackboard and chalk?" Mo Shaoheng asked after showing the teaching method.

Everyone: "..."

Look at the chalk writing on the blackboard, wipe it lightly, and write it again.

They are all scholars, so the benefits of this kind of intuitive teaching are naturally clear at a glance.

It is much more convenient than when they were studying in the past, they always did not know what the teacher was talking about.

The teacher can directly write the sentences to be spoken on the blackboard, which is clear and easy to understand.

How did Mo Shaoheng grow such a head?

Just as he was about to boast, Mo Shaoheng smiled and said, "If the adults think it's good."

"Does the imperial court want to order some from me? Private schools all over the country, as well as our compulsory education dormitories, lack blackboards and chalk."


Mo Shaoheng actually brought the business to the Golden Palace.

He is crazy.

As a result, Mo Shaoheng was read a book by the officials of the Ministry of Rites with dark faces, and was immediately thrown out of the Golden Palace.

He was also fined a month's salary.

Mo Shaoheng: "..."

Stealing chickens will not lose rice.

He thought he was thinking, this is not a debt burden, and he took the opportunity to make some money. Besides, he took the blackboard and chalk to court, and it was not entirely for business. Such a good thing should naturally be promoted by the court.

Fortunately, the court finally ordered a lot of blackboards and chalk.

I don't know if he was afraid that Mo Shaoheng would not be able to pay back the money.

A few more days passed.

Liangjing City, the gate of the city.

A group of carriages gathered at the city gate.

Mo Shaoheng was also among them.

Looking at a group of students who are about to leave the city, these students of his will leave Liangjing and go to various continents to teach those gentlemen selected by the imperial court how to use pencils.

Mo Shaoheng originally thought parting was somewhat sad.

As a result, looking at the students holding the guqin one by one, my forehead twitched, "Can't you go out without the guqin?"

A group of students shook their heads like rattles, "No, no, no, without a piano, how can we let scholars from all over the world see the demeanor of Linjiang's disciples?"

Mo Shaoheng: "..."

Yes, I just want to go to Deser.

He understands this feeling. After all, he is a young man, so he probably thinks this job is fun.

Heh, the traveling all the way is worth it for them.

Mo Shaoheng said, "After finishing the work, come back early, and don't stay outside."

He wasn't worried about the others, Mo Shaoheng looked at Zhao Yuning.

The baby has now integrated into a group of students, but still doesn't talk much to strangers.

I don't know how he taught others.

Fortunately, both students went to the same state, and then went to the next county.

The parents of the students also came to see them off, which felt... very subtle.

How old is the child, and he actually started to walk all over Beiliang just because of the imperial court's decree, which is farther than many of them have been to.

He is instructing the servants to take good care of the people.

The carriage began to drive out of the city.

Mo Shaoheng couldn't help but said, "The day you come back, it will be the time when you... go to the Golden Palace to confer rewards."

Everyone: "..."

A group of students: "Squeak?"

Such functions, coupled with their identities, are enough to be rewarded by an imperial court.

Maybe there will be two more junior officials above the Golden Palace.

In ancient times, there were twelve ministers of Ganluo, and his students are about twelve years old. Although they cannot be compared with Ganluo, one or two of them, at the end of the Golden Palace, should be enough to lean on the threshold.

I just don't know if such a small official will be stunned by all the officials in the court.

With the carriages of these students, and some blackboards and chalks, compulsory education will not be promoted outside Liangjing for the time being, but people must learn to use blackboards and chalks.

Mo Shaoheng returned to the mansion after seeing off the students.

Now several of his factories, after several months of overtime work, are almost repaired.

Workers can also go to work.

It didn't take long.

People who were still worrying about not being able to buy reading supplies for their children suddenly found that Wuyi Lane, as well as the streets where you joined, began to sell paper and pens, textbooks, and schoolbags in large quantities.

There are so many of them that people can't get back to their senses.

Not long after, Mo Shaoheng's students hadn't returned yet, and loud voices began to be heard from all over Liangjing City.

"The sky and the earth are yellow, the universe is prehistoric..."

The people of Liangjing City, listening to the faint sound of reading, felt like a dream for a moment.

The long ancient city is full of books.

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