I engaged in modernization in ancient times

Chapter 57 The Emperor's Disciple

No less jokes.

In fact, Mo Shaoheng is also very helpless. If he is in modern times, he naturally doesn't need to take any general knowledge test, because he has done too many jobs after studying, and it doesn't even matter if he doesn't know some things.

But now, officials are elected.

Everyone: "..."

Well, they have never used this method to select officials before, what Mo Shaoheng said seems to make sense, and the general knowledge questions are arranged.

Mo Shaoheng's question made people a little speechless again.

What are the total number of continents and rivers in Beiliang, what are the main grains in Beiliang, and there are even many arithmetic problems...

They feel that if they can answer these questions, they are really talented.

It's just that there are still several levels after the county test before the Beijing test, and the latter questions must be extremely difficult.

Mo Shaoheng's explanation was, "My Beiliang is full of talented people, so don't worry about writing questions, they won't be difficult."

In fact, this is also because it is the first county examination, which basically includes all the poor scholars, and has not been screened out for the level.

Of course, there are also people who are worried, "If the questions are too difficult, there will not be many people in the test in Beijing. Where will you put my face in Beiliang? The saint is afraid..."

I'm afraid I'll lose all face.

At that time, it would be embarrassing to death.

Mo Shaoheng, you are playing so big with the questions now, it will be really embarrassing, and you won't be able to escape.

Mo Shaoheng: "...It's okay, let's find a taller one among us short people, anyway... Anyway, I will make up the number."

If you want to embarrass him, there is no way.

Everyone: "..."

Well, anyway, it is impossible for a sage to draw all the questions from Mo Shaoheng.

Continue to ask questions.

The third part is eight-legged art.

The fourth part is posting titled poems, that is, setting up a title and asking people to write poems.

The fifth part is policy theory.

Some people say that the ancients answered questions very rigidly, huh, huh, they only saw the rigidity of the stereotyped essays of the ancients, and did not read other people's arguments.

To be honest, it is much more meaningful than modern small essays.

Of course, the purpose of modern times is not to train officials. In ancient times, reading was basically for the purpose of becoming an official, so policy theory will bloom everywhere, and it is one of the must-tests.

The final sixth part is an additional question.

It was suggested by Mo Shaoheng, and the test was the law of Beiliang.

Why take the exam?

If an official doesn't know the law, that's fine, at least he has to have a concept.

Everyone: "..."

They feel that even their current officials in various places may not understand the last additional question.

Mo Shaoheng: "...We are selecting talents, aren't we?"

"The so-called talent, of course...it must be better than other people."

Besides, this is not a child's test.

Besides, the law of Beiliang is actually just a book, and it is not as complicated as it is in modern times.

However, when the sage took the question, he heard that he gasped.

I was stunned to send someone to the Palace of Qinzheng to ask if I took the wrong one.

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