I engaged in modernization in ancient times

Chapter 55 Saint, You Are in the Newspaper

What interview?

What reporter?

The saint's reaction was half a beat slow, and he looked at Zhao Jingcheng who was holding a pen and paper and looked at him expectantly.

Zhao Jingcheng's chubby faces were all facing forward, like a child begging for candy.

The sage smiled and asked Zhao Jingcheng to sit down.

Zhao Jingcheng spread the paper on the table, wriggled his little butt on the stool, and started.

Mo Shaoheng gave them a small talk, and said that an interview should start with a light topic.

"Saint, the interview with me is just to ask some small questions. Let the people understand what kind of person our saint in Beiliang is."

"For example, saint, do you like sweet or salty food?"


What a mess of questions.

But it was rare for him to be free, so he answered without saying a word, but Zhao Jingcheng seriously recorded it.

But slowly, the problem became deeper.

"Saint, what do you usually do after you go to court?"

"Saint, please tell me, what is the biggest difference between the previous dynasty and this dynasty?"

"Why did the previous dynasty decline and this dynasty prosper?"

Zhao Jingcheng thought to himself, I have to ask a controversial topic.

The old palace servants who were serving next to her were all nervous.

This dynasty was established on the basis of overthrowing the previous dynasty, and only then did the current Zhao family come into existence.

All along, when it comes to these issues, everyone avoids them for fear of being too late. After all, the imperial power that came like this sounds a little inappropriate.

When Beiliang was first established, it was not as peaceful as it is now. The anti-party was rampant, and there were even people from all over the country who supported the anti-party.

Even now, news of some changes can be heard from time to time, and the common people are often agitated.

The sage didn't know why, but when he answered those small questions in front of him, he answered smoothly, and even answered a few sentences.

The sage said, "My northern Liang is barren and the food production is not abundant. People's life has always been difficult."

"However, for the sake of pleasure, the royal family of the previous dynasty kept increasing taxes, and year by year was better than year by year."

"When the tax was heavy, it reached nine out of ten, and the people suffered unspeakably."

"As for me in Beiliang, even when the tax is the heaviest, the tax is only four out of ten."

This is going back to the difference between the former Dynasty and Beiliang that Zhao Jingcheng asked just now.

The saint is also lamenting that many people do not live in that era, even he was very young at that time.

However, he also saw the corpses of the people everywhere, and there were frozen corpses on the road, while the royal family was still singing and dancing.

"The people are weak like beggars, soldiers and horses are naturally not abundant, and the countries trample like mud. It is under such circumstances that the Zhao family established Beiliang."

Although Beiliang is still poor and impoverished now, at least the people can eat a bite of food and sleep peacefully. If it was the previous dynasty, the soldiers and horses of the various countries would always be on the lookout, and there would be no country to speak of.

This is the result of Zhao's hard work in governance for so many years.

"The royal family of the previous dynasty was corrupt and did not put the people in their hearts."

"As for Beiliang, I believe that the people are safe and the country is stable. Only when the people are stable can Beiliang be stable."

It can be regarded as an answer to another question of Zhao Jingcheng, why the previous dynasty declined and this dynasty prospered.

After the sage answered, he was taken aback for a moment, why did he answer casually?

A young boy who doesn't know where he got the question, how can he understand these things.

Even those scholars who claim to be righteous may not understand it, otherwise there would not be frequent news of the revival of the former dynasty.

Zhao Jingcheng really didn't understand much, but he buried himself in writing.


At this time, Mo Shaoheng and Zhao Di were outside the suburbs, choosing a site for a new rice paper factory.

To be honest, when Zhao Di saw the white and clean rice paper that was made, he was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

The kraft paper used to be just fine. Although the output is high and the cost is low, it is only used for packaging.

If you write with a brush, the ink will smear and the characters will be soaked into a ball, and you can only use the engraved stamp to cover the simple words, which is barely usable.

But now, the rice paper in front of me...

Zhao Di knew very well that the appearance of rice paper, which was cheap but indistinguishable from ordinary paper, would affect and mean to all scholars and the whole of Beiliang.

Mo Shaoheng said, "I'm going to print a batch of "The Analects of Confucius."

"Tsk tsk, those little peddlers of mine don't even have any textbooks, so they have to have one."

In ancient times, there was a saying that Zhao Zeping's "The Analects of Confucius" governed the world, which shows the position that "The Analects of Confucius" occupied in the hearts of ancient scholars.

Zhao Di: "..."

If someone said this in the past, and every peddler had a copy of "The Analects of Confucius", he would have thought that the other party was too imaginative, not that he couldn't do it, but that it was completely meaningless, and it would be more meaningful to give the book to him. The people are not better.

but now……

He saw the rice paper, and Mo Shaoheng's movable type printing.

Books, perhaps, will no longer be expensive things.

Beiliang will undergo unimaginable changes.

Mo Shaoheng continued, "Your Highness, do you want to invest a little?"

Zhao Di glanced at Mo Shaoheng, and replied, "After I go back, I will give you the account book of the mansion."

Vote, why not vote, open a few more rice paper workshops, make yourself rich and strengthen Beiliang, why not do it.

Mo Shaoheng: "..."

After returning to Liangjing, Mo Shaoheng went to Bird Clothes Lane, today's third street battle report has not been written yet.

A group of students are already waiting.

The personal interviews recorded in hand were submitted.

The writing is quite interesting, and there are some people who interview the elders in their own house in a decent manner.

"Not bad." Mo Shaoheng replied.

Then, when I took one of the interviews, my eyes couldn't help but light up.

He raised his head in surprise, just in time to see Zhao Jingcheng's shyness.

This little fat man has great business ability.

To interview an influential person, he really...

To be honest, Mo Shaoheng knew how difficult it was to meet a saint, but Zhao Jingcheng did it, no matter what method Zhao Jingcheng used, he did it.

Not only that, but the question he asked was very sharp.

It is worthy of praise, "Very good, he is a qualified journalist."

The other students were not convinced, why did they only praise Zhao Jingcheng?

Stretching his head, he looked at the transcript submitted by Zhao Jingcheng.

All of them opened their mouths wide in silence.

All... have interviewed the saint?

Oh my god, what did Zhao Jingcheng eat? How did he think of it?

Zhao Jingcheng was as proud as a little rooster.

Mo Shaoheng said, "As journalists, we must have the sensitivity to catch the news. Under the premise of the truth of the news, we must pay close attention to hot spots and current events. These two questions raised by Zhao Jingcheng's exclusive interview are good."

"Today's Three Street Battle Report uses this report by Zhao Jingcheng."

Mo Shaoheng sorted out Zhao Jingcheng's content.

Finally, at the end of this report, a sentence was added, which was written by reporter Zhao Jingcheng.

It also fulfilled Mo Shaoheng's commitment from the beginning, "Zhao Jingcheng has officially become a reporter for the Three Street Battle Report."

Of course, there is still a lot to learn, which is encouraging.

Zhao Jingcheng was excited.

The other students were more excited, and they wanted to.

Mo Shaoheng smiled, and told some jokes to these students, for example, journalists are like the best assassins, in order to obtain first-hand advice, they lurk day and night, and do everything they can without fear of danger.

Not afraid of violence, not powerful, speak out for the common people, speak out for the right way in the world.

The newsman Mo Shaoheng said is simply great and glorious to the extreme, a profession with a mission.

It is a vocation.

It is said that each and every student can hardly find North.

Mo Shaoheng was actually telling it as a joke, but the meaning he gave to journalists was deeply imprinted in these little heads.

Mo Shaoheng did not expect the impact it would have at all. At that time, he would have the urge to slap himself.

Mo Shaoheng said, "Keep working hard."

One by one, the students grasped their little palms tightly.

They also want to make big news, and they also have to defy power and speak their true voices for the common people and the right way in the world.

Mo Shaoheng sent the manuscript to be printed, and then went to do other things.

And a group of students, with their eyes rolling, also went to engage in their big news, but the big news is not so easy, and they racked their brains to find a way.

In the evening, also after the Battle of the Three Streets ended, a report on the Battle of the Three Streets tied up with a thin thread arrived just in time.

It's just that when I saw the content in the newspaper, I almost lost my grip.

Then he quickly grabbed the battle report tightly, as if dropping it on the ground was a serious crime.

The small shopkeepers also held up the battle reports and began to sell them, "Selling newspapers and selling newspapers, the sage personally commented on the hardships of Beiliang's construction..."


Then there was a collective gasp.

Could it be... Could it be that today's character interview is the interviewed saint?

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

His voice was trembling, "Little peddler, come... get a newspaper."

Holding the newspaper I bought, my hands trembled.

Especially when you see the character interview section, the sage's answers are like hearing the hadith.

In a daze, someone raised the battle report above his head.

Then dare to look carefully at the content.

At the beginning, the saint's preferences, daily life and so on were also interesting to watch.

I was stunned to feel that the sage was a little closer to the people.

This battle report was produced by Mo Shaoheng, and if it involves a saint, he must not dare to write indiscriminately.

Some people even quickly recorded it, which is great news.

Of course, for the common people, the feeling of knowing the saint's preferences at such a close distance is beyond words.

It's like... they are getting closer to the supreme saint again.

Even if it is a minister in the Golden Palace, it is a supreme honor to be able to stand a little closer to the position of a saint, let alone the common people.

They didn't know the saint at all before, but now, even if they reveal a little bit of "private information", they greedily absorb it.

How to describe it, it's like a fan seeing the daily photos of an idol's life.

Of course, it's even crazier than this.

Mo Shaoheng had to have it reprinted several times, because those who got the news didn't need peddlers to sell newspapers on the street, they went to buy them themselves.

Do not sell?The shop was going to be smashed so cruelly.

This was also unexpected by Mo Shaoheng. He thought it would be a best seller, but he didn't expect it to be so popular that it almost reached the point of being forced to buy.

Then there are the remaining two questions in the interview.

"The people are as weak as beggars, the soldiers and horses are naturally not abundant, and the nations are trampled like mud..."

Some of them were older, their bodies were trembling, and their tears could not help falling out.

Today's young people don't know what kind of life they lived in the past.

Ninety percent of the hard-earned crops need to be handed over. Even though it is a good year, there are still hungry corpses everywhere.

I don't know what it feels like to not have enough to eat every day.

Cruel officials do not deal with the trampling of the nations, but treat them harshly, the common people.

I heard that there are still people accusing the Zhao family of usurping power and taking the throne. I don't know what they think. They are devoid of conscience. Anyway, they don't want to go back to the old days.

This is the way it is in this world, there are always some nobles who don't know the sufferings of the people, and still miss the false prosperity of the previous dynasty.

Because they have never experienced the life of the common people, naturally they will not have any empathy. Naturally, the revival of the former dynasty is in their hearts, and perhaps it is really a righteous thing.

Some people are also easy to be encouraged by them. After all, the people of Beiliang are also the people of the former dynasty. To support the Zhao royal family, to a certain extent, they have lost their loyalty and morality.

"The safety of the people is the stability of the country..."

It turns out that the saint's thinking is like this.

Although there are only five words in the back, "the people's peace leads to the country's order", it seems to clearly explain the sage's thought of governing Beiliang.

Is this the reason why the former dynasty declined and the northern Liang prospered?

Beiliang is indeed different from the previous dynasty.

In fact, many common people are hazy about the idea of ​​Beiliang replacing the previous dynasty.

One is that the court is not allowed to discuss this matter.

The second is that they have not experienced the previous dynasty, so they cannot feel the difference.

But now, the sage made it clear to them.

It may be a good thing to avoid talking about some things, but it also leaves a lot of troubles.

Today is destined to be a different day. Liangjing seems to have undergone great changes, becoming peaceful and less impetuous, but it seems that nothing has changed, because life is still as usual.

Overnight, a small battle report spread to thousands of households.

The last few words "written by reporter Zhao Jingcheng" also entered everyone's field of vision, although they didn't understand it.

But a group of students were envious of these words, and they didn't look at them. Zhao Jingcheng walked with his eyes upturned today, because he didn't look at the road and fell several times, but he still didn't lower his head like a little peacock.

The second day, the Golden Palace.

Before entering the palace, all the officials were talking about yesterday's battle report.

They never imagined that the words of the sage would enter the people in this way.

Today is a small pilgrimage, and nothing major happened in the Golden Hall, and even the saint seemed to be in a very good mood.

The atmosphere in the Golden Palace seemed to be much more enlightened.

The saint is indeed in a good mood. In this position, the supreme power and everything are available, but there are always some depressing things.

For example, some news about the restoration of the former dynasty came from time to time.

He governs Beiliang conscientiously, isn't it better than the previous dynasty?

But there are some people who use this matter to block his heart.

Well now, you like the former dynasty so much, you even want to revive the former dynasty regardless of your life, and those people who were encouraged, you can see for yourself what the former dynasty is.

Competing to live a life without enough food and clothing, are you happy now?

Although it's a bit of a shame to run on his own people like this, the saint just couldn't help but feel happy.

Let you block his heart day by day, every now and then.

Like except for a breath of bad breath, it is dark and refreshing.

This is a good battle report, and the report is also very good.

It's just that the sage was too happy too early. When there is enough time for him to worry, a group of journalists who are not afraid of power are waiting for him.

After retiring from the imperial court, all the officials walked to the outside of the palace one after another, just like in the past.

It's just that I just left the gate of the palace.

Suddenly... a group of chirping teenagers rushed over.

Do you know how intimidating that posture is?The calves of each boy were shaking, as if they couldn't follow the ground, and they were afraid that they would run slowly.

If it weren't for the fact that most of these teenagers knew each other, they would have thought... they would have thought that some fierce assassin was rushing towards them.

Really, like a group of desperate dead soldiers, the dead soldiers may not be as excited as they are.

Suddenly, what is the situation?

startled them.

Why did you get so excited when you saw them come out?

A group of students have already rushed up, each running towards their own goals, "Master Zhu, I am a reporter from the Three Street Battle News, can you answer a few questions for me?"

"Just a moment's delay."

Everyone: "..."

How does it feel, the illusion of being targeted by a group of little wolf dogs.

A reporter from Three Street Battle Report?

Is it the little paper that spread the sage's words throughout Liangjing yesterday?

For some reason, the person being asked stood up straight.

A smile also became on his face.

The courtiers must have something to say to the people.

It's just that they now feel very happy to be interviewed, and they don't see that even the saint is in a good mood, but... there will be times when they won't be able to cry.

This group of students came to engage in news, so they were indeed a little excited.

Some people even went to interview Prince Zhao Lan, bringing to the extreme the consciousness of journalists who are not afraid of power.

Fan Shen, "His Royal Highness, can you tell me, about the reform of the official system led by the three princes of Beiliang three years ago, do you support or oppose it?"

It has to be said that Fan Shen is very good at making news.

Three years ago, the reform of the official system led by the three princes of Beiliang caused a sensation.

The official system in Beiliang has always been a noble election system.

Nominated by the nobles themselves, and then appointed by the imperial court.

But Sangong felt that this system restricted the development of Beiliang, and decided to reform.

It's a pity that even though people like San Gong joined forces and caused a sensation in the entire imperial court, this reform still failed.Although it failed, it had a far-reaching impact. Fan Shen brought up the old matter again at this time. It seems that time has passed, but considering the degree of sensation at that time, this question may not be able to spark a topic again.

This matter involves too many people, too many people.

As for the news, the more exciting and sensitive the better.

This is what their teacher said.

Zhao Lan looked unhappy.

Fan Shen was Mo Shaoheng's student, he knew it, and he came over to ask him such a baffling question.

Now, because of the Three Street Battle Report, the team that originally played at his place also came to ask him if he had the same Three Street Battle Report as Mo Shaoheng's. He said that after the game, there was no battle report, and he always felt a little bit worse What.

Ask him if he will get one.

How did he do it?

Not to mention the expensive paper, just hiring scholars to transcribe is a huge expense.

If he really sold it at the price of Mo Shaoheng's Three Street Battle Report, he would have to lose money every day, since his business has been poor recently.

But now that all the officials are here, it's not easy to behave too much.

He said impatiently, "The failure of the reform of the official system is naturally because it is not desirable. The number of officials needed by my Beiliang court is limited, and even the nobles can't arrange them. When will it be the turn of the poor?"

"Beiliang was brought down by the nobles, so it has nothing to do with poor families."

Why should the interests that belong to the nobles be distributed to others? The nobles are not stupid.

That's why the reform is doomed to fail, and there is no point in talking about it at all.

What he said is actually true, what is wrong with the children's life for what the fathers got through their hard work?

From the perspective of a nobleman, he was really at a loss. Zhao Lan was originally a nobleman, so it is not surprising to say that.


He is the prince of Beiliang, and the most important thing he should do is to develop Beiliang.

At this time, Zhao Jingcheng was also guarding a small gate behind the palace.

I thought he didn't want to go to the gate of the palace for an interview. Didn't he know some little secrets that no one knew about?

At this time, an old man in a Confucian robe came out from the back door.

Zhao Jingcheng stood up straight as if the alarm had been pressed on his body.

He ran over quickly, "Mr. Lingshi..."

He knew a little secret, he, the Lingshi Lord among the three masters, three masters, three masters and three Sima of Beiliang, would leave through the back door of the palace every day.

Sure enough, his squat was not in vain.

Lord Lingshi: "..."

That little fat man who came rushing forward with his face huddled into a ball is Zhao Jingcheng from Zhenxi Wang's family?

How does it feel, shouting is also a little numb.

That voice gave him goosebumps all over.

Besides, he doesn't seem to have any friendship with Zhenxi Palace.

Zhao Jingcheng ran forward, "Mr. Lingshi, there is a nice teahouse next to this place. How about we sit down and have a cup of catechu together?"


Lord Lingshi couldn't hold back his stupefaction, what is this little fat man talking about?

A boy of eleven or twelve, ran over... Ask him to have a cup of tea together?

Is this appropriate?

Zhao Jingcheng said, "I don't know if Lingshigong is free. I want to do an exclusive interview with Lingshigong about the reform of the official system three years ago."

Lord Lingshi couldn't help being taken aback, "The three-street battle report?"

Zhao Jingcheng's eyes narrowed with a smile, "That's right, I was the one who did the interview about the sage, and it's very popular now."

Lord Lingshi didn't know what he was thinking, and said for a while, "It's inevitable to revisit the old things, but it's also good, always let people know that although the reform of the official system that my Sangong advocated failed, it is worthy of my heart."

"However, why don't you look for Mr. Obstinate Stone? On Fair Day, Mr. Obstinate Stone will also go through the back door."

He could also see that Zhao Jingcheng was here to wait for him.

Zhao Jingcheng was a little shy, "Do you think that the Stone Association will ignore me as a child?"

Lord Lingshi smiled, "King Zhenxi gave birth to a trickster."

The character of Mr. Obstinate Stone is indeed...

Then, the old and the young really ran to the nearby teahouse.

Zhao Jingcheng ordered a pot of tea in a dignified manner.

Even the Xiao Er who brought the tea was very confused, and he is not uncommon for weird people who drink tea and talk about Taoism on weekdays, but this couple...

Is the gap too big?

Lord Lingshi said, "What I said, don't miss it. This word is a thousand miles away."

Zhao Jingcheng patted his chest, "Mr. Lingshi, don't worry, I'm a professional, and our teacher praised me for my professional ability."

Lord Lingshi was a little amused, "Mo Shaoheng...it's a strange current in my northern Liang, and no one knows where he will lead you streams to."

Then he said, "If I want to develop in Beiliang, I need to recruit talented people. The talented people in this world may not only be among the nobles, for example..."

Some generals who were born in poor families in ancient times were cited.

"Moreover, the corruption often comes from the descendants of the nobles who don't know how to make progress and enjoy the benefits..."

"Not long after I founded Beiliang, this phenomenon may not be obvious, but if things go on like this, after I get used to sitting back and reaping the benefits, I will be less enterprising."

"If even our officials in Beiliang don't have the will to make progress, who will lead the people to live a good life?"

"Introducing the cold family into the imperial court is like putting a silver carp in the fish pond, driving the fish to survive..."

What Ling Shigong is talking about is actually the silver carp effect.

Without silver carp in the fish pond, it is like a pool of stagnant water.

The fish pond has turned into stagnant water, maybe the fish can still live, but if the imperial court is silent and content with the status quo, I'm afraid...

Zhao Jingcheng kept memorizing, so excited, although he couldn't understand.

When Mo Shaoheng received the interviews submitted by these students today, he was also taken aback.

Especially Fan Shen's exclusive interview on Prince Zhao Lan and Zhao Jingcheng's exclusive interview on Lingshi Gong.

It's all the same problem.

Moreover, the answers of these two people... were opposite.

Zhao Lan's answer was for the benefit of the nobles. With the credit of their fathers, the nobles can enjoy such privileges as a matter of course, which is actually very reasonable.

The country laid down by the fathers, why should they give up the benefits to others.

I believe it can get the approval of most nobles.

The answer of Lord Lingshi is for the long-term development of Beiliang, and also pointed out the disadvantages of the nobility election system.

The current Beiliang is still somewhat enterprising, but after one or two generations, after getting used to sitting back and reaping the benefits, will it become the same as before.

So we have to bring in poor families to be the silver carp that drives fish schools.

As for whether there are talented people among poor families, ancient history can learn from it.

Mo Shaoheng thought to himself, this is interesting.

If one of them is released alone, it may be nothing, but putting the two together...

The corners of Mo Shaoheng's mouth rose.

Zhao Lan, Zhao Lan, don't blame me for making you unhappy, you said this, and this is what you think.

As the prince of a country, what you think should also be taken into consideration by others.

Today's Three Street Battle Report is a bit longer.

Mo Shaoheng took the exclusive interview of the two and published it in a column at the same time.

Even at the end, Mo Shaoheng himself made the conclusion.

"The failure of the reform of the official system does not lie in the likes and dislikes of the law at all, but in the interests."

"Although this reform is beneficial to Beiliang, it is not conducive to the nobles. Failure is almost an inevitable result, so there is no need for Sangong to be upset about it."

"The above are only personal opinions, do not represent anyone, and are not used as any reference."

The name left is Mo Shaoheng.

The new issue of Three Street Fighting Report will be on sale soon.

As expected, it did not disappoint at all.

The content is fascinating to watch.

It's just that this interview is somewhat controversial.

Lingshigong also specially asked people to buy this issue of the Three Street Battle Report.

When he took the battle report, he couldn't help but frowned, "The prince really said that?"

The man said, "There were a lot of people during the interview, and it was true word for word."

Lord Lingshi frowned even more.

He sighed at the end, it would be fine if someone else said this, at most he would just laugh it off, after all the positions are different, but the prince of Beiliang, shouldn't Beiliang be the first?

Zhao Lan's mother, Queen Wang, came from the Zhendong Prince's Mansion. She is already the most powerful nobleman in Beiliang. She has taken all the benefits, isn't it enough?

Some sighed, and some disappointed.

Even if all the princes of a country think like this, others may...

It's no wonder that their reforms still failed in the Three Dukes Alliance Que.

Alas, mournful.

Continue reading below.

I saw Mo Shaoheng's conclusion directly.

His brows were furrowed again.

This reform must fail?Don't Sangong need to be upset?

What is Mo Shaoheng talking about?

Although the reform has failed, they are still somewhat unwilling in their hearts.

Continue to read, "The failure of this law does not lie in the good law and the bad law, but in the interests."

"This method is beneficial to Northern Liang but not to the nobles..."

Lord Lingshi: "..."

In fact, they more or less knew the reason for the failure of the reform, but they pointed to the key point in just a few short sentences.

It was as if something that was still hazy had been dissected directly in front of them.

For a moment, Lingshi Gong's face was full of lamentation, maybe the authorities were confused, even a bystander could clearly see the reason for their failure, but they deceived themselves and did not want to believe it.

"It's not that the law is evil, it's not that the law is not good, it's that it's because of people's hearts."

In the end, Mo Shaoheng said something, it was just an opinion, it did not represent anyone, and it was not used as any reference.

But in fact, it can be seen that between Mo Shaoheng's words, there is also some regret.

Mo Shaoheng, vaguely turned out to be a reformist.

You know, after the reform failed, life for the reform faction was not as easy as it seemed.

"Mo Shaoheng is also a nobleman, how can he figure it out, but Zhao Lan..."

Lord Lingshi sighed several times.

Mo Shaoheng does not take his own interests as the starting point, but he is a good young man.

This is Lord Lingshi's current thinking, and this thinking didn't... last for too long, because after a while, he felt that Mo Shaoheng was simply not human, and he used him as a shield to dance like a wind and water.

At this point, the discussion outside has already exploded.

"Why do I see that the relationship between the prince and Lord Lingshi is not very good?"

"No, look at the battle report, the two are saying the opposite."

Publishing two opposing views at the same time is not the same as arguing.

Moreover, they were still arguing in front of the entire Liangjing people.

It has to be said that Mo Shaoheng's move was a bit ruthless, causing trouble.

But is he to blame?

It's no wonder he's on top of his head, the interviews between the two of them are all their own words.

The turmoil that rolled up was naturally not small.

Even during the court, Lingshigong and Zhao Lan became unnatural. To say that they were unnatural would be an understatement. If it weren't for the relationship between the monarch and his ministers, they would still have to maintain their superficial appearance, and they would be like strangers.

Of course, Zhao Lan was unwilling to push Lord Lingshi away, but now that everyone knew that he and Lord Lingshi had political disagreements, could it be that he, the dignified prince, was still trying to make a fool of himself with a smile on his face?

If he is a magnanimous person, he may have political disagreements, but people can still get along with each other. But with Zhao Lan's temperament, if he can do it, Mo Shaoheng will write his name upside down.

Mo Shaoheng's purpose was to make Zhao Lan uncomfortable.

But sometimes, the development of things will deviate from his original assumptions.

Because a group of "little reporters" who keep his teachings in mind are like cats smelling fishy.

Didn't Mo Shaoheng say that the only good news is to keep abreast of the hot spots and keep abreast of current events.

Now the reform of the official system has become lively.

They have to catch a wave and get the news going.

Now, outside Zhao Lan's mansion, there are a few excited students standing guard all the time, holding dry food in their hands and squatting there.

They are not afraid of hardship or tiredness, they are journalists from Beiliang, this is what Mo Shaoheng taught them.

They want to convey the voice of the people, the voice of righteousness in the world, and the most advanced ideas and concepts.

As soon as Zhao Lan appeared, a swarm of bees surrounded him.

They are all about the reform of the official system.

Now people like to hear this, and like to hear Zhao Lan express his views.

The Lingshi Mansion is similar, a group of students are squatting at any time, eating dry food with green eyes, and rushing up when people appear.

In Mo Shaoheng's words, he looks a bit like a paparazzi.

And arguing with people is the easiest way to get ahead.

Especially...not face-to-face, but Zhao Lan and Ling Shigong had a heated argument on the Three Street Battle Report.

If the two of them were to debate face to face, they would be more or less apprehensive in their identities.

But the current debate method is equivalent to two people on the Internet chatting through the Internet cable.

Two people argued on the Internet, hey, I believe everyone knows how exciting it is.

Mo Shaoheng smiled as well.

Two people want to "fight in the ring", he can't stop them, let them go.

The people watched Zhao Lan and Ling Shigong arguing on the battle report every day, and the more they watched it, the more enjoyable it was, just like watching a series.

Not only the common people, but all the officials also had to see how the two fought.

The development of the matter intensified, and the young reporters felt as if they had been beaten every day. They finally made a big news, and they got off to a good start.

Zhao Lan and Lingshigong, firstly, they can tell the difference, and secondly, with the current development of the matter, I am afraid that they will not be able to step down if they do not decide the result.

Slowly, the words became sharper.

They are all scholars, and they know how to attack each other's weak points carefully.

Zhao Lan is a little weaker, but as a prince, he has a lot of teachers who advise him.

But as the debate intensified, Mo Shaoheng also noticed something bad.

If this continues, something will happen, and their battle circle will start to expand.

At the beginning, Zhao Lan still relied on his teacher, but slowly he began to drag the court officials who supported him to the end.

As for Lingshi Gong, he also began to pull his students out, and most of his students were officials in the court.

It seems that a debate is about to become a political party dispute in the imperial court.

As the instigator, or Mo Shaoheng who contributed to the flames: "..."

Why did he feel a little frightened.

Look at the group of young reporters who are still excited. In their hearts, it is natural that the bigger things are, the more successful they will be.

Mo Shaoheng thought in his heart, no way.

He has to get away.

In this kind of political party dispute, the first to die is often someone like him who does not stand on both sides.

But things have evolved into the current situation, and it is not as easy to get out as imagined.

Mo Shaoheng thought about it.

It's time to put a stop to this turmoil, he has to get out anyway, as to how far Zhao Lan and Lingshigong will develop, he can't control it.

A group of young reporters were recruited, and they talked about the great truth of what is called leaving the clothes and leaving no credit or fame.

When the storm is on the cusp, it is the most powerful to retire after success.

Regardless of whether these students understood or not, he said, "I won't be chasing this news in the future."

"But before we get away, there is one more thing to do."

"Go and inform Zhao Lan and Lingshi Gong to organize a press conference for them respectively."

"Let them express clearly at the press conference what they want to say and the views they want to express."

"We, Three Street Battle Report, will also open a special issue for them, dedicated to writing the views they expressed at the press conference."

Zhao Lan's press conference is scheduled for three days later.

Lingshigong's press conference is scheduled for the fourth day.

This also gives them plenty of preparation time.

And in the past few days, the young reporters also have things to do.

"Go and collect the questions to be asked at the press conference."

"These questions can come from common people, aristocratic families or hundreds of officials. In short, they are questions that different classes want to ask. The more comprehensive the better."

After the order, this issue of the Three Street Battle Report did not directly publish the interview with the two of them.

Instead, he made a notice about Zhao Lan and Ling Shigong's press conference.

"Press conference?"

"what is this?"

The people of Liangjing were stupefied.

"I do know that those aristocratic teenagers who guarded the prince's mansion and Lingshi's mansion all day seem to call themselves reporters."

Speaking of those little reporters, the people of Liangjing didn't know how to describe them.

Just like piglets released from the pen.

But over time, they seem to

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