...I don't know which guy who is so conscienceless and fears that the world will not be chaotic, actually accused Wen Shou of the secret.

Things got a little out of control again.

A group of people would not be able to go to Zhuxia Palace without the permission of the saint.

Zhou Zhengan, "I don't know if the wedding date between His Royal Highness and the Crown Prince can be fixed?"

"I happened to bring the almanac, and I marked all the auspicious days on it."

Mo Shaoheng: "..."

I really carry my almanac with me.

Zhou Zheng'an seemed to be afraid that others would not believe his kindness, so he handed the Huang Li to Wen Shouzhi's hand, "Master Wen, let me see whether this auspicious day is right or not."

Needle drop is audible.

The atmosphere was eerie to the extreme.

Mo Shaoheng: "..."

There's something wrong with this development.

Wen Shouzhi said, "The rules set by our ancestors and sages must not be changed."

"The royal family needs to set an example for the world, Empress Tianfei, don't you think so?"

Then he looked at his grandmother again, "The loyalty of the Zhenbei Prince's House will definitely not be based on the ancestral system, what does the old lady think?"

Wen Shouzhi looked around and took a deep breath, "The marriage of the royal family is related to our Beiliang community, and it must not be careless. It has long been a matter of the royal family, not a family's opinion."

"If it hadn't been today, we would have set the wedding date for King Yan and Shi Zi."

"Using righteousness to clear the source and eliminating ethics."

Mo Shaoheng gasped.

It's too bad, things are out of play, this old man is going to take him into surgery, to set... out of order.

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