The strongest magician

Chapter 9 Yin Soldier

The footsteps stopped behind the bronze door, and the few people outside did not dare to take a breath.The people outside the door stared at the door, waiting for something to happen, but after a while, there was no further sound.

Li Fanggu swallowed his saliva, "I said, is there something peeping at us inside the door?"

As soon as he said this, everyone felt chills on their backs.

Jin Zhicheng rolled his eyes blankly, "Get ready to fight, something is coming out."

Li Fanggu wanted to ask him how he knew, but before he could ask, the voice came.They had been worrying about how to open the bronze door, but they opened it by themselves.

The sound of the door opening was particularly touching in the darkness. Jin Zhicheng threw the flashlight to Lily of the Valley floating in the air, and already clenched the dagger tightly in his hand.

The door opened, and a fast shadow shot out, facing Li Fanggu's front, the general reacted quickly and quickly pulled him back.Li Fanggu screamed, bent over and fell backwards, he was about to fall into the water, he stopped when his head was about to hit the water surface, Song Weiwei grabbed his feet, and then pulled him forward , Li Fanggu rushed forward again.

What was shot out before was a spear, which was firmly nailed to the rock wall behind everyone, and penetrated deeply into the rock wall, with its tail still humming.

Another spear was thrown out, straight to Li Fanggu's face, Li Fanggu's eyes widened, he was pulled by Song Weiwei's legs, and before he could stand still, Song Weiwei pressed him down hard with his hands.Li Fanggu screamed all over, and made a big split.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow , my legs." He had never split a fork in his life.Song Weiwei ignored him, put his hands on his shoulders, flipped his body, somersaulted, went to the door, and used the dagger to hold another spear that was thrown towards Li Fanggu.

Ling Lan turned the light of the flashlight over, and this time they could see clearly that there was really an army standing inside the door, an army of skeletons.

Old Wei exclaimed, "It's a Yin soldier."

Song Weiwei slashed the dagger upwards along the spear, and with a dexterous flick of the wrist, the spear in the skeleton's hand fell to the ground, making a heavy sound.Song Weiwei stepped on Li Fangu's shoulder and bounced upwards, holding the handle of the dagger with both hands, and slammed it into the skull's forehead.

Ahua drew out the charm, and read out the ghost-killing mantra, "The Supreme Lord taught me to kill ghosts, and he gave me the magic formula. I call on the jade girl, and it is auspicious to take it in. Climbing rocks are cracked, wearing a seal, wearing a canopy on the head, walking on the ground, Support Liujia on the left, and Liuding on the right.” He spoke quickly, but he spoke clearly, but before he finished reciting the incantation, a spear stabbed him in the face, and Ah Hua’s eyes widened. He couldn’t be distracted. , the spell was about to cause trouble, so there was no way to dodge it. Elder Wei picked up the spear on the ground in time and blocked it for him. He stretched the spear forward and used Tai Chi's wrapping formula. With a clever pick, the skeleton's spear was deflected. Hua continued to chant the mantra, "There is the Yellow God in front, and there is Yuezhang in the back. The god master kills, not avoiding the powerful, first kills the evil spirits, and then kills the night light. Why don't the gods subdue, what ghosts dare to be as urgent as the law." Zhang Fu attached the thunder light to the attacking skeleton, and the hit skeleton was shocked first, then shook a few times and shattered into bone fragments.

Li Fanggu looked at him in admiration, strong is strong, but the spell is too long.

Elder Wei hid next to Iowa. When Ahua recited spells, he would help defend against the attacking Yin soldiers. Ahua's spells were also very effective. The two cooperated in perfect harmony and quickly wiped out a few skeletons.

The general's eyes were blood red, and he cooperated with Ai Ai to rush into the door together.The fingernails were sharp, and the place where the claws swung made a screaming sound, hitting the skeleton's body, and the skeleton was swept to pieces.Aiai let out a cold voice, exuding soul toxins all over her body, and the skeletons that were touched were corroded and fell one by one.A zombie has always had a tacit understanding with the evil spirits, the generals are in the front, and the love is in the back, and quickly wiped out several ghost soldiers.

Li Fanggu was turning back and forth in the hands of Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei, the strange thing was that those Yin soldiers were staring at him and attacking, and they seemed to be deliberately avoiding Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng.Li Fanggu was dragged back and forth, suffering terribly.It's just that these Yin soldiers seem to be really eyeing him, and they won't let him go no matter how they hide.He really wanted to pull out the pistol on his waist to destroy these things, but the amount of ammunition allocated to him by Mr. Wei was limited, and he was really reluctant to use it now.Moreover, judging by Jin Zhicheng's expression, there seemed to be no problem. Although it was hard to hide, he had no choice but to endure it. Now he couldn't help regretting that he had neglected the improvement of physical fitness on weekdays.If he is lucky enough to go back alive this time, he will definitely increase his training in fighting classes and practice fighting skills seriously.He saw that Song Weiwei, a woman, was able to deal with these skeletons with ease, and his face turned red unavoidably.

And a skeleton that was obviously stronger than the other skeletons seemed to be the leader, and it continued to stare at Li Fanggu and attack.

Li Fanggu screamed, "Could it be that you fell in love with my chrysanthemums? I'm not selling myself, it's useless to stare at me. That ice cube face is more handsome than me, go find him."

Jin Zhicheng glanced at him coldly, stretched out his hand and tugged at him, Li Fanggu's collar was pulled tightly, his body fell back, his waist was almost broken, and the spear of the leader of the Yin Soldier brushed past his face.Before getting up, Song Weiwei propped his hands on the ground, flipped, his right foot made a sound of wind, brushed his face and kicked on the skeleton's arm, the skeleton took a few steps back, Jin Zhicheng had already pushed Li Fanggu, kicked in the air, The knee slammed into the face of the leader of the Yin soldiers, and the leader of the Yin soldiers took a few steps back.Song Weiwei grabbed Li Fanggu who was about to fall into the river, and threw him. Li Fanggu lay on the ground in the posture of a dog eating shit. Damn, this cruel woman with such a handsome face mercilessly fell to the ground. Fanggu thought sadly, Song Weiwei ignored him, put his hands on his shoulders and did a somersault, the tip of the dagger in her hand barely touched the tip of Li Fanggu's nose, making him break out in a cold sweat, Song Weiwei jumped up, with his knees crossed On the shoulders of the leader of the Yin soldiers, the waist exerted force to carry the upper body, and the dagger pierced fiercely into the center of the skull of the leader of the Yin soldiers. There was a clear cracking sound, and the head of the leader of the Yin soldiers split open, and a broken white jade toad fell out. down.The leader of the Yin soldiers turned into broken bones and fell to the ground, Song Weiwei had already landed lightly on the ground.

The leader was subdued, and the few remaining ones immediately turned to dust.When the battle was declared over, everyone booed.

Li Fanggu was in pain, these shitty skeletons, this dead ice face, this vicious woman, his legs, his arms, hurt to death.Moaning and chirping, he climbed up, hugged the general's arm to stand firm, and several people followed Jin Zhicheng into the door. Ling Lan turned on the flashlight, and under the faint light of the flashlight, they all stared wide-eyed.In front of them was a long corridor, so long that the bottom could hardly be seen, they could only see about a hundred meters away, the corridor seemed to turn a corner.

Old Wei frowned, "It looks like this is an outer city, guarded by Yin soldiers. It must be an underground palace. However, the gates here are all made of bronze. You know, after the Qin Dynasty, bronze has gradually withdrawn. The stage of history is here, perhaps, the history of this palace can be traced back at least before the Qin Dynasty. Just based on these alone, I can’t determine the specific era.”

Elder Wei touched the bricks on the bottom of the footboard again. Those bricks were huge in shape, much larger than modern bricks, but the surface was very rough. Elder Wei stamped his feet a few times, listening to the echo of the bricks, he continued, "These bricks also look very ancient in shape. The method of burning bricks in ancient times developed very maturely in the Qin and Han Dynasties, so later generations have the term Qin bricks and Han tiles. Looking at the shape of these bricks, I guess, how much is this?" It is also the style of the late Qin Dynasty. Looking at it so far, I think this building should be from the Qin and Han Dynasties, but I can’t say for sure.”

Jin Zhicheng nodded, took the flashlight back from Ling Lan's hand, and ordered Ling Lan to go deep into the passage to check.

Li Fanggu felt like he was falling apart, he kept stretching out his hand to rub the painful place on his body, and the general asked him with concern, "How is it, the pain is severe?"

Li Fanggu complained, "These two vicious guys must have done it on purpose, ouch."

The general couldn't laugh or cry, "I don't know why those Yin soldiers are staring at you. But those two young men are also trying to save you. Uncle is not nagging you, your skill is really too fleshy compared to the two of them You're tired, you need to work harder this time when you go back."

Li Fanggu had a bitter face, "Uncle, I know. I now regret that I was too lazy before. I will definitely work hard when I go back this time."

Hearing what he said, Song Weiwei curled up her mouth and showed a bright smile. This eldest young master's character is not annoying at all, although he is a bit fleshy, he has a good temper and knows how to make progress. So far he has no aristocratic temper or anything. It seemed that what I did with Jin Zhicheng was a little too much.

Jin Zhicheng walked slowly along the corridor with everyone.

Elder Wei walked in the middle, and several people walked very slowly, while Ling Lan was in front to scout the way.

Lily of the valley has excellent soul detection ability, but she didn't dare to take it too seriously here, she probed very carefully.

Along the way, Wei Lao analyzed all the way, "The air here is alive, there must be a vent somewhere. When our country excavated Dingling in the past, when the underground palace was opened, there was an indescribable strange smell. It took a long time for the smell to dissipate. Guo Moruo also said that ancient corpses have corpse poison. We have come to the present, and the air here has been very circulated. It must have left a place for ventilation during construction. This approach is similar to Ordinary ancient tombs are built differently. The emperor in the ancient tomb wished to seal the tomb to death, so he would not consider the issue of air circulation."

Hearing what he said, everyone felt even more suspicious. According to what Old Wei said, this might not be a mausoleum.So what exactly is this place?

They walked all the way, the footsteps sounded very eye-catching in this dark underground.Occasionally adding Wei Lao's analysis words, his voice echoed back and forth in the corridor, and sometimes it could bring echoes.

I don't know how long they walked, but they had already turned several turns along the corridor. At this moment, Jin Zhicheng waved, "Here is where we just started."

Sure enough, piles of bone fragments remained here, and the bronze door that opened inward looked particularly hideous under the light of the flashlight.What Jin Zhicheng said was right, they walked around and returned to the original point.

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