The strongest magician

Chapter 89 Xiao Lian

Before the others came, they hurriedly asked why Zhou Liang was sure it was blood, when there was a sudden movement under those huge scars, Li Fanggu was about to tell Zhou Liang to be careful, but Zhou Liang got up immediately, drew with his right hand, and said in his mouth: "Feng! "In an instant, a huge explosion came in front of him, and a huge crater was hit on the sand in front of him, but Zhou Liang himself was unscathed.

Several other people immediately surrounded Zhou Liang to protect him, and a black shadow in the big pit in front of Zhou Liang meandered and stretched towards the surroundings. There was a change in the place where the black shadow passed. Out of nowhere, three or five people suddenly appeared.After all the changes stopped, a group of about ten people surrounded Li Fanggu and the others. Don't think too much, these people are Shadow Curse Masters.

There are men and women among these shadow spell masters, but without exception, these people all have a good appearance.As soon as a man who seemed to be in his early twenties waved his hand, the Shadow Spell Masters moved and attacked them directly.

Jin Zhicheng remained calm in the face of danger, and said in a low voice: "Concentrate the attack, one o'clock direction."

Li Fanggu quickly took out his gun and shot at a woman in the direction of Jin Zhicheng at one o'clock. He shot three times, and he fired every shot, and the bullet directly penetrated the woman's chest with the power of the spell on Bao Yunjuan.

Several people were stunned, they didn't expect that the first one to hit the target was the young master with meaty feet.

A mass of black flames shot out from the woman's chest, and the woman let out a painful wail, and fell down directly, but the woman did not die after falling down, but turned into a shadow on the ground, and swam away instantly. Possessed on another person.A gap instantly appeared in a circular enveloping formation.

Jin Zhicheng took out the jade bone fan in his hand, poured the spiritual power into the magic weapon with both hands, the jade bone fan instantly turned into a long stick, Jin Zhicheng swept out the stick, and the Shadow Curse Master in front of him immediately became soft and boneless, with the stick attached And then, at this moment, Jin Zhicheng's short, fat hands, which had been on his back all the time, stuck to Jin Zhicheng's black bone stick, and a burst of red poisonous mist immediately spread towards those shadows, the two forces collided, and there was a puff There was a corrosive sound of poof.

Song Weiwei's meteor whip flung out, the tail of the whip was as nimble as a long snake, and it rolled towards a young man in front of her. The man clasped his hands together and read a sentence, and a black shadow on the ground under Song Weiwei's feet instantly broke through the ground. Out, attacking Song Weiwei, Hua An took out a copper coin from his pocket, threw it into the air, made seals with his hands, and shouted loudly: "Swing!" The copper coin instantly became bigger, spinning in the air, and slammed at the surrounding enemies. Hitting away, the black shadow that attacked Song Weiwei was shattered by the collision, falling on the ground like oil stains of crude oil, slowly dissolving on the ground, and converging...

Lin Jiajia let out a roar, his muscles all over his body erupted, and the nails of his big fan-like hands instantly grew longer, like the claws of a black bear. He swept out horizontally, with the power of wind and thunder between his attacks, and the Shadow Curse Master in front of him was no match for his giant claws The power was instantly torn apart, turning into strips of jet-black rags, which swung in the air, turned into distorted shadows and lay down on the ground, and after meandering on the ground, they merged with the remaining shadows.

After a round of attacks, there was only one person left in the circle surrounding them, a man who looked about [-] years old. That man ignored the other disappearing companions, and he directly attacked Zhou Liang, probably because Zhou Liang was protected. in the middle?Or maybe it's because Zhou Liang is too eye-catching among this group of people?

Strangely, all the attacks around Zhou Liang were ineffective against this man, and all the attacks that landed on him were dissipated one by one. Li Fanggu was also in a hurry. He was about to shoot at the man, but Zhou Liang held him down. Next, Zhou Liang drew his right hand in the air and said "burn!" It was not the man who attacked, but the black shadows scurrying around on the ground.

After Zhou Liang's formula was read, blue flames suddenly rose from the black shadow on the ground, and the flames ran wildly on the shadow, making a mournful cry, and the figure of the man who was attacking Zhou Liang suddenly flickered, with a painful expression on his face, Then blue flames shot out from his body, and in an instant, he was surrounded by the flames, turning into a blue fireball, howling mournfully on the ground.The few people surrounding him hurriedly dispersed, being careful not to be offended by the flames on his body.

Zhou Liang drew another talisman, and said "Get up!" The ground was instantly dusty, and a figure was thrown from the ground, rolling far away, and the fireball on the ground suddenly disappeared.

Song Weiwei's whip rolled over, trying to stop the castration of the figure, but he missed it, the figure suddenly stuck to the ground, melted into the sand and disappeared instantly.

A few seconds later, a man emerged from the cliff in front of Jin Zhicheng and the others, a man who looked about 30 years old. The man was in a mess, his face was blackened by the flames, and he shouted at them angrily: " Xiao Lian! You traitor, why are you with them?"

Jin Zhicheng and the others looked at him blankly. They were far away, and they couldn't catch up.Several people stood up behind the man one after another, and they all looked at them in shock.

Li Fanggu looked blank, Xiao Lian?No matter how it sounds, they are all from the Xiao family. Among them are people from the Xiao family?Several people looked at each other, not knowing what the man was talking about.

A woman behind the man bumped him: "Don't get excited, number three, that's not Xiao Lian, that should be Zhou Yu. Have you forgotten?"

The excitement on the man's face gradually calmed down, he stared at Zhou Liang carefully, and said in a low voice, "It seems to be younger."

The woman frowned: "Could it be Zhou Yu's younger brother Zhou Liang? That's impossible. I heard that that person is mentally handicapped. He doesn't look like he just fought a few moves."

Hua An knew how to read lips, and whispered to a few people. Only then did they realize that this group of people was talking about Zhou Liang, and they all looked at him inexplicably.Zhou Liang narrowed his eyes, the whites of his eyes turned black, what?How many of these people have the guts to slander him in front of him?They had better not fall into his hands, or make them look good.

Li Fanggu couldn't see what he was thinking, Zhou Liang was going to run away!He pulled him back and comforted him in a low voice: "Uncle, don't be impulsive."

Zhou Liang smiled slyly: "Why are you impulsive? Save their lives and let them live for two more days." His words were so sinister that the people around him trembled involuntarily.

"It's fine if it's not Xiao Lian. Now we work together to solve them? Xiao Ling, what do you say?" The man before asked the woman next to him.

Xiao Ling replied in a low voice: "No, No. 9 and No. 14 were just folded into their hands yesterday. There are only 5 people left on our side, and they are six. You just saw them when you fought against them. They are not fuel-efficient. Deng, now we will be at a disadvantage if we go head-to-head with them. Our target is the things inside. It is said that the mechanism inside is very powerful, so it is better for us to go in behind them and reap the benefits."

Number three nodded: "Okay, listen to you."

Xiao Ling waved her hand, signaling to retreat first, so all the Xiao family members standing on the cliff disappeared.

Hua An whispered to several people, and asked strangely: "He said that two of them died at our hands yesterday, Lin Jiajia, didn't you say that we have no backup?"

Jin Zhicheng frowned, is there someone behind them?who is it?Could it be that the elder brother sent it?Who will Big Brother send?Who has the ability to kill two of the seven Xiao family members?It seems that these bloodstains on the ground were left by the Xiao family, and they don't know how the casualties are on their side.

Li Fanggu was apprehensive, could it be Duan Jinming and Fusu?If it was Fusu who shot, he believed that he could hurt the Xiao family, but he didn't know what about Duan Jinming. After all, he couldn't use his current ability at all. The more he thought about it, the more worried he became, and the more anxious he became.

Song Weiwei put away his whip: "Are we safe for the time being? Ah Cheng, what should we do next?"

Jin Zhicheng restored the long stick, and said in a deep voice: "According to what the elder brother said, there will be a solar eclipse at noon, and the moment the solar eclipse occurs, there will be a gap in the magic circle cast at the entrance of the tomb, and we can enter the tomb through that gap."

Li Fanggu asked strangely: "Is this the only time I can go in?"

Jin Zhicheng said: "If it is illuminated by moonlight, the entrance to the tomb will also appear, but it is unstable. If you enter at that time, it is easy to get lost in the maze."

Li Fanggu was startled, according to the situation in yesterday's dream, Duan Jinming and Fusu had already entered, they must not have any accidents!

The light and shadow changed, and they waited in a circle. Soon, the sun rose to the middle of the sky, and a black shadow appeared on the sun. The process continued very slowly, and the black shadow slowly shifted towards the center of the sun.

Jin Zhicheng said in a low voice: "It's started, be careful."

They got closer, Song slightly twirled the ring on his hand, Yuan Die came out from the ring, Wanhua Tong opened, the space in front of them twisted for a while, strange shadows were sent out from the unknown space, Jin Zhicheng led several people back slowly.

At this time, the originally cloudless sky was suddenly filled with dark clouds, the sun gradually disappeared, and the desolate Gobi Desert became dark, just like the scene of the end of the world.

Suddenly, after a strange noise, a five-meter-high stone gate appeared in front of them. There was a row of stone pillars standing beside the gate. The stone pillars took about four people to embrace to close. A row of twelve stone pillars stretched all the way to Lifanggu. In front of them, there were strange totems wrapped around the stone pillars, which looked extremely ominous.The stone gate was closed tightly, and two goat-headed figures were engraved on the two door leaves in a simple and simple way. It looked like a mural in a pyramid, except that these two goat-headed figures had sharp and towering horns, fierce expressions, and naked upper body. , the lower body is only surrounded by a circle of animal skins, the sheep-headed man on the left holds a spear in one hand and a shield in the other, while the sheep-headed man on the right holds something like a parchment in one hand, and a sword in the other. The spears crossed and extended to the opposite door leaf. There were two huge bronze rings on the door, as if the door would open automatically as long as it was pulled hard.

Li Fanggu was puzzled: "Uncle, why are the guardian beasts of this sorcerer two sheep?"

Lin Jiajia explained: "In the past, the Xiaowan Kingdom was mainly based on animal husbandry. Since ancient times, all countries have worshiped totems. It seems that Xiaowan worships sheep. It is said that when the Master Xiaowan was alive, he once said that there was no rival in the world. A mage from the Central Plains defeated him, and then he died in depression. Xiaowan Kingdom existed around 500 BC, that is, before the Western Han Dynasty. At that time, there were still gods and monsters in the world. The strength cannot be underestimated, and now he uses these two sheep-headed beasts to guard the gate, there must be something mysterious about it, we must not underestimate the enemy."

"I still understand holding a shield and a spear, but what does holding a parchment mean?" Li Fanggu was puzzled.

Zhou Liang thought for a while: "Maybe it's a code. The earliest code in the world appeared in the 18th century BC, which is the "Code of Hammurabi" in Babylonia. The code was engraved on a stone tablet in cuneiform characters. In the Yin and Shang Dynasties, there was a legal code, but it was engraved on a bronze tripod. In the Central Plains, during the Warring States Period, Li Kui of the Wei State compiled the first written legal code "Fa Jing". This is similar to the one that existed in Xiaowan Kingdom It's about the same time, maybe Xiao Wanguo has quoted it."

Hua An curled his lips in disdain: "Show off."

Zhou Liang glanced at him. Hua An had just seen how powerful he was, and couldn't help but tighten his chrysanthemums, and turned his head with his lips pursed in dissatisfaction.

At this time, the solar eclipse was still going on, they looked at the sky, and there was only a halo around the sun, and the eyes of the two giant goatmen on the huge stone gate suddenly moved, looking in their direction, Then, the two sheep-headed men suddenly jumped down from the stone gate.

Jin Zhicheng and the others had serious expressions on their faces, and immediately stood ready. It seemed that these two gatekeepers must be dealt with before the eclipse ended, otherwise they would not be able to enter the gate.

Hua An smiled contemptuously: "It's just two sheep, show them the wolf." He unscrewed an earring from his left ear, and said, "White wolf!" The earring in his hand instantly deformed, and a huge white wolf Jumping out of it, the white wolf was about two meters tall, with a mighty figure, sharp fangs, and sharp claws. Its huge body stood in front of them, and it howled violently at the two sheep-headed men. The world was shaken, the approach of the two sheep-headed men was blocked for a while, and then they fought fiercely with the white wolf.

Li Fanggu looked at Hua An with bright eyes, shit!What is a local tyrant?What is domineering?It is a magic weapon when you take it with you, this is called a trench!He carefully looked at Hua An's equipment. Besides the earrings, he also had two bracelets, two anklets, a belt, and two rings on his hands. Don't tell him that these are magic weapons! !

Several other people dare not relax, staring at the fight in the arena, while paying attention to other movements, there is a group of shadow spell masters behind them, they must be vigilant at all times.

Zhou Liang snorted coldly: "Idiot!"

Hua An was furious: "Who are you calling an idiot?"

Zhou Liang ignored him, but turned to look at Yuan Die: "Did you see something wrong?"

Yuan Die said uncertainly: "I think there is something wrong, but I can't tell."

Zhou Liang ignored Hua An's clamor, looked up at the circle of the sun, and frowned: "The solar eclipse has stopped. Logically, the moon's shadow should continue to shift, but it hasn't moved since the beginning."

Li Fanggu clenched the butt of the gun tightly and said nervously, "Uncle, the solar eclipse will not end so soon."

Zhou Liang said to Yuan Die, "Can you break the illusion?"

Song Weiwei whispered to Yuan Die, and Yuan Die immediately understood. She waved her soft and beautiful hands in front of her chest, as if she was knitting. Suddenly, her figure floated in the air, and instantly transformed into countless gorgeous butterflies, flying in all directions. But no matter how hard those butterflies try to fly, they can only fly around them and never fly far.

Immediately, everyone understood that they were trapped by the magic circle. If they continued to fight the sheep-headed man like Hua An did, they would never be able to get out of the magic circle.Sure enough, the two sheep-headed men were quickly defeated in front of the white wolf, and the sheep's head was slapped away by the white wolf's sharp claws.Hua An was about to smile triumphantly, when suddenly, he saw two goat-headed men appearing on the empty stone gate, and then the two goat-headed men jumped down the door as before and attacked them.

Hua An had just used a lot of spiritual energy to support the white wolf, but when he saw this situation, he was taken aback.Lin Jiajia stood in front of him: "Hua An, put away the white wolf, it's useless."

Zhou Liang murmured: "The magic formations in the world can be divided into encirclement formations, trap formations and killing formations, and each formation can be superimposed. Obviously, this is the illusion formation as the main force, and the killing formation is supplemented. The formations have eyes, and the illusion The formation needs to break the phantom root, the killing formation needs to find the door of life, and the trapped formation needs to break the entanglement. The killing spirit here is not ruthless, so we should break the phantom root first. Yuan Die, look, where is the phantom root?"

Yuan Die's Wanhua pupils opened, and she glanced around.

Lin Jiajia slapped his giant claws, and the two sheep-headed men were quickly torn apart as before.And two sheep-headed men appeared on the stone gate again, and only one side of the two sheep-headed men faced them. The two fierce eyes of the two sheep-headed men turned towards them, and two sheep-headed men jumped down again and looked at them. They attacked, and the stone gate became smooth again.

Jin Zhicheng said in a deep voice: "It seems that since the sheep-headed man looked at us, we have fallen into an endless loop. Could it be that the article is on those two sheep-headed men?"

Yuan Die said: "That's right, my Wanhua pupil can't see Shimen anymore. The problem should be Shimen."

Zhou Liang thought for a while, and then said to Li Fanggu: "Xiao Li, your marksmanship is good. When those two sheep-headed men appear on the stone gate again, try to shoot them through the eyes."

Hua An's face turned pale, although he was dissatisfied, he had no choice but to endure it.

After a while, the two sheep-headed men were killed by Lin Jiajia again. After the two sheep-headed men disappeared, they appeared on the stone gate again.

"It's now." Jin Zhicheng ordered.

The sheep-headed man turned his eyes, Li Fanggu raised his gun and pulled the trigger, bang bang!Two shots in a row, hit the bullseye, two goatmen's eyes were shot out with two blood holes by his gun, black and smoking, black liquid flowed from the blood holes, this time, no more goatmen jumped out , and the heavy darkness around them slowly dissipated. Zhou Liang looked up, and the thick black clouds above his head began to flow again. Although the shadow of the moon was not obvious, it started to shift again.He smiled: "Xiao Li, good marksmanship, you succeeded."

Several people were stunned by his smile, Hua An blushed and turned his head, this idiot, his smile is really monstrous.

At this time, the sheep-headed man on the stone gate made a rattling sound, and then cracked inch by inch, and finally fell down piece by piece. Almost spit it out, Zhou Liang stepped forward and looked at the fragments. The outermost layer between them was a layer of stone-like surface, but the inside was full of bones, muscles and blood vessels. He stood up and said: "These two sheep-headed men It's made of living things, but I don't know if it's a human or a monster captured by this mage."

The faces of several people turned pale, and just about to speak, the huge stone door creaked and opened, and a black gust of wind blew out from the door at the same time.

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