Li Fangu didn't expect that this young man would actually do it as soon as he said it. First, according to the regulations, curse masters are not allowed to attack ordinary people. Of course, there are no specific monitoring facilities, but curse masters will sign contracts with the underworld. People with supernatural powers are easily attracted to the wild world outside the underworld after their bodies are destroyed. If they have a contract with the underworld, they can avoid the wild world and go directly to the underworld. Once they enter the underworld, they will be judged. In the past, the sins of his life were clear at a glance, so the curse master did not rely on the state's supervision, but relied on his own restraint.Second, this young man is too impulsive. Although Li Fanggu himself has fleshy feet, Zhou Liang beside him does not. If you don't understand, you dare to go directly like this, aren't you afraid that Zhou Liang will kill him in seconds?

Li Fanggu watched the necklace in the boy's hand fly into the air, and then fell at a speed that was almost imperceptible to the naked eye, while all the movements of the people around him seemed to be still, but he could turn his head safely, and his actions were not affected in any way. , So he understood that the necklace is also a magic weapon, its function may be to condense the time of ordinary people when ordinary people are affected by it, and solve the problem during the condensed time, so there is no need to worry about it. Discovered by ordinary people, but those with psychic powers are not affected by this.

The young man threw out the necklace, and immediately rushed towards the two of them quickly. Without any explanation, he punched Zhou Liang directly in the face.

Zhou Liang didn't eat enough for breakfast, and because of jet lag, he was already very irritable. Seeing him being unreasonable and pressing every step of the way, his temper couldn't be suppressed. Hiding away, I didn't do any other actions, just drew a few times with my right hand in the air, and then said lightly: "Break!" The boy's body flew out like a cannonball, and hit Boss Wang's head hard. On him, Boss Wang's short and thick body fell to the ground together with him, and sadly became his flesh pad.

Li Fanggu's eyes barely followed Zhou Liang's movements, but he recognized that what Zhou Liang drew was one of the spells on the Baoyun scroll: the Pozi Jue, Li Fanggu did not expect that he could master it so quickly and use it. The power is still so powerful!

The young man didn't expect Zhou Liang to be so fierce. He thought that Li Fanggu and Zhou Liang were ordinary people, so he just planned to teach them a lesson. Who knew that Zhou Liang would instantly kill them as soon as they met.

Zhou Liang snorted coldly, walked to the front, grabbed the necklace in the air, and grabbed the necklace in his hand. In an instant, time began to advance, and the surrounding conversations and shouts all returned to normal, and then there was a scream from the crowd: " Ah, little girl, what's the matter with you?"

Boss Wang's face was inexplicable, he was standing up just now, why did he suddenly collapse?He hurriedly helped the young man to stand up. The young man was also shocked, as if he couldn't figure out why he was blown away the moment he met him.

The corners of Li Fanggu's mouth twitched, it was too...too...too cruel, although that kid's personality was a bit hot, but his appearance was really good, his strange uncle really didn't know how to be sympathetic.

The teenager's hair was in a mess, and the silicone pads used to hold his chest in front of him were all crooked, so that one side of the chest was high and the other was low. It looked funny and embarrassed, and the people around stopped, seeing his miserable appearance, They all stopped to take a look in surprise, then left with a smirk.

Li Fanggu supported his forehead, hoping that this young man could get out of the difficulties and stop pestering him. If Zhou Liang went crazy, his three-legged kung fu would not be able to stop him, and it would be terrible if someone died.Besides, his elder uncle and second uncle are on errands for the underworld. It can be said that this strange uncle is still related to him. When the time comes, he will really annoy him, and he will not be able to live in peace if he dies.

The boy bit his hair in his mouth, spat it out with a bah, pushed away Boss Wang who was supporting him, and wanted to come again.It was his negligence just now, but he didn't expect that these two people are not ordinary people. That handsome but vicious-mouthed force looks very evil, and he looks like he came from a wrong way. This time he wants to be serious and deal with him well.

Today he was wearing a pair of powder-blue breeches, and he took out a palm-sized copper coin from the back pocket of the breeches, then grabbed the copper coin in his right hand and began to read.

The corner of Li Fanggu's mouth twitched, don't think too much, it must be another magic weapon, the young man in front of him is a local tyrant!Shit, there are three Magical Artifacts with him, but is he crazy?The public wants to fight them?If Xi'an finds out, he will definitely be suspended from his job.

Fortunately, when the young man was about to make a move, his mobile phone rang, and the ring came from his chest. Li Fanggu saw that he put the copper money back into his pocket bitterly, first he held his chest and rubbed it hard, After adjusting the position of the chest, I put my hand in from the chest and took out a mobile phone.

The eyeballs of the people around were about to fall off, Li Fanggu also stared dumbfounded, but Zhou Liang didn't pay attention at all, he was checking the necklace he snatched from the boy with an interested expression on his face.

The boy answered the phone: "Hello, Lin Jiajia?"

Li Fanggu originally wanted to drag Zhou Liang away, but when he heard the somewhat familiar name, he couldn't help but stop and listen to his phone call.

"Hua An, why are you so slow to pick up these two people? Did you get it?" Sure enough, it was Lin Jiajia's voice, coming from the boy's phone.

Hua An suppressed his anger, walked a few steps towards Li Fanggu and the others, and said, "It seems that I have received it. I will take them back later."

He hung up the phone with a very rude tone: "Hi, are you two curse masters?"

Li Fanggu nodded, he remembered, Lin Jiajia, isn't that the one from the Lin family in the northeast?Still remember the shocking force his height gave him, it seems that this young man is his companion?Or a partner?

Hua An gave him a few unfriendly glances, and asked, "What's your name?"

Li Fanggu thought in his heart, this little brother is really too aggressive, his temper is too hot, but he still replied tepidly: "Li Fanggu, I told you yesterday."

A shocked expression appeared on Hua An's face: "Do you still remember what happened yesterday?"

Li Fanggu couldn't laugh or cry, "Of course I remember. What do you want to do?"

Hua An had an embarrassing expression on his face. Although he was still dissatisfied, his tone softened a lot: "Are you from Haizhou?"

Li Fanggu nodded, how did he know?

Hua An snorted, and then said in a more polite tone, "Come with me, this is not a place to talk, we will talk when we get there first. Didn't Lin Jiajia say that you would wait at the station? Why did you come here by yourself? Fortunately, I happened to meet, otherwise I would not be able to find it.”

Li Fanggu felt that Hua An must have mistaken the wrong person, and he was going to come to Qiemo.Except for a few familiar ones, no one else notified them at all, and then he immediately realized that by the way, Zhou Qi must have been worried that Zhou Liang would not take care of them here, so he specially arranged for someone to pick them up.Speaking of which, Zhou Qi is a special consultant of the Spirit Detective Department, and it is said that she is also related to Xi'an, so it makes sense to think about it, but why didn't she call them to take care of them?

Li Fanggu pulled Zhou Liang, who was concentrating on studying the magic weapon, and said, "Let's go, uncle, he is one of our own."

Hua An looked at Zhou Liang unwillingly: "Can you give that back to me?"

Zhou Liang glanced at him and said, "Why did you give it back? I got it myself."

Li Fanggu laughed and persuaded: "Uncle, it's better to give it back to him, it's all his own, it's not good if you get stiff."

Zhou Liang looked at him, didn't say much, and threw the necklace back to Hua An.Hua An angrily accepted it, then stopped the car on the street, took the passenger seat, let Li Fanggu and Zhou Liang sit in the back seat, said an address, and the driver drove off at that address.

After Zhou Yu left Zhou Yu, Zhou Liang's emotions have been hovering at the bottom of the valley. After getting into the car, he didn't ask where he was going, but just stared out the window in a daze.

Hua An looked at them in the back seat, and then asked, "Are you a couple?"

Apparently the driver was startled by this explosive question, and the car twisted a bit.

Li Fanggu stared at him, why is this man asking such nonsense? "No, he is my uncle."

Hua An looked at them suspiciously: "You both look about the same age."

Li Fanggu explained: "He is older than me, but actually younger than me."

Hua An nodded and asked, "How old are you? How old is he?"

Li Fanggu thought to himself, this kid's personality is really unlikable, and he uses the command tone directly when asking others, it seems that he was spoiled at home, and he hardly knows any manners, compared to this kid However, Zhou Liang is much more likable. Although Zhou Yu and Zhou Qi protect their weaknesses, Zhou Liang's tutoring is very good. Although he doesn't care about others when he is outside, he is never annoying.He didn't answer the question.

Hua An was obviously very angry at him for ignoring his question, his delicate eyebrows were raised, and then he immediately thought that after all, he had a task to do, and he would have to cooperate with these two people in the future, and his family did not agree to let him do it , but his brother was so busy that he couldn't get away, that's why he had the opportunity to do such a level of mission, and he couldn't turn against his future teammates right now, so he flattened his mouth and turned back to ignore Li Fanggu and the two of them. .

Zhou Liang didn't know whether he was really asleep or pretended to be asleep, but when he arrived at the destination, he was really woken up by Li Fanggu.

Li Fangu found out that Zhou Liang was really tolerant of him. He discovered it when he lived with him before. Zhou Liang must sleep until he wakes up naturally, otherwise he will lose his temper when he wakes up. But if Li Fangu told him to wake up , he was not so obvious, so Zhou Yu was very happy that he slept with Li Fanggu every day.This is how it is now, after Zhou Liang was woken up, he rubbed against Li Fanggu's body again, and then got out of the car by himself.

Li Fanggu was speechless for a while, he felt more and more that he was walking with a cat, this cat was extremely picky about food, but was extremely attached to him, and liked to act like a baby to him, but if someone was rude to him, This cat will show its claws, and the face of the provocative person will be covered in blood. This... should he laugh or be helpless?

Hua An saw that they had all got off the car, and led them to walk a short distance to Xingfu Road. After walking a few more steps, they arrived at a community with the words "Yudu Huating" written on the gate of the community.

The environment of the community is very good. They are all low-rise buildings with complete greening and public facilities. It looks no different from some communities in Haizhou.

Hua An led them to Unit 301 of the third unit of the North Building. After knocking on the door, Lin Jiajia opened the door.

Hua An: "Hey, Lin Jiajia, I brought someone here."

Lin Jiajia: "..."

Li Fanggu took the initiative to greet Lin Jiajia: "Hey, brother Lin, we meet again."

Zhou Liang nodded to him casually, and then yawned boredly, indicating that he didn't get enough sleep in the car and wanted to sleep.

Lin Jiajia had veins throbbing on her forehead, she gritted her teeth and said to Hua An, "Where is the person you picked up?"

Hua An pointed to Li Fanggu and the others: "You can't see such a big person? Are your eyes beriberi?"

Lin Jiajia took a deep breath and said, "Hua An, I asked you to pick up two curse masters from Haizhou, one male and one female, tell me, which of these two is a woman? "

Hua An's face turned pale, yes, how could he forget this?He picked up the wrong person?He looked at the two suspiciously: "That's right, they are curse masters from Haizhou, the two of them..."

Lin Jiajia was speechless. He opened the door and let them in: "Let me tell you, they waited for you at the station for a long time and didn't see you, so they took a taxi by themselves. Fortunately, I know the person you picked up, otherwise you would have to wait Let your brother help you clean up the mess. Xiao Li, Mr. Zhou, please come in, there is some misunderstanding here, let me explain to you after going in. "

Li Fanggu led Zhou Liang into the room in a daze, and the two who were sitting on the sofa drinking tea leisurely raised their heads and looked at them.

After seeing who the two people were, Li Fanggu staggered in shock. Those two people were Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng!Song Weiwei greeted them with a smile.So, he understood everything, this Hua An had mistaken their identities, he and Zhou Liang really hit each other by mistake this time.

Li Fanggu was very happy. He had been laughed at as a fool for more than 20 years, and now he finally saw someone who was even stupider than him.

Hua An's face was so exciting, what the hell is this all about?Was his brain kicked by a donkey?Why are you doing all these things these two days?

After several people sat down, Lin Jiajia also asked Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng, and after getting their consent, they made things clear.

Song Weiwei took a sip of tea and said to Li Fanggu: "Xiaogu, do you still remember the parchment scroll you got from Meng Ruona?"

Li Fanggu nodded: "I remember, it seems to be a map. Could it be Qiemo's map?"

Song Wei smiled: "Not really, have you heard of the name of the country Xiaowan?"

Li Fanggu frowned, why is it so familiar?Then he remembered that Duan Jinming seemed to have told the story of the sorcerer from Xiaowan, could it be?

Li Fanggu expressed the conjecture in his heart: "Could it be that the map is related to the little Wan mage who made the puppet corpse?"

Lin Jiajia nodded and said, "That's right. According to the supernatural records we keep in Xi'an, after the death of Master Xiaowan, he brought what he had learned all his life to his tomb, and he also put a very important thing in the tomb." , It is said that this thing is a rare treasure that was lost in the world when the heavenly demons interacted in ancient times. If you can get it and make good use of it, it will be a matter of minutes. And this map marks the tomb of Master Xiaowan. The Xiao family I also got this news, and now they have sent a large number of elites to enter the grave to obtain this treasure, and our purpose is to stop them."

Although Hua An has a violent temper, he is not a person who does not know the severity. Now he has restrained all his temper and listened quietly.

Song Weiwei raised her long hair and said, "Xiaogu, logically speaking, only super-level curse masters can participate in this task, but we heard that this mage Xiaowan was very good at magic circles when he was alive, and the members of the Xiao family were also very good at magic circles." Good at using magic circles. Although the four of us are all special-level, we are not very proficient in magic circles. We are still wondering where to find a helper. You just came here. Don’t rush to get excited, we don’t I plan to take you, we know that Zhou Liang is very good at magic circles, so I want to ask him, would he be willing to help?"

Li Fanggu originally thought that they would let him know and planned to take him with him, but when he heard this, he suddenly became cold, because Hong Guoguo disliked his fleshy feet.

He looked at Zhou Liang, very hesitant. Zhou Liang is very good at magic circles, yes, but first, Zhou Liang's ability to take care of himself is very poor. Usually he is a treasure held in the hands of his two brothers. He eats well and lives well. Except for the last time he was attacked by Meng Teng's wife, he has never experienced hardship since he was a child. It is unreliable to ask him to participate in this kind of task.

Second, both Zhou Yu and Zhou Qi doted on him extremely. Whether Zhou Liang could go or not was probably not up to him. He had to ask Zhou Yu and Zhou Qi for their opinions first.

Zhou Liang pursed his lips lazily: "Xiao Li goes, I will go, I will go with him."

Li Fanggu smiled gratefully, he suddenly thought of something, is this why Duan Jinming came here?He seems to have taken a photo of the map last time and saved it on his phone?Could it be that Duan Jinming is also looking for this ancient tomb?Then maybe, if he went, he would meet Duan Jinming.His eyes lit up, but he immediately thought of something, so he shook his head: "Little uncle, although I really want to go, I think it's better to ask second uncle for his opinion."

Zhou Liangliang nodded, and slept on his lap again.

Song slightly raised his eyebrows, Zhou Liang seemed to be getting more and more clingy to Xiaogu.

Li Fanggu took out the phone and called Zhou Qi.

The phone rang twice, and Zhou Qi answered the phone: "Xiao Li, what's the matter, is there something wrong with Xiao Liang? This guy, I'm afraid he only took some money when he left. He didn't bring his wallet, phone, and keys. He I have never traveled far, so I am so anxious."

Li Fanggu smiled awkwardly, and briefly told Zhou Qi about the matter here.

The sound of Zhou Qi knocking on the table came from the phone. It sounded like he was thinking. After a long time, Zhou Qi sighed: "Ask Xiao Liang, does he want to go?"

Zhou Liang leaned over: "Brother Qi, I'm so boring, let me go and have fun, I promise not to cause trouble, and take good care of myself."

Zhou Qi was coaxed by him, and immediately let go: "Okay, if you want to go, go and have fun, remember to pay attention to safety, and ask Xiao Li to contact me if you have any questions."

Zhou Liang hummed lazily and said, "Thank you Brother Qi. I will have fun."

Hua An looked Zhou Liang up and down, can this young master do it?Listening to the tone of his conversation with his brother, it's useless to be sure, hum, he lost to such a brother just now, so he couldn't hold back, and spit out two words: "Idiot."

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