The strongest magician

Chapter 83 Purpose

Li Fanggu was sitting on the sofa with tears in his eyes. "Dora the Explorer" was playing on the TV in the living room. At the end, Zhou Liang also danced and said, "Success, wedidit! Success!"

Li Fanggu was so sad that he was about to die, he said, how could this kind of good luck that only happens in novels fall on him?really!He is this fate!He looked at Zhou Liang who knew nothing about it, and felt so sad that he wanted to hide in the bathroom and cry. It was so sad, he was born to entertain everyone, how could God tease him like this!

Zhou Qi listened to the movement with his ears sideways, a small smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, then he patted Bai Fang's head and went upstairs by himself.Li Fanggu watched his back. This second uncle, if people who don't know, think that his eyes are intact, and there is nothing wrong with him at all, and his daily life is hardly affected, although his face is always .

Zhou Qi went upstairs to the study, but Zhou Yu was not there. He heard movement from the balcony, so he went to the balcony.

Zhou Yu was smoking on the balcony, when he heard his footsteps, he turned his head and shouted first, "Xiaoqi, don't come here, wait a minute."

He put out the cigarette, then opened the windows to let in air, smelled his body, and made sure that there was no smell of smoke left on his body, then opened the sliding door on the balcony and entered the house, "Xiao Qi, what's wrong?"

Zhou Qi silently sat down on the sofa, "Brother Yu, what's the matter, are you thinking about Brother Rong again?"

Zhou Yu didn't answer, poured him a glass of water, and sat down opposite him, "Are you here to ask about Xiao Liang?"

Zhou Qi sipped her tea lightly, "Brother Yu, Bao Yunjuan's power has been absorbed by Xiao Liang, but Xiao Liang hasn't noticed it yet. I can tell from the very beginning that it must not be accidental that Xiao Liang and Xiao Li are so close. After Bao Yunjuan arrived, I was even more sure. Tell me, is this a blessing or a curse for Xiaoliang?"

Zhou Yu tapped his fingers on the sofa, and said in a calm tone, "Xiao Qi, Xiao Li is a descendant of Qingyang, and Qingyang is the Yuanying, which was the last kindness left by the alchemist at that time. Xiao Li has Qingyang's blood in his body, and Xiao Li It is not surprising that Liang will get close to him. Bao Yunjuan was left by Lu Zhen at that time, and Lu Zhen was also a rare talent born after the chaos 500 years ago. I have long suspected that it was not accidental that he could make Baoyunjuan. Don't think too much, if we can keep Xiao Liang by our side, it's luck, if we can't, it's fate. Although we have lived for thousands of years, how can we fight against fate."

Zhou Qi smiled bitterly, "Brother Yu, you were not such a trustworthy person before. Why have you changed after all these years?"

Zhou Yu looked outside blankly, "If it wasn't for fate, tell me, how could I go all over the world and not find Ah Rong?"

Zhou Qi said silently, "Brother Yu, you seem to have a lot of troubles recently, not only because of Brother Rong and Xiao Liang."

Zhou Yu lowered his eyelashes and didn't answer. He has something to worry about. What worries him is You Qie. You Qie has become so sick recently that he can hardly even get out of bed. Yesterday was fine, and today he fell ill again. He is also anxious Abnormal, but there is nothing he can do, but he can't tell Xiao Qi that Xiao Qi must be worried. He thought for a while, and then said, "Xiao Qi, I have to leave for a while, but I will leave you and Xiao Liang here. , I'm not worried."

Zhou Qi looked at him blankly, "Brother Yu, where are you going?"

Zhou Yu clasped his hands tightly and exhaled, "Yan Wang asked someone to come to remind me a few days ago. He asked me to go back to the underworld. It must be something urgent. I'd better go back and have a look."

Zhou Qi smiled and said, "There is Xiaoba in the underworld, what big things can happen?"

Zhou Yu sighed, "Since I called, I'll go and have a look. I'm just worried that you and Xiao Liang won't be taken care of. I've explained everything about the company. It's good for you to sit in the company when you're free. The key is Xiao Liang."

Yes, Zhou Qi can take care of herself and have nothing to do, Zhou Liang is afraid that Zhou Yu cannot do without her.

Zhou Qi thought about it and comforted him, "It's okay, brother Yu, you can do it if you have something to do, I'm not that useless, I will try my best to take care of Xiao Liang. Besides, it's good for you to leave him for a while, otherwise, He might not learn to cherish it."

Hearing this, Zhou Yu smiled, let Zhou Liang learn to cherish it?Sounds like a good idea.

In the evening Zhou Liang squeezed into Li Fangu's room again, and then took a small brush and a plate of cinnabar to study with Li Fangu the simple spells on the Baoyun volume. Li Fangu tried to draw a few symbols according to the spells on it, The strange thing is that the talismans drawn by Zhou Liang have strong spiritual power, but the ones he drew have no effect.

At first, Li Fanggu thought that he had made a mistake in his drawing. After careful inspection, he imitated a few more pictures, but the problem was still the same. He carefully observed Zhou Liang's drawing method, but he still couldn't find any problems. He wanted to drop his pen. What the hell!Even painting Zhang Fu has to be bullied like this, how far is Li Fanggu going to be buried!

Zhou Liang was so tired that he stopped after drawing a few pictures, "I'm too tired. Drawing these spells will consume my spiritual power all the time. My foundation is too weak, so I have already used up my spiritual power with just these few pictures. From this point of view, maybe It's not that you drew it wrong, it may be that your spiritual power is too low to support these spells."

Li Fanggu's heart was so broken that his whole body was about to burst. He cried and said, "Uncle, is it really okay for you to bury me like this? The rabbit will bite when it gets anxious, aren't you afraid that I will kick you off the bed in the middle of the night?"

Mentioning the bed, Zhou Liang immediately yawned in response to the situation, "It doesn't matter, let's talk about it tomorrow, and go to bed first." After speaking, he arched his body, and stuck to the wall like a gecko, and fell asleep after a while, leaving Li Fanggu was messed up by the air conditioner alone.

Li Fanggu twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly, picked up the pen and continued to concentrate on drawing, over and over again, becoming more and more proficient in painting, but there was still no trace of aura on the paper.

Li Fanggu put down his pen and stared at the talisman paper helplessly. The wind from the air conditioner was very light, Zhou Liang's breathing was very shallow, and the room was so quiet that he could almost hear a needle drop. Li Fanggu felt cold in his heart. Look, this is the difference between a genius and a fool , really, he is such a fool, how can he compare with others!

He curled the corners of his mouth sarcastically, and suddenly had the urge to sweep all the things on the table to the ground and step on them a few times, but looking at Zhou Liang who was fast asleep, he gave up, and silently put away the small brush and cinnabar, and went to After washing his hands in the bathroom, he lay down beside Zhou Liang and fell asleep.

Falling asleep and falling asleep, he felt himself floating again. After a while, he found himself running, running fast, and the scenery around him was receding rapidly. He wondered inconceivably, when did he run so fast?At this speed, he can win all the gold medals in track and field events in the Olympic Games. While running, there are strange sounds coming from around him, like something whizzing past, and there are muffled thunder-like sounds from time to time. This sound makes him feel A little familiar, he was running at high speed, and that voice kept ringing around him.

After running for a while, the voice around him seemed to have weakened. At this moment, he suddenly turned around and ran after the voice.

His running speed was so fast, Li Fangu saw that the surrounding scenery was almost blurred, and the objects on both sides receded rapidly. Soon, he found a large number of shadows in front of him, which were no longer formed. Those shadows seemed to have no shape. Thinking that he would turn back and start to condense in a panic, Li Fanggu stopped, and the re-condensed huge shadow rushed towards him, Li Fanggu's heart jumped, his body reacted faster than his consciousness, he did not retreat but advanced, fiercely facing Facing the black shadow, he saw himself grow sharp nails, and then slashed fiercely at the shadow in front of him.

The black shadow screamed fiercely, Li Fanggu saw him being torn apart by himself, turned into pieces, then fell to the ground, blurred, and finally dissipated slowly.After the shadows dissipated, he finally saw the gray light around him, and looked around with the light. It was in a wilderness, desolate and boundless. In the distance, he could see snow-capped snow-capped mountains. A light blue color flashed under the light, as if boundless loneliness was spreading. Looking at this desolate scene, Li Fangu's heart tightened, as if his heart had been stabbed by something, and the pain was unbearable.

Just when he was in a daze, a man's voice came from the side, "Fusu, are you okay?"

Li Fanggu was stunned. It was Duan Jinming's voice. He turned his head excitedly and saw Duan Jinming walking over in a mess. There were two shallow wounds on his elegant and noble cheeks. He always loved cleanliness and neatness. He was in a mess, as if he had just experienced a fierce battle.What's going on here?

He heard himself talking, but the voice was familiar to him, it was Fusu's voice, "It's okay, who are these people coming from? Why are they attacking us?"

No matter how stupid Li Fanggu is, he still understands, has he lost his soul again?And after leaving the soul, he possessed Fusu?It doesn't make sense, how could he leave his soul again?Moreover, where is Fusu and the others?Why would he appear in Fusu's body after leaving his soul?

Duan Jinming rubbed his face, "These should be Shadow Curse Masters. I'm afraid they know my destination."

Fusu seemed to be tired too, and sat cross-legged on the ground, "Shadow Curse Master? What's his background?"

Duan Jinming also sat down on the ground, with a tired look on his face, Li Fanggu's heart ached for a while, why did this noble young man bother?Going to the tomb is so hard, why did he go this way?Born in a big family, one must be talented and good-looking. A nobleman like him should stay in the family well, or like those children from aristocratic families, go abroad for gold plating and then return to China, and stay well in the family business Why do you have to take such a hard way when you live a leisurely life?

Duan Jinming took a breath, briefly explained the origin of the Shadow Curse Master, and then sighed, "It seems that the map in my hand is very important to them, and there must be something they are interested in hidden in this ancient tomb." thing."

Fu Su said, "Should we give up? I still don't know what you are going to do when you bring me here. Why are you so obsessed with this? Tomb robbery is not a good thing after all because it harms morality."

Duan Jinming smiled wryly, "Fusu, I also know that this is not good, but I have to. The things I'm looking for can only be found in these ancient tombs. And I only go to the tomb, but I don't take anything, except what I'm looking for. I don't touch any of the things in the tomb, which is why I have been taking medicine. Since those things in the tomb are taken from the people's fat and people's ointment, they should also belong to this country, and it should be excavated by the country so that all people can I still have a bit of conscience to see it instead of falling into the basement of some private collector or even being sold abroad.”

Li Fanggu looked at Duan Jinming more deeply, he liked Duan Jinming, and even said that he was deeply obsessed with this, no matter how cold his expression was, he couldn't hide his gentleness and integrity in his essence.

Fu Su asked, "Mr. Duan, what are you looking for?"

Li Fanggu also wanted to ask, "Duan Jinming, what are you looking for? What is so important that you couldn't even wait to hear the explanation last time, so you left me like this?" He looked at Duan Jinming eagerly, It's a pity that Duan Jinming couldn't see him, nor could he hear him speak.

Duan Jinming shook his head, "Actually, there may not be any, I'm just gambling on luck. You see, I have buried so many graves. If my family finds out, I probably won't even be able to return home, but if I find out If you don't get something like this, I..."

Seeing the melancholy on his face, Li Fanggu couldn't bear it anymore, he wanted to say, "Duan Jinming, call me, what are you looking for, I'll help you!" Unfortunately, before he could speak, his body was shaking and the sky was spinning After that, he woke up and was shaken awake by Zhou Liang.

The room was dark, and Zhou Liang's big eyes shone brightly under the reflection of the street lamp, "Xiao Li, wake up, I understand!"

Li Fanggu was about to cry, he finally saw Duan Jinming, and was woken up by him before he heard what he wanted to hear, what is so whimsical about this uncle?

Zhou Liang's eyes were piercing, "Li Fangu, I just remembered that you are of the blood of the demon clan. The sky is right and the devil is against. The reason why the spells you draw have no aura is not because you drew them wrong, but because you drew them." is in the wrong direction, you should draw in reverse."

Li Fanggu was startled, and sat up directly, "What did you say?"

Zhou Liang jumped out of bed and turned on the light, and pulled up Li Fanggu who was still in shock, "Come here, look, this is a burning talisman, you can draw it backwards from the last stroke, and draw it in the same direction as the original look."

Li Fanggu dipped a brush into cinnabar, and carefully drew the burning talisman against the mural on the talisman paper. The strokes of this simple talisman are simple, although he painted it against the wall, he drew it very quickly. The moment he closed the brush, He felt a spiritual energy in the palm of his hand, as if a blocked flood had found a flood outlet, and the feeling of pouring down made him numb for an instant, and his whole body trembled. Then his face turned red, and his lower body immediately stood up vigorously.

Zhou Liang stared at him with interest, and when he saw his blushing, he blinked suspiciously, "No way?" He picked up the charm drawn by Li Fanggu, blew on it, and a wave of enchanting energy came out through the paper.

Zhou Liang pulled him out of the room. The air-conditioning was not turned on in the outside room, and the sweltering air enveloped his whole body instantly. Zhou Liang took him outside, threw the spell that Li Fanggu had just drawn on the ground in his hand, and said, "Burn!"

I saw the spell quickly stuck to the ground, and then a group of black flames rushed up, but the flame was very small, almost fleeting, but even this was enough to make Zhou Liang and Li Fanggu excited , Zhou Liang jumped up, "Li Fangu, you succeeded, this time you really succeeded."

Li Fanggu froze in place, sluggish for a few seconds, and finally came to his senses, he hugged Zhou Liang, "Uncle, uncle, I succeeded! I really succeeded! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!Roar!"

Li Fanggu excitedly hugged Zhou Liang and jumped up, making strange noises again and again.

Zhou Liang was also infected by this excitement, the facial features on his smiling face stretched out, Li Fanggu calmed down slowly, seeing that monstrous face, he almost couldn't hold back, let him go quickly, oh my god, this uncle Really, it would be deceitful enough not to smile, and it is simply captivating when he smiles. Fortunately, Duan Jinming is fully occupied in his heart, otherwise he is really afraid that the two homosexuals will fall in love for a long time.

The neighbor's lights turned on, and there was a complaint, "What's wrong with you, who the hell is howling at him in the middle of the night? Are you in spring?"

Li Fanggu laughed, and dragged Zhou Liang in.

Zhou Yu, who was smoking on the balcony, looked at them amusedly, then stubbed out the cigarette butt, and went into the house.

After Li Fanggu and Zhou Liang returned to the room, both of them were so excited that they could not sleep. Li Fanggu practiced over and over again, but the effect was not satisfactory every time. Zhou Liang said, "How about turning the direction in reverse?" have a look?"

So Li Fangu reversed the strokes again and drew the direction of the spell in reverse. This time, the power of the spell was finally much stronger. At the end of the painting, Li Fangu felt dizzy and his aura could no longer support him. Zhou Liang also slowly Feeling sleepy, the two put down their pens and went to bed again. This time, they slept until dawn, and the sun shone on their buttocks through the curtains.

As usual, Zhou Liang pulled Li Fanggu to death like a koala, and the thing underneath was hard on his leg. Li Fanggu pushed him away skillfully, changed his clothes and went out for a run.

While running, he thought of a very serious question. When he left his soul last night, was it the Shadow Curse Master who attacked Duan Jinming and the others?Why did that group of shady guys stare at them?What is Duan Jinming doing now?Last time, he seemed to have heard Duan Jinming say that they were in Qiemo?What are they doing in Qiemo?

They were being targeted by the Shadow Curse Master. Does that mean that Duan Jinming is in danger now?

Shadow curse masters are all murderous guys, and they are extremely cunning, no, he can't sit here and watch him fall into crisis, even if Li Fanggu is useless, he has to help him.

After running home, he turned on the computer and began to look up information about "Qiemo". He was using the computer when Zhou Liang screamed!

Li Fanggu was startled, he had never heard Zhou Liang make such a tense voice, what happened?He hurriedly opened the door and searched in the direction of the sound, only to see Zhou Liang holding a note in his hand, his face was as exciting as it could be.

Li Fanggu quickly took the note to check, it read:

Xiao Liang, Brother Yu has urgent business to leave for a while, take good care of your brother Qi at home, take good care of yourself, and pay attention to your health.

The signature is Zhou Yu.

Li Fanggu let out a sigh. He thought it was a big deal. It turned out that Zhou Yu was on a business trip, but seeing the doomsday expression on Zhou Liang's face, he couldn't figure it out. What's the big deal?

Zhou Liang finally recovered slowly. He turned his face mechanically and said in a stiff tone, "Xiao Li, Brother Yu is on a business trip. What should we do with our meal?"

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