The strongest magician

Chapter 75 Lin Yuehua

Li Fanggu took out his phone and saw that the caller was "Lin Yuehua". He was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect her to call first. He took a deep breath and was about to speak when Zhou Liang waved his hand and told him to come by himself. While going to answer, he smiled and took the phone to the next room.

When the phone was connected, Li Fanggu said "Hello" first, and after a few seconds of silence, Lin Yuehua's voice came, "Xiaogu, do you have time at noon?"

Li Fanggu bit his cheek. He had been with Lin Yuehua for a long time, but he always felt that there was still a gap, and he was uncomfortable talking, "Aunt Lin, what's the matter? I have nothing to do recently."

Lin Yuehua hummed, and then asked, "Do you have a place to live now?"

"Yes, I live at my uncle's house, which is fine."

Lin Yuehua seemed relieved, "Come out and have a meal with Aunt Lin when you have time at noon."

Li Fanggu hesitated, should he go or not?I went, and there was nothing more to say than that. If I didn’t go, it seemed that I would lose face. He puffed up his cheeks again, and then agreed, "Okay, Aunt Lin, you can decide on the location."

Lin Yuehua said in a lighter tone, "Okay, then at the Qinhuai family on Daqing Road, I'll wait for you there."

After hanging up the phone, Li Fanggu spoke with Zhou Qi and Zhou Liang, and then went out to make an appointment.

When Li Fanggu arrived, Lin Yuehua was already waiting in the box. Seeing Li Fanggu coming, she stood up and smiled gently, "You are here, sit down first, I have ordered the dishes, look Look, is there anything else you want to eat, how many more can you order?"

Li Fanggu waved his hands quickly, "No need, Aunt Lin, I'm not particular, please sit down."

Lin Yuehua didn't make a fuss, sat down by herself, picked up the teapot and poured Li Fanggu a cup of eight-treasure scented tea. The light yellow tea was poured into the teacup, reflecting the bright and clean white porcelain, which was heartbreakingly beautiful.

Li Fanggu stared at the teacup, suddenly regretted, what are you doing here, are you listening to Lin Yuehua's teachings?How much can she understand?

Lin Yuehua sized him up carefully, but didn't speak. Silence spread between the two of them. It was Li Fanggu who didn't hold back, and spoke first, "Aunt Lin, how is my dad?"

Lin Yuehua said in a warm voice, "Fortunately, I have been angry all the time. Yesterday's blood pressure went up, but after taking some medicine, it went down again. You will still be at home to enlighten him."

Li Fangu's heart warmed up, his general uncle didn't call until now, probably he was too busy to comfort Li Sicheng, he hasn't told him where he is now, "It's good that nothing happens."

Lin Yuehua took a sip of tea, "Xiaogu, tell Aunt Lin the truth, are you and that Duan Jinming real or fake? Or are you just trying to annoy your father?"

Li Fanggu bowed his head, to be honest?He smiled wryly, "Aunt Lin, it's true." It was false at first, but now it's true, "I really like Jin Ming, but he doesn't like me."

Lin Yuehua was taken aback, "Xiaogu, I thought you were trying to annoy your father on purpose." She sighed, "Xiaogu, it's okay to like men, it's really not possible, now that technology is advanced, there are many ways to want children, this will come home with you It is not contradictory to inherit your father's career."

Li Fanggu stiffened his voice, "Aunt Lin, since I like Duan Jinming, I will never want anyone but him in this life. I will never bring a child with me just to inherit the family business under such circumstances. To the world. This is too irresponsible."

Lin Yuehua smiled wryly, "Xiao Gu, just tell me directly, you will not let your child grow up without a mother, you know how hard it is for a child without a mother, so you will not let your child suffer this, will you?"

Li Fanggu panicked and raised his head, "Aunt Lin, that's not what I meant." He was stunned when he saw Lin Yuehua's face, tears rolled down her cheeks, and her charming face suddenly became lovely moving.

Li Fanggu hated seeing a woman cry the most, so he panicked all of a sudden, he frantically went to find a tissue, Lin Yuehua took out a handkerchief from his bag, covered his face, choked for a while, and finally stopped his tears.

Li Fanggu sat across from her full of guilt, feeling like sitting on a red-hot iron plate, neither standing nor sitting, and didn't know how to speak.

Lin Yuehua calmed down, and forced a smile again, "Xiaogu, since you grew up, we haven't talked alone like this."

Li Fanggu said yes.

Lin Yuehua sobbed again, "Xiaogu, maybe you don't even remember, you were always the same as Fangquan before elementary school, calling me 'Mom', we really lived like a biological mother and child back then."

Li Fanggu was shocked, what?Is there such a thing?How could he not remember at all?

Just as Lin Yuehua was about to continue talking, the door opened, and the first dish was served, which was dry-stir-fried beans.Lin Yuehua waited for the passer to go out, and gave him a chopstick with chopsticks, "Try it, I like the taste of the beans in this restaurant very much, and the taste is similar to the one I make."

Li Fanggu tasted it, and it was very crispy, with a taste of salt and pepper on it, and the bean core was very tender, really delicious.

Lin Yuehua looked at his face, and slowly said, "This dish is what your biological mother is best at. When I was young, I ate it for the first time, and I liked this taste very much. Your mother is from the south, but the taste is unique. Very heavy, likes spicy food, has a cheerful and cheerful personality, dares to love and hate, and has a completely different impression from the girls in the Jiangnan water town. The first time I saw your mother, I thought, such a beauty, even a man would You can't escape the charm."

When Li Fanggu heard her mentioning her dead mother, her eyes widened in surprise. Why, Lin Yuehua and his mother were old acquaintances?

Seeing his expression, Lin Yuehua knew why he was shocked, and then continued, "When I met your father, your father and your mother were having a heated conversation, please don't rush, I can swear to God, I never intervened among them."

Li Fanggu hurriedly waved his hands, "I never thought about that."

Lin Yuehua burst into tears again, she wiped away the tears, and then continued, "In those days, there were not many people who fell in love freely. Your father and your mother were very passionate and had a very good relationship. Everyone around you knew it and there were many criticisms. , your father was not so developed at that time, and the family conditions were average, but your mother is said to be from a famous family. The two family backgrounds are not compatible. Later, your mother directly cut off contact with the family because of the strong opposition from the family. Since then No contact with the family. I admire your mother so much, at that time, your mother was my idol."

It was the first time for Li Fangu to hear these past events. It turned out that the older generation still had so many entanglements. This was the first time he heard of these years.

Lin Yuehua continued, "I don't know why, your father and your mother broke up suddenly. It was your mother who brought it up first. Lao Li tried to redeem it many times, but unfortunately your mother was determined not to look back, and then your mother left on her own. , your deceased grandparents made an appointment for your father and me. I was also stunned at the time. I was thinking, didn’t the two of you get back together? How can we say that they just broke up? Although arranged marriages were not popular at that time Yes, but my parents are all optimistic about Lao Li, so I couldn't help but I refused. I cried for a long time at the time. I inserted it like this, and it was different from Xiaosan. Later, Lao Li found me, and he comforted me, saying that he would not force me , and said that it has been completely over with Sister Ji, if I am willing to marry him, he will treat me very well. "

Li Fangu was thinking, his mother gave up her family because of her father, and why did she break off with his father?

"My relationship with your dad got better and better. Later, I thought your dad was a good man, so I agreed with him and decided to marry him. After all, I was young at that time, and I was pregnant before I got married." Lin Yuehua's face was ugly, "Originally, Lao Li and I were going to get married. Suddenly, someone sent a telegram saying that something happened to your mother. Lao Li didn't bother to tell me. He rushed away at night. Unfortunately, when we arrived, your mother left After two or three months, I saw you there. You were still in the incubator. This stay lasted for several months. At that time, my stomach was gradually getting bigger. I thought about talking to your dad. We broke up, but I already had a child in my stomach, so I couldn’t help it. Lao Li knelt in front of me and begged me to forgive me, saying that he would take you back. You know, I had a child in my stomach at that time. Seeing that you lost your mother when you were born, And so small, staying in the incubator, I don't know if I can survive, it's really pitiful, how could I be such a cruel person? He said he couldn't let you be an illegitimate child, so he married your mother's ashes first, sister Ji He treated me well before, so I agreed."

Li Fanggu knew these things a long time ago. Hearing her talk now, he was still very grateful. It is really rare for a woman to be so magnanimous. He looked at her apologetically.

"Later, I gave birth to Fangquan, but it was a pity that there was a lot of bleeding during delivery. To save my life, the doctor cut off my uterus, so I can no longer have children. Do you know that your father knows this, and he treats me wholeheartedly. I have never thought about other women, I am very grateful to him for this. Don't tell me what should be done, I am satisfied when a man is willing to treat a woman like this, so I never blamed him. "

Li Fanggu didn't dare to answer. He didn't expect Lin Yuehua to go through all these hardships. His father said he was a good man, and he was indeed a good man. But, if there were not so many complicated things happening...

Lin Yuehua's mouth was dry, and he took a sip of tea before continuing, "You are about the same age as Fangquan, and I can only have one child, Fangquan. Your biological mother has passed away again. Apart from your father, you don't have any relatives. You and Fangquan were taken together, you were in poor health and malnourished when you were young, and you were several months older than Fangquan, and you couldn’t tell how old you were, so I asked Lao Li to tell the outside world that I gave birth to twins, and you are my own son.”

Li Fanggu didn't know that there was still this problem at all. Hearing what she said now, he could only listen in a daze. Hearing this, he couldn't help asking, "Then why..." Why is it like this now?It was rumored that Lin Yuehua was the mistress, and that Li Fanggu was not her own. If so, how did these rumors come about?

After the dishes were served one after another, Lin Yuehua continued to say, "At the beginning, your father did his job and was very popular. Later, he felt that there was no way out with a dead salary, so he went into business. At the beginning, He was inexperienced, always hit the wall, and suffered a lot. At that time, the family was so poor that it was almost impossible to open the pot. I didn’t have enough milk. Old Li had a lot of quarrels."

Hearing this, Li Fanggu felt guilty. It seems that Lin Yuehua has suffered a lot because of herself.

"Do you still remember that you have a cousin from far away? It's called Wang Yuelong, and she took you with her for a while." Lin Yuehua asked Li Fanggu with a suddenly cold face.

Li Fanggu was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I remember, it's from my father's third aunt's house. I remember that he was pretty nice and treated me very well."

Lin Yuehua sneered, "Nice to you? Our family will have today, and we must thank her for it."

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