The strongest magician

Chapter 72 Volume End

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and Li Fanggu spent nearly four hours looking for the ring on the ground under the scorching sun.The ring was found, and he was sitting on the side of the road, dizzy, hot and swollen, it seems that his father just beat him up, and he was about to be beaten, why didn't he confess to Duan Jinming, what if he was laughed at , Anyway, I was already ready to be rejected.It seems that people will become weak after being beaten, which is not true at all.He slapped himself hard, and suddenly his mind cleared up a lot.

No, even if Duan Jinming humiliated him, he didn't want to miss this opportunity, and during this time, Duan Jinming treated him well, and he wouldn't really annoy him too much. He was wrong, but he couldn't just because he made a mistake. Don't give him a chance to correct it.

He touched his forehead, and there was a big lump on his forehead, no wonder he was so dizzy.Never mind, go apologize to Duan Jinming first, and tell him clearly that he is very proficient in stalking, and this time, let's talk about it, and there is no need to bind him with a contract, no matter what the result is, we have to try .

He stood up and almost fell to the ground in a daze. Today was a day full of disasters. He didn't think he would face it so soon. Who knew it would be such a coincidence that Li Sicheng would see him. Thinking of this, he even forgot. He was kicked out of the house by his father, this time for real, he had nowhere to go except Duan Jinming.

He hailed a taxi on the street, returned to the hotel, first lingered at the door for a while, what would he say when he met Duan Jinming?Will he beat him up again?In fact, he also couldn't figure out why Duan Jinming was so angry before.Did he really care that he was using him?Or, is this incident really hurting his reputation?Li Fanggu regretted it, he was really wrong, he shouldn't be playing tricks like this, Li Fangquan might not appreciate it, and he completely offended Duan Jinming.He regretted endlessly in his heart, if time could be turned back, or if he suddenly traveled to another world, it would be great if he didn't have to face the next thing.

After hesitating for a long time, he still plucked up the courage to step into the hotel, but just after entering the door, the front desk looked up and saw him, and said in surprise, "Guest, you are finally back, and the two gentlemen who were with you put your Everything is stored here, and we have been waiting for you to come back to pick it up."

Li Fanggu was taken aback, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. He walked to the front desk, leaned over and asked, "The two people with me have checked out? When did it happen?"

The front desk smiled politely, "Leaving at noon today, you know, if it is delayed until 12 o'clock, you will have to pay for an extra day. They have settled the bill for your room. These are your things, you come Let's see if there is any missing, do you want to take it now?"

Li Fanggu was already stunned, Duan Jinming took Fusu away?Why did he leave before he had time to explain to him, before his thoughts were told to him?

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Duan Jinming, when a cold female voice came, "Sorry, the number you dialed is empty, please check before dialing."

What?How long has it been since he even canceled his mobile phone number?Where would he go to find him?

There was a flustered look on his face, where would Duan Jinming go?He ran out the door, wanting to find him, but the world is so big, where should he go to find him?


Xiao Yan was sitting in a coffee shop next to the train station with a baby in her arms. Two men across from her brought her a glass of red liquid. She looked at it, "Is it fresh?"

Xiao Zheng smiled evilly, "Sister Yanzi, how could the blood given to the Evil Infant be stale?"

Xiao Yan glanced at him, picked up the cup, stood up the baby in her arms, and let the cup stick to the baby's mouth. The sleeping baby immediately opened a pair of dark evil eyes, and stuck its mouth to the cup. As he drank it, the stained blood-red lips would be lifted from time to time, revealing the densely packed tiny teeth inside. Xiao Zheng and Xiao Gong, who were looking at each other, swallowed their saliva in fear. This evil baby is really evil. , Those of them who are used to seeing ghosts feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

After drinking all the liquid in the cup, the Evil Infant smacked his lips in satisfaction, then closed his eyes and continued to sleep deeply.

Xiao Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth for him, pressed the swaddle tightly, and hid his face so that no one could see it.Suddenly, her eyes flicked out of the window, and then she frowned suspiciously. It seemed that a man walked by just now, and she looked like Xiao Rong.He should be in Jilin now, why is he here?It's just that the back was too similar to Xiao Rong, she couldn't help doubting it, hesitated for a while, she told Xiao Zheng and Xiao Gong to stay and wait for her, and she walked out of the cafe with the evil baby in her arms and chased after that back.

Soon, she found that figure in the crowd, and it looked exactly like Xiao Rong from behind. Whether it was him or not, her curiosity had been aroused. If it was him, she wanted to see what he wanted to do. If not , then she will accept this person's life.She smiled cruelly and followed.

The man's back shuttled through the crowd, walked out of the northwest exit after a while, and continued to move forward.

Xiao Yan followed calmly, she wanted to see the man's face, but the man kept walking unhurriedly, the suitcase in his right hand was laid out slowly according to the rhythm of his steps.

Before they knew it, the man they were far away from was walking along the railway, and Xiao Yan finally began to notice something was wrong. What did this man want to do?She squinted her beautiful eyes, and when she was thinking in her heart, that man turned his face away, where is Xiao Rong, that man's front face was simply a piece of white paper with nothing on it.After the man turned his face back, he turned into a blank sheet of paper and flew out.

Being fooled, Xiao Yan immediately realized that the shadow under her feet quickly surrounded her, and her whole body began to fall into the shadow. Suddenly, her feet seemed to encounter strong resistance, and she couldn't sink no matter what, she panicked , looked at her feet, and found that her shadow was covered by another shadow at some point, she looked behind that shadow, and saw the owner of that shadow, it was a middle-aged man with a simple and honest face He looked like a very unremarkable person in the crowd. She knew this man, and she remembered that Xiao Rong called him "Old Zhang".

Isn't this old Zhang the outhouse of the Xiao family?How could there be a power stronger than her?Half of her body was trapped in her own shadow, she could neither get down nor get up, and she couldn't help sweating on her forehead.

Lao Zhang was very calm, and a person walked out behind him, it was Xiao Rong.

Xiao Rong's handsome face was very cold, "Xiao Yan, as I said, I will repay your kindness to me."

Xiao Yan's eyes were dark, "Xiao Rong, shouldn't you be in Jilin now? Why are you here?"

Xiao Rong looked at the distance of the railway, and said slowly, "Don't worry, my car is now in Jilin, and the information fed back by your tracking device is indeed that I am in Jilin, but the person in the car is not me now."

Xiao Yan stared at his profile, "What do you mean, are you going to betray the Xiao family?"

Xiao Rong smiled sarcastically, his smile was quite different from his usual generous smile, "Xiao Yan, I have never been loyal to the Xiao family, what about betrayal."

Xiao Yan was shocked, "What did you say?"

Xiao Rong seemed to hear something in his ears, he smiled, and turned to face Xiao Yan, "The one in your arms is an evil baby, right? It took the Xiao family hundreds of years to cultivate it?"

Xiao Yan looked at him vigilantly, "So what if it is, so what if it's not?"

"It's okay, isn't it? In fact, there is only one of them." Another voice picked up, and a man appeared from the other side of the train track. The man looked about thirty years old, with a strong build, and looked very serious , the half-length hair was combed to his right side in threes and sevens, and then a small curl was curled at the end, which was hung on the head meticulously. The hair was also sprayed with hairspray, which made him look very neat.He was wearing an elegant silver-gray suit, and his black leather shoes were polished to a shine. He walked on the railway without even a speck of dust.

"Let me introduce myself," the man stopped and introduced himself to Xiao Yan, "I am the vice president of Xi'an Curse Masters Association, Hua Yongshan, it's the first time we meet, Miss Xiao Yan, please give me your advice."

Seeing him, Xiao Rong smiled, then backed away, Lao Zhang also walked away far away, but his shadow on the ground was still firmly grasping Xiao Yan's shadow, Xiao Yan still couldn't move.

Xiao Yan rolled her eyes and looked at them in confusion, what did they want to do?Why do you want to leave?Soon, she knew the answer. In the distance, the figures of Xiao Gong and Xiao Zheng appeared. It seemed that they were also attracted here. However, when they saw Huayong Mountain, they stopped immediately.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan was surprised to find that her own hand was moving, and her hand was uncontrollable. She hugged the evil baby in her arms and sent it to Hua Yongshan's arms. She was sweating and wanted to resist, but Unexpectedly, Lao Zhang's power was so powerful, she was like a marionette, watching the evil baby being handed into Hua Yongshan's arms.

Xiao Zheng's temper is usually very hot. Seeing this scene, he yelled, "Xiao Yan, so you are a traitor, and it was because of you that the previous mission in Haizhou failed! You actually blamed Xiao Rong for the mistake." , You betrayed the Xiao family!" Xiao Zheng had fought with Xi'an before, and he knew Hua Yongshan.

Xiao Yan suddenly felt that the injustice fell from the sky, and she was anxious and hated, but she couldn't explain it at all.

Hua Yongshan took the evil baby and snapped his fingers with his right hand. In an instant, Xiao Zheng's head flew out, and the remaining body and neck spurted blood.

Xiao Gong was stunned, but he reacted quickly and ran away immediately.Xiao Yan's eyes widened in surprise, she didn't realize how Hua Yongshan killed Xiao Zheng inadvertently.

Xiao Gong quickly ran away, Xiao Yan was surprised, why didn't Hua Yongshan catch up, she soon understood that this is what Hua Yongshan wanted, he wanted Xiao Gong to go back and spread the word, as long as Xiao Gong returned to Xiao's house alive, From then on, she, Xiao Yan, was a traitor to the Xiao family.She was very anxious, wishing that Hua Yongshan would kill Xiao Gong immediately, but she could only watch Xiao Gong run away.

Hua Yongshan looked at her, "Xiao Yan, we have been friends since then, should we shake hands and celebrate?"

Xiao Yan's face was pale, her silver teeth almost gnawed into pieces, she growled, "Xiao Rong, you plot against me!"

Xiao Rong stepped forward and signaled Lao Zhang to stop, Lao Zhang's shadow retracted, Xiao Yan jumped up from the ground, and was about to snatch the evil baby in Hua Yongshan's arms, Hua Yongshan looked at her indifferently, and snapped his fingers again with his right hand, Suddenly, Xiao Yan's ear sounded like a thunderbolt, knocking her down to the ground.

Hua Yongshan looked at Xiao Rong, "Mr. Rong, thank you for revealing the information this time, allowing us to solve this Evil Infant incident. From then on, we will formally start cooperation." He held out his hand, "I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future. "

Xiao Rong said indifferently, "Mr. Hua, we will have a happy cooperation, but before that, we still have important matters to resolve."

He took the Evil Infant from Hua Yongshan's arms, Hua Yongshan looked at him with vigilant eyes, Xiao Rong put the Evil Infant on the ground, listened first, then nodded to Lao Zhang.

Hua Yongshan was puzzled, not knowing what he was going to do.I saw Lao Zhang's shadow expanding and contracting on the ground, turning into a tentacle, wrapping up the evil baby's swaddling clothes, and sending him to the railroad track. The evil baby seemed to sense the danger coming, and began to cry and struggle, with a terribly shrill sound.

Xiao Rong turned a deaf ear to it. Seeing the strained expression on Lao Zhang's face, he put his right hand on his shoulder. Suddenly, Lao Zhang felt a burst of energy coming into his body, and his shadow became more tenacious. Fastened firmly to the rails.

Not far away, a train whizzed by. Lao Zhang covered the evil baby's swaddle with his own shadow. The driver of the train saw from a distance that there was only a piece of oil on the rails.

Hua Yongshan's eyes were stern. He saw the moment the train roared past, Lao Zhang withdrew his shadow, and the evil baby was crushed to pieces by the train. After the train passed, there was only a mass of blood-red rotten flesh left on the rails. What was it? Can't tell the difference.

Hua Yongshan's stomach was churning. He looked at Xiao Rong with unbelievable eyes. Xiao Rong said indifferently, "Mr. Hua, the evil infant cannot stay. Now, we can start to cooperate openly and honestly. Xiao Yan will leave it to you, I will I believe that you will get a lot of useful things from her. For example, what is the purpose of their going to Qie Mo this time."

Hua Yongshan nodded, "What about Mr. Rong?"

Xiao Rong smiled, "Me? Of course I still have to go back to the Xiao family, and then I will send more elites from the Xiao family to you."

Hua Yongshan showed a stiff smile, "Then I will wait for the good news in Xi'an." He bent down and lifted the unconscious Xiao Yan, carried her on his shoulders as if he was carrying luggage, and then stepped over the lump on the railroad tracks. Mince away.When he was leaving, he looked down again, then turned his eyes with lingering fear, this Xiao Rong is so ruthless.

Xiao Rong and Lao Zhang left side by side, Lao Zhang rubbed his shoulders, "Master Rong, shall we rush to Jilin now?"

Xiao Rong nodded, "Well, are the people you found trustworthy?"

Old Zhang smiled, "Of course it's credible. Master Rong can certainly trust me."

Xiao Rong smiled, "Of course, you've been working for the Underworld Curse Master for almost 20 years, so of course I have to believe you."

Old Zhang's expression changed, "What is Young Master Rong talking about?"

Xiao Rong chuckled, "Old Zhang, we people don't speak dark words. If I don't know your details, how could I choose you to be my support person outside Xiao's house. I'm just curious, you should be able to enter Xiao You live in the house, and your status is not low, why do you want to work for Xi'an?"

Old Zhang looked at Xiao Rong with a little more awe in his eyes, he hesitated, "Since Master Rong knows everything, I'll just say that the blood of the Xiao family can never be left alone, but I had a baby with an outside woman. Son. The Xiao family doesn't know of their existence."

Xiao Rong looked at him in surprise.

Lao Zhang continued, "You also know that although I came from a humble background, I accidentally inherited the power of the pure Xiao family. In this regard, my son is stronger than me. If the Xiao family finds out the existence of my son, he will definitely I was taken into the inner house of the Xiao family, you know where it is, Young Master Rong, better than I do."

Xiao Rong nodded, he sighed, "Did Xi'an promise to protect your son for you?"

Lao Zhang shook his head, "I'm not working for Xi'an. The people above me are the Jin family in Nanjing. The head of the Jin family promised me to let my son live an ordinary life. And, they did it."

Xiao Rong nodded, so it was so, "The head of the Jin family is that Jin Jiawei?"

Lao Zhang shook his head, "Jin Jiawei is only superficially the head of the family. Since 20 years ago, the head of the Jin family has been Jin Jiawei's eldest son, Jin Shuyan. And I am also directly serving Jin Shuyan."

Xiao Rong murmured, "Jin Shuyan, he doesn't seem to be very old. So he is such a capable person?"

Lao Zhang nodded, "He is a very capable person."

The two walked firmly towards the car parked in the distance, and on the railroad track behind them, a cloud of black air rose from the place where the evil baby was crushed, and was blown by the wind and completely dissipated.The efforts of the Xiao family for hundreds of years turned into dust.

Li Fanggu walked on the street in a daze carrying his belongings that had been left in the hotel. This time, he was really homeless and the school hadn't started yet. Where should he go?

At this moment, a black car stopped beside him, and the driver rolled down the window, revealing Yu Jiang's face, "Mr. Li, our Second Young Master wants me to pick you up, do you want to get in the car now?"

Li Fanggu was at a loss, and then realized that this person was the driver of the Zhou family, and the second young master he was talking about was Zhou Qi.He suddenly remembered what Zhou Qi said when he left his soul. Did he expect everything today?

Yu Jiang stretched out his hand to open the car door, Li Fanggu smiled blankly, and got into the car.

Anyway, there is nowhere to go, and it is great that there is a place willing to take him in.

Yu Jiang started the car, and soon, he was submerged in the traffic coming and going.

Volume two finished

The third volume of Xiaowan's grudge

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