The strongest magician

Chapter 62 Sunshine

Hearing Meng Ruo's name, several people breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, Meng Ruo was just an ordinary person when he was alive, and he died for a short time, so he couldn't change into a ghost. Now he is just a ghost.

Humans have three souls and seven souls, and the seven souls dissipate after death. Among the three souls, the human soul remains in the body and disappears with the death of the body. The good and evil of the master will be left for judgment, and after being purified of malice, he will re-enter the cycle of reincarnation and reunite with the soul of heaven at this time.If you don't go to the underworld and wander around in the world, you will turn into a ghost if you get into bad luck after a long time.Why didn't Meng Ting's ghost go to the underworld, but still wandering here?When did he start following them?

Duan Jinming looked at Meng Ruo, and then asked Zhou Liang, "When did you perform an autopsy on him, when did he die?"

Zhou Liang replied, "When he died, he was in a prone position, and there were plaques on the bottom of the corpse, which faded with light pressure with his fingers. According to the preliminary judgment, the time of death is about 5-6 hours, that is to say, it is about three to four in the morning."

Duan Jinming nodded, "His remnant soul is very weak now. I heard from the minister that he should have been killed by a curse. I'm afraid that Xiao Bing hurt his soul when he killed him, so he can't find the way to the underworld by himself, so he will go to the underworld." I stayed in the physical body all the time, I touched him just now when I was fighting with that female ghost, I am afraid that he followed my breath."

Meng Ruan didn't seem to respond to his words, a confused expression suddenly appeared on his translucent decadent face, and then he floated down the stairs.

Zhou Liang muttered frantically, "When you take the stairs, you have to go to the right! Brother Yu has said it many times!"

Li Fanggu was about to go crazy, why bother with this at this time?

Zhu Wenjie looked at Meng Ruo's figure and pondered for a while, "Follow him."

Zhou Liang also interjected, "It looks like he is walking with a purpose. Before he dies, he must still have something to worry about. Let's follow and have a look, maybe we can find a breakthrough."

Several people followed Meng Ruo and continued to run up the almost endless stairs. Zhou Liang snorted and shook a little. Li Fanggu couldn't help but squat down, grabbed Zhou Liang's uninjured hand, and pushed him onto his back. "Little uncle, you have lost a lot of blood. I will carry you for a while. I will walk on the right side of the stairs."

Zhou Liang didn't refuse this time, and lay on his back.

Zhou Liang's weight is not light. Although Li Fanggu's back was a bit difficult, he didn't say anything. He just poked him up hard to make his back a little higher, and then continued to walk down behind the person in front. Looking back at the next section, Jin Ming, "Jin Ming, are you alright?"

Duan Jinming glanced at him indifferently, his face turned cold, and ignored him.

Li Fanggu was also used to his indifference, seeing that he was still very energetic, he didn't say anything and continued walking.

The stairs seemed to be shaking more and more, Meng Ruo was floating in front, with a longing and anxious expression on his face.Liu Yang's flashlight flashed twice, then went out, and the corridor was completely dark.Wang Yuan quickly took out his mobile phone, flipped through it for a long time, and cursed, "Fuck! I don't have a flashlight on my mobile phone."


Zhu Wenjie took out his mobile phone, finally found the flashlight option and turned it on, a glimmer of light finally appeared in the unbearable darkness.The figure of Meng Ruo in front was almost invisible, and the few people had no choice but to quicken their pace to follow.

Zhou Liang's head hung on Li Fanggu's shoulder, and his breathing seemed to be weak. "Haven't you gone yet?" He muttered softly, "I miss Brother Yu and Brother Qi, let's go out quickly."

Li Fanggu couldn't laugh or cry, "I don't know how far it is, uncle, are we going the wrong way?"

Zhou Liang said in a little confusion, "I don't know, and I don't know the way here. You are going astray, keep to the right, and don't go sideways."

Li Fanggu was going crazy, how could his uncle have this kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, how does he usually walk!

Duan Jinming raised the corners of his mouth in amused manner, and when he saw Li Fanggu's staggering footsteps, he pursed his lips.

Li Fanggu is getting more and more tired, but the stairs are still extending. It seems that they have gone hundreds of meters underground, and the air is getting more and more stuffy. Zhu Wenjie and Liu Yang changed positions, and now Liu Yang is in front of Li Fanggu. Li Fanggu wanted to stop and asked Liu Yang to change hands and let him walk for a while with Zhou Liang on his back, but before he could speak, Duan Jinming held him back.

He looked at Duan Jinming suspiciously, "What's wrong, Jin Ming?"

Duan Jinming calmly took Zhou Liang's uninjured hand and put him on his back.Zhou Liang was a little dazed at this time, the pain on his shoulders made him a little delirious. Duan Jinming was obviously much more capable than Li Fanggu, and he hardly felt strenuous carrying Zhou Liang on his back.

Li Fanggu's heart warmed up, and an indescribable emotion flowed, Zhou Liang opened his eyes in a daze, saw him walking side by side with him, and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Go to the right when you take the stairs."

Li Fanggu went crazy, retreated behind the two and walked to the right.

I don't know how long we walked, and when we reached the point where several people were almost impatient to give up, finally, we saw light in front of us.It was a ray of sunlight, and they felt that they had reached a depth of several hundred meters underground, but at such a deep underground, they saw sunlight.There are no words to describe their current mood, even Zhu Wenjie was a little tearful, they were about to despair, the moment they saw the sun, it was like being reborn.

The beam of sunlight came down obliquely, Zhu Wenjie turned off his cell phone, and they walked down the stairs to look at the surrounding environment.It looks like a patio here, the ground is paved with cement, the sun hits the ground, and there is a platinum halo on the ground.The space here is only about the size of a room, about 40 square meters. In the middle of the room, there is a huge water tank. Weird runes are carved around the water tank. Each rune is twisted like a tadpole. Zhu Wenjie Wanting to check the contents of the water tank, he just stepped on the range of the rune when he let out a muffled groan, and his whole body was thrown into the air. Liu Yang and Wang Yuan rushed forward to support his backing body. The big man took seven or eight steps back before stopping.

Zhu Wenjie was covered in sweat, and his feet felt numb after stepping on the rune, as if he had been hammered by a giant hammer.

As soon as Zhou Liang opened his eyes, the ethereal eyes instantly became impossibly black, and almost the entire white of the eyes was infected.Others didn't see it, but Li Fangu saw it, but the darkness came and went quickly, like a hallucination.

Zhou Liang's spirit suddenly became very excited. He slid down Duan Jinming's back, clutched his injured shoulder and came to those talismans. He observed the talismans with interest on his face. Li Fanggu thought, could it be that his strange uncle recognizes these talismans? what is it

Zhou Liang just watched, the darkness swam in his eyes like a snake, but there would be a moment of clarity, after a while, he raised his head in confusion, "It looks like Tibetan, but it seems a little different. "

Duan Jinming pondered for a moment, and then said, "This puppet corpse is said to have been passed down from the mage of Xiaowan Kingdom. Xiaowan Kingdom is located in the Western Regions. According to the records in the "Hanshu", Xiaowan Kingdom belongs to the Iranian language family of the Indo-European language family. The original method of making puppet corpses must have been written in ancient Iranian language. Xiaowan reached prosperity during the late Qin Dynasty and early Han Dynasty, and was annexed by Shanshan, that is, ancient Loulan. After that, there was no record, and the language was lost. I am afraid that no one will know what the meaning of the portrayal is."

Zhou Liang nodded, "The Tibetan language was created by Songtsen Gampo around the seventh century A.D. Xiaowan had already destroyed the country at that time, so it seems that the Tibetan language is no longer on the ground."

Listening to the sound analysis of these two people, Li Fanggu wept silently in his heart. The scumbags of the world of Xueba really don't understand, why can they remember so many things?

He raised his head and looked around. On the upper left was a beam of sunlight slanting down, and then there was boundless darkness. He didn't know where it extended, and they didn't know where it was. The illusion of this formation is really powerful. If you have no patience, or Without Meng Ruo leading the way, maybe they would have given up halfway and would never have found this place.

Zhu Wenjie asked Zhou Liang, "Is this the formation eye?"

Zhou Liang blinked his eyes a little sleepily, "I'm not sure, what about Mr. Duan?"

Duan Jinming circled around the magic circle on the ground a few times, "I don't know the magic circle, but the dark power here is very active, this big tank seems to be the source, but I don't know what it is used for, what is in it? "

The large tank was protected by the circle of runes, and everyone had seen the power of the runes just now, so they couldn't step over it, and could only look in from a distance from the periphery.

Meng Teng's ghost was floating near the big vat, with a numb expression on his face, but he tried to get closer again and again, as if there was something inside that attracted him.

Darkness began to roll in Zhou Liang's eyes again, and then, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. The smile had an indescribably cruel taste. Li Fanggu saw it, and his heart skipped a beat. A sense of fear rose in my heart, what happened?

Under everyone's amazed gaze, Zhou Liang stepped on the circle of runes. Liu Yang screamed and was about to step forward. He thought that Zhou Liang would also be ejected, but unexpectedly, the circle of runes trembled. After a few strokes, there was no resistance to Zhou Liang.

Everyone was stunned, what's going on?Is it because he just bounced off Zhu Wenjie, so he ran out of energy?

Liu Yang also tried to step on it, a black light flashed on the rune, Liu Yang let out a muffled snort, his body flew out, hit the ground far away, his whole body twitched, Wang Yuan hurried over to help him up, Liu Yang Half of his body went numb, and dull pain filled his whole body, "It's amazing!" But why didn't Zhou Liang respond when he stepped on it?Everyone looked at Zhou Liang in puzzlement.

At this time, their ears began to hear rustling sounds again. Li Fanggu and Duan Jinming were very familiar with this sound. It was the voice of the female ghost, and the sound came from above. They looked up, and sure enough, The female ghost used both hands and feet, hanging like a gecko in the darkness above her head, as if there was a ceiling there, the female ghost's seaweed-like long hair hung down, and when she looked over with her white eyes, everyone took a step back in surprise. Knowing when this female ghost chased here, this is troublesome.

The female ghost seemed to have seen the crowd, made a gurgling sound from her throat, and then jumped down towards them.

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