After Zhou Liang left, Li Fanggu and the others went to Jinbihuanghuanghuang to sing K after dinner, and the trouble didn't end until 8 pm.A group of people almost knocked over the roof. Although Li Fanggu didn't drink, he was drunk by the enthusiasm.After it was over, Ye Yongxia drove him and just happened to take him home on the way.

Li Fanggu was sitting in the co-driver, with his right hand resting on the edge of the car window, his messy bangs were blown by the night breeze, his slender eyes squinted comfortably, watching the busy traffic on the street.

Ye Yongxia turned on the stereo in the car, "Yellow Meigui, don't cry, you are the most beautiful of all flowers..." A deep and magnetic female voice flowed in the car, and Li Fanggu asked curiously, "Sister Ye, who sang this? The voice is really nice."

Ye Yongxia curled her lips, "Sun Lu, haven't you heard of it?"

Li Fanggu nodded, "I've heard the original song, but it's different from this one. It sounds warmer this way."

Ye Yongxia chuckled, "This is a cover song. I like this singer. The singing is very tasteful. You know, we old women like these voices that sound like stories."

Li Fanggu grinned, "Sister Ye, you're still young, so you're beating yourself up like this."

The traffic ahead slowed down, Li Fanggu stretched out his head and looked, "Sister Ye, there is a traffic jam." There was a long queue of cars ahead, and a large group of people gathered in the distance, all looking towards the lower right side of the road .

Ye Yongxia hummed, the traffic in front stopped moving, and a sound of horns sounded.

Li Fanggu opened the car door, "Sister Ye, I'll go down and have a look."

Ye Yongxia waited for a long time, but the car couldn't move, and Li Fanggu didn't come back, so she took out the car key and locked the car, and went to find Li Fanggu.

Fortunately, Li Fanggu was not short, so he stood out in the crowd, so Ye Yongxia quickly found him.

"What's the matter, what happened? What are these people looking at?" There is a river in front of you. The river is not very wide, about ten meters long. There are many people standing by the river, and what looks like a water pump is buzzing. with.There should be a lot of water in the river, but now it is more than two meters below the river, and it must have been pumped out.A man who looked to be in his thirties was standing in the river wearing a frogman suit, kicking slowly with his feet as he walked.

Li Fangu said in a low voice, "It seems to be looking for corpses. I heard that a female student fell into the water here. It has been two days and she hasn't floated up. She was originally missing. After her parents called the police, some people said that she had appeared here. , I can’t find it anywhere else, and I suspect that I drowned in the water.”

Ye Yongxia frowned, "Is it suicide?"

Li Fanggu shook his head, "I don't know, we'll wait until the body is picked up. What should we do, should we take a look or take a detour?"

Ye Yongxia took a few steps, "Let's take a look, see if it's the water ghost."

Li Fanggu nodded.After a while, the frogman in the water yelled, "Yes, I got it!" After speaking, he stabilized his body, kicked his foot in the water, a swollen arm stretched out from the water, and was caught by the The frogman grabbed him, and everyone on the shore could clearly see black messy long-haired water plants floating in the river, following the frogman's footsteps all the way to the river.The frogman walked to the shore, and someone helped him and pulled him up with the corpse.

The corpse was placed on the grass. Li Fanggu stood tall and looked over. It was a young girl. Because she had been soaked in the water for a long time, the corpse looked swollen and ugly. She had a pink T-shirt on her upper body and a bright yellow short skirt on her lower body. , one shoe was gone, her pale feet were exposed, her nails were purple-black, her eyes were closed tightly, her face was blue and white, and there were two light pink streaks under her nose, which proved that she choked to death in the water, and it could be seen from the distorted face How hard she had struggled to survive.

Soon, mournful cries came. A well-dressed middle-aged woman threw herself on the corpse and cried bitterly. A middle-aged man followed her with a sad face.

Li Fanggu looked at it for a while and couldn't bear it, how could he be such a young child again, it's too miserable.

Ye Yongxia also sighed, "It suddenly occurred to me that about 20 years ago, two little girls were drowned in this river. Those two little girls were still my playmates when I was young. They were a pair of sisters. The elder sister was nine years old. My sister is seven years old, and I still remember that one afternoon, their mother was busy playing mahjong, so they didn’t bring them, so they went to the river to play by themselves, and they didn’t come up to play.”

Li Fanggu felt very sad in his heart, "Their mother must regret it to death. But no one wants such a thing to happen."

Ye Yongxia sneered, "Maybe she will be secretly happy."

Li Fanggu was dissatisfied, "How can you be happy when you lose your child?"

Ye Yongxia sighed, "Xiaogu, you were born in a good age, I don't know. Just 20 years ago, a girl's life was worthless. When I was young, I had a playmate, a little girl, who played very well with me. Later, I moved, and we lost contact. After a few years, I went back to find her, only to find out that not long after I moved, she fell ill, starting with a cough. Her parents were afraid of spending money, so they never went to the hospital. After procrastinating like this, she finally died of illness, and her parents didn't send her to the hospital until she died. After she died, her parents just found a piece of broken mat and wrapped it up, and then threw it away. Her parents went home. She also has a younger brother who is two years younger than him. Her parents are very precious. He broke his arm in school, and his parents took care of him all the time. In contrast, That girl's life is worse than a grass. Xiaogu, don't think it's unbelievable. This kind of thing was very common more than 20 years ago. Do you know that there is a willow forest next to the big square in the city? It used to be a corpse dump If a family has a girl and doesn't want it, just throw it there, I passed by there when I was a child, and I saw the rotting corpse of the baby with my own eyes."

Li Fanggu's eyes widened in shock, "Sister Ye, are you telling a story?" He felt extremely uncomfortable, and thinking of Song Weiwei, his initial suspicion of Ye Yongxia turned into belief.

Ye Yongxia's expression was very sad, "I think these are just stories. But I have experienced them personally, so I am very fortunate now. There are five sisters in my family, and there are two older brothers and two older sisters. Although my parents are not all We can be treated consistently, at least we haven’t been wronged.”

Li Fanggu was shocked again. When he was in school, he only met at most three sisters in his family, and he had not met five.

Ye Yongxia chuckled, "Look, this is the generation gap between us old people and you young people."

Li Fanggu smiled awkwardly, "Sister Ye, according to what you said, there are water ghosts in this river, right?"

Ye Yongxia nodded, "There must be. Those who drowned in the river can break free from the water only when their bodies surface. If this girl was dragged down by water ghosts, some water ghosts will come out soon. "

"Then this girl will also become a water ghost." Li Fanggu frowned. He looked at the water surface in the distance, and the circles of ripples on the water surface passed towards the opposite river bank. No one paid attention except him and Ye Yongxia. Signal Ye Yongxia.

Ye Yongxia nodded, "Don't panic, you don't need to accept water ghosts, there will be ghost messengers to take them away. However, many people drowned in this river, if this continues, it will become a problem. Go back and react to the minister, see Find a way to come and clean it up."

Li Fanggu nodded, and the grass on the opposite bank moved a few times. He saw a pair of wet footprints left on the soil. The footprints were very small, and looked like a child's.

"Let's go." Ye Yongxia looked at the crying girl's parents, sighed and dragged Li Fanggu away.

Back in the car, Li Fanggu felt very heavy, and Ye Yongxia also turned off the stereo.The two were silent all the way. Ye Yongxia sent him to a place two streets away from home, but he coaxed him away. Up to now, he hasn't told anyone about the situation at home. They all thought he was just a child from an ordinary family. Ye Yongxia When he was leaving, he cheered him up, "Little brother, don't feel bad, go to work tomorrow! Go back to bed early, don't take too many planes! Young people hurt themselves by taking too many planes." Seeing Li Fanggu's pale face, she smiled gone.

Li Fanggu rarely blushed, is Sister Ye really a woman?He was thick-skinned and couldn't say the word masturbation indifferently.

After walking two streets and returning home, he raised his hand and rang the doorbell.His house key was left with Jiang Zi, and he hadn't brought it with him for a few days, so now he can only wait for his family to open the door for him.I just pressed it several times, but there was no movement at the door.

He wondered, what's going on?The family is out?

Suddenly, the balcony window on the second floor was opened, and Li Fangquan poked his head out, "Brother, don't press it, Dad gave an order, no one is allowed to open the door for you."

Li Fanggu was in awe, what does this mean?Is his dad kicking him out of the house?

Li Fangquan shouted, "Dad said, when will you ask him to bring a daughter-in-law home, and when will you allow us to open the door for you."

Li Fanggu sweated profusely, "What? Is there any mistake? I'm still a student! Besides, what I said is very clear, I..." He originally wanted to say that the one he likes is a man, how could he have a wife, but he thought that if he was The neighbors heard it, his father was ashamed, and he didn't have to be a man anymore.He was afraid that his father would drag the ax out of the basement and come out and chop him.

He said pitifully, "It's late at night, and he won't let me go home. Where can I go? I've just been discharged from the hospital, so it's too cruel to make me homeless."

Li Fanggu lay on the window sill and said with a smile, "Our father told you to find a female classmate to stay at home. Brother, you are very powerful, so I don't worry about it."

Li Fanggu scolded with a smile, "You damn girl, are you really my sister?"

Li Fangquan laughed and went in. After a while, he poked his head out again, made a silent gesture, and threw a few things from upstairs. Li Fanggu picked it up and looked at her. It was a roll of money, he counted it, it was about 3000, his car keys, and his mobile phone charger.

Hey, I don't know if this girl loves her brother herself, or if her father acquiesced, but, he can't go back to this house tonight.

Li Fanggu picked up his things shaking his head, waved to Li Fangquan coolly, and walked back along the road.He was not in a hurry to leave at the intersection, and after waiting for a while, the general came.

"Uncle, I was kicked out by my father." Seeing the general approaching, Li Fanggu had a bitter face.

Seeing him like this, the general couldn't help laughing, "Your father is still angry. Do you have any money? Why don't you go to the hotel for a few days first?"

Li Fanggu smiled, "It's okay. My dad is so angry this time, and I don't know when he will let me go back. I don't make any money, so I want to save the money. I'll find a place to nest first, and then two days School is about to start, and then I will go to the dormitory."

The general feels distressed for a while. This kid, who has never been short of money since he was a child, unexpectedly has a day when he wants to spend money like this, "Well, actually, your father wouldn't be so cruel to you when he threatened you. Just wait for him to calm down. Calm down. Call Uncle if you have any difficulties, and Uncle will help you."

Li Fanggu smiled, "Uncle, I'm not worthless. It's good to go out for a few days. You should pay more attention to my dad. He has high blood pressure. Please take care of him for me."

Jiang patted him on the shoulder, "Your father, don't worry, but you should pay more attention to yourself. Pay attention to safety."

Li Fanggu nodded, and then started his wandering career with his charger.

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