After sending off cheap uncle, Li Fanggu realized that he was extremely hungry. He was lying on the bed waiting for the general boredly, but unexpectedly his younger sister Li Fangquan came.

Li Fangquan had a thermos in his left hand and a handbag in his right. With the ding-dong sound of his high-heeled shoes, he walked in sweaty and put the handbag on the cabinet next to the hospital bed and opened it. Inside were two oversized Thermal lunch box.

"It's really hard to find a parking space in the first hospital. I waited for a long time to find a parking space. I'm dead, brother, don't pretend to be dead, come to help." Li Fangquan complained and opened the lunch box.

Li Fanggu got up in a panic, opened the thermos, "It's amazing, it's the dangshen ribs soup made by Zhang Ma!" The soup was still hot, and it was steaming.

Li Fangquan sat down, "Yeah, my dad sent me to pretend to see you off as soon as it was cooked. Tell me, why did you make my dad angry? He's about to suffer from high blood pressure."

Li Fanggu smiled uncomfortably, and opened the lunch box to look again, "Oh my god, it's so rich." A lunch box is neatly packed with several dishes that are delicious in color, fragrance, and one is white and moist rice. steaming.Li Fanggu looked at the sky, didn't know what he thought of, and hurriedly covered the lunch box and the thermos, "Sister, you sit here for a while, and I'll come when I go. Just wait here, Uncle Zi I'm coming back soon." After speaking, he changed into the ward slippers, picked up the thermos and ran out with the lunch box in his hands, looking like a wounded man.

Li Fangquan poked his head out, "Hey, brother, where are you going? Just eat here!"

Li Fanggu didn't turn his head back, "I'll come as soon as I go, just sit down."

Li Fangquan was speechless, bit his lip and walked back to the hospital bed, sat down and played with his mobile phone.

Li Fanggu grunted and ran to the stairs, thinking that it was only one floor and it was not worth taking the elevator, so he climbed up the stairs, only to feel dizzy when he got upstairs, he ran for a while, and found Song Weiwei's ward.

"Sister, have you eaten yet? Shall we eat together?"

Song Weiwei turned her head and saw Li Fanggu who was smiling and holding a lunch box, she was startled, Li Fanggu had walked in regardless of her wishes, and put the lunch box on her bedside, "Sister, do you have any bowls and chopsticks here?" ? Oh, I found it. Wait a minute. I’ll make soup for you to drink. Look, this is the Dangshen pork ribs soup made by our aunt. There is also wolfberry in it. It’s very nourishing and delicious. Sister, You try it, oh yes, you like meat, wait a minute, I'll put more meat for you."

Song Weiwei looked at Li Fanggu who was busy up and down speechlessly, "Xiaogu, what are your plans recently?"

Li Fanggu stuffed the bowl to him, with chopsticks in his mouth, "My uncle came over just now and asked me to report to the Spirit Detective Department. Sis, have you ever stayed in the Spirit Detective Department?"

Song Weiwei injured her right shoulder, so she used her left hand to hold chopsticks. She took a sip of the soup, "It's delicious." She chuckled, "Spiritual Detective Department, we curse masters are equivalent to the foreign aid of the Spiritual Detective Department. Generally, if If there is a supernatural case, if the members of the headquarters of the Spiritual Investigation Department can solve it, they will solve it alone. If the matter is relatively serious, they will ask our magic masters to help. During this time, Ah Hua should have gone, but Ah Hua was injured, and I haven't had a vacation for a long time, and you just came."

Li Fanggu nodded, it turned out that he was caught by a strong man.

"Sister, actually, I still want to ask you to teach me some kung fu after you recover." Li Fanggu fawned over two pieces of meat for Song Weiwei. Just tutor me when you have time, and I can pay the tuition."

Song smiled lightly, "Xiaogu, at least we are partners now, teaching you kung fu is easy, don't be so polite."

The two were talking, when suddenly there was a loud noise, which seemed to be mixed with someone yelling, "Jumped off the building, jumped off the building, someone is going to jump off the building."

Li Fanggu and Song Weiwei looked through the window curiously, there was a tall and thin figure on the top of the opposite building, looking down, hey, doesn't that look like he was about to jump off the building?

Li Fanggu put down his rice bowl, supported Song Weiwei to look over, they were far away, the two could only vaguely see that the one opposite was a man, his face was not clear, his clothes looked like a big boy.

"That's the seventeenth floor, isn't he afraid to stand there?" Li Fanggu opened the window, the weather in early autumn was still a little stuffy, the setting sun shone on his face, dyed his pale face yellowish, he used the biggest The voice shouted, "Hey, buddy, don't think too hard, come down quickly, you will be scared..." Before he finished shouting, he fell silent, because when he shouted, the top floor opposite, the big boy's Suddenly, a pair of white and swollen hands stretched out from under his feet. Those hands stretched out from a strange angle, tightly grasped the boy's legs, and pulled them violently. The boy's body became unstable for a while. Climbing up with the boy's legs, leaning on the boy's back and pushing suddenly, the boy fell down.

Both Li Fanggu and Song Weiwei stared wide-eyed. They watched the boy fall from the top floor and hit the ground heavily, blood spattering on the spot.And when they saw the place where the boy had been pushed down again, there was nothing left.

"Sister, did you see that just now? What is it?" Li Fanggu said with trembling lips.

Song Weiwei looked at the body on the ground with its head broken, "It should be a ghost. Come here, I'm going to call the Spiritual Investigation Department, this is not an ordinary case." Song Weiwei walked back to the bed, took out her phone, Hang up the phone to the Spirit Detective Department.

Li Fanggu saw that they had only eaten half of the meal, and the unfinished meat made him feel sick, but Song Weiwei didn't care, hung up the phone, walked to the bedside, picked up the rice bowl, and continued to eat, "What's the matter, little brother , The food tastes so good, don’t waste it.”

The corner of Li Fanggu's mouth twitched, "Sister, you can eat, I can't eat anymore."

Song Weiwei smiled and didn't force him, Li Fanggu found that Song Weiwei ate very cleanly, not a single grain of rice was left, and his appetite was astonishing.He stared wide-eyed, watching Song Weiwei finish the last mouthful of pork rib soup.

"I'm full." Song Weiwei put down the bowl contentedly, "Little brother, your aunt's cooking is really delicious."

Li Fanggu smiled, "If you like it, I'll bring a few more meals." He looked out the window with lingering fear, and outside the window, the road downstairs was already surrounded by water, and some medical staff came to check it soon. The boy was carried on a stretcher and pushed in, but there was probably no hope. When he fell off, his head was split open. After the stretcher was carried away, yellowish brains and dark red blood were left on the ground.The security guards of the hospital surrounded the three floors and the three floors outside the scene, and the onlookers were blocked outside the circle. Soon, sirens sounded, and a white police car struggled to squeeze into the hospital among the crowd. After stopping, , three policemen and a young man in a white coat came down.

Song Weiwei also stood up, "Zhou Liang is here. There is also a member of the Spiritual Investigation Department, that is Liu Yang," Song Weiwei pointed to a young man with a gentle back and introduced, "His spiritual power is quite outstanding, and he could almost become a curse division."

Li Fanggu squinted his eyes and looked carefully, but unfortunately he was too far away to see clearly. The person in the white coat should be the forensic doctor Zhou Liang. He had heard this name several times. It was strange. It seemed familiar.

"Zhou Liang, also surnamed Zhou." He muttered to himself.

Song Weiwei raised his eyebrows with a smile, "What's wrong with Zhou?"

Li Fanggu grinned, "No, I have recognized two cheap uncles in the past two days, both surnamed Zhou, one is Zhou Yu, and the other is Zhou Qi."

Song Weiwei remained silent, and then asked tentatively, "That Zhou Qi, could it be that he is blind and always has a pair of beautiful eyes, a young man with a Labrador?"

Li Fanggu looked at her with admiration, "Sister, you are really amazing, how do you know?"

Song Weiwei was dumbfounded, "Little brother, congratulations, you will have a third cheap uncle soon."


"This Zhou Liang is the younger brother of your two cheap uncles. He is only 20 years old this year."

Li Fanggu looked at the sky with tears in his eyes, where did Zhou Liang kill this monster?Hasn't the country practiced family planning for many years?Where did their family get the third child?

Song Wei smiled and said, "Both Zhou Liang and Zhou Qi are special consultants of the Spiritual Investigation Department. When there are difficult cases, I will ask them for help. Although they are not affiliated with the Spiritual Investigation Department, their words are very useful there." Weight. And these two people have a great influence in the entire Underworld Curse Masters Association. I'm really curious how they became your uncle." Then I thought of what the general said, Xiaogu is the blood of the Ji family, and seemed to understand a little bit .

Li Fanggu nodded, so that's the case, he knew that his two uncles were not simple, "Are they two also curse masters?"

Song slightly frowned, "I don't know, I haven't seen Zhou Yu make a move, but I know Zhou Qi is very powerful, and his eyes are very evil. Although he is blind, his eyes can sometimes detect our inadequacy. What I know, the big dog next to him is also very powerful, it can swallow evil spirits alive."

Li Fanggu continued, "I've seen my cheap second uncle before, he's not human at all."

Song Weiwei said, "It is said that Zhou Yu is stronger than Zhou Qi. It's just that shadow curse masters are very afraid of these two people. Generally, few shadow curse masters have the courage to come to Haizhou to make trouble. Last time, I, Ah Cheng and Ling Duanyang was also besieged outside the boundaries of Haizhou."

When Li Fanggu heard her mention Ling Duanyang, his eyebrows twitched, "Sister, I only know that Ling Duanyang is your master, but I haven't seen it before." When he said this, he was very guilty, "What kind of person is he? "

Song Weiwei's face froze, then his eyes moved, and he smiled, "Ling Duanyang, he is very strong."

Li Fanggu thought to himself, he is really strong, he has seen this before.

"He's still a real jerk."

Li Fanggu was surprised, "Huh? Sis, I always thought you liked him."

Song Wei smiled, "Is it so obvious?"

Li Fanggu said awkwardly, "Yeah, I've noticed that when his name is mentioned, your expression is different."

Song Wei smiled bitterly, "Yes, but, sometimes, even though you know that person is a bastard, you still like him, what can you do?"

Li Fanggu rolled his eyes, "Sister, don't be sad." He didn't understand why Ling Duanyang was still alive, and he was not allowed to tell Song Weiwei, looking at him underground, he didn't seem to be ruthless to Song Weiwei.

"By the way, little brother," Song Weiwei wiped off the watch on his hand, "This is the magic weapon of the kid from the Duan family. If you find time to see him next time, return this to him for me. He often goes to the grave alone. This But his life-saving thing. When you see him, you say thank you to him for me."

Li Fanggu hurriedly took it and hung it on his wrist, hey, he was worried that he couldn't find an excuse to get close to the boy of the Duan family, Song Weiwei came just right.

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