The strongest magician

Chapter 30 Confession

After sending Zhou Yu away, Li Fanggu held the stack of documents in a daze. He had heard of the Spiritual Detective Department. His first teacher Yan Jinghe mentioned before that the Spiritual Detective Department was specially created by the police station to deal with In the department of supernatural events, what did Zhou Yu ask him to report to the department of spiritual investigation?

Li Sicheng looked at him, coughed, and then sat down, "Xiaogu, Dad has something to tell you."

Li Fanggu sat down obediently, his father's eyes were bloodshot, this was his first mission, his father must be very worried.He looked at Li Sicheng guiltily. His father was only fifty this year, but he already had a lot of gray hair on his head.His son had never made him feel at ease, and he suddenly felt very guilty.

"Dad, what's the matter, the expression is so serious all of a sudden." Li Fanggu tilted his butt uncomfortably, feeling a little restless seeing Li Sicheng's serious expression.

Li Sicheng was silent for a while, then opened his mouth, "Actually, your mother didn't die in childbirth."

Li Fanggu was silent, and then said with a smile, "Dad, actually Uncle Zi told me earlier, I know. My mother died when she was on a mission, and I was born prematurely because of that."

Li Sicheng stared at him in surprise, "You already knew?"

Li Fanggu smiled, "I know. I asked Uncle Jiang. I also know that you and Aunt Yuehua were married at home. You only met her after my mother broke up with you. Later, you were afraid of my reputation. It's not going well, my mother is dead, you still hold her urn to marry her, and even found a relationship to register, making Aunt Yuehua and you a second marriage. You have been scruples about my thoughts these years I have never said it clearly, and I have caused Aunt Yuehua to suffer a lot. I have long wanted to say sorry to her, but I was afraid that she would be unhappy. Or, tonight, I will start calling her mother instead?"

Li Sicheng had mixed feelings in his heart, "Forget it, I'll tell her next time, your Aunt Yuehua is a generous woman, but sometimes it's inevitable that she neglects you, so don't blame her."

Li Fanggu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "I know, Dad, she is very good to me, and it's too late for me to thank her." Like his own, but never broken, what right does he have to complain?In fact, he has always been sorry for their mother and daughter, and he can never compensate them too much.

Li Sicheng looked at him, "Actually, it's not their fault that your uncle doesn't associate with us. I forcibly broke up with them."

Li Fanggu didn't speak, waiting for him to continue to explain.

"Your mother died because of this profession. I have always disliked you as a curse master." Li Sicheng said slowly.

Li Fanggu lowered his head, and then called out a little guilty, "Dad, I'm sorry."

Li Sicheng continued, "At that time, your mother ran away from home. After your mother died, she had no relatives over there. He took the initiative to come to my door. He was only in his teens at the time. How could I trust him, but your uncle also made an agreement with me. If you will only be an ordinary person in the future, then he will definitely not take the initiative to show up. If you follow Your mother, if you become a curse master, then he will come here again. According to the agreement at the time, after he heard that you had become a curse master, he came to your door."

Li Sicheng calmed down his emotions, "Xiaogu, you insist on becoming a curse master, Dad understands you. Your uncle is not an ordinary person. Since you have already gone this way, you will get closer to this uncle from now on. Need help You go to him. Dad just hopes that you can take care of yourself outside. Dad is only a son like you, and you still have to come back to take over my class. Dad’s company is so big, and I hope you will step down in the future. Don't worry about making a living."

Li Fanggu's eyes became hot, and tears almost fell down. He blinked quickly, and then bit his cheek, "Dad, the company should not rely on me."

Li Sicheng looked at him, "Dad knows that your profession is dangerous, but I hope you can take good care of yourself and come back well. This time, I heard that you were all seriously injured," he paused, Said in a very heavy tone, "Dad is very worried."

Li Fanggu felt even more guilty, "Dad, I will take good care of myself. But, Dad, I have thought about this company, I really can't take over."

Li Sicheng looked at him, "Why? Do you want Dad to be tired all the time?"

Li Fanggu waved his hand, "No, Dad. Me," he said ruthlessly, "Dad, I like men, I can't find a woman to have children, and I can't have a grandson for you."

Li Sicheng's eyes widened, and then he began to pant heavily, "What? Say it again!"

Li Fanggu shrank his head, still stiffened his neck and said, "Dad, I like men, and I have a sweetheart. His surname is Duan. If you can accept him, I will bring him back to show you someday. Dad, put down that A paperweight, that's Hetian jade! Don't, put down that vase, it's from the Qing Dynasty! Dad, don't move the chair, it's too heavy!" Li Fanggu got up in a hurry to stop Li Sicheng from looking for something to beat him.

He glanced at it, and there was a sword for suppressing evil on the bookshelf in the study, and he took it frantically, "Dad, why don't you use this scabbard to whip me hard. You can calm down when the whip is fast. "

Li Sicheng's face was purple with anger, he took the sword unceremoniously, and drew it on his back with the scabbard, "You bastard, you are so mad at me. You didn't like going to school when you were young, so I'll let you wait. When you grow up, you spend money to find connections to give you the best high school. If you insist on becoming this curse master, I can’t beat you, so I’m up to you. Tell me now that you like men? Can you do something? Give me some peace of mind? Huh? Your dad and I are over 50 this year, and have one foot into the coffin, so you insist on torturing me like this!"

Li Sicheng was also in a hurry, he couldn't control the strength in his hands, and these few blows hit Li Fanggu firmly on the back.Li Fanggu's heart ached so badly, he was also beaten hard in the heart to protect Duan Jinming before, but no problem was found in the hospital, but there was a huge bruise on his back.Now Li Sicheng smoked there all the time, the pain was so painful that he almost gasped.

But thinking that his father was really angry, he gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Li Sicheng didn't bicker with him as meanly as before, knowing that he was serious this time, his body was exhausted and he couldn't get angry.

His son, he understands that there are often things with a playful smile, and it is impossible to tell whether it is true or false, but as long as he is really determined to do something, dozens of horses will pull him together and he will not turn back.

Li Sicheng looked at him with his head down, lost his mind all of a sudden, and as soon as his anger went away, his whole body relaxed and he collapsed on the chair.

Li Fanggu secretly looked up at his face, "Dad, don't be angry, your body is important." He knelt on the ground and crawled to Li Sicheng's feet.

"Dad, look, it's nothing. You still have a daughter. Fangquan has grown up too. She is smarter, more beautiful, and more capable than me. She takes over your class much better than me. .”

Li Sicheng looked at him, and Li Fanggu continued to talk, "Dad, look, your son's disease is incurable, and I can't get hard when I see a woman." Seeing Li Sicheng's ugly face, he sneered With a smile, "Look, the country now says that men and women are equal, women hold up half the sky, and grandchildren are also grandchildren. Our family is so rich, and Fangquan will find someone to marry in the future. A grandson will also have your surname, so you also have a successor." You see, I was born stupider than others, and I can’t study well. When I was in school, the teacher called my parents every day. Every time you went there, the teacher scolded you like a grandson. I'm going to lose. I haven't done anything well in my life, and even I begged Uncle Zi to help me cheat me to pass the level of this curse master. You probably have to worry more about entrusting a company as big as yours to me. "

Li Sicheng felt weak all over. Seeing that his mouth kept moving and his ears were buzzing, he waved his hands irritably, "I won't talk today. Since you are injured, go back and have a good rest. I'll tell Mama Zhang to make more delicious food." of."

Li Fanggu hugged his thigh, "Dad, I'm serious. I really like men. I like that man's name is Duan Jinming. I will definitely bring him back to show you another day. I'm not joking."

Li Sicheng was furious again, kicked him away, "Get lost."

Li Fanggu's eyes darkened, and he wanted to hug his father's thigh in a mean way and not let go, but he was kicked by Li Sicheng and turned over, knocked his forehead on Li Sicheng's desk, and made a loud noise , suddenly his face was covered in blood.

Li Sicheng was taken aback, he didn't expect Li Fanggu to be kicked over by him.He quickly went up to help him up, but it turned out that Li Fanggu had passed out.

Li Sicheng panicked, "Come here, come here quickly." After calling twice, the general rushed in, "What's the matter, boss?"

Li Sicheng looked flustered, "Call 120, no, you go drive and take him to the hospital."

The general touched his breath and breathed a sigh of relief, this unlucky boy, just after he was discharged from the hospital, he was about to go in again.

Therefore, when Li Fanggu woke up again, he was back in the hospital.There is a big bag on the head, and gauze is wrapped around the head, just like an Indian third.

Li Fanggu hummed, "Uncle, do you think the hospital wants to keep me? Why did I come in again?"

The general was helpless, "Why did you provoke your father like that? He broke his heart for you, can't you calm down first?"

Li Fanggu smiled wryly, "Uncle, it's not that you don't understand. Without me, their family of three would not be bothered at all. I'm in that house, and it's the most annoying thing. My dad keeps talking about letting me take over his business." Company, I have been very stupid since I was a child, let alone not having that ability. Even if I have that ability, it would be unfair to Fangquan if I really went on with a thick face."

The general shook his head, "It's up to you. I just sent you for an examination, and you have a slight concussion. You will be hospitalized for observation for a few days."

Li Fanggu smiled, "Fortunately, it's just that the bun on this hair is too ugly. But my cheap uncle wants me to report to the Spirit Detective Department tomorrow, what should I do?"

A gentle voice sounded from outside the door, "Since you are injured, you should take a good rest, don't worry about that day or two."

A frail-looking young man appeared at the door, with a handsome face, gentle and affectionate eyes, and a Labrador at his feet.

Li Fanggu recognized it, this is the person who pulled him out last time, Zhou Qi.

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