The strongest magician

Chapter 28 Dinner

The Zhou family’s villa located in the eastern suburbs of the urban area was brightly lit, and four men sat neatly beside the circular dining table. He also thoughtfully put them on for them, and then sat down by himself.

Ling Duanyang looked at the dishes in front of him and admired, "Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu, I didn't expect your company to run well and your cooking skills are getting better and better."

With a calm face, Zhou Yu put on soup for Zhou Qi and Zhou Liang.

The dishes on the table are very rich, stir-fried kidney, sweet and sour lotus root slices, fried okra, fried river shrimp, stewed pork ribs with medicine, shiitake mushrooms, and a borscht. Looking at it, I moved my index finger.And all of these came from Zhou Yu's hands.

As the boss of Hailian Advertising Company, the largest advertising company in Haizhou, Zhou Yu's hobby is cooking, and he only cooks for his two younger brothers.Ling Duanyang and them are old acquaintances, and Zhou Qi's honor is to be able to eat Zhou Yu's meal.

Zhou Yu's cold face, which seemed like the most perfect statue, only showed a little warmth when facing his younger brother.

The four men sat and ate together, there was no hustle and bustle, no eagerness, only silence.After eating, Zhou Yu piled the bowls and chopsticks into the sink for the nanny to clean up in the morning, and went to prepare Zhou Liang's clothes for the next day.

Ling Duanyang sat with Zhou Qi, watching his back silently.

"Zhou Yu is really virtuous, and you are lucky to have such a good brother." Ling Duanyang said with a smile.

Zhou Qi lowered her eyes, "Xiao Liang is Brother Yu's spiritual pillar now. Ever since Brother Yu lost Brother Ji, he has lived like a walking dead. If it wasn't for Xiao Liang, he would have chosen to give up his life a long time ago."

Ling Duanyang's eyes were complicated, "Has Zhou Yu ever doubted Zhou Liang now?"

Zhou Qi moved her lips, and said bitterly, "Brother Yu believes in me very much, he has never doubted me. I told him that Xiao Liang is the eldest brother, and he really thought he was. So in order to reincarnate Xiao Liang, he I made an unfair contract with the King of Hades, leaving almost all of my power in the underworld." If one day Zhou Yu knew the truth, what would he do to him?He didn't even dare to think about it.

Ling Duanyang said brightly, "Of course the King of Hades can't allow people to reincarnate with memories. If everyone is like this, wouldn't the world be in chaos. Zhou Yu should pay a price."

The three brothers of the Zhou family are indeed not ordinary people.Every time these three brothers are mentioned, their mother Dong Hui always sheds tears of bitterness.

Zhou Yu's father, Zhou Xiang, is the vice-principal of the orphanage. His family background is not considered to be superior, but it is not bad. He is the only child in the family, and his wife Dong Hui is also the only child in the family. One son Zhou Yu.

When Zhou Yu was born, Dong Hui was so happy. This son was very good-looking, and he showed extremely high intelligence early on, but this child looked different from ordinary people. This child never smiled.The couple also suspected that there was something wrong, but they had checked in the hospital many times, and the doctor said that everything was normal, maybe it was just a natural melancholy personality.

Because both of them are only children, they comply with the national second-child policy, and their family background is not bad, so they have a second son, Zhou Qi.

When Zhou Qi was born, the two families were very happy. Both were sons. At that time, they were blessed families, but soon they received a bolt from the blue. This youngest son is well-behaved, but his eyes are not right After hesitation, the couple took him to the hospital for an examination, but the doctor said that the child was born blind.

The two of them were dumbfounded at the time, how could it be possible, the son's eyes are so beautiful, how could he be blind?It's just that I have been to one hospital after another, including Beijing and Shanghai, and finally came to the conclusion that I was born blind, and there is no hope of cure at all.

The husband and wife almost wanted to cry but had no tears.But the son was born, even if he was not perfect, he couldn't give up, so he didn't think about anything else, and devoted himself to raising the two sons.

But something that surprised them happened. Zhou Yu showed great love and patience to this younger brother who was born blind. As long as it was related to his younger brother, he would definitely do it himself. Sometimes he was so considerate that even the two of them doubted Is the son a human or a monster? After all, Zhou Yu is only two years older than Zhou Qi.Sometimes Dong Hui suspected that his eldest son was not human.To use a popular saying nowadays, it may have come from time travel.After having Zhou Qi, Zhou Yu's exquisite face would occasionally show a smile.

When Zhou Yu was eight years old, Zhou Yu was rare to be considerate to her mother, and later expressed bluntly that he hoped that she could have another one.

Although Dong Hui was surprised, she didn't resist Zhou Yu's persuasion. After all, the reason Zhou Yu gave was too attractive. Although the two sons were outstanding in appearance, they didn't look like normal people. Maybe there would be another one. , gave birth to a normal son, or gave birth to a loving daughter, so they asked for connections everywhere, and after repeatedly confirming that there was no problem, they gave birth to a third son, Zhou Liang.

This time, the husband and wife couldn't cry anymore. Zhou Liang was born with a unique and handsome appearance. Zhou Yu also showed extreme love for this younger brother. Even Zhou Qi loved this younger brother very much. However, The husband and wife soon realized that something was wrong. The child Zhou Liang ignored others and was always immersed in his own world.This time, the husband and wife began to travel to various hospitals again. After the doctor diagnosed, Zhou Liang was an autistic patient.

The husband and wife were smashed and bored on the spot, how could it be?

What evil did the two of them do?

Zhou Yu said lightly, "Mom and Dad, don't worry, I'm here."

Zhou Xiang and Dong Hui looked at the eldest son suspiciously. The eldest son was only ten years old, but he looked like an adult who had lived for so many years, and his focus on the two younger brothers surprised them especially, as if In this world, apart from his two younger brothers, there is nothing that can move him.

After that, Zhou Yu graduated from university at a young age, and then founded the Hailian advertising company, and soon established a career in Haizhou. In his busy schedule, he did not leave behind the education of his two younger brothers. Since childhood, Zhou Qi and Zhou Liang Whether it's reading or writing or anything else, he basically taught them by himself.

Zhou Xiang and Dong Hui sometimes felt that maybe God had played a big joke on them. Facing Zhou Yu, although they wanted to love him from the bottom of their hearts, they were always separated from him, and in the end only In awe.

Now that these years have passed, the two also want to open up. After the two retired the year before last, they left everything behind. The husband and wife went to play around the world, and Zhou Yu took his two younger brothers by his side to take care of their daily life.

Speaking of Zhou Yu's real identity, it dates back to the early Tang Dynasty more than 1000 years ago. At that time, Zhou Yu was not called Zhou Yu, but Fang Yanyu, and Zhou Qi was not Zhou Qi, but Fang Yanqi. At that time, he was also a brother.

At that time, the Fang family was the house of feeding ghosts, because the ancestors of the Fang family, the alchemists, deceived half of the immortal essence of the heavenly beings, and got the advice of an expert at that time, and practiced the body of immortals and demons that could not be hurt or destroyed. , in a delusion to stir up chaos in the world, the heaven and man deceived by him joined forces with Youqie, the ghost king in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave at that time, cut off half of the soul of the warrior admonishment, severely injured him, and suppressed him with the inhuman method of human pillar.

And the half soul of Fang Shijian who was beheaded was reincarnated in the Fang family, that is, Fang Yanyu, and grew up. He also practiced the Kunlun Xuanyu Jue in the heaven. With the help of Jiang Qiongyu, the alchemist Jian was finally eliminated, but the tired ghost king Youqie was buried with him.

Fang Yanyu cultivated into a half-immortal body, and together with Ling Duanyang in the human world, they searched hard for the mysterious mother clan of the alchemist remonstrance, and 500 years ago, they finally found the news of the alchemist remonstrance's mother clan, that mysterious and ancient family Claiming to be the Xiao family, all members have the surname Xiao, and the Xiao family has been the driving force behind the change of the imperial power in the Central Plains for thousands of years. In order to keep the family blood pure, the Xiao family only allows intermarriage within the family, and the bloodline is extremely strict.Afterwards, the Xiao Clan finally found out that their blood was falling apart, and sent a large number of people to destroy the Fang Clan.After the brutal struggle, with the help of Fang Yanyu and the others, the Fang family changed their names and surnames, and escaped a catastrophe. Qiongyu teamed up with Wu Zun from the demon world to open up a new world and lead other people with supernatural powers to go to the world. The new world escaped the Xiao family's persecution, and also took away the aura of heaven and earth that originally filled this world and could help people cultivate immortality.However, Fang Yanyu lost her lover Ji Weirong in that battle.In order to find Ji Weirong's whereabouts, Fang Yanyu went to the underworld alone, but she couldn't find her lover's soul anywhere.Frustrated, he wanted to dissipate his immortal essence and re-enter reincarnation.

And his younger brother, Fang Yanqi, who is the eye of the sky, couldn't bear his second brother's death, and told a lie with Ling Duanyang, saying that he had found a remnant soul of the dead Youqie.Fang Yanyu respected Youqi the most, and when she learned that his elder brother could return to the human world, she finally cheered up and made an unfair contract with the King of Hades to work for the underworld for hundreds of years, so that the remnant soul could be reincarnated.And Fang Yanqi also followed his elder brother and returned to the world together.

And the remnant soul after reincarnation is today's Zhou Liang.Zhou Liang was identified as an autistic patient after his reincarnation because of his incomplete soul. However, under Zhou Yu's careful upbringing, he now looks not much different from ordinary people, only showing some weirdness in some subtle links.

The intractability of autism is well known in the world, and as an autistic patient, Zhou Liang can become the royal forensic doctor of the Haizhou Police Station as he is today. I have worked so hard on me.

If Zhou Yu were to know that Zhou Liang was not the reincarnation of his beloved elder brother at all, I don't know what kind of blow he would suffer.

Zhou Qi sighed bitterly, "Brother Yu has never given up looking for Brother Ji all these years." Although he and Zhou Liang are by his side to support him, Zhou Yu has never really lived happily.Zhou Qi also doubted whether it was right to do this with Ling Duanyang.However, things have come to this point, and he is already in trouble.

If Brother Yu knew that he had lied to him, how sad would he be?

Ling Duanyang smiled, "I've been looking for Youqie too. Last time I vaguely felt Youqie's breath. I always felt that Youqie had been reincarnated. Anyway, I'm a dead person now, so I'm fine. I can help you a lot." Just look for it."

Zhou Qi nodded.

Volume Two

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