Li Fanggu closed his eyes in distress, "Big Ice, can you sleep for a while now? I'm so tired."

Jin Zhicheng turned his head, "No, I can't wake up after falling asleep."

Li Fanggu looked at his upright body, didn't this person also get seriously injured just now?Why can you still stand so straight?

Li Fanggu helped the general to stand up, "Understood, what should I do in front, can you go over? Can you find the exit?"

Jin Zhicheng shook his head. In fact, he didn't know what to do now. They were the survivors of the catastrophe just now. The result was that Song Weiwei was seriously injured and had no combat power. Except for Fusu, almost all of them were sick and disabled. At this time, just come again. Unexpectedly, they are all finished.

It's just that they can't stop, and they still have the possibility to go out with a sigh of relief. If they stop at this time, they may never want to get up again.Moreover, he always felt that something seemed to come out of that huge coffin.He doesn't care about what's in the box anymore, all he thinks about is taking the people behind him out alive.

Nothing is more important than being alive.

After losing his partner for several years, he realized this more deeply.If Ling Duanyang is still here...

He closed his eyes and opened them again, "Ling Lan, look ahead."

Ling Lan pursed her lips, "Master, there is still that terrifying shadow ahead."

Jin Zhicheng looked at her coldly, making her hair stand on end.

Lily of the valley curled her lips and floated forward.

Several people stood up and walked behind Jin Zhicheng. Jin Zhicheng held Song Weiwei firmly in his arms, as if he had no strength to let him let go of her.

Jin Zhicheng said, "Go forward, there is nothing ahead."

Hearing what he said, everyone followed him forward unanimously.Sure enough, the front became very empty, except for the fragments of corpses all over the ground and the crossbow arrows stuck on the ground, there was nothing. Soon, they came to the bottom of the steps and looked up to see the huge coffin.

When they got closer, they could see clearly that the coffin was really too big. If it was really a coffin, what exactly was it inside?

Li Fanggu murmured, "Could it be that there is another passage below?" Now he suddenly had an illusion, the scene in front of him was really like that Russian matryoshka, opening one and another, opening one, and then another, and then repeated several times , the last one to open, is finally solid.It's the same situation with them now, going in one door, then another door, and then going all the way in, ironically, what they are looking for now is the exit.

Will the exit be down there?

At this time, he turned his eyes and saw the shadow of that hateful man's face.That thing was wandering on the wall like a snake, looking at them strangely.It was this thing that caused them to almost die just now. Song Weiwei is now thanks to him. For the first time, Li Fanggu felt a hatred for something. Now, he hates this thing in front of him very much. If he has a gun in his hand , he must have shot this thing with a bang.

The shadow seemed to be watching, as if he was waiting for something.

Li Fanggu resented, "Big ice, can you kill that thing?"

Jin Zhicheng's eyes moved, and Ai'ai had already rushed over, but the speed of that thing was too fast, he was swimming on the wall and the roof at high speed, Ai'ai's speed couldn't keep up with him at all.

Li Fanggu cursed, "Damn it!" The enemy was clearly within reach, but they couldn't do anything about it.

Ahua said weakly, "Don't think about it, Ling Duanyang was so strong at that time, he died under the hands of these things."

Li Fanggu was taken aback, this was the second time he heard this name, and he was also very curious, how did this so-called strongest curse master die, could it have something to do with these things?

Song Weiwei interfaced weakly, "It was different at that time. At that time, we were also besieged, but not by zombies, but by hundreds of shadow spell masters. If Ling Duanyang hadn't sent us out desperately, Jin Zhicheng and I would not be here now .”

This was the first time Li Fanggu heard them mention their past, and he couldn't help but froze.Besieged by hundreds of shadow spell masters.In the tunnel before, there were only three shadow spell masters besieging them, and they were already struggling, but Ling Duanyang dealt with hundreds of them, how tough is that?But when he thought of the five crazy monks in Song Weiwei's body, he didn't think it was strange again.

Song slightly lowered her eyes, "Although Ling Duanyang is dead, these Shadow Curse Masters are also seriously injured. Hundreds of them were lost in the First World War. Hmph, it's really worth it." Pale.

Jin Zhicheng lifted her body a little higher, trying not to touch her wound, so that she could be a little more comfortable.

Elder Wei looked at the steps in front of him, "What should we do, shall we go up now?"

Jin Zhicheng also hesitated, come on?Maybe it's a dead end.If not, maybe there is no way to go.He twitched the corner of his mouth, "Go."

This time, Fusu took the lead, because among this group of people, he was the only one who still had a little fighting power.

When they stepped onto the first step, nothing happened, and everyone sighed.

The second layer, still nothing.

All the way to the fifth floor, the ground seemed to tremble a bit.Jin Zhicheng felt a little desperate.Can they survive the difficulties in the future?

Jin Zhicheng gritted his teeth, "Go back."

Everyone obeyed his order and retreated down the stairs.When they looked up at the front, they clearly saw that the huge coffin was really moving, trembling like a heartbeat.

Jin Zhicheng said coldly, "Something is coming out." He led everyone back to a pillar, leaned over and put Song Weiwei on the ground, letting her sit leaning against the pillar.

Song smiled weakly, "Jin Zhicheng, it seems that the borrowed life is not long after all. We have been partners for several years, and we still have to die together."

Jin Zhicheng glanced at her indifferently, and stood up straight. The white gauze under his ribs was bright red. Yes, everyone almost forgot that he was also seriously injured, but this leader is still standing upright. Nothing seemed to bring him down.

Li Fanggu looked at his back, is this the legendary charisma?At this moment, he suddenly thought that he wanted to follow him no matter what, wanted to fight side by side with him, and wanted to be his partner for the rest of his life.

Duan Jinming squatted down, took off the watch on his wrist, and brought it to Song Weiwei's wrist.Song Weiwei looked at him in surprise.

Duan Jinming turned his face away, "You are a girl, you should be loved."

Li Fanggu felt a little pissed, although he was very happy that this white butt was nice to Song Weiwei, but don't fall in love with her, he still wants to chase her.

Song Weiwei narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You are such a good boy, thank you." She wanted to refuse, but Duan Jinming forcibly held her down, "Don't refuse me. I also have a sister, and she is much older than me. In the future, if you can Go out and tell her when you see her that I was wrong and ask her to forgive me."

Song Weiwei looked at him pityingly, "Perhaps she hopes you can tell her personally."

Duan Jinming turned his face away, stopped talking, and stood behind Jin Zhicheng.

Li Fanggu thought for a while, is this explaining his last words?Should he explain something?He just thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't think of who to leave a message to. He scratched his head, "What's all this for? Who said we would definitely die?"

But this sentence, no one answered him, because the huge coffin was opened, and the heavy coffin lid was lifted from the inside, then tilted to one side, and fell to the ground, and a huge monster stood there. stand up.

Everyone's eyes widened.

It was a monster with a human face and a horse body. Its upper body was a human body, with human facial features, and two snake-shaped earrings hung on its ears. It also had human arms, which looked extremely strong. He also held a bronze spear in one hand, and its lower body was a strong horse with four legs that looked strong and powerful. It just jumped lightly in the coffin and came to the platform outside the coffin superior.It stands about five meters high, standing on the steps of nearly [-] floors, and everyone can only look up at it with eyes of awe.

At this time, everyone understood why monsters with human faces and horse bodies were engraved on the bronze doors before.Because, this is the grave of this monster!

Old Wei looked at it in shock, and then muttered to himself in an unbelievable tone, "I remembered, I finally remembered, I thought this thing was just a myth, and it couldn't really exist. Unexpectedly, it It turned out to be true."

Li Fanggu frowned, "Old Wei, what is this?"

Mr. Wei shook his head, "This is Shebishi, a god recorded in the Shanhaijing, the Shebishi God. I used to read Shanhaijing as a miscellaneous book, so I didn't really investigate it. I just read other people's research. , Said that the location of Shebishi should be in Ganyu, but I didn’t expect it to actually exist, and it’s here.”

Li Fanggu shook his head. At this time, Wei Lao still had a mind to popularize science, because the Shebi corpse had opened two blood-red eyes like copper bells, looked towards them, and then.The two earrings on its ears actually moved, and in an instant, the two snake-shaped earrings exploded, turning into two blood-red snakes and attacking everyone.

The two blood-red snakes had already grown huge in the air, and when they reached them, they were already as thick as a bucket. Judging by the force of the collision, if they were hit, their skin would be torn apart, and their bones might be broken.

Everyone was stunned and wanted to dodge, but they saw Jin Zhicheng not only did not dodge, but rushed forward instead.

Li Fanggu saw it clearly this time. Jin Zhicheng had a ferocious expression on his face. It seemed that with the change of expression, his strength also skyrocketed. He grabbed one of them and brought the snake into another violently. On the body of the snake, the other snake's body was knocked crooked, and its direction changed suddenly, smashing a pillar in front of them to pieces.

Jin Zhicheng also felt uncomfortable, his body was thrown out by the giant snake, rolled several times on the ground, hit another stone pillar with his body, and let out a muffled groan.

Li Fanggu was surprised, why didn't he hide?Immediately he understood that he couldn't hide, if he did, Song Weiwei on the ground would definitely not survive.

But at this time, Shebi Zombie on the steps leaped with all four hooves, jumped down the steps, and his heavy body fell on the ground, making a dull sound.Everyone felt their bodies tremble, and then watched helplessly as the spear in Shebishi's hand swept towards them.

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