"Okay, got it, we're on our way." Wang Tonghai hung up the phone and looked at Li Fanggu who was driving beside him.

On a hot day in August, Li Fanggu was wearing a long-sleeved thin sweater, with a section of azure rope protruding from his neck, and a piece of blood jade Guanyin looming under the collar of the sweater.

Wang Tonghai looked at his face carefully. Their new partner's face looked much better during the day than last night. When they saw it for the first time that night, they thought Wei Zhaoguo had brought a ghost over.

Even so, Li Fanggu's face was still very pale, his lips were light in color, his body looked thin, and he looked like a sick child.

Wang Tonghai's face darkened, what does Wei Zhaoguo mean?In the past, I managed to get a second-level curse master like them to join them. After being bullied by them for a few times in a row, did I just get a first-level sick person to send them away?

A first-level curse master, who still looks like such a weak character, don't blame them for being cruel, he deserves his lack of wink, bad luck!

Jiang Ruixue was sitting in the back seat having fun, occasionally looking up from her mobile phone, looking at the two silent people in the front seat, she twitched her lips disdainfully, she understood what Wang Tonghai was thinking.The same is true for her, in her heart, no one can compare to the dead Fan Pingxuan.

Moreover, this new partner drives a Mercedes-Benz. Although it is not very expensive, it looks like the kind of owner who is not short of money.Jiang Ruixue's family background is very good, but she hates those sons who were born with golden spoons in their mouths, and thinks that many of them are spoiled by their families. This Li Fanggu should be the same, otherwise why would he be 26 years old and just a child? class?

Either too stupid or too lazy!

Li Fanggu had no idea what the two new partners were thinking. He smiled and asked, "Do you know the specifics?"

"Go to Lizhuang at the foot of Yuntai Mountain. The news from the association just said that there are traces of monster activities there. Let's take a look." Wang Tonghai said coldly, while lowering his head to wipe the magic weapon in his hand.

Li Fanggu glanced at it out of the corner of his eye. He had seen this magic weapon before. Zhou Liang started to study the magic weapon when he was free, and gained a lot of insight with him.

What Wang Tonghai held in his hand was a small silver metal stick, which looked like chopsticks at first glance. Li Fanggu knew that this small stick was very useful. It could be said to be the legendary golden cudgel.The size and shape can be changed at will, which is similar to Jin Zhicheng's black bone fan.

"Liuhuo hairpin?" He asked with a chuckle.

Wang Tonghai was slightly surprised. This newcomer has such a good eye, he actually called out the name of the magic weapon in his hand in one gulp.Wang Tonghai also came from a family, although not as prominent as the previous five great families, but he has his own power in the area of ​​Tancheng, and he has a lot of background.

This "Liuhuo hairpin" was obtained from the Hua family through his father's help. He is usually very precious, but he did not expect Li Fanggu to have such insight.

"It seems that it should be from Hua Jingnong's hand." Li Fanggu turned the steering wheel to the left and turned onto Hong Kong City Avenue. "The aura on it seems to be quite sufficient. It should be done by Hua Jingnong in the past few years. Look at the surface of the device This is a high-quality product, not something that Hua Jingnong usually practiced."

Jiang Ruixue in the back seat also raised her head in surprise, this newcomer seems to have a lot of research on magic weapons?

Li Fanggu smiled casually: "Hua Jingnong said before that although the 'Liuhuo Hairpin' is convenient to use, it is not good to replenish the aura at any time. But she also mentioned that if not in use, use the aura talisman If you seal it, you can solve this problem. Otherwise, it will keep absorbing the master's aura, and it will be too heavy a burden for the master. You are still at the second level, because the aura has to support it, it is too tight, and it drags yourself down, yes Bar?"

Wang Tonghai's eyes changed when he looked at him. Is this newcomer the type of Zhi Duo Xing?

"So what? Can you help?" He asked meanly.

"It's a small matter, of course. I'll draw you a few talismans later, one talisman is enough for you to last for a month." Li Fanggu narrowed his eyes and smiled, and his slightly ordinary facial features suddenly became charming and moving.

Wang Tonghai was taken aback for a moment, then sneered: "Wait until your cowhide explodes."

Li Fanggu smiled, hearing the repulsion in his tone.

I heard from Wei Lao that they have already bullied and left four follow-up partners?

It seems that their previous partner must be very good, which made them look down on anyone later.

He understands this feeling very well, after all, he has also experienced it.

According to the navigation, the car drove to the road next to Lizhuang. Li Fanggu found the roadside and stopped the car. The three got out of the car and walked towards the village.

Wang Tonghai took the lead and walked in front, holding a crystal chain hanging on his wrist. As the three of them advanced, the chain obviously shifted to the left.

"On the left?" Jiang Ruixue asked while holding a lace parasol.

Li Fanggu raised his head and stretched out his wrist to block the glare of the sun. Li Zhuang in front of him was sitting quietly at the foot of the mountain. From here, he could see the two- and three-story residential buildings extending all the way into the mountain nest.

It was almost noon, and the demonic energy was getting stronger and stronger. Judging from the situation, the power of this monster should not be weak.It must have been smuggled here.

Li Fanggu slowly took out a few spells from his pocket and clasped them in his palm. Although he only sensed part of the evil spirit here, it is always right to be ready at any time.

He touched the gun pinned to his waist, he was always busy writing reports with this, so he should use it sparingly.

The chain in Wang Tonghai's hand was tilted towards the mountain nest, and the corner of his mouth curled into a sneer: "It seems that he is hiding in the mountain, let's go into the mountain." He turned his head and looked at Li Fanggu with disdain, "You can climb the mountain? You don't need me to carry you, do you?" ?”

Li Fanggu said, "If you want, I don't mind."

Wang Tonghai's face was gloomy, he really climbed on the pole, couldn't he hear that he was mocking?

Jiang Ruixue sneered, and walked forward with an umbrella.

Wang Tonghai followed with a cold face, Li Fanggu touched his forehead, it was really two thorns.

The three of them headed towards the mountain along the somewhat mottled concrete road. The further they advanced, the more obvious the evil spirit became. Li Fanggu frowned. This evil spirit was too unusual!I don't know what the origin of this monster is.

Wang Tonghai's face became serious: "Rui Xue, be careful, this monster is not simple."

Jiang Ruixue nodded: "I'll go up to have a look, and be careful below." She stretched out her hand to turn the parasol, and her body began to rise lightly with the parasol, "Newcomers, don't hold back."

Li Fanggu looked at her figure floating towards the top of the mountain, and raised her eyebrows. This magic weapon is very useful and interesting.

Li Fanggu followed Wang Tonghai and continued to walk towards the mountain. Suddenly, Jiang Ruixue's whistle came from above, and a violent fluctuation came.

Wang Tonghai's face changed, and the fire hairpin in his hand quickly extended, and a long black gold stick appeared in his hand.

Li Fanggu was stunned, and saw his slightly feminine handsome face with a calm expression, the black gold stick in his hand behind his back, his posture was like a cheetah ready to go, the cinnabar mole on his forehead looked even more bright red, and he felt in his heart One praise, although not as strong as Jin Zhicheng, this appearance is really good.

A gust of wind violently overturned the trees in front of them, pressing towards the two of them.

Wang Tonghai snorted coldly: "You hide and go up, don't get in my way here!" With a wave of the Wujin stick in his hand, he bumped into the strong wind head-on.

Li Fanggu: "..." He finally understood how much he was disliked.

These two people... He couldn't hold his forehead.

With a loud bang, Wang Tonghai and the rushing Gang Feng collided head-on, and the huge force made him retreat rapidly, and he stood still after a dozen steps.

A circle of trees around the two fell in an arc shape, and a beast covered in blue-gray fur appeared. The beast looked very much like a wolf in the world, but it was several times bigger.

"What the hell is this?" Wang Tonghai clenched the Wujin stick tightly in his hand.

Li Fanggu frowned, that beast had a pair of light blue eyes, staring at them with a haughty and bloodthirsty light, what kind of species is this?

"Oh, it seems that you are the curse masters in the world." The beast said, "The aura is pretty good, just to heal my internal injuries."

Hearing him speak, Wang Tonghai was taken aback. This is a talking monster. It looks intelligent, so it might be hard to deal with.

Jiang Ruixue returned to the space above them, turned the parasol, slowly lowered her figure, and stood beside Wang Tonghai. With a wave of the parasol, the parasol in her hand became the shape of a mace.

"Let you all understand, this seat is Yinyue Canglang, the eighth title of the top ten generals in the demon world. If you can meet me, you will not die unjustly." After speaking, he moved quickly and rushed forward.

Li Fanggu was startled, because Fusu was the consultant of the "Lady Monster Association", and he also knew about the demon world.There are indeed ten generals in the demon world, but the one in front of him is definitely not under the command of the demon emperor.Looking at it like this, it looks like an aboriginal creature from the demon world.

The Demon Emperor once said that when they first entered the Demon Realm, they had fierce conflicts with the local aborigines and fought for hundreds of years.In the first 300 years, those aborigines did their own thing, and then finally realized that they could not suppress the power of the Demon Emperor and them, and finally united.The main force among them is composed of ten generals.

These ten generals are all extremely ferocious monsters, the most bloodthirsty.Seven of them fell during the crusade against the Demon Emperor, two were seriously injured, one was missing, and the missing one was said to be called "Silver Moon Wolf". It turned out that it escaped to the human world.

Li Fanggu narrowed his eyes, no good, although the power of this monster has been suppressed in the human world, Wang Tonghai and the others are obviously not its opponents.

The wolf rushed towards Wang Tonghai and Jiang Ruixue quickly. Wang Tonghai chanted a mantra, and the golden light on the Wujin stick was shining, filled with aura, and swept the army to meet him.

Jiang Ruixue looked petite, she used the mace in her hand flexibly, and her moves were ruthless. With one blow, she brought out the momentum of wind and clouds, and hammered down on the wolf.

From the sidelines, Li Fanggu could clearly see that the wolf was moving too fast. Although the two of them moved beautifully and cooperated coherently, they couldn't hit the wolf.

He took out the gun on his waist and pointed towards the possible escape route of the wolf.

Sure enough, the wolf's figure changed, and the moves of the two fell through.

Li Fanggu pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the bullet was shot out with a powerful force of Bao Yunjuan. The wolf let out a cry, and suddenly disappeared in the air.

Wang Tonghai and Jiang Ruixue were stunned. Li Fanggu listened to the wind to identify his position. He pointed his gun in the direction of ten o'clock ahead. He shot three times in a row. The wolf's figure appeared in the void, and he was forced to retreat ten meters away.

Wang Tonghai looked at him in surprise, clenched the Wujin stick tightly in his hand, and swung back to Tianye to sweep towards the wolf.

Li Fanggu's eyes were fixed on the wolf's figure, calculating the way it would dodge, and the gun barrel was already pointed there.

Sure enough, the wolf figure disappeared again and appeared at the location predicted by Li Fangu.

As soon as it appeared this time, Li Fangu's bullets hit its fur, two black flames rose up, the wolf let out a sore throat, and its figure disappeared.

Wang Tonghai and Jiang Ruixue felt uncomfortable, they missed twice in a row, but Li Fanggu, who looked sick, took the lead by relying on the gun.

A strange premonition came from Li Fanggu's mind, and he suddenly shouted: "Get down!"

Unfortunately, if Wang Tonghai and the others listened to him, something would be wrong.Sure enough, the two of them didn't react, they stood still and looked around, but they didn't expect the wolf to jump down from their heads. Before they could raise their heads, they heard the wind above their heads, and they rolled to the sides in embarrassment. The wolf's paw pressed on Wang Tonghai's back On the ground, just as the sharp claws were about to be pulled out, Li Fanggu shot several times in a row, forcing the wolf back.

Wang Tonghai and Jiang Ruixue got up with pale faces, and before they could stand still, the wolf appeared from their side again, waving its claws. At the critical moment, it was Li Fanggu who rescued the scene with a gun, and the two escaped in embarrassment.

too fast!The wolf's figure moved too fast, they couldn't keep up!Realizing this, cold sweat rolled down the foreheads of the two of them.

Canglang snorted coldly: "You are too in the way!" He moved quickly and rushed towards Li Fanggu.

Li Fanggu ran out of bullets and was about to change the magazine. When he saw it pounced, he made a decisive decision, put the gun behind his waist, and cast a spell: "Break!"

The wolf was only blocked for a second, and Li Fanggu ran up immediately, shouting to the two of them: "Quick, go to an open place." There are big trees here, if they are knocked down by the wolf, the few of them will die. Confining hands and feet affects performance.

But Wang Tonghai was furious: "Go to an open place, are you looking for death?" The wolf moved so fast, without obstacles blocking them, they couldn't last for a few seconds.

Li Fanggu didn't have time to explain, while rushing towards the two of them, making seals with both hands in the air, summoning West Wind.

In a blink of an eye, the wolf's figure had come behind him, biting his neck with its mouth full of fangs.

Wang Tonghai and Jiang Ruixue saw that Li Fangu was about to be bitten into two by the wolf, when suddenly a circle of light rose behind him, and a huge beast jumped out of the white light, stopped the wolf's figure, and fought with it.

Li Fanggu picked up Wang Tonghai and Jiang Ruixue who were in a daze, and ran towards the open space on the side of the mountain as if desperately, shouting: "Xifeng, drag it down!"

Canglang and Xifeng fought in the air, the trees under their feet fell into one piece, the rocks cracked, and the surrounding scene suddenly became like an explosion scene.

Wang Tonghai and Jiang Ruixue looked back and were shocked when they saw the tragic situation. Fortunately, they left the battle circle earlier, otherwise they would definitely be affected there.

I saw a wolf and a tiger fighting vertically and horizontally in the forest, with sand and rocks flying under their feet, and there was a vague tendency of heaven and earth falling apart.

West Wind was mighty and ferocious, and the wolf was extremely fast. West Wind couldn't keep up with his movements. Hearing Li Fanggu's instructions, it stopped and retreated towards the open space.

The wolf was furious: "Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

Li Fanggu has finished changing the bullets: "You two attack the back of it separately, and Xifeng and I carry it in front."

"Oh." Wang Tonghai looked at him in surprise, and Jiang Ruixue looked at each other, nodded, separated, and formed a triangle with Li Fanggu to surround the wolf.

Li Fanggu fired his gun in the direction where the wolf was rushing up, but unfortunately the wolf was at a disadvantage, this time he rushed forward with all his strength, his figure was so fast that he could hardly see it, even Li Fanggu couldn't catch its trajectory, in a blink of an eye The wolf threw himself forward and swung its claws. Li Fanggu caught the oncoming giant claws out of the corner of his eyes. He had a conditioned reflex to hide back, and the gun in his hand was slapped away.

Wang Tonghai was startled, the fire hairpin in his hand glowed white, and he threw it like a flying arrow, straight for the back of the wolf.

The wolf didn't turn its head back, but slapped its giant tail out, and the fire hairpin flew to the side, and was mixed into the soil to a depth of half a meter.

Jiang Ruixue turned the mace in her hand, the parasol unfolded, and she flew into the air with her body, the ring in her hand gave off a blue light, and there were countless ice edges protruding from the ground under the wolf's feet, poking at the wolf's feet.

The wolf roared, and countless blue-gray air waves emitted from it. Li Fanggu, Xifeng, and Wang Tonghai who were affected by the air waves all flew out. The wolf jumped on the ground and rushed to Jiang Ruixue in the air. Jiang Ruixue was startled. Putting away the parasol, she rolled over and landed on the ground. Before she could escape, the wolf was already close in front of her eyes and slapped her away with one claw.

Jiang Ruixue's body hit the mountain wall, groaned in pain, and rolled down.

Wang Tonghai quickly got up from the ground, ran towards her, followed her body, and protected her in his arms,

Li Fanggu turned over and rolled to the side, touched the knocked down gun, and fired quickly. The last two bullets hit the back of the wolf.

Li Fanggu put away the gun, took out the spell on his body, threw it on the ground in front of him, and shouted: "Seal!" A transparent wall separated him from the wolf.

Xifeng rushed up from the side, pushed the wolf down, and bit the wolf's rear, blood gushed down from its wound, it frantically shook its body, and Xifeng flew out.

Li Fanggu made a punching gesture, Tianmowu cooperated with Wing Chun fist, Xifeng stepped on the air with four claws, a white halo rose from its body, its fur turned into dazzling silver, its strength doubled and its size became even bigger, He rushed towards the wolf.

The wolf's movements were controlled by Li Fangu's Heavenly Demon Dance. Under the attack of West Wind and Li Fanggu's cooperation, it was scarred in a blink of an eye, and soon lost its strength, and fell to the ground.

Wang Tonghai and Jiang Ruixue had already looked straight from the sidelines. How could it be possible, how could that sick man be so powerful?

It doesn't matter if he is powerful, there is also a powerful and fierce Valkyrie, such a number one person, why have they never heard of the name?

Only the legendary Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei are so strong...

Could it be Jin Zhicheng?But I heard that Jin Zhicheng's special weapon is the Wujin Cudgel, and he is already dead...

Who is this sick man?

After Li Fanggu used Tianmowu's last move, he stood up and retracted his fists. Xifeng let out a long roar, walked up to him and stood still.

Li Fanggu picked up the Liuhuo hairpin that Wang Tonghai was shot flying from the ground, walked up to the wolf lying on the ground, and looked down at it indifferently: "You are defeated, report your name."

The wolf grinned and roared angrily, but was kicked to the side by Li Fanggu.

Li Fanggu stepped on its head with a haughty expression: "If you can't afford to lose, I'll take your life directly. If you can afford to lose, report your name. I don't have the patience to wait for you, I can only count to three."

He poked the fire hairpin on the wolf's neck, lowered its body to prevent it from moving, and said calmly: "One..."

The wolf's eyes were full of resentment, wishing he could jump up and bite him to death.

"Two..." Li Fanggu lowered the Liuhuo hairpin forward, and the wolf's head was pressed lower and lower.

"Three..." Li Fanggu finished counting, raised the Liuhuo hairpin with both hands, and inserted it down mercilessly!

"Min Shuo! My name is Min Shuo!" The wolf gritted his teeth and gave in.

The corner of Li Fanggu's mouth curled up into a smug smile, his face charming and charming.

Li Fanggu was driving the car, Wang Tonghai was in the passenger seat, Jiang Ruixue was in the back seat, Xifeng turned into a tabby cat and lay beside her lap, wagging his tail leisurely.

Min Shuo was tied up by Li Fanggu with a demon rope and thrown in the trunk.

"What about the wolf demon?" Jiang Ruixue asked weakly as she leaned on the back seat with pain all over her body.

Both she and Wang Tonghai were wrong. This sick man is a cannibal. It seems that they have to accept him.

Li Fanggu chuckled: "I'm going to say hello to the Demon Emperor. This little wolf is quite interesting. I want to use it for something else. I won't send it back for now."

Wang Tonghai was silent, saying hello to the Demon Emperor?If he had said that before, he would have laughed at him for exaggerating, but now he doesn't think so.

"Your body..." he asked silently.

Li Fanggu coughed, and replied in a gentle voice: "I was seriously injured once before, and my vitality was damaged. I have been cared for for more than a year, but I haven't recovered yet. Maybe it will be like this in this life."

No wonder, because the injury didn't catch up with the previous rating, so now it's the first level?What kind of monster did Wei Zhaoguo introduce to them this time?

"You don't mind, I don't care about titles or anything. In this line of work, it's more attractive to have a caring partner." Holding the steering wheel in his hand, he turned to smile at Wang Tonghai, "In this way, we can work together well Yet?"

Wang Tonghai muttered a few times, hummed, and blushed with embarrassment.

Li Fanggu's temper was so good that he slapped him in the face for his mockery before, and he didn't even refute him.

Li Fanggu narrowed his eyes and smiled: "That's great, there seems to be nothing to do today, how about it, do you have time to go to my house for dinner tonight?"

"Okay, if you have something to eat, you won't eat it for nothing." Jiang Ruixue said lazily.

"That's really rewarding." Li Fanggu said with a smile, "My wife cooks in the evening, how many of us can sit down and chat while eating?"

Jiang Ruixue looked him up and down: "Are you married? Have a wife?"

Li Fanggu pondered: "I think it's better to tell you in advance that my lover is a man. If you mind, you can bring it up to Mr. Wei, and I will consciously avoid it."

Wang Tonghai and Jiang Ruixue looked strange: "Are you gay?"

Li Fanggu thought to himself, he likes both men and women, but now he only loves Duan Jinming, this sentence is not wrong.He hummed as an answer, and then looked at the faces of the two of them.

Wang Tonghai put his hands on his chest: "Don't look at me, I have someone in my heart."

Jiang Ruixue yelled: "No mistake, there are so few good men, and you still go for gays, have you ever thought about the thoughts of us leftover women? Why don't you let those ugly monsters go for gays! It also relieves the pressure on bachelors."

Li Fanggu: "..."

He thought weakly: Wang Tonghai, what was your reaction?Classmate Ruixue, your idea is wrong!Does he deserve to be gay if he looks bad?

Immediately he smiled, it seemed that he would have a good time with these two partners in the future.

In the evening, Duan Jinming cooked a few dishes, and Li Fanggu ordered a few takeaways. The table was full, waiting for the two new partners to come to the door.

Wang Tonghai and Jiang Ruixue stood at the door, tidying each other's clothes nervously before raising their hands to ring the doorbell.

Duan Jinming came out and opened the door.

Seeing Duan Jinming, the two were stunned again. Even after more than a year, they did not forget that outstanding face.

"It's you?" The two called out in unison. Isn't this the Duan family who saved them a year ago?Why is he here too?

Duan Jinming smiled, and took out slippers for them: "Come and sit first." He turned around and called, "Li Fangu, your friend is here, come out quickly."

"Here we come." Li Fanggu put down the crayons, walked out holding Duan Yiyi's hand, and introduced to the surprised two people: "This is my lover—Duan Jinming. This is my daughter, Duan Yiyi. Also, that is our good friend, Yin Fusu."

The faces of the two were even weirder. Isn't this the special advisor of the Shemale Association?I heard that it is a monster with explosive force value, but he is also here.

Wang Tonghai and Jiang Ruixue suddenly felt that nothing they saw tonight would surprise them any more.

After dinner, I finally finished the initial run-in with my new partner.

After seeing off the guests at night, Fusu took Duan Yiyi back to the room to sleep, Li Fanggu and Duan Jinming worked together to tidy up the house, then washed and went to bed.

Li Fanggu hugged Duan Jinming tightly, standing upright with his lower body.

Duan Jinming touched his forehead: "What's the matter? Do you want to do it?" He touched Li Fanggu's spirit, wondering why Li Fanggu, who has always been very active no matter whether he was above or below, didn't move.

"Too tired," Li Fanggu rubbed lazily on his body, "I want to do it, but I don't want to move. Come tonight."

Duan Jinming laughed, it seemed that the child was exhausted tonight.He kissed him pitifully, helped him out with his hands and mouth, then hugged him and said, "You are so tired, how can you be willing to torment you. Go to sleep, the days will be long."

Li Fanggu thinks about it too, it's okay to do it less once.He hugged Duan Jinming, rubbed his face against his neck and kissed him twice.

"By the way, Min Shuo, what are you going to do with it? You can't tie it to the balcony all the time, can you?"

Li Fanggu chuckled: "Don't worry, I have my own arrangements."

Two days later, Zhou Qi's birthday came, and Li Fanggu dragged his family to congratulate her.

A few people walked into Zhou's garden, saw a peach blossom in full bloom, and clicked their tongues: "Who really grows such flowers, this flower actually blooms in August, it's too enchanting."

"Li Fanggu, dare to speak ill of me in front of me, are you tired of living?" Zhou Liang lay on the balcony and smashed a melon seed shell on Li Fanggu, "Come in quickly, my brother Yu's meal is almost ready, so you guys are here. "

Li Fanggu waved at him: "Quickly ask the birthday star to come out, I have something good for him."

Zhou Liang was puzzled, so he went in and asked Zhou Qi to come out and open the door.

Seeing Zhou Qi, Li Fanggu gave a ruffian smile: "Second Uncle, happy birthday, I have a small gift for you today."

Zhou Qi looked behind him curiously, and saw a tall and mighty husky tied to the dog chain that Li Fanggu was holding. The husky's eyes were light blue and looked a little fierce.

Zhou Qi's eyes shone with surprise: "It's so cute, where did you get it?"

Li Fanggu smiled: "I knew that the second uncle likes to keep dogs. It is a general from the demon world, and its name is Min Shuo. I haven't signed an agreement with it yet. Uncle, the things left by Bai Fang happen to be useless for dogs, so you just keep them." Let it go."

Zhou Qi said thank you politely, and didn't refuse, she came up and led the husky in.

Fusu frowned worriedly as he watched Husky being dragged in with a resisting expression on his face.

It's just that this worry dissipated quickly, because it wasn't long before they sat down on the sofa, and almost before the tea Jin Shuyan made for them became warm, Min Shuo had already been removed from the dog leash, and followed Zhou Qi respectfully. Feet back and forth, almost climbed up to lick his toes.

Li Fanggu secretly laughed in his heart, he knew that his second uncle took care of Min Shuo in the blink of an eye, just joking, although no one said it clearly, he knew in his heart, who is his second uncle!And the beast he couldn't subdue?

When Zhou Liang saw Min Shuo, his big eyes lit up, and he also became interested. He stretched out his feet to tease the husky's furry belly.

Min Shuo was furious and didn't cooperate with life and death. As a result, Zhou Liang dragged him to the balcony for a few minutes. After he came out, he voluntarily lay down, his belly unfolded, and Zhou Liang trampled on him with his feet.

Jin Shuyan looked at Zhou Liang's playful smiling face with a smile on his mouth, and when Zhou Liang looked at him, he turned his face away pretending not to care.

Zhou Liang smiled melancholy, lowered his head and continued to tease the husky.

Duan Yiyi was also envious looking at it, and jumped over to try to ride the husky as a horse.

Min Shuo refused to accept it and glared at her.

Classmates Yiyi stared at it angrily, and finally, Min Shuo slowly succumbed to the lustful power of the Guanghuang bird, and carried Duan Yixiong around the living room of Zhou's house in high spirits, Duan Yiyi was excited. The yell almost knocked the roof off.

Li Fanggu looked at Min Shuo with sympathy, the poor General Canglang who has dominated the demon world for thousands of years, finally found his own home today, congratulations!

And he, from now on, can move forward again.

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