The strongest magician

Chapter 191 Surprise

Another half month passed, and Li Fanggu's health gradually recovered. Although he still didn't talk much, he had no problem taking care of himself.Li Sicheng's company was very busy, so Duan Jinming had no choice but to go back to help.

It's rare for Li Fanggu to think actively at this time, and it's not an option to stay at home all day, and he needs to move himself so that his body can recover faster.

He decided to go to the company to help Duan Jinming.He forced himself to be interested, and followed Duan Jinming to learn how to deal with the company's affairs, even if it was a simple errand task, he never tired of it.

Duan Jinming watched him move all the time, and frowned distressedly.

After half a month, he gradually got used to the company's affairs, and his life became busy, and Li Fanggu's mood gradually improved a lot.Sometimes he will take the initiative to talk a lot with Duan Jinming, it seems that the old Li Fanggu is back.

Seeing him like this, Duan Jinming also became happy. Although he has not fully recovered, at least he looks normal on the surface.

The two stayed at home in their spare time, and Li Fanggu felt bored again.No matter how busy the company is, there will be endless things to do every day.

In order to keep his body active, he found that doing housework is a good choice.So he cleaned up the house very diligently, and wiped the floor many times every day.

One day when Duan Jinming came home, he was frightened again.The floor was wiped too clean by Li Fangu. At night, when the lights hit the floor, shadows could be seen. It was so clean that it made people feel a little creepy.

Li Fanggu smiled sheepishly: "Well, the house is small, so I wiped it in a few minutes. I really had nothing to do, so I wiped it a few more times."

Duan Jinming's mouth twitched and he didn't say anything.

Whatever he wants, as long as his mood can gradually get better.

When sleeping at night, Li Fanggu clung to Duan Jinming's body and asked a question: "Jin Ming, I went to the bank to check yesterday, and the money in my card totaled more than 30. I want to go to my bank. Dad borrows some, and buys a bigger house."

Duan Jinming put down the tablet in his hand and looked at him seriously: "Why do you think so?"

Li Fanggu got up and scratched his forehead with his fingers: "Well, Fusu is still living with my uncle and the others. I thought that the house would be moldy if no one lived in it. Now that they are all back, Fusu is still living there. It's not convenient, let alone follow him one by one. I know that Fusu has also found a job and is saving money to buy a house and move out. I promised him before that I would save him a room in our house , always welcome him back... and one by one, I neglected her so much during this time, I feel so sorry for her. I want to take her back..."

Duan Jinming's eyes became hot, and he stretched out his hand to stroke the back of his neck: "Li Fangu, I'm glad you're starting to think about this issue."

Li Fanggu felt a little ashamed when he said that.

He really had been ill for too long this time, and now looking at Duan Jinming's face like this, he realized that he hadn't looked at his lover properly for a long time.Only today did I realize that Duan Jinming had lost a lot of weight.

He suddenly remembered that during the period when they were just together, Duan Jinming had just finished running around for more than ten years and lived a stable life. They are all too small, so go to the mall to buy them all again.

At that time, it was Li Fanggu who accompanied him in the gym to lose those muscles.Although Li Fanggu also told Duan Jinming that he looks good even if he is fat, which does not affect his handsomeness, but Duan Jinming still consciously maintains his figure.

Now, Duan Jinming has lost weight, and he looks haggard on his usually noble face.Li Fanggu suddenly felt very guilty, so guilty that his heart ached.

At the beginning, it was clearly agreed that there was something to share together, but in fact, after the two of them got together, most of the things were done by Duan Jinming.

What about him?He is a selfish guy who only cares about living the life he likes, leaving almost all family affairs to Duan Jinming.

No matter when he comes back, Duan Jinming always leaves a lamp for him; he also accommodates him a little more in the intercourse.

What about him?What did he do for Duan Jinming?

Li Fanggu repented deeply in his heart, and carefully looked at his lover's face.

Since he had a heart problem, he couldn't find the feeling of heartbeat.The strong love in the past seems to be something that only happened in the previous life.

But today, the Duan Jinming he saw in his eyes seemed a little different, as if he had returned to the way he was before he lost his heart.

He touched his heart and felt that his heart beat a little faster.He straddled his long legs and sat on Duan Jinming's lap.

"Jin Ming, wait a moment." He held Duan Jinming's face and looked at it bit by bit.

Duan Jinming's eyebrows.Duan Jinming's eyes, his nose, his mouth, his black hair, his delicately shaped ears, his chin, his Adam's apple...

Everything about Duan Jinming suddenly became extremely beautiful in his eyes, and the long-lost obsession with him seemed to have returned.

The way Duan Jinming looked back at him was so gentle, so touching...

For the first time in so many days, he took the initiative to kiss his lover's lips.

With a simple touch, the temperature on Duan Jinming's lips touched him.

He didn't ignore the almost uncontrollable excitement in his lover's eyes. He sighed and kissed him deeply. The cool tip of his tongue reached into his mouth and licked his palate. Itchy slice.

Duan Jinming let him kiss again and again, and slowly, Li Fanggu felt a strange feeling in his lower body. He let go of Duan Jinming, lowered his head and opened his pants, and found that there was a reaction from below.

He himself became agitated. For more than two months, he thought his body would continue like this, but he didn't expect to react again today.

It would be a lie to say that he was not excited, he hugged Duan Jinming tightly: "Great, Jin Ming. Did you see it? I have a reaction! I have a reaction to you!" He kissed him deeply, wanting to swallow Take all his breath away.

Duan Jinming was also excited. In fact, it was only two months, but the torment of these two months was enough for him to remember for a lifetime.

Li Fanggu passionately kissed his lips, his ears, his neck, and bit his Adam's apple...

What Li Fanggu is going to do is so obvious!

Duan Jinming thought for a while, then lay down obediently, and let him take off his clothes.

Li Fanggu's ears were ringing, looking at Duan Jinming's tough and slender body, he felt like owning him for the first time.

"Jin Ming, Jin Ming, can I be tonight?" He cautiously asked Duan Jinming's opinion.

Duan Jinming responded with a fiery kiss.

Li Fanggu was very excited, the memories of the past came back instantly, pushing him emotionally like a tide, and he could hardly suppress his passion.

He foreplays patiently, lubricating him carefully and sending himself into him.

Duan Jinming frowned, he hadn't done it for a long time, he needed time to get used to it.

Li Fanggu leaned down and kissed his somewhat red and swollen lips that had been ravaged by him: "Jin Ming, that's great! I found the feeling. Can you feel it? This feeling! The feeling I have for you...I think I want to recover gone."

Duan Jinming took a deep breath and finally got used to Li Fangu's invasion. The corner of his mouth curled into a smile: "Yeah, I also think you're going to recover. Li Fangu, I knew it, you can do it."

Li Fanggu looked at his lover's eyebrows obsessively. For the first time in a long time, he felt that his body was hot, and his body temperature was no longer abnormally cold. He slowly blended with Duan Jinming's hot body temperature.

That day, Li Fanggu finally regained the long-lost passion, and lingered with Duan Jinming until late at night.

After cleaning up for Duan Jinming, he automatically rolled into his arms, rubbed his face against his shoulder and said, "Thank you, Jin Ming. Next time you come, I will definitely cooperate with you."

Duan Jinming looked at him with a funny face: "Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

He got up and turned off the lights, and when he was about to fall asleep, he said, "Li Fanggu, come with me tomorrow."

"Where?" Li Fanggu asked in a daze.

Duan Jinming kissed the top of his hair without saying anything.

Li Fanggu wanted to ask, thinking that he might be exhausted, so he could only guess in his heart, where would Duan Jinming take him?With doubts, he finally fell asleep.

When he got up the next day, he unexpectedly found that the bed was hot.Duan Jinming was still sleeping, with his arms still around his waist, holding him tightly.

He dared not move for fear of waking his lover.

He carefully looked at his lover's sleeping face, and saw the eye-catching bruises.

During this period of time, he really dragged Duan Jinming down...

Fortunately, fortunately, he was always by his side.

Thinking about it now, he seldom had the chance to see Duan Jinming's sleeping face, Duan Jinming was always taking care of him and forgiving him, even if it was agreed that he would get up to make breakfast the next morning, Duan Jinming would always be earlier than him Get up and put a delicious breakfast on the table.

Compared with Duan Jinming's contribution, he has done so little!From today on, he will truly share the burden with his lover.

After being depressed for so long, it's time for him to cheer up!

There were birds chirping outside the window, and the sound of horns on the road piercing through the curtains, which made him feel very ear-piercing.Don't ring, don't wake up his lover, he is too tired during this time, let him have a good rest.

The warm feeling under the quilt made him extremely comfortable, and after lying in Duan Jinming's arms for a long time, his body actually felt like sweating.

That's right, it's already May, and it's time to change to a thin quilt, but he and Duan Jinming are still covered with the big quilts from the deep winter.

Li Fanggu looked at Duan Jinming's sleeping face for a long time, and couldn't help but stepped forward to kiss him on the lips.

With a slight touch, Duan Jinming woke up.

Li Fanggu looked at his impossibly beautiful eyes, and greeted with a smile: "Good morning, Jin Ming."

Duan Jinming smiled.

Li Fanggu was shocked by his smile, so handsome!

His man, really, is so handsome, he looks so good when he smiles!

I vaguely remember that I was so fascinated by this kind of smile back then, so fascinated that I was willing to chase him to the ends of the earth just because of this kind of smile.

He turned over to support Duan Jinming, kissed his smile, swallowed his greetings, and teased his still not fully awake body.

Duan Jinming closed his eyes, felt him slipping into the bed, stretched out his hand to open his pajama pants, and bit into his slightly cold mouth what he half stood up, he sighed helplessly and stopped him: " Wait a minute, Li Fanggu."

Li Fanggu licked his giant, with a puzzled look on his face.

Duan Jinming sat up, grabbed him, and kissed him hard: "I'd be happy to continue, but I really can't hold back."

Li Fanggu was embarrassed immediately, watching him rush into the bathroom unwillingly.

He scratched the head of the bird's nest, got up and made the bed, and went into the kitchen to cook.

During the meal, Duan Jinming finally showed a long-lost smile on his face.

After tidying up the bowls and chopsticks, Li Fanggu opened the refrigerator and found that there was not even a bottle of jam in it.

"Jin Ming, where are those jams? Have you eaten all of them?"

Duan Jinming just finished washing his face, he put down the towel and walked out of the bathroom: "Oh, you said that eating too much sweets is not good. I was afraid that something would happen to my body and it would cause trouble for you, so I threw it away."

Li Fanggu felt hot, closed the refrigerator, walked over and hugged him tightly, and leaned on his shoulder affectionately: "Today I will pick up Yiyi."

"Well, then what?" Duan Jinming stroked his hair, Li Fanggu hadn't done such a coquettish action for a long time, I really miss it...

"Let's go to the supermarket together." He wants to start over, be a qualified father, and make up for her.

"Well, then what?"

"Can I buy you donuts?"

Duan Jinming smiled: "What else?"

"Jam is also available..."

Duan Jinming rolled his eyes: "Is there only jam?"

"Hey, don't push yourself too far. Jam is so sweet, don't buy too much, only one bottle at a time."

"Oh." Duan Jinming's tone was filled with disappointment.

"But you can buy some chocolate."

"How is Dove?" Duan Jinming kissed his ear.

"Ok, let's weigh half a catty on a loose scale." Li Fanggu avoided the itch.

"Ferrero?" Duan Jinming licked the back of his ear with the tip of his toothpaste-scented tongue, Li Fanggu's body was aroused, and the desire released last night seemed to be hooked again.

"A box in a small package." He gritted his teeth and replied.

"There are also lollipops..." Duan Jinming's voice was low and hoarse, "I like lollipops the most."

"Don't use one by one as an excuse!" Li Fanggu gritted his teeth, clearly he wanted to eat it himself, "Why don't you come and eat mine, it's still made of meat."

Duan Jinming smiled: "Are you playing hooligan with me?"

Li Fanggu snorted softly: "I'm your man, if I'm not playing a hooligan with you, who am I going to play with!"

Duan Jinming picked him up by the waist and let him sit on the kitchen counter: "I like that you play hooligans on me." His lips fell on his mouth along his cheeks, biting the corner of his mouth.

Li Fanggu hooked his neck and responded to his kiss: "It seems that I didn't feed you enough last night."

"Hmph, this answer is too obvious." They have discussed this topic many times before. "In that case, you are the one who feeds you, not me. But obviously, I can get compensation today."

Li Fanggu tilted his head back, let him lick and bite his Adam's apple, and rolled his legs around his waist: "We haven't done it here yet."

"Yeah, Li Fanggu." Duan Jinming reached out and lifted his pullover, feeling his long-lost body temperature, and finally it was no longer so cold. It's great, "I thought about holding you here many times and fucking hard..."

Li Fanggu moaned because he lightly bit his collarbone: "Today you can get your wish..."

Duan Jinming just kissed and stroked him without going deep.

Li Fanggu rubbed his legs against his waist, urging him to continue.

"Li Fangu, I really want to do it, but I'm afraid of your body..." Duan Jinming whispered at the corner of his mouth, trying to suppress his desire.

Li Fanggu's heart ached again, and he bit open the buttons on his shirt with his teeth: "Come on, Jin Ming. Fill me up, let me feel your presence..." He ambiguously hissed on his neck.

Duan Jinming unbuttoned his belt and played with his things: "Don't regret it, Li Fanggu."

Li Fanggu panted intermittently, leaning back on the kitchen counter with his hands, seeing Duan Jinming eating his own lollipop: "Is it delicious? Is it much better than the ones in the supermarket?" He stretched out his hand The bangs were pushed back, revealing that elegant and noble face.

Such a handsome man doing something so erotic and looking so sexy!

Li Fanggu couldn't help licking the corners of his mouth, his mouth was dry for a while.

Duan Jinming squinted his eyes, leaned over and bit the tip of his tongue, his strong body suppressed him, casting a shadow above him: "It tastes weird, try it."

The two exchanged kisses, their tongues intertwined intimately.Saliva slid down the corner of his mouth, Duan Jinming stretched out his tongue to lick it, the sticky kiss almost melted Li Fanggu.

"It's so weird! I washed it very clean." Li Fanggu gasped and muttered as he parted his lips and tongue.

Duan Jinming closed his eyes and calmed down: "Li Fangu, I will remember to throw the condom and oil here next time."

Li Fanggu let out a muffled laugh, jumped off the kitchen counter, and shook off all the clothes on his body while he went in to get things.

His skin touched the air, and he shivered slightly.Duan Jinming returned quickly, and was wrapped around his neck by him, and the two of them stuck together again.

"Is it very cold?" Duan Jinming asked him to hug him like a koala to absorb his body temperature, and one hand went around behind his back to lubricate him.

Li Fanggu got used to it for a while, then shook his head: "It's okay."

After lubricating, Duan Jinming signaled him to hold his neck tightly with both hands: "Li Fangu, hold me tight, I'm about to start moving."

Li Fanggu's legs were tightly wrapped around his waist, accepting his invasion from below.

The kitchen is small, and the gasp sounded particularly aphrodisiac.

The sunshine outside was just right, and finally, the room was no longer so cold.

After the two entangled, it was almost noon.

Li Fanggu was very tired, but also very satisfied.Duan Jinming dressed him and drove him to pick up Duan Yiyi.

Li Fangu suddenly remembered something: "Yesterday you said you would take me to a place, where?"

Duan Jinming ate and drank enough today, and seemed in a very good mood, he smiled: "Shall we go now?"

Li Fanggu was so curious: "I started to be curious last night. Are you going to give me a surprise?"

Duan Jinming stretched out his right hand and stroked his neck: "You guessed it right."

Duan Jinming drove him towards the library. Li Fanggu looked at the direction of his car and kept guessing, what exactly is Duan Jinming going to do?

Duan Jinming drove him into a newly built community, Li Fanggu was puzzled, who did he bring him to meet?Who lives here and is happy to see him?

Could it be that Song Weiwei and the others are back?

Thinking of this, there was a light of expectation in his eyes.

Duan Jinming looked at him out of the corner of his eye, and smiled wryly: "Li Fangu, I don't know if I guessed your mind wrongly, but what I want to show you may not be what you imagined."

The light in Li Fanggu's eyes dimmed, and he smiled with the corners of his mouth: "It's not your problem, it's my own problem."

Duan Jinming found a parking space and stopped the car, put his arms around his neck, and kissed the top of his hair: "It's okay, Li Fanggu. I know you still care, but no matter what, I will wait for you. You today In this way, I am already very happy.”

Li Fanggu was silent for a while, reached out to give him a hug, and followed him out of the car.

Haizhou is developing faster and faster, and the floors are getting higher and higher.Most of this newly built community is high-rise commercial housing, but a few buildings still maintain a multi-storey style, which is very rare in the current real estate.

Duan Jinming followed his gaze and introduced: "These are small sunny terraced houses with upper and lower floors connected. They are almost the same as villas. You said yesterday that you wanted to buy a bigger house, so I thought of this place."

Li Fanggu was taken aback, and looked at him: "You look very familiar with this place, have you been here before?"

Duan Jinming smiled, flicked on his forehead, and walked forward holding his hand.He got used to taking care of Li Fanggu in the past two months, and it was very natural to do this outside.

Li Fanggu struggled: "It's still outside."

Duan Jinming's grip was tight, he didn't break free, after thinking about it, he let him go.

Duan Jinming's hands were dry and warm, and his cold hands became very hot after a while.

Duan Jinming took him to one of the buildings and climbed up to the third floor together.Duan Jinming took out the key from his bag and opened the door, Li Fanggu stared at him dumbfounded.

Duan Jinming turned around: "I wanted to tell you later. Yiyi will go to elementary school in two years, and this is a school district room. I have thought about it a long time ago. We will bring Yiyi back later. She likes Fusu, so I can let her I live downstairs with Fusu, and we live upstairs. There is a lot of space upstairs and downstairs, so we can live together without interfering with each other, and Fusu will definitely not mind."

Li Fanggu stammered: "" After being shocked, he was also moved.

Duan Jinming dragged him into the house to visit: "The down payment was made with the money I earned, and I didn't ask my dad for money. I know you don't like to rely on the elderly."

Li Fanggu clicked his tongue, this house cost hundreds of thousands of down payment alone, Duan Jinming has earned so much in recent years?

"Li Fangu, I know what you are thinking. My money is your money, and your money is still yours. But this house belongs to the two of us. It is still a rough house with no decoration. I keep it and want to wait You and I make up our minds together and pretend to be our own favorite style, what do you think?"

It was rare for Li Fanggu to blush. What Duan Jinming said just now made him feel like he was being taken care of.What is 'my money is your money, your money is your money'?

"Since it's our house, I'll pay for the renovation. I'm also a man, and I have to support my family..." He blushed and argued.

Duan Jinming smiled and touched his forehead: "I know you are a man, I just want to spoil you a little more."

Li Fanggu's thick skin was overthrown by his heartfelt words: "You can't just spoil me, I can spoil you too..." He thought of the drag on him during this period, so his words inevitably lacked confidence.

Duan Jinming hugged his waist and rested his chin on his shoulder: "Li Fangu, I am very demanding. As long as you are well, healthy, and happy by my side, I can see you every day Your smile is the greatest love for me. I really don't care about the others..."

Li Fanggu's eyes were sore, he also hugged him tightly, and stood with him in the warm sunshine.

This house, as the name suggests, is full of sunshine.

When they live here in the future, they will definitely be very warm...

At that time, there will be Duan Yiyi's laughter in the house, Fusu's gentle voice, and Duan Jinming's smile.

They can build a glass greenhouse, plant flowers and plants in it, and West Wind will lazily nestle on the sofa in the greenhouse and flick its tail...

His lover, a considerate and tolerant lover...

In fact, the biggest surprise he has gained in this life is his love...

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