The strongest magician

Chapter 167 Dragon Hunting

As the full moon rose, the three of Li Fanggu put on their equipment and started to go into the water.

Li Fanggu swallowed his saliva looking at the deep pool, bite the oxygen tube, followed Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei into the water.

Jin Zhicheng turned on the underwater searchlight, and the three of them dived all the way, five meters, ten meters, 15 meters...

Li Fanggu adjusted his breathing carefully, slowly adapting to the underwater pressure.The pool was almost bottomless, and the water was extremely gloomy and cold. The moonlight seemed to be blocked on the surface of the water, and the light could not penetrate into the water. Only the light in Jin Zhicheng's hand pointed the way ahead.

Li Fanggu followed Song Weiwei cautiously. When he dived to about 40 meters, he sensitively caught a touch of white streaking across his naked skin, and he couldn't help shaking. .

Jin Zhicheng stopped and gestured.Song Weiwei nodded to show that she received it, she grabbed Li Fanggu, and the three of them stopped side by side in the water, leaning back against each other, Song Weiwei spread his right hand, a circle of white light spread from her palm, forming a circle in the water The radiation went away, and the bottom of the water suddenly became much brighter.

Li Fanggu looked in front of him, his heart skipped a beat, a woman who was almost naked stared straight at him, and the two of them were almost face to face.The woman's eyes were white like dead fish, and the eyeballs were cloudy. Li Fanggu could tell that it was a corpse.

Li Fanggu bit the oxygen tube tightly, squeezed Song Weiwei's hand tremblingly, motioning them to look over.The halo of light dissipated, and the bottom of the water was once again dark.Jin Zhicheng pointed the searchlight in his hand at the position of the female corpse, and this time the three of them could see it clearly.

The body was covered with torn fabrics, which looked like a white dress, obviously dressed by a modern person, with the flesh on the top of the head turned up, and the hair was turned over in the water with the scalp, and the hair was very long. What Fang Gu felt was the feeling of the hair wrapped around his skin.

Jin Zhicheng turned on the light behind her, and found a black air spreading from behind her all the way to the bottom of the water, as if binding the female corpse tightly.

The three of them looked at each other and nodded. It seems that if they swim along the black air, they should be able to find the seal that Ling Duanyang set up to trap the black dragon.

Lu Zhen said that in order to prevent the black dragon from breaking out of the prison, Ling Duanyang set up three consecutive restrictions outside the prison. It seems that they are already close to the first restriction.

Jin Zhicheng led them around the female corpse and dived along the black air. Five meters away, they found more female corpses.The strange thing is that some of these female corpses looked like they were dressed in ancient times, some of them were dressed like those of the Republic of China, and some of them were modern clothes, which were from all dynasties.None of these corpses had decomposed, and they looked as if they had just died. If the three of them hadn't seen too many corpses, they would have thought that these were living people at all.

The backs of these corpses were connected by a trail of black air, leading them to the depths of the pool. Jin Zhicheng took the lead in swimming towards the direction of the black air.

After diving another five or six meters, they finally saw the place where the black air was coming from.It was a rock wall, the rock wall was covered with moss, and the black air seemed to emanate from the moss.

Holding the lamp, Jin Zhicheng pulled out the military dagger stuck in his waist, and scraped off the moss one by one, exposing the rough rock surface.The black air twisted and coiled on the rock, and the blade of the dagger passed through directly, without affecting the black air.

The surface of the rough rock wall was exposed. Jin Zhicheng turned on the light and saw densely packed charms engraved on the rock wall. The entire spell extended from eight corners in all directions, covering a radius of tens of meters.

What a great deal!Li Fangu had never seen this kind of magic circle before, but seeing the complexity of the magic circle, he was shocked.

When they carefully observed the magic circle, the magic circle turned out to be a symmetrical figure.Lu Zhen said that one of the extended formations will always change, and the cycle of change is twelve hours. To break this magic circle, you must cut off the changing formation.

Now what I see with the light is the phantom reflected by the magic circle. To really see the original shape of the magic circle, it must be illuminated by the moonlight.

Song Weiwei carefully swam around the circle a few times, then signaled Jin Zhicheng and Li Fanggu to back off, she swam to the surface of the water alone, while Jin Zhicheng and Li Fanggu waited at the edge of the rock wall.

Two minutes later, a ray of moonlight penetrated the dark bottom of the water, and shone on the magic circle on the rock wall as if piercing clouds and fog.Li Fanggu was amazed, not knowing what method Song Weiwei used.

The two of them checked closely against the rock wall, and finally found that there was a spell on the third clockwise base among the eight bases, which was exactly the opposite of the others.

Li Fanggu thought to himself, the talisman was drawn in too much detail, if he didn't know the secret to dispelling it, he might not be able to destroy it even if he tried his best.

Jin Zhicheng flicked the light towards the surface of the water a few times, and Song Weiwei, who received the signal on the surface of the water, dived down again.

The three of them gathered together, Jin Zhicheng held the lamp, and Li Fanggu held the dagger to buckle the reversed charm.

As soon as the dagger touched the charm, a strong thrust came from the rock wall, and a huge wave hit the water. Li Fanggu was pushed out violently, the oxygen tube in his mouth became loose, and Li Fanggu choked on two mouthfuls of water.

Song Weiwei grabbed his body and helped him push the oxygen tube into his mouth.

Li Fanggu felt sick for a while, soaked in the corpse water of countless corpses, he took two deep breaths, and then suppressed his stomach to stir.

The winding black air on the rock wall trembled, like a vibrating steel wire, the female corpses entangled by the black air moved for a moment, turned over in the water in an instant, and turned to the place where they were. Location.

Li Fanggu's back felt cold, and he thought, this charm is as alive as if he knew they were going to destroy it. I don't know if these female corpses are left by that pervert Ling Duanyang or the unlucky ones who were thrown in this pool. Now It seems to have been captured by this spell, become its slave, and is now defending them.

Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei swam to his back, Song Weiwei spread her right hand flat, a burst of intense light shot out from the palm of her hand, the strong light flew out like a blade, cutting off the black energy connecting those female corpses, those female corpses trembled, Some floated towards the surface of the water as if they had escaped the gravity of the earth, while some that seemed to be old trembled in the water, and then bursts of air bubbles burst out. In a blink of an eye, the flesh on the female body peeled off like a torn sack, leaving only A skeleton sank toward the bottom of the water tremblingly.

Li Fanggu no longer wanted to think about how many disgusting things there were in the seemingly clean water. He turned his grief and anger into strength, concentrated all his strength and inserted it towards the reversed spell. Come on, the dagger in Li Fanggu's hand loosened and fell to the bottom of the water along the rock wall.

Li Fanggu felt as if his heart had been hit by a heavy hammer, he opened his mouth, the oxygen tube slipped out, a long string of bubbles spit out, and countless black air burst out from the rock wall, entangled the three of them to death tight.

Li Fanggu watched the oxygen tube slide away, the air in his lungs seemed to be sucked out, and his lungs hurt as if they were being squeezed. After a few seconds, he felt that his lungs were going to explode, and his eyes turned black and he was suffocating. Feelings enveloped him.

Song Weiwei stretched out his hand from the black air with difficulty, and after a burst of intense light, the black air disappeared, and Jin Zhicheng quickly caught Li Fanggu's almost limp body, and stuffed the oxygen tube into his mouth.

After the black air disappeared, a huge cavity appeared on the rock wall, a huge vortex formed, and a huge suction force sucked the three people into the cavity.

Li Fanggu desperately sucked the air in the scuba, Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei held his arms tightly, and led him into the hollow along the suction force of the vortex.

They continued to dive along the force of the vortex. The lower they went, the more pressure they felt on their bodies, as if they were hurt by a heavy mountain, and the loss of oxygen became more and more serious.

Fortunately, not long after, a huge light array appeared under their feet, and a huge hazy light flickered under their feet. The vortex stopped at this place, and the pulling and crushing force on them also calmed down. The individual sank toward the light array.

After approaching the light array, the eyes of the three people became wider and wider. When they finally got close to the light array, the three of them were completely shocked.

Their bodies turned ninety degrees at some point, and the light array stood upright in front of them like a huge mirror.They couldn't tell whether they fell down or the magic circle stood up.

Through the magic circle, they saw the Taoyuan fairyland, with pavilions, towers, pavilions, waterfalls and springs, flowers like dreams, light and shadow like weaving, where it looks like a prison, it is a fairy mansion.

The three of them looked at each other in front of the light array, fearing that they had fallen into an illusion.It's a pity that the three of them can't talk in the water, they can only talk with gestures and eyes.

"Go in?" Song Weiwei asked with gestures.

Jin Zhicheng pondered for a while, then nodded, motioning for them to follow him in.

Lu Zhen said that this magic circle can enter from the outside, but cannot come out from the inside. They approached the light circle, as if passing through a layer of soapy water film, and after a while of cooling, they stood on the flat ground.

They stood firmly on the flat ground with green grass under their feet. Li Fanggu took off his flippers and touched the grass with the soles of his feet. A soft touch tickled the soles of his feet, and he couldn't help smiling.

They took off their diving equipment and found that the air here was very fresh, and there was still a breath of rain in the air.

Li Fanggu turned around and saw the light array running behind them, he put his hand on it, and with a bang, he was thrown away, hit a huge tree like a cannonball, and slid down the tree again .

Li Fanggu groaned, it hurts so much, the scenery in front of him has not changed, it seems that it is not an illusion.

Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei hurried over to help him up, and a lazy voice came from the tree: "Where did these boys come from? Did they come here by accident?"

Li Fanggu and the others looked up. On the high canopy, a young man was lazily lying on the thick tree trunk. He rested his chin on one hand and looked at them with interest.

Li Fanggu looked at the young man, admiring in his heart, the young man had thick eyebrows and starry eyes, soft eyes, clear voice, as cute as a kingfisher quietly standing on a branch in spring.

Who is this boy?Is it the watchman left by Ling Duanyang, or is it the incarnation of the black dragon imprisoned by Ling Duanyang?

Song Weiwei rolled his eyes, pulled Li Fanggu behind him, and shouted loudly: "I heard that Ling Duanyang is hiding here, who are you to him? Hand him over!"

Li Fanggu was taken aback, not understanding what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd.

Hearing Ling Duanyang's name, the boy frowned, and asked suspiciously: "Who is Ling Duanyang? I've always been the only one here." He jumped down from the tree, stood in front of several people, and lazily clapped Patted on the shoulder, "I'm more curious, how did you get in?"

Song Weiwei pursed his lips, with an innocent expression on his face, and said, "Impossible, we heard that Ling Duanyang is here, did you hide him?"

The boy raised the corner of his mouth in disdain, and said, "Hiding? I don't know which one you are talking about? Who are you? What are you doing breaking into my house?"

"You are really impolite, shouldn't you give your name first before asking someone else?" Song Weiwei pouted.

Li Fanggu was dumbfounded when she saw the cute and cute expression on her face, Sister Wei Wei is so good at pretending to be stupid, if such acting skills don't develop in the entertainment industry, it's like burying talent.Although he doesn't quite understand what she wants to do, he also knows that she has a delicate mind and must have other plans, so he has been cooperating with her behind her, secretly paying attention to other movements.

When the young man saw her expression, he also frowned suspiciously, and murmured: "Ling Duanyang?" Suddenly, his expression changed, and his original gentle expression suddenly became extremely ferocious, "Could it be that you are talking about Ah?" Positive?"

Li Fanggu only felt his whole body tense, the originally bright sky became dark, the surrounding wind was strong, the emerald green grass withered quickly, and in a blink of an eye, this fairyland was about to collapse.

The young man's face became like a ghost, panting heavily, a huge force pressed down, Li Fangu felt that he could hardly stand on the road, he couldn't help but knelt down on the ground, and almost kowtowed to the young man.

These non-human beings are all one by one, is it amazing to rely on their own strength?If you don't like it, you can use your power to suppress people and ask them to kowtow!Arrogance rose in Li Fanggu's heart, he straightened his neck and refused to bow down.

"Tell me, who are you! What are you looking for with Ayang?" The young man's voice sounded like thunder. At this time, Li Fanggu was absolutely sure that this young man must be the incarnation of that black dragon.Judging by his reaction, Ling Duanyang really hurt him a lot, just mentioning his name already made him go berserk.

"I knew you were with him!" Song Weiwei also gritted her teeth and refused to bow down, struggling to utter these words.

"What?" There was a surprised expression on the boy's face, Long Wei withdrew, the pressure on Li Fanggu and the others disappeared, and they immediately relaxed.

"Ling Duanyang killed my master, I want to seek revenge from him! Lu Zhen said that he is here, get out of the way and let me seek revenge from him!" Song Weiwei forced tears from the corners of his eyes.

Li Fanggu applauded her acting skills!Lu Zhen had told him in detail before that this black dragon was very suspicious. If he came directly and said to let him go, he must have doubts and would not trust them easily, and maybe he would trip them up behind his back and hurt them.Now Song Weiwei's excellent singing and writing performance is to make the black dragon get rid of his defensiveness towards them.

The young man raised his eyebrows, showing an expression of interest. He put away his ferocious expression, and the illusion around him returned to its original state.The young man waved his right hand in front of his eyes, a stone table and four stone benches appeared, he stroked the stone table with his palm, and a pot of tea and four teacups appeared.

He sat down by himself, poured tea for several people, and asked lazily: "Interesting, my name is Zhuoli, do you want to stand up and talk, or do you want to sit down and talk in detail?"

Jin Zhicheng hesitated for a moment, Song Weiwei took the lead and sat down without hesitation.Li Fanggu sat down, carefully looked at Zhuoli, and thought, this dragon is an elegant person, I don't know if he will believe Song Weiwei.

"Who are you? Do you know Ling Duanyang? Is he here?" After sitting down, Song Weiwei threw out a series of questions.

Zhuo Li drank tea leisurely, and said calmly: "Young people, don't be so impatient, there is a lot of time here, we can chat slowly. Ling Duanyang is definitely not here, I promise, if He is here, and his body must be here. I want to kill him more than you, but our goal is the same. Why don't you tell me who you are and why you are here?"

Song Weiwei showed a disappointed expression, bit her lip, and asked, "What enmity do you have with Ling Duanyang?"

Zhuo Li rolled his eyelids, Long Wei pressed down again, and said: "Human beings who are so rude, you broke into my place and kept asking me questions, do you think I'm really that soft-tempered?"

The skeletons of several people were rattling under the pressure of Longwei, Song Weiwei suddenly cried out: "I was wrong, I dare not, I say!"

Zhuo Li withdrew Long Wei, and asked slowly: "Tell me, how did Ling Duanyang kill your master? How do you know I'm here? Who is Lu Zhen?"

Song Weiwei looked at him pitifully, her beautiful eyes were filled with tears, it looked extremely distressing.

Li Fanggu was absolutely amazing. I just found out today that Song Weiwei's acting skills are outstanding, and it is a certainty that she will be sent to the entertainment industry to be a film queen.

"My master's name is Yan Jinghe, and she is a curse master. A few years ago, she went out to perform a mission, and suddenly disappeared. A few days later, her soul came to me and said that Ling Duanyang had betrayed her." Only if she was killed, she would be killed by members of the Xiao family. That traitor, my master has always regarded him as a friend, never thought that he would betray my master." Song Weiwei wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, showing a resentful expression.

Li Fanggu didn't expect her to say Yan Jinghe, thinking of Yan Jinghe's tragic death, she couldn't help showing a sad look on her face.

Jin Zhicheng had no expression on his face, Zhuoli looked at him and then at Li Fanggu, feeling somewhat convinced in his heart.He closed his eyes and said, "I've been here for many years, but I don't know what's going on outside. Tell me about the outside world."

Song Weiwei briefly explained the external situation, except for Ling Duanyang's matter, she didn't lie at all.Li Fanggu thought to himself, this is the highest state of the so-called lying. Nine out of ten sentences are true, and only one is false, so the credibility of this lie is too high.

Now he knows how many true biography Song Weiwei has obtained from Ling Duanyang, and the admiration in his heart is almost like the water in the sky.

Zhuoli listened with half-closed eyes, and when Song Weiwei finished speaking, he hummed and said, "So that's the case. That bastard Ayang is still the same as before, cheating and betrayal are his forte, hmph, not surprising. The three of you can find me here, but I can't figure it out. Say, who instructed you?"

"It's Lu Zhen!" Song Weiwei said, "I don't know his specific identity, but before he died, he also said that he was some kind of yang sacrifice, but Ling Duanyang and him have always been at odds, and he was also killed by Ling Duanyang Yes. Before he died, he told us that there is a way to completely eradicate Ling Duanyang and avenge my master and him when he comes here. I thought he was hiding here, so I asked two senior brothers to work hard to come here. Come on, I didn't expect him to be here."

"What? Yang Ji died?" Zhuo Li was taken aback.

"That's right, Ling Duanyang gave him the Burning Spirit spell while he was still alive, and then his soul disappeared." Song Weiwei said.

Li Fanggu thought to herself, she wasn't lying, if they hadn't gone to the Wilderness Realm, Lu Zhen might really have lost his soul.

Zhuoli listened with surprise on his face, and then laughed out loud, the surrounding air was chaotic, Song Weiwei let out a startled cry, and hid in Jin Zhicheng's arms, Li Fanggu also quickly pretended to be afraid and approached Song Weiwei and the others. together.

After a while, Zhuo Li stopped laughing and said, "That's right, I expected such a day. Ling Duanyang's wolf ambition, how could he be willing to be bound by Lu Zhen for the rest of his life. He must have guessed that Yang Ji and Yin Ji are It only existed to kill him, and then he took the first step to eradicate them first. Hahaha, I didn't expect Yang Ji to turn the boat under his hands, good method! Good method!"

Li Fanggu was confused for a while, what do you mean?Lu Zhen and Ling Duanyang are not together?How do you say that Yang Ji and Yin Ji exist to kill him?

The more he listened, the more confused he became, but Song Weiwei knew a lot, and Zhuoli probably knew a lot of things.

She looked at Zhuoli with a timid expression, as if she was infinitely afraid of him.

Looking at her and Li Fanggu's expressions, Zhuoli felt very satisfied, and said, "So Lu Zhen asked you to let me go?"

Song Wei Wei said suspiciously: "Lu Zhen said that there is a very powerful dragon here, called the Nightmare Dragon. But it was imprisoned by Ling Duanyang. I saw you standing here in good condition before, and thought you and Ling Duanyang Duanyang is in the same group. It doesn’t look like it now. Lu Zhen asked us to come here and let go of the nightmare dragon, saying that Ling Duanyang is most afraid of that dragon now, but we didn’t see the dragon.”

"Hmph, mortals are really stupid, so I am that dragon." Zhuo Li snorted coldly.

Song Weiwei was taken aback: "Impossible, you seem to be alone."

Zhuo Li laughed loudly, then stood up, stomped his feet on the ground, the ground trembled violently, a burst of brown light radiated from his feet, Li Fangu and the others stood up in surprise, stepped back from the stone table, and looked at the ground under their feet It instantly became transparent, revealing the deep water bottom below.

There was a wave of current in the deep water, and a black dragon was entrenched below them, the whole body piled up like a huge mountain.

As if feeling their gaze, the black dragon opened his eyes, and his gaze faced them.

The boundless might of the dragon was revealed, and cold sweat dripped from Li Fanggu and the others' backs.

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