The strongest magician

Chapter 156 Farewell

After exchanging the rings, the two were naturally passionate, and Li Fanggu was brought down again. He struggled to urinate, and finally broke free from his clutches and hid in the bathroom.Just kidding, the previous two days added up to a total of five times, and it's too indulgent to come again today!The body will not be able to bear it!

There is still a dull pain in the back. Duan Jinming is not only big in size, but also amazingly long-lasting. Just thinking about it makes him feel uncomfortable. He used to be crazy to think that Duan Jinming might not be able to do it.

But thinking that Duan Jinming will leave in the afternoon, he is very entangled. Although it will be very painful at first, it will be really cool to do it... and it may take more than a year to not be able to touch him.

He sat on the toilet and thought seriously, while Duan Jinming leaned outside the door, his voice was low and magnetic: "Li Fanggu, do you want me to go in and carry you out?"

Li Fanggu shuddered, gritted his teeth, washed himself clean, and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, he was caught in Duan Jinming's arms, stripped naked in a few strokes, laid down on the bed, turned upside down and left to his mercy.

Li Fanggu is angry, is the young master a dead fish?He got up firmly and pushed Duan Jinming down on the bed.

"Master, do it yourself!" Li Fanggu sat on it by himself, looked at Duan Jinming's smiling expression, glared at him, and snorted.

Duan Jinming saw that he was so active, of course he wished for it, because he turned up and down and let out a suppressed low gasp.This kind of thing made him taste the essence, the more he entangled with Li Fangu, the more he hoped that time would slow down, it would be best to stop and stop at this moment.

At noon, Duan Jinming went downstairs to buy lunch. Taking this opportunity, Li Fanggu hurried to the bathroom to wash himself clean.In the past two days, I have really indulged too much, my waist is sore and my legs are weak, and my walking steps are sloppy.Absolutely can't go on like this anymore, or sooner or later you will suffer from kidney deficiency...

After drying himself and putting on his clothes, Li Fanggu took the opportunity to stretch the muscles all over his body, and finally felt much refreshed.

Duan Jinming bought beef noodles this time and brought a few pieces of chicken wings. When he saw Li Fanggu open the door for him refreshed, he immediately laughed.

"I tasted this powder yesterday, and it tasted pretty good. Unfortunately, it was soggy that you didn't get it. So I went in line to buy another one." Duan Jinming smiled and broke off the chopsticks and handed them to him.

Li Fanggu bowed his head and kissed his hand, and took the chopsticks.

"Are you going to take a ride back after eating?" He opened the packing box, stirred the powder, and asked while eating.

"Well, have you changed your mind? Come back with me to meet my family?" Duan Jinming asked with a chuckle.

Li Fanggu coughed, and his mood jumped.

Duan Jinming stretched out his fingers to wipe off a little bit of soup on the corner of his mouth, then licked it off with his tongue, and said, "I won't force you, although I really want to take you back to the clan right now and let the clan notarize it for us."

Li Fanggu watched his slightly erotic movements, his heart was pounding, and he said, "Are you serious?"

"Of course it's serious. I don't joke very often, and now I can't wait to tie you by my side. It's impossible to joke with you about this." Duan Jinming's eyes with thick eyelashes could not be more serious. Staring at him, there is naked affection written in it.

Li Fanggu's heart was hot, his eyes were entangled with him, and then he thought about it seriously, and said: "You wait for me. When your side is over, I will definitely bring Tulip to find you. Give me some time." Give him some time, let him be reborn, he will become stronger, and become a worthy man who can fight side by side with him.When the time comes, when the time comes...

Duan Jinming knew what he was thinking. Although he was a little disappointed, he still smiled considerately and said, "Li Fanggu, of course I will wait for you. I am also looking forward to your future appearance. I can't wait to see you now. "

Li Fanggu's heart was full, and when he saw his lips sticking to him, he cooperatively sent them to him for a kiss.

As soon as Duan Jinming stuck out the tip of his tongue, Li Fanggu's face became bitter, it was so spicy!How much pepper was put in Duan Jinming's bowl of noodles?It seems that in order to live together in the future, he has to learn how to eat spicy food.

A kiss Li Fanggu was sweating profusely, tears were almost forced out.Duan Jinming let go of him amusedly, put his head down and continued eating with a muffled laugh.

Li Fanggu giggled and blew for a while before recovering.He wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and felt that Duan Jinming's personality was a little different, he seemed to be much warmer. It seems that his personality was so cold because of taking the medicine before?

"What are you going to do when you go back?" Duan Jinming asked.

Li Fanggu frowned and said: "My uncle locked himself up accidentally. I will go to Qingzhou to see him first, and then go home. I will go back and train with Sister Weiwei and the others... and Qingheng is only sealed up now , my uncle will definitely not allow my little uncle to be imprisoned for a lifetime, and will definitely continue to find a way to completely eliminate Qingheng, and I also want to help." He thought for a while, and seemed to have forgotten a very important thing, what is it? What about things?He frowned high, thinking while eating.

Duan Jinming helped his forehead helplessly, and asked, "What are you going to do with your school?"

Pat, Li Fanggu's chopsticks fell on the table, yeah, how did he forget?He is still a student!oh god!He really forgot!It's been almost a month since he came out. Although the school asked someone to say hello, he had clearly vowed to go to school well...

Duan Jinming looked at his face, wanting to laugh but also helpless.Forget it, he knew that Li Fanggu was really not good at studying, but what does it matter?When you like someone, nothing is a problem.

Li Fanggu looked at his face, and said cautiously: "I'm very stupid in school..." You won't be disgusted, right?ah?

Duan Jinming let out a muffled laugh and said, "What does that matter? I think you performed very well in bed, and I'm very satisfied..."

Li Fanggu was embarrassed, glared at him, and buried his head in eating.

The two tried their best to cherish the time together, but unfortunately they had to say goodbye after all.Li Fanggu hugged Duan Jinming tightly, breathing in his scent with attachment.

Duan Jinming touched his head, saw his fair neck, couldn't help but took another bite.

"Hey, don't!" Li Fanggu trembled.

Duan Jinming smiled and left a tooth mark on it before letting him go, took his face in his arms and kissed him thoroughly, then went out with his bag in his watch.

Li Fanggu walked to the window, saw him walking on the street, and raised his head to look in the direction of his room.

Duan Jinming raised his head and smiled at him, that light and elegant smile, and the soft light in his eyes melted Li Fanggu's heart into a ball.

Li Fanggu watched his back until he disappeared at the end of the street.

After Duan Jinming left, Li Fanggu tidied up a bit and called Zhou Liang.

"Hello, Li Fangu?" Zhou Liang's voice sounded muffled.

Hearing his voice, Li Fanggu's heart was relieved. He chatted with Zhou Liang about what had happened recently on the phone, and comforted Zhou Liang with nice words, telling him that he planned to visit him. .

Zhou Liang's mood sounded much better: "I heard that there are a lot of snacks in Guizhou. Bring me some when you come."

"..." This person was really worried about eating too much.

Li Fangu originally planned to leave on the same day, but later realized that it happened to be the last day of the National Day, and he was making excuses for rushing out on this day. It happened that his waist was sore and his legs were weak, so he didn't want to move, so he slept in the hotel for an extra day.

He leaned on the bed and watched TV for a while, when the phone rang, he opened it and smiled sweetly.The text message was from Duan Jinming, and it said: "Li Fangu, I'm getting in the car."

He was reporting the location, Duan Jinming had never done this before.

He thought for a long time, how should he reply?Obscene thoughts arose in his mind, and he replied: "Thinking that it will take so long to fuck you, I feel that time is so hard, I miss you very much." Although he felt that he said it as if that was the only thing in his eyes , but now he really started to miss Duan Jinming.

After a while, the text message came back. He picked it up and looked at it, his face full of embarrassment. The text message said: "It seems that your waist pain is gone. I regret that I didn't do it with you again when I left. Now I want to sleep The car is coming back to find you."

fall!Li Fanggu looked at the screen with itchy teeth, and his waist seemed to be even more sore. He turned his eyebrows into two straight lines and turned back: "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. When I go to propose to you, I will definitely repay you a hundred times! Wait for me on the bed, prepare the oil and condoms yourself."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it very much. I will wash myself up and wait for you on the bed. I believe you will not let me down."

Li Fanggu's face was hot, and Duan Jinming actually flirted with him. It was a huge change.He smiled sweetly, while watching TV, while texting and chatting with Duan Jinming.

The two of them sent text messages all afternoon, starting from the anecdotes of their childhood to the anecdotes of Duan Jinming's expedition, Li Fanggu almost used up the monthly SMS package in one go.When it was time to eat dinner, Li Fanggu managed to get another sore spot—finger.

"Are you home?" Li Fanggu asked.

It took a long time for Duan Jinming to reply this time: "I'm home. The magic circle has started to activate, and I'm going to enter the altar, Li Fanggu, don't forget me, I'm here waiting for your tulips."

Li Fanggu shook his hands, took a deep breath, and replied: "Okay. I will definitely go and take you home with tulips."

After sending it out, he immediately wrote another one, hesitated a bit, and sent it out: "Duan Jinming, I love you!"

Duan Jinming did not reply, it seems that the Duan family has closed the mountain.Li Fanggu kept looking at his phone in disappointment, and later, he didn't even have the heart to watch TV.

After a long time, the phone was turned on, and Duan Jinming replied: "Li Fangu, me too."

Li Fangguxi's mouth was about to split open to the ears, Duan Jinming could actually say such explicit love words, it's really rare.

He kissed the phone heavily, his heart was full, and his happiness almost overflowed, which immediately offset the sadness of being separated from Duan Jinming.

Afterwards, there were no more text messages. Li Fanggu read and read the text messages that Duan Jinming replied from beginning to end, and then reluctantly put away the phone, went downstairs to eat, and bought a lot of local specialties for Zhou Liang. , what glutinous rice cakes, glutinous rice candy, filled a whole big bag.

The next morning, he felt the difference as soon as he went out. There were obviously a lot fewer people on the street.

He was carrying his luggage in his left hand, and the special products he brought to Zhou Liang in his right hand. He was thinking of taking a taxi directly to Suiyang Station, when he extended a hand to take half of the things for him.

Li Fanggu turned his head to look, and suddenly showed a surprised expression, it was Fusu.

"Beauty Fusu! I miss you so much!" He opened his arms and gave Fusu a big bear hug.

Fusu's face turned red immediately, looking at Li Fanggu's fair ears and neck... He turned his eyes uncomfortably, reached out to hug him back, and said with a smile: "I arrived last night, I thought you might be here Sleeping, I didn't come to see you."

"How do you know I'm here?" Li Fanggu let go of him and asked him with a smile.

"Mr. Duan told me when he came home last night. Now, I have fulfilled my agreement with you." Fusu looked at him with a smile.

Li Fanggu looked at him gratefully: "Thank you, Fusu. I am planning to go to Qingzhou now to visit my uncle, and ask him if there is any way to terminate the contract between you and me."

Fusu was silent for a while, Li Fanggu looked at his face, and asked strangely: "Why, you can regain your freedom, aren't you happy?"

"Uh, no." Fusu said with a smile, he longed for freedom, but he looked at Li Fanggu.

If there is no such contract between the two, will he still have entanglements with Li Fangu in his future life?A feeling of reluctance rose in his heart.

When he came to this strange world, Li Fanggu was the first person he saw, and then he got to know him more through the contract. For him, Li Fanggu was different from others.

It can be said that Li Fanggu is now his relatives, the only relatives...

Li Fanggu is not like him. He has family, lover, and friends. It can be said that he has everything he should have. For him, Fusu is dispensable...

In fact, he didn't really want to terminate the contract with Li Fanggu.

However, he hesitated for a moment and said, "Thank you for your hard work. You can ask Mr. Zhou and the others. It's really great to be able to terminate the contract."

Li Fanggu smiled to hide the disappointment in his heart, sure enough, Fusu couldn't have liked such a weak person like him, how could he follow him willingly.

When Fusu saw his smile, his face became embarrassed again. In fact, he didn't mind following Li Fanggu and continuing to be his Martial God.Li Fanggu is just a mortal, and if he dies, he will follow him for 60 years. It is estimated that he will not continue to take risks, and maybe he will no longer be needed.But now that there is this contractual relationship between the two, Li Fanggu seems to be unable to control his own power, and will always unconsciously pass on the images he sees to him.

As long as there are some scenery in normal times, the trivial things in life are fine, but even the bed matter...

However, the control right is not in his hands, and it is difficult for him to remind him of this bluntly. It would be too embarrassing if he had to do the same in the future.

Li Fanggu explained himself in his heart, now the poison in his body is gone, nothing can hinder his development, he will gradually become stronger.

The man's natural competitive spirit cheers him up. He will work hard while Duan Jinming is away. When the time comes, Duan Jinming will definitely look at him with admiration, and Fusu will truly admit him in his heart.

At the station, Li Fanggu asked Fusu to take out his ID card to help him buy a ticket. He saw that the name Fusu handed over was Yin Fusu.He looked up at him strangely: "Beauty, why is your surname Yin?"

Fu Su smiled: "I don't remember what my surname is. I read history before, maybe I was the cowardly prince who committed suicide in the Qin Dynasty. If it is true, then my surname should be Ying. But this surname is rare now. See, so Mr. Duan asked me when he asked someone to help me with the documents, so I said my surname was Yin."

Li Fanggu looked at him and said: "Although I have a bad history, I also know that Mr. Fu Su has a heart for the world, and he committed suicide because he was framed. I don't think it's appropriate to say that he is cowardly."

Fusu smiled melancholy, and said, "If you really care about the world and have the courage to die, why don't you have the courage to live? You can't be considered a real warrior if you ignore the people of the world for one's righteousness."

Li Fanggu didn't argue with him, he thought maybe Fusu was very unhappy.He nodded and said, "It's okay, the name sounds nice. I'm just curious."

Fusu smiled gratefully and got into the car with him.After several transfers, the two finally arrived in Qingzhou at the address given by Zhou Liang the next day.

When Li Fanggu saw Zhou Liang, he also felt emotional in his heart. He didn't expect Zhou Liang to be so powerful that he actually sealed Qing Heng who was stronger than a monster.However, Zhou Liang was imprisoned in such a small building like this, and he didn't know when he would be able to regain his freedom. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt sad for him.

Li Fanggu stood at the door and looked at Zhou Liang. At that time, Zhou Liang voluntarily followed Qing Heng to keep him. He always felt guilty about Zhou Liang.

He handed in the special snacks bought for him through the seal. Zhou Liang swept away the haze on his face, happily opened the bag to search, and chatted with Li Fanggu while eating.

"Li Fangu, why didn't Duan Jinming come with you?" Zhou Liang asked while biting the glutinous rice candy.

Li Fanggu blushed deeply when he thought of the two days of entanglement with Duan Jinming, and said, "The Duan family has closed the mountain, and they are going to use soul fire to heal Guanghuangniao."

"That's so pitiful, we have to separate again. But you and Duan Jinming are in love with each other anyway." Much better than him, he has unrequited love for You Qie, although You Qie is willing to smile at him, but he knows that You Qie Looking at him is almost like looking at a stranger.Thinking of Youqie, Zhou Liang's eyes dimmed again, he is locked here, will Youqie come to visit him?

In order not to make him feel lonely, Zhou Yu is going home now to start moving his family here. The network cable is also connected here, and the computer is also sent in, so he can use the Internet.All kinds of furniture were piled up, and he was asked to arrange them himself.

In just one day, Zhou Yu bought all the daily necessities for him, but no amount of things could fill the hole in his heart.

He couldn't touch his beloved family members, he could only watch them through a transparent wall...

Li Fanggu noticed that he was depressed, and quickly comforted him: "I will be separated from Duan Jinming for more than a year, you are so kind, maybe Brother Jin will be moved by you during this time. Don't be discouraged."

"Of course, apart from such a perfect me, who else can be worthy of Youqie!" Although he said so, he didn't have any confidence in his heart.

Zhou Liang took a bite of the glutinous rice candy bitterly. He knew this kind of thing very clearly. Just think about it. Youqie has lived for nearly 2000 years, and the only person he has ever loved is Yongxia, and his other thoughts are spent on taking care of his younger brother. Now, sometimes he would even eat his elder brother Yu's jealousy, and Zhou Liang's place in his heart was not even comparable to Zhou Yu's hair.

However, even if he knew it, he couldn't help being attracted by Youqie, wanting to get close to him, touch him, and even have obscene thoughts towards him, wishing not to leave his eyes for a moment.

He had been imprisoned here for more than three days, and after leaving with Zhou Yu that day, he never appeared again.I'm afraid I won't have a chance to see you again in the future.Maybe he will die of old age in this building in this life...

If Qing Heng's mood is enough to affect him, will Qing Heng get into the hole in his heart because of deep thoughts?

Thinking of this, he suddenly became afraid.That's right, he sealed Qing Heng to ensure the safety of Zhou Yu and Zhou Qi. If his thoughts on You Qie become obsessed, make him bewitched, and go against his original intention, then... it's better not to think about him... …

Seeing that Zhou Liang's mood was down again, Li Fanggu quickly changed the subject and said, "Uncle, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Zhou Liang stopped his thoughts and asked, "What's the matter? Let's hear it."

"I want to ask if you have a way to cancel the master-servant contract between me and Fusu." Li Fanggu hurriedly told him the agreement between him and Fusu.

Zhou Liang thought for a while, then blinked his big eyes suddenly, and said, "Hey, I heard that the Ji family and the Valkyrie can share memories. Has this happened between you and Fusu?"

Li Fanggu was taken aback, thought for a moment, and said, "Yes, I can see what Fusu has experienced through Fusu's eyes."

"Oh, what about Fusu?" Zhou Liang asked with interest.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me." Li Fanggu was reminded by him, he began to think hard, and then shook his head, "Probably not, I haven't heard him mention it."

Zhou Liang glanced at his neck, he narrowed his eyes, knowing in his heart that his imagination was wild, and then he suddenly smiled.

Seeing his strange smile, Li Fanggu asked, "What are you laughing at? Is there anything funny?"

"No, I haven't studied this aspect. I'll ask you when Brother Yu comes." Zhou Liang looked at him and smiled strangely, but didn't tell him the reason.

Li Fanggu had no choice, he really couldn't figure out Zhou Liang's mind.

He was about to ask further, when footsteps sounded in the distance, Zhou Liang followed the sound and looked over, his expression suddenly became agitated.

Li Fanggu was puzzled. When he saw the person who came, he immediately understood why Zhou Liang showed such an expression.

It was Zhou Qi who came.Zhou Qi, led by Bai Fang, was walking in this direction.

Zhou Liang stood up, his eyes suddenly turned red, and an eager expression appeared on his face.

Zhou Qi walked to the door, Li Fanggu took his hand and let him touch the seal, Zhou Liang called out in a low voice: "Brother Qi." Seeing Zhou Qi's thin and handsome face, and his With his right hand hanging down softly, guilt surrounded him tightly, and his voice was trembling.

Zhou Qi felt around the seal and said disappointedly: "Xiao Liang, I want to see if you have lost weight, but I can't even touch your face."

The tears in Zhou Liang's eyes immediately rolled down, and he murmured, "Brother Qi, I'm sorry. I didn't intend to hurt you. I was so hot at that time... I'm really sorry!"

Zhou Qi showed a distressed expression, but unfortunately he couldn't see or touch Zhou Liang, he could only hear Zhou Liang's voice.

Zhou Qi comforted Zhou Liang softly for a long time before Zhou Liang stopped crying and his mood stabilized.In the end, he comforted Zhou Qi instead: "Brother Qi, don't worry about me. In fact, this place is quite big, and I have arranged all the furniture. Brother Yu is very thoughtful, and there is nothing missing here. And I can also surf the Internet. Watching TV, except that I can’t go out, I can do almost anything I want. Those in prison are not as comfortable as me. Besides, no matter what, it’s more comfortable than the hundreds of years in the Tianxuan mirror, where I can’t even touch my hands and feet. I can’t move, let alone eat what Brother Yu made.”

Hearing him mention the past, Zhou Qi felt absurd that they were sorry for the alchemist's remonstrance.However, Zhou Liang is different from alchemist Jian after all. Now that he thinks that he is locked in a house and he doesn't know when he will be able to come out, he feels very sad and wishes to pat his head to comfort him.

Li Fanggu saw that the two brothers still had a lot to say, so he said goodbye to them and went to Fusu to go home with him.He decided to visit Zhou Liang every one or two weeks.

This manor was originally a separate property owned by Qing Heng, and it was outrageously large.When Li Fanggu walked through a long corridor, he found a mirror on the wall. He subconsciously glanced at the mirror and walked over.

After five steps, he walked back backwards and looked carefully in the mirror.

Today, he was wearing a white T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. He looked like a cool and athletic boy, but there was an inconspicuous spot of red on his neck.

He looked closer, and his face flushed immediately. It was left by Duan Jinming biting his neck before he left, and it was in the shape of a circle of faint teeth marks.It was invisible when the clothes were worn properly, but now because the bag was slung across the body, the shirt was pulled, so the bite marks were exposed, which looked particularly distinct.

Needless to say, anyone with eyes will understand what was left behind.

He hastily reached out and rubbed it, but unfortunately the imprint was darker and more obvious.

He switched the bag to the other side, tidied up the shirt to cover up the marks, and checked that there was no problem before continuing to move forward.

As he walked, he suddenly remembered Zhou Liang's weird smile. Why did he smile like that?By the way, I mentioned earlier that he and Fusu can share some scenes...


It is sharing!He didn't see what Fusu saw unilaterally! !

Li Fanggu suddenly thought of one thing, and gasped, no wonder, no wonder Fusu kept avoiding his eyes today...

Li Fanggu supported his forehead and moaned, don't!

Don't let this kind of thing happen to him!How embarrassing! !

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