The strongest magician

Chapter 145 Rendezvous

Li Fanggu's ears were full of rustling sounds, the sound was almost everywhere, surrounding them like a tide.

Duan Jinming saw clearly in his eyes, he saw Li Fanggu's nervous expression, put his mouth close to his ear, and whispered: "Don't worry, I'm here."

Li Fanggu felt hot in his heart, and said: "You are injured, I am also a man, although I am good, I am not so useless."

Duan Jinming smiled and said, "I know you're a man, I've taken off all my clothes, so I won't suspect anything."

Li Fanggu is embarrassing, is Duan Jinming flirting with him?This flattered feeling immediately washed away his sense of urgency.

Duan Jinming told him: "If you sit down and protect yourself, I can rest assured and rush ahead."

Li Fanggu's face was flushed, and after struggling for a long time, he couldn't say a word, so he could only say: "Oh."

Duan Jinming looked at his expression, amused and distressed, rubbed his palm on his cheek, and stood up.

Li Fanggu saw that his body was full of spiritual energy, and his figure was extremely clear in the darkness.

Duan Jinming's eyes glowed crimson, he murmured an open flame curse, and snapped his fingers with his right hand, a red circle of flames appeared on his fingertips.

The circle of flames slowly expanded, flew out from his fingertips, covered the ground, and radiated away, those black snakes were bounced away violently, falling outside the circle of fire.

Duan Jinming let out a sigh of relief, and made a tactic with both hands.

Li Fanggu saw a red lotus rising from the bottom of his feet, bursting open above his head, spraying into the air like dazzling fireworks, turning into thousands of sparks, and then falling down like a meteor.

The sparks fell to the ground like maple leaves blooming, surrounded by red flames, and the little black snakes on the ground turned into smoke and disappeared.

Li Fanggu stared at him unblinkingly, now Duan Jinming is like a poet reciting with flames, he stands in the flames, the red flames imprinted his noble face, he is the monarch of flames, a stream of dominion over the world The momentum is approaching.

Li Fanggu's heart was beating violently, as if after sprinting in a 100-meter race, it was throbbing violently, almost jumping out of his chest.

He had a dizzy feeling that this man, this gorgeous and powerful man, was his lover, and this knowledge impacted his brain infinitely, almost depriving him of oxygen.

He stared at Duan Jinming with infinite love in his eyes, and the naked emotion was so blatant that Duan Jinming, who was flying in flames, could feel it without turning around.

Duan Jinming turned around, saw Li Fanggu's burning gaze, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled at him.

The ambiguous feelings meet and convect in an instant.Li Fanggu felt very warm in his heart.

Duan Jinming turned his head, staring into the depths of the darkness with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After the dense black snakes on the ground disappeared, there was a strange sound in the darkness, like wind blowing through a hole, or like sandpaper gently rubbing against a wooden surface. Then, there was a loud cracking sound, and a huge black shadow came from He came out of the darkness and attacked Duan Jinming in the flames.

Li Fanggu's heart skipped a beat, and he saw an ugly and vicious black python attacking Duan Jinming with the momentum of thunder.

Before he could cry out in surprise, Duan Jinming moved.

The black snake was fast, and Duan Jinming was even faster. He turned around and ran on the long city wall, spreading flames all the way, and blossoming crimson red lotuses bloomed behind him. The red lotuses spun on the ground and then soared into the sky.

The giant black python pursued closely behind him, and the red lotuses scattered on the ground attached to the giant python, and immediately the crimson flames spread into one piece, and within a short while, half of the giant python's body was surrounded by flames.

Li Fanggu watched Duan Jinming's movements nervously, his pupils shrunk tightly, and his heart was extremely nervous, if only the gun was on his body, at least he could help out a little.

Duan Jinming ran all the way down, almost to the end of the city wall, then turned around abruptly, jumped up high, and spun in the air, using his body weight and the force of the rotation, a long leg swept out and kicked the giant python on the head.

Li Fanggu saw that the giant python as thick as an oak wine barrel was kicked to one side by him, and then it slammed down against the dark rock wall. The whole body of the giant python slammed into the rock wall. The ground trembled, the rock wall was knocked loose, and the sand and stone fell mottled.

Such strong legs!Li Fanggu was amazed in his heart.

The flaming body of the giant python fell to the bottom of the city wall. Duan Jinming stood on the edge of the city wall to check. The faint flames below were imprinted on his face, flickering and flickering.

it's over?Li Fanggu sighed.But the next moment, the flame rushed up again.

Duan Jinming quickly moved over, retreated, and the giant python jumped up from under the city wall, its figure was a whole circle smaller than before.

The giant python exposed its entire body, about ten meters long. It landed on the city wall, and the next moment it straightened up its upper half, exposing its scarlet mouth, and attacked Duan Jinming.

Duan Jinming didn't dodge or dodge, his body rotated extremely fast, and his long legs kicked the giant python's head and body one after another.

Li Fanggu heard the sound of thumping in his ears, it was Duan Jinming's leg kicking the giant python.After about a dozen times in a row, the crimson color in Duan Jinming's eyes lit up again. Li Fanggu noticed that his palms were clasped together, and in an instant, a huge crimson flame blade shot out from his palm, cutting straight towards the giant python in front of him. .

The giant python was cut open by the flame blade in an instant, and the flames from the flame blade touched the giant python's body. It became a mass of ashes.

Li Fanggu was so dumbfounded that he almost forgot to breathe.

Now he has exhausted all the words and can't describe his mood, and finally only said two words: "So handsome!"

Duan Jinming stood tall and straight on the city wall, the breeze brought by the blazing fire swayed his bangs, his bright eyes were imprinted with the slowly fading fire, and his face was like a god of beauty.

After the battle, he looked in Li Fanggu's direction, with a slight smile on his face, and then his body fell limply.

Li Fanggu hurriedly rushed up and hugged him into his arms.

Duan Jinming's body was scalding hot, like a warm bag filled with hot water in winter.

It's so hot, it won't burn your head!Li Fanggu was extremely worried, and put his palms on his forehead, hoping to cool him down.His body is so hot, he must be suffering to death, just now he used his strength like that.

Duan Jinming opened his eyes, smiled at him shallowly, and said, "Don't worry, I won't die."

"Why don't you worry about it!" Li Fanggu said helplessly, "You were so handsome just now, and suddenly I feel extremely inferior, and feel that I am not worthy of you at all."

Duan Jinming laughed hoarsely, and said, "You've already hooked everyone, and you're saying that. Don't you think it's too hypocritical?"

Li Fanggu printed his lips and whispered at the corner of his mouth: "I would rather be hypocritical than hold you tightly. You are mine, even if the emperor comes to snatch someone from me, I will not let him go."

Duan Jinming laughed, bit his lip, and said, "Do you have the same addiction as you and I when you are a god? Besides, I won't want anyone else except you. You can rest assured."

"Hmph, what do you know! It's a global trend to be gay now, you're so handsome, I really have to be careful." Li Fanggu supported him, let him stand up on his shoulders, and helped him to the side to sit down , resting his head on his shoulder.

Duan Jinming spoiled him with a smile: "You treat me as a wife? I don't know about others, but I want you anyway."

After hearing this, Li Fanggu felt extremely heartwarming.At this time, the usual glib tongue will automatically fail, and he can't say anything, so he can only hug Duan Jinming tightly.

After a long while, he snorted and said, "That's not right, everyone can be a wife? You mean I'm your wife? Wife?"

Duan Jinming smiled and said, "You don't want to?"

Li Fanggu was reluctant: "I am your man!" Seeing Duan Jinming's smiling expression, he said unconvinced: "I am really a man."

Duan Jinming stretched out his hand, pushed his messy bangs back, and said, "Whether it's a man or a woman, you are the one I recognize. If you don't like to say that, I won't say it from now on."

"It's not that I don't like it." Li Fanggu twitched again, and for a long time he said cheekily: "I want to fuck you more than being fucked by you. You don't know, the first time I saw your sexy ass It's incredible."

After Duan Jinming heard this, he couldn't help pinching his waist: "Damn child, why are you such a rascal!"

Li Fanggu groaned twice, but he clearly felt that Duan Jinming didn't really use his strength.

"Food and sex, I should have desire for you!" Li Fanggu argues.

Duan Jinming squinted his eyes halfway, Li Fanggu looked at his expression with a bit of anxiety, he must not be angry, right?I knew I wasn't telling the truth.But looking at it this way, he himself is really nothing, Duan Jinming wouldn't think that what he's looking for is his body, right?

He admits that he really likes Duan Jinming's handsome face, sharp skills, and other external conditions, but what he likes most is Duan Jinming's gentle but domineering personality, and his deep-seated personality. tolerate.

He scratched his hair in frustration, thinking of what to say to remedy it.

Duan Jinming sat up straight, looked at him solemnly, and said, "Li Fangu, I should have made it clear to you earlier."

Li Fanggu thought in his heart, it's over, he was really angry, and he was really trying to die, if he knew earlier, he would wait until the relationship deepened before bringing it up.

"Li Fangu, the education I have received since childhood, and what my father taught us since childhood, is a concept: fairness and equality."

Li Fangu's temples throbbed, how do you understand this?Does it mean that both of them will make money to support their families in the future?This is no problem, Li Fangu is not without arms and legs, it is necessary to make money to support his family.

Seeing his expression, Duan Jinming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, stretched out his fingers and flicked his forehead, and said: "I used to think that my future partner should be a woman. If I get married with her and start a family, no matter what happens at home, I will go with her." Share, love her, respect her. Even I will take the initiative to take on most of it, just hope she can be happier. But I never think that it is right to take care of everything in the family. The so-called partner should support and rely on each other. Taking it all is not the right thing to do."


"Who knows that I will find a man. But I still have this idea. I am a man, and you are also a man. Although we cannot get married, we live together, form a family, and live together in the future. I will take the initiative to share all the things in the family with you , the two of us support each other, I don't think you are the kind of man with serious machismo, are you?"

Li Fanggu immediately felt heartbroken, and he replied without hesitation: "Of course not. I also agree with your idea. Although I am not very good at doing housework, I can learn. I don't care whether you do housework or not. I also I will work hard to make money to support my family, although I am not smart, but I work very hard, maybe I don’t earn much, but I will keep working hard.”

Duan Jinming was powerless, and said, "Are you serious? I'm talking about sex..."

Li Fanggu nodded and said, "I know what you mean. I'm not pure zero, and neither are you. In the future, how will we divide?"

Duan Jinming laughed: "One person is half, this is my biggest concession."

Li Fanggu muttered: "What if I want to be more on top?"

Duan Jinming was silent, and said, "It's not impossible. If you insist, I will try my best to endure it. However, after a long time, I don't guarantee that I will have complaints in my heart."

Li Fanggu laughed happily, hugged him, and said, "Jin Ming, I'm going to be dizzy with joy. I thought about these things before, and thought I would be crushed by you for the rest of my life, but you said you could be half of me." , It's beyond my expectation, I'm too happy to be happy. I knew you were a good and tolerant man. My Li Fanggu's vision is indeed right, hahahahaha!"

When Duan Jinming saw that he was so successful, he was both angry and funny.He felt powerless, he felt that most of the time he and Li Fanggu were not on the same channel, but in the end they were able to talk together again, it was really amazing.

"Actually, I really agree with what you said just now." Li Fanggu rubbed against him and said.

Duan Jinming stroked his hair: "Which sentence?"

"At the beginning, I will try my best to tolerate it, but I don't guarantee that there will be no complaints after a long time."

Duan Jinming laughed, and Li Fanggu muttered: "I remember reading such a passage, love will make people excited at the beginning, in the face of love, all unwillingness will bow their heads. But when love becomes flat, passion becomes stagnant water , strong will become light, and those who are unwilling will rise again. At that time, there will be conflicts and quarrels. No matter how strong the relationship is, it will slowly crack before the quarrel, and then when the greatest enemy of human beings - time, When you come here to intervene, the love that was once a fortress will slowly melt away. So it’s better to talk about these things in advance, and I don’t want us to have disputes over these things in the future, it’s too emotionally draining. Hey, I don’t remember well Well, I don’t remember exactly that it’s different from the original text, but that’s probably what it means. It made a deep impression on me at the time, so I’ve always remembered it.”

Duan Jinming listened to his emotional words, and felt indescribable in his heart. He felt that his words were so sour, and seeing that his expression was so cute when he said these words, he couldn't help but want to ravage He said it, but what he said in these few words was absolutely correct, and his mother had said similar things before.

"Who said that?" He couldn't help asking.

"I forgot." Li Fanggu was at a loss, "It seems to be from a romance novel."

"Why do you even read those books..." Duan Jinming helplessly supported his forehead.

"...more interesting than the books you read at school..."

"..." Duan Jinming admits defeat, this passage is sour, it seems to make sense after listening carefully, but what makes him crazy is why the child is so impressed by this sentence!

"However, if two people really want to live together, there is no guarantee that everything will be fair..." Li Fanggu frowned and said in a low voice.

"I don't mind letting you go." Duan Jinming kissed his forehead lightly.

Li Fanggu was happy and said, "How do you know that I can't let you go?"

"It's over. Let's give in to each other. Regardless of whether it's fair or not, it's all over. Then there's nothing to worry about." Duan Jinming laughed.

"That's right." Li Fanggu suddenly realized, he smiled happily, grabbed Duan Jinming's hot hand and stroked it carefully.

"By the way, if we talk about this matter in this place, will there be something wrong?" Li Fanggu said with a guilty conscience.

Duan Jinming leaned weakly on his shoulder and snorted softly.

"Hey, we can't blame us for this, who made Sister Weiwei and the others move so slowly, and it took so long to not come here." He muttered.

"Huh, Li Fanggu! We've arrived a long time ago. Seeing that you and Xiaoduan are so intimate, you didn't come out to make light bulbs. We hid here as a gecko and haven't complained yet. You dare to speak first. I think you are itchy." Song Song A slight voice came down from mid-air.

Li Fanggu's face was flushed with embarrassment, he saw a light flicker above, a rope was hanging down, and several people came down one after another like dumplings, Jin Zhicheng, Song Weiwei, General and Fusu.

Duan Jinming was also weak, and he didn't know how long these people had been there. It seemed that all the private conversations between him and Li Fanggu had been listened to.

Li Fanggu was about to cry, he helped Duan Jinming stand up, and saw these people walking in front of him.

Song Weiwei tossed his dropped backpack to him, snorted, and said, "You bastard who forgets your friends, I'll fix you when you go back."

Li Fanggu was ashamed to look at them, another object was thrown in the air, and he caught it in his hand, it turned out to be the gun he had shot down.When he was happy, he wiped it twice, put it on his waist and put it away.

Li Fanggu tied the broken strap of the backpack into a knot, put it on his back, and asked, "This is the Lost City of Light Phoenix, what shall we do next?"

Duan Jinming said in embarrassment: "I want to go in, I have to find the Wufengzhu. I can only leave if I can't find it. You..."

"I'll accompany you." Li Fanggu did not hesitate.

Song smiled slightly, and said, "Xiao Duan, you are all from Xiaogu now, and it would be shameless to be polite to us any more. You've come here, besides, the young phoenix on Xiaogu's body has to find a way to hatch, we This trip is imperative.”

"What young phoenix?" Duan Jinming was confused.

Only then did Li Fanggu remember that he hadn't told him about the young phoenix on him, so he told him again.

Song Weiwei joked: "You two haven't slept yet, and you already have children. I don't know if this young phoenix bird will be called father or mother after it is born."

Duan Jinming looked embarrassed, and Li Fanggu suddenly had one head and two big ones: "Sister, the phoenix bird is a divine beast in the heavens, and I'm afraid that the first thing it will do is kill me."

"It's possible." Duan Jinming concealed his embarrassment and said solemnly.

Several people were startled when they saw his face.

Duan Jinming sighed, and said, "I'm serious. Huangniao is proud by nature, and Huangniao has no father or mother, how could he tolerate us two humans to tarnish his identity!"

Several people were taken aback and asked, "What does it mean to have no father and no mother?"

"The phoenix is ​​the light. The first phoenix in the world was born from light. It has no form or form. After that, it has been absorbing light energy. The light energy can be gathered to a certain extent and can be cultivated into a physical body. This is the form. When the light energy Beyond a certain limit, the phoenix will separate the excess light from its body, turn it into an egg, and hatch it as its own children. So strictly speaking, the phoenix is ​​not giving birth, but dividing. The young phoenix is ​​just It is just a clone of the adult phoenix. As long as the adult phoenix is ​​willing, the young phoenix can inherit everything from it, including memory and all power." Duan Jinming explained.

Jin Zhicheng continued: "It has the same effect as the rumor of the phoenix's nirvana."

"Yes!" Duan Jinming nodded, "If the phoenix bird is not willing to split, it will transform the extra energy into a light phoenix bead, which contains the power of the light phoenix. There is a seat in this light phoenix city that can emit the power of the light phoenix." It seems that there must be a light phoenix pearl hidden in the clock that day."

"Hey, then our goal this time is very clear, as long as we find the sky clock." Li Fanggu said happily.

"Did you forget? And the young phoenix bird on your body must be let out, otherwise, your body is so fragile, it will stay in your body forever, and it will kill you." Duan Jinming was helpless.

"..." Li Fanggu really forgot about this, and he only remembered it when he reminded him.

"Then how do you let the young phoenix come out?" Fu Su frowned.

The general looked at Li Fangu worriedly, it was not just the problem of the young phoenix bird, if Li Fangu's body continued to be so tired, he was afraid that the seal in his body would...

Duan Jinming was at a loss, and said: "It would be great if the Temple of Sacrifice is still alive. She is the one who knows best how to make the Phoenix hatch."

The general said: "Then go in and look for it. The sacrificial temple was here where the city was sacrificed. Maybe she will leave some records."

"No one can understand if you stay here." Li Fangu muttered.

"That's not necessarily the case." Fu Su laughed, "This Guanghuang City is a lost history. These ancient people may not have their own words. They prefer to leave images in their records. You forget the tomb of Master Xiaowan Are those cameos in it?"

Li Fanggu laughed, patted his forehead, and said, "Really! You see, I actually forgot."

Several people settled down and decided to take a rest before continuing to explore.

Duan Jinming and Fusu did not have a good rest for a long time. Duan Jinming leaned on Li Fanggu, ate something and drank some water, and took a short rest.

Fusu looked at the two cuddling together, showed a blank expression, then smiled, and sat next to the general to greet him.

"Brother General, you seem to have doubts, what's the matter?"

The general shook his head, smiled honestly, and said nothing.

"Is it because of the seal on Mr. Li's body?" Fusu lowered his voice.Jin Zhicheng's ears moved, but he didn't say anything.

The general nodded and said, "Yes, how do you know he has a seal on him?"

Fu Su smiled and said without answering, "Don't worry, I will take good care of him."

Jiangzi showed a grateful smile, and then said melancholy: "Xiaogu's character is like this, it doesn't matter if he is impulsive, sometimes, he really doesn't think much about his own affairs."

Fusu was silent for a while, and said: "He has low self-esteem. He is afraid that he will not be needed by others, and he is afraid of being rejected by others. So even if his strength is meager, he hopes to help others. Although it is not noble, it is indeed courageous."

"You see, he is quite thorough." The general smiled, "I brought him up, and I know his character very well. However, I would rather let him live his life than let him be a mediocre person and feel sorry for himself all his life." I want to live happily every day. It’s just that this is always risky, and I often reflect on whether it is right to do so.”

"He's grown up, he can decide for himself what kind of life he wants to live. Brother Jiang thinks too much, and it's mediocrity." Fusu comforted him.

"You're right." General nodded, "His mother also told me when she handed him over to me, as long as he is willing, everything is up to him."

The two smiled knowingly, and touched each other with mineral water bottles as a toast.

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