The strongest magician

Chapter 143 Explore

Along the way, Li Fanggu and the others used broken branches to cut long sticks, brushed aside the tall weeds, and followed the trajectory of butterflies in the forest on foot.

They are located at an altitude of more than 700 meters, the climate is cool, and the surroundings are always foggy, and sunlight cannot penetrate the fog.Milky white water vapor flows in the forest, and they hear the chirping of various birds from time to time.

Butterflies flew in front of them unhurriedly. Li Fanggu and the others followed behind for about two or three hours, and came to a cliff. It is a collapsed mountain, showing sections of faults; the average height difference of the cliff mouth is not big, and the mist curls up under the cliff, like white clouds flowing; The bottomless lake looks mysterious and deep.

Jin Zhicheng said: "That is a typical karst landform."

Li Fanggu was confused, Song Weiwei nodded and said, "It looks like this should be Majiaya."

Li Fanggu couldn't help asking: "Have you been here before? Are you familiar with this place?"

Song Weiwei laughed and said, "These are written in travel guides on the Internet."

Li Fanggu unbelievingly took out his mobile phone and wanted to search, but found that there was no signal at all.He put away his phone in embarrassment, forgetting about it.

Butterfly stopped here for a while, Li Fanggu was excited and asked: "Is it here? Duan Jinming is here?"

Song Weiwei comforted him and said, "Yuan Die is tired after flying for so long. Take a little rest, don't worry, our body is also made of flesh, so we need to rest."

Jin Zhicheng nodded and said, "Take a break and continue."

Li Fanggu sat down in disappointment, and handed over food to supplement his strength. He ate a few mouthfuls sullenly, but he was so irritable that he couldn't calm down at all.

Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng discussed countermeasures on the sidelines.

"Ah Cheng, I took a look at the nearby landforms, and it should be Leyin Water Cave. But there is a tourist area for tourists. According to what Xiao Li saw, we should go deep into the forest area. And Duan Jinming They came here to find the lost Phoenix City, that Light Phoenix City should have been sunk into the ground right now."

While analyzing Song Weiwei, Jin Zhicheng nodded and asked, "Do you mean buried in the nearby mountains?"

Jin Zhicheng pondered for a moment and said, "Maybe it's deeper underground. Have you forgotten our experience at the foot of Yuntai Mountain? That tomb is at a depth of 90 meters underground, and it was built by Ling Duanyang. Guanghuang City It was built with the power of the phoenix, and it sank into the ground to defend against the enemy, I think it may go deeper."

If you enter such a deep underground, the supply and demand of gas will be a big problem.

Song Weiwei raised his forehead with one hand and said: "This place is very close to Shuanghe Karst Cave. That cave is unfathomable. There are many caves in this primeval forest. Maybe these caves are also connected."

"It's possible." Jin Zhicheng agreed.

"Could there be a cave that can lead directly to the underground Guanghuang City?" Li Fanggu asked mentally.

"Maybe." Song Wei smiled, "But it is said that there are many entrances to caves here. We should be careful when we go, and don't fall into it."

While they were resting, they heard the laughter of tourists on the road by the mountain. Li Fanggu was a little puzzled and said: "My uncle said that the mandrill who attacked Jin Ming and the others might be the monkeys that died here after being demonized." It turned into a monster. But there are many tourists here all the year round. If there are monsters, why have there been no reports? Don’t these monsters attack ordinary people, only attack people with supernatural powers?”

Song Weiwei frowned and said, "Maybe it didn't exist before, but it just popped up recently?"

"How to say?"

"It may be because of the commotion we made in the wild world that awakened the magic phoenix, causing the power of the light phoenix in the wild world to echo with the power in this city, so that the barrier protecting the city loosened. And those are not mandrills, they may be the guardian beasts of this Guanghuang City in the past, they were demonized after they died, and they were sealed in the ground until the seal was loosened, and they found a gap and ran out..."

"Miss Wei Wei is right. If it had always existed before, it would be impossible for this place to look so quiet. Maybe it really came out from the crack of the seal." Jiang Zi agreed.

Li Fanggu was silent. If this is the case, then those demonized guardian beasts have practiced for many years. There are only two people, Duan Jinming and Fusu, can they escape?

After a while, Yuan Die regained some strength, fluttered her wings and continued to lead the way.

Sure enough, as Song Weiwei said, the figure of the butterfly went all the way into the forest area, and Li Fanggu and the others followed behind, gradually walking into the depths of the forest.

Kuankuoshui is a deciduous and evergreen broad-leaved mixed forest. The plants inside are lush and lush, with trees and forests, vigorous and elegant.

Li Fanggu and the others walked deeper and deeper, and the scenery became more and more gloomy.The cliffs on both sides are as steep as knives, the pine trees dance in the forest, the uncarved vines hang upside down, the towering trees above the head block out the sun, the soil under the feet is wet, and the fallen leaves are soft. When you step on it, one foot is high and the other is low. a feeling of.

There were small wild animals around from time to time, and after a while, Li Fangu saw two civet cats rushing past, not to mention the various pheasants jumping on the trees and all kinds of snakes coiled around the trunk.

Butterflies shuttled among the mottled tree shadows. After a while, the butterflies whirled and flew in one place, and then stopped.

Li Fanggu smiled bitterly: "Are you tired again?"

Jin Zhicheng stopped them with his right arm, motioning them to silence: "The breath is not right."

Li Fanggu was stunned for a moment, and immediately became excited. Here, he picked up the fresh fallen leaves on the ground and inspected them carefully. Sure enough, he saw the messy footprints covered by the fallen leaves.There were scratch marks on the surrounding trees, some of which were deep scratches, and Li Fanggu said with certainty, "That was left by Fusu!"

A few of them rummaged along the traces, and saw dirty bloodstains along the way.Li Fanggu's heart twitched, Duan Jinming was injured?Or Fusu?Or those demonized monsters?

The general comforted him and said, "Xiaogu, don't think about it, just find it."

They followed the traces of the fight all the way, Song Weiwei let out a surprise and said, "Why are you going more and more into the forest?"

Isn't it?They are getting farther and farther away from the edge of the forest, and there are more and more thick trees. The light in the forest is gradually dimming. Jin Zhicheng's five senses are the best, and he has been leading the way. At this time, he waved his hand to stop a few people from going on. OK.

Jin Zhicheng listened intently, his Adam's apple slid up and down, and said, "No, we are surrounded."

At some point, a large number of bright spots of red light flashed around them, looking creepy in the dark forest.

Li Fanggu was excited and said in a low voice, "It's them! It's these monsters that surrounded Jin Ming and Fusu!"

Those monsters slowly emerged from the cover of the bushes, and they really were things that looked like apes but were not apes.

Those things looked at a few people, their mouths widened, revealing fangs emitting a dark green color.

Jin Zhicheng's black bone fan transformed into a thick-backed machete, and told everyone: "Attention, there are many enemies, don't be scattered." The backpack on his back was opened, Lily of the Valley and Ai'ai came out, and Lily of the Valley floated high into the air , Jin Zhicheng looked at the whole situation with the eyes of Lily of the valley, and carefully checked every situation in the field.

Aiai let out a weird laugh, and her body also glowed red.

Li Fanggu first dug out a whole pack of spells from the pocket of his jacket, which he had saved up during practice a few days ago, so it was useless at this time.With such a charm, he still has a whole document bag in his backpack.

Li Fanggu suddenly thought that Song Weiwei's magic weapon was destroyed in the wild world. She was going to fight the enemy with bare hands. He turned his head and saw that Song Weiwei was holding a long iron chain in his hand. The two ends of the iron chain were The two fist-sized small balls covered with spikes are actually meteor hammers!

Song Weiwei raised the corners of his mouth and showed a bright smile, and said: "Brother Jin found this, it's not made of metal, the hammer is made of a 梼杌 skull, the thorns on it are Qiongqi's fangs, and the chain is from the West. The vertebrae of the wind beast and white tiger are tempered with the fire of the Vermilion Bird, so be careful not to get hit in a while."

Li Fanggu admired in his heart, Brother Jin is really a wonderful person, he loves his family the most, and he loves Song Weiwei, so he found such a precious thing so quickly.

He withdrew his gaze and stood with his back to his back. Those monsters were slowly approaching, and a big battle was imminent.

Then, Li Fanggu seemed to hear a strange sound suddenly, the sound was indescribable to him, like a breeze blowing, or like a broken string. In short, at that moment, the monsters surrounding them all started to move. The target is precise - rushing towards Li Fanggu.

Li Fanggu: "!"

Jin Zhicheng was also taken aback, he thought that they would at least attract the enemies evenly, but he didn't expect Li Fanggu to become a Tang monk, and all the enemies rushed towards him.

Cold sweat came down Li Fanggu's forehead, and he threw out all the talisman papers in his hand without thinking: "Break!"

The talisman paper spread out in the air, and a violent air blast suddenly exploded in the air, causing the monster in front of Li Fanggu to flip back.Li Fanggu pulled out the gun from his waist, hid behind the general, and shot at the monster that rushed up again.His marksmanship was precise, almost one shot at a time, directly headshot the monsters that rushed over.

Song Weiwei admired: "Good marksmanship!" She swung the meteor hammer, and the hammer head swept out with a long bone lock, and the enemies behind Li Fanggu were swept away, and her wrist moved flexibly, and the monster hit by the hammer immediately flew away. The intestines were broken, fell to the ground, and rotted into a pile of minced meat.

Jin Zhicheng swung the saber with his back, and the momentum was like a rainbow. Those monsters who tried to approach were cut in half.

His eyes are red, his fangs and claws are exposed, and his figure is like lightning, he moves nimbly in the dense forest to hunt enemies.

Aiai let out a scream from her mouth, and flew all the way with a red light all over her body. The monster that was swept away began to rot, fell to the ground trembling, and let out a mournful wail.

Li Fanggu and Song Weiwei took care of each other and dealt with the enemy's encirclement.After a while, Li Fanggu ran out of bullets, and he lowered his head to quickly change the clips.

At this time, more monsters jumped down from the tree and suddenly landed beside the three of them, Song Weiwei scolded softly: "Xiaogu get out of the way!"

Li Fanggu got short and rolled to the side. He was about to stand up to cooperate with the attack of the two when suddenly two skinny claws stretched out from behind and grabbed his arm. The claws were extremely powerful. His hand hurt and the gun fall to the ground.

not good!He screamed wildly in his heart, but unfortunately he didn't have time to react, and several skinny arms wrapped around his legs and torso, and then he was suddenly lifted up, and a large group of monsters rushed over and crawled under him. Grabbed him with his feet, and then quickly moved on the ground, shuttling through the forest like flying.

Li Fanggu yelled all the way: "Let me go!!"

Seeing him being carried away by a group of monster ants like beans, Jin Zhicheng immediately became anxious, showing a ferocious grimace, swiping the thick-backed knife down quickly, and shouted: "Hurry up and stop them!"

Jiang Zi and Ai Ai immediately chased after him before he finished shouting.

The movements of these things were extremely fast, Li Fangu only saw the towering trees above his head receding almost at the speed of light, his body was passing through rapidly under the support, and he became dizzy after a while, and his stomach was churning.

At the beginning, Jiang Zi and Ai Ai could still be seen catching up, but after a while, they were left far behind and disappeared.

He wanted to break free, but dozens of skinny claws held him firmly, he couldn't even tilt his head, only his eyes could move around.

At first he was still yelling, but later he couldn't even yell. His stomach was so disgusting that he was afraid that he would accidentally vomit it out, and he couldn't turn his head. The overflowing vomit blocked his windpipe and choked to death.

I can't tell how long it took, but Li Fanggu was so dizzy, and then suddenly his eyes went dark, and he was dragged head and foot toward a cave.

"!!!" Li Fanggu was shocked, where is this taking him?Do these monsters live in caves?He moved quickly in the cave, looked up, and found that this is a cave, the entrance is on the ground, the cave presents a downward trend, the entrance is wide, and the further you go down, the narrower it becomes.

His whole body was gripped tightly by those withered claws, and the pain was unbearable. Slowly, his body began to become sore and weak, and he had no strength to break free.

After being supported to move more than ten meters, the cave became narrow and difficult to pass through. Those skinny claws roughly tore off his backpack, the strong canvas strap on the backpack was torn off, and the bag was thrown on the ground, and then those monsters put Li Fanggu down. .

Li Fanggu struggled to turn over, trying to get up to deal with them, but was immediately dragged downwards. He fell to the ground, his arms were firmly bound, only his legs were kicking all the way, hoping to break free .

His back quickly slid against the rough ground, and soon his clothes were rubbed to pieces, and there was a burning, piercing pain. He let out a breath of air, and his back was worn out.

The severe pain almost made him pass out, and he tried his best to keep himself awake. His body was quickly dragged over a raised stone, and he hooked it with his foot without hesitation, hoping to stop the castration.

However, those monsters didn't care about his life at all, and pulled down hard. His arms made a rattling sound, and if he didn't let go, his arms might be torn off directly. He was frightened, and immediately let go of his legs, and his body was dragged down again.

In the depths of the cave, the light of the sky could no longer penetrate, leaving only a bottomless darkness and pairs of scarlet eyes that kept flickering.

Li Fangu felt pain and numbness all over his body, and the monsters' hands did not loosen, but the speed finally slowed down. He gathered his strength and swept his legs in the dark. It seemed that he also kicked several enemies. There was a harsh sound in the cave. squeak.

Finally, where those monsters stopped, Li Fanggu quickly turned over and jumped up, punching and kicking in the dark, but unfortunately, before he played twice, he was pushed down again, and a group of monsters pressed on him, pulling him up roughly , dragging him in another direction.

Then an unknown sticky and slender thing wound up in the darkness, and Li Fanggu was quickly wrapped into something like a silkworm chrysalis, but this time his head was free and could turn around.

But nothing can be seen in the dark.He heard a messy creaking sound and left towards the outside of the cave again, it seemed that he was going to continue to deal with Jin Zhicheng and the others.

Li Fangu's body was in pain and numbness, bursts of needle-like stinging pain came from his back, the pain was so painful that he almost lost control, he took a few breaths to suppress the pain.

After a long time, his eyes slowly adapted to the darkness, and he vaguely saw that this was a huge cave, and now he was tightly entangled by thick and tough silk threads, standing at the bottom of the cave , He raised his head and looked up, the top of the cave was extremely dark, with this poor light, Li Fangu saw a huge object hovering on the top of the cave.

After seeing that thing clearly, he gasped, wishing he could pass out immediately.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge spider web, hovering back and forth on it, is a huge spider, from Li Fanggu's position, the spider is at least one person tall, it seems anxious now Incomparably, crawling back and forth on the spider web.He looked at his body and found that what bound him densely was the silk spit out by the spider.

Cold sweat dripped down Li Fanggu's forehead, and he was caught in the spider's lair, what kind of damn species is this?Are there any spiders this big in the world?

He turned his head and saw countless dead bones falling on the ground beside his feet, but they didn't look like human beings, but were left by animals in the forest. It seemed that these were the food residues of this spider, not at all. There is no doubt that this spider is still a cannibal!

He wanted to cry without tears. He tried his best to break free from the shackles of the spider's silk, but found that the silk thread was too tough, and he couldn't break free at all.

He took a few deep breaths and told himself to calm down. He has lost his backpack and gun, and there is nothing on his body that can be used. If there is, it is only teeth. He considers using his teeth to bite off these spider silks possible, but before he put it into practice, a loud sound came from the entrance of the cave.

He was overjoyed, he heard the familiar screams in his ears, it was the general and Ai Ai, they really caught up!

He wanted to open his mouth and shout for help, but he was afraid of disturbing the huge man-eating spider on the top of the cave who was obviously in anxiety, so he could only gather his strength and try to maintain it.

The noise at the entrance of the cave became louder and louder, it seemed that Jiang Zi and Ai Ai were getting closer and closer, and soon Song Wei Wei's voice also came: "Is Xiao Gu just down here?"

"It should be, we followed the trail!" Jiang Zi replied while talking about tearing apart the monsters surrounding him.

At this time, Li Fanggu was so happy that he almost cried bitterly. Just as he was about to speak, his pupils shrank suddenly, because he saw that there was more than one spider on the top of the cave, and there was actually a gap leading to the bottom not far from him. And now, from that gap, there are more spiders crawling out densely, and then crawling to the top of the cave along the spider's silk.

Li Fanggu's scalp exploded, and he couldn't help shouting: "Sister, get out, there are at least a hundred man-eating spiders that are bigger than people!"

The people above seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then Song Weiwei said angrily: "Li Fanggu, this way I can't leave you here! Hold on!"

When those spiders heard the movement, two of them crawled towards Li Fanggu, and the others rushed towards the entrance of the cave like a tide, it seemed that they were going to hunt Jin Zhicheng and the others.

Li Fanggu looked at the two approaching monsters, and really wanted to free his hands to slap himself!Now it's all right, attract the attention of the spider, you're going to die!

Two bright red lights lit up in the darkness. It looked like the monkey-like monster that captured me, but it was even bigger!Almost as tall as a person.

The shadow was attached to the side of the cave wall, and it turned out that there was still a hole in that place.It seems that this underground cave extends in all directions, with many branches.

Li Fanggu complained incessantly, besides the man-eating spider, there is also a giant monstrous monkey, he is going to confess here today.

Seeing the two huge spiders getting closer and closer, Li Fanggu had already heard the mouthparts rubbing sound of the spiders, and he was about to be swallowed by the spiders, when suddenly a scorching fire lit up, and the two spiders in front of him Suddenly a strong crimson flame erupted from his body, and in just a split second, the two spiders hissed mournfully, rolled twice on the ground, first burned into two huge fireballs, and within a few seconds turned into two balls of ashes fall to the ground.

Li Fanggu was stunned by the changes in front of him, and then there were two hisses in the air, and two bright red lights cut like blades on the spider silk that bound him tightly, and when he loosened, the restraint was released.

Someone saved him!who?Before he had time to think about it, the bright red light on the cave wall jumped down and came to him in an instant.

Li Fanggu had a conditioned reflex, so he punched him. In the darkness, his fist was caught, and a hoarse voice said, "Don't be horizontal! It's me!"

It was Duan Jinming's voice, Li Fanggu was taken aback for a moment, then he was ecstatic in his heart, the next moment, he fell into a fiery embrace, Duan Jinming held him tightly in his arms, pressed his arms to the wound on his back, Cold sweat broke out on his painful forehead, but he held back.

Duan Jinming was still alive, the stone in Li Fangu's heart finally fell to the ground, he stretched out his arms and hugged him tightly.

It's great to be alive!

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