Li Fanggu looked straight at Zhou Yu with a calm expression on his face. After a while, he said, "Uncle, I, Li Fanggu, am a useless person, but I am not such a coward who is afraid of death. You are the servants now." At that time, in order to save my own life, I couldn't hide my head in my arms and hide at home. If I did this, let alone you would look down on me, I would despise myself."

Zhou Yu snorted and said, "Sooner or later, Qing Heng will be watching this place. Qing Heng is a monster. You can't help us here."

Li Fanggu was a little sad, and said: "Uncle, I know that compared to you, I am useless at all. But I also hope that I can do my part for you, maybe there is something I can help you with."

Zhou Yu's tone became much softer, and he said, "Xiao Li, thank you for your kindness. However, the most urgent thing I want to do now is to find Xiao Liang first. Our Zhou family, no, starting from the Fang family thousands of years ago, the most important thing is What matters is this brotherhood. For me, it doesn’t matter if the world is destroyed or anything else, if I really can’t avoid it, there is nothing I can do about it. I can only say that I will do as much as I can. But I am not a savior , never. All I want is for my brothers and those who value me to be safe. Now that the situation is like this, we have no other way, so my only goal now is to find Xiaoliang. I know Xiao Liang loves his family very much, if he really wants to perish, then at least I will take him home before he perishes."

Li Fanggu was stunned for a moment, and tentatively asked: "Uncle, have you made any plans to rescue little uncle?"

Zhou Yu didn't answer him. Li Fanggu looked at his face, then nodded reluctantly, and said, "I see, uncle. I will go home and live in this period of time. But, if you need me, please You must come to me. Although I have no skills, I will do my best to help."

Zhou Yu gave a rare smile and said, "I promise, I will."

Li Fanggu nodded and went back to the room.He lay on the bed, thinking for a long time, feeling extremely annoyed, if he was strong enough, even if he could help a little bit, it would be good.But I am too weak.

He picked up his phone from time to time to check text messages, he was afraid that he had missed Duan Jinming's news, not that Duan Jinming had really forgotten him.However, every time I pick up the phone, I am disappointed.It's been almost three days and Duan Jinming hasn't heard from him. What's the matter?

It's a pity that the reality is always cruel. Even though I was worried that Duan Jinming was terribly worried, and Zhou Gong came to visit, Li Fanggu still couldn't resist the temptation and fell asleep again.

This time, his dream was very simple. He spread his wings and soared in the air. There was a cloud of black air chasing behind him. There was only a piece of dark dark green left, which looked extremely gloomy under the light blue crescent moon.

I really want to go home...

When Li Fanggu woke up, he said these words involuntarily, he felt the coldness on his face, he stretched out his hand to wipe it, his face was wet, and tears flowed down his face in a dream.

He couldn't help cursing: "Damn!" After a long time, it was Huang Niao who was homesick, and this is the rhythm for him to take it home?The point is, the information is not complete. Thousands of years have passed, who the hell knows where the city is?

He hurriedly wiped his face clean and wiped the bottom of his nose, but luckily no nasal fluid came out.He picked up his phone to check, and there were only a few spam messages on the phone, but there was still no news from Duan Jinming.Li Fanggu slapped his thigh, damn it!Normal people can't be contacted within 24 hours, so they can go to the police station to call the police. Duan Jinming hasn't heard from him for more than three days, what is he still struggling with?

He directly dialed the number, and the mechanical female voice reminded him: "Sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off, please call again later."

His mind went blank for a while, and he dialed again unwillingly, and it was the same reply.

He dug out Fusu's number and called it, but the reply he got was still the same. He didn't believe in evil, and he dialed it more than ten times in a row, and it turned out to be the same.

With a bang, the tension in his mind broke. How could it be that the two of them couldn't be contacted, did they disappear together?He slapped himself hard on the thigh again, Li Fanggu, what the hell are you being hypocritical about?Who went there two days ago?Why don't you take the initiative to call and ask?Anyway, he also knew where Duan Jinming was and what he was doing.Now the mobile phone can't get through, how can I find him?

He stood up and walked back and forth impatiently. He hoped that Duan Jinming was delayed by something, and he would take the initiative to call back when he saw his missed call.But when he got two lines of white marks on the floor, the mobile phone was still lying quietly on the bed.

Li Fanggu is now completely sure that Duan Jinming is missing.

He thought of Qing Heng's recent crazy actions, and he was afraid. Could it be that Duan Jinming got the news and went home?He was afraid that he was worried, so he cut off contact?But Fusu won't hide it from him.He made an appointment with Fusu, if there is an emergency, they will take the initiative to contact.

What happened to Duan Jinming?

The most important thing now is to know where Duan Jinming is.Now that the mobile phone cannot be contacted, there is another way, which is to use the connection between Fusu and him. If something really happens to them, Fusu should leave a light and shadow, and he can get the information of the two people from it. information.

He thought for a while, now, to do this, he has to ask Zhou Qi for help.

After making up his mind, he quickly went to wash up. After finishing, he walked up to Zhou Qi who was sitting in a daze on the sofa in the living room, and asked for help: "Second Uncle, I want you to do me a favor."

Zhou Qi came back to her senses, her handsome face was full of doubts.

"Second Uncle, Duan Jinming is missing, I can't contact him now. I'm worried... Fusu is with him, and I can't contact him now, but Fusu is my Martial God, and I have a contract with him Contact. I would like to ask you to help me, can you connect me with him through a psychic spell, and let me know what happened to them. "

Zhou Qi was stunned for a moment, her delicate brows furrowed, and she said, "Of course it's possible. But if something really happened to them, then you...?"

"If something really happened, of course I will save them." Li Fanggu immediately continued.

Zhou Qi frowned, but still nodded, and said: "Okay, you go and help me prepare something, and then go to the study upstairs, and I will help you connect the thoughts between you and Fusu, so that you can directly use Soul talk."

Li Fanggu thanked him repeatedly, and got up to help him prepare things.

Half an hour later, Li Fanggu led Zhou Qi into the upstairs study, and Bai Fang followed behind them.Under Zhou Qi's instruction, Li Fanggu dipped his brush in cinnabar, drew a circle of gossip on the floor of the study, and pasted psychic symbols on the eight corners.

Zhou Qitian opened her eyes, glanced at it, and said, "Well, the magic circle is drawn correctly, and it can be used now. You go and sit in the middle, and I will guide the spirit for you."

Li Fanggu looked at him gratefully, took a deep breath, walked into the center of the circle, sat down on his knees, closed his eyes, and listened to Zhou Qi's guidance.

Zhou Qi stared at the unknown void with empty eyes, formed the seal with her slender hands, and said the mantra: "The dust and dirt are eliminated, and the nine holes receive the spirit. The soul and soul correspond, and the soul returns to the child's form!"

Li Fanggu felt the flow of the aura in the magic circle, and called Fusu's name in his heart. As the aura accelerated, he called more forcefully. At first, there was only a dark mist in front of his eyes. After a long time, he heard Hearing a clear ringtone, it was Zhou Qi ringing the soul-drawing bell, and the mist suddenly broke, and the scene around him changed, and he came to a dark forest.

This is Fusu's perspective, this is the scene that Fusu had seen before, he carefully adjusted his breathing, and made his soul power in tune with Fusu's, finally, his sight became clear, and he could see the surrounding scenes clearly.

He is now in the dark jungle, the trees are so tall that the sky above is covered so impenetrably that the moonlight cannot penetrate.In front of him was a bonfire, and a handsome figure was sitting by the bonfire, poking the fire with branches from time to time.

Isn't that noble young man who looks a little bit embarrassed, the lover he always misses?He looked at him with nostalgia, his eyes lingering greedily on his cheeks, while carefully listening to the conversation between them.

"Mr. Duan, why did we come to this forest? This is a primeval forest, is there anything you're looking for here?" Fu Su fiddled with the bonfire in front of him and asked suspiciously.

Duan Jinming's face looked extremely tired, there was a light bruise under his eyes, he looked like he hadn't slept well for a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "I've been dreaming these days, and there are This voice has been calling me, and I almost went out of my body several times. I feel that the voice is coming from here, anyway, I want to come here to see."

Fusu looked at him worriedly, and asked, "Mr. Duan, do you know the reason?"

Duan Jinming rubbed his face with his hands, fell silent for a moment, cheered up, and then answered him: "Fusu, you are my martial god, I know you have been wondering what I'm looking for. I won't tell Li Fanggu, first It's because it's related to the secrets of our Duan family, and we can't tell him yet. You know, although he and I... But it's far from being able to share all the secrets, so I can't tell."

Fu Su nodded: "I understand. You and Mr. Li get together less often, and you don't have much time to spend together. It's normal for you to be like this."

"The second reason is that it's really dangerous. I don't want him to take risks with me. At the time of Qiemo, I once saw the illusion created by the raccoon of vision. In the illusion, he died straight in front of me. ..."

Fusu snorted, and said, "So that's what you saw in the illusion of the raccoon showing sight."

Li Fanggu also suddenly realized, it turned out to be the case, no wonder he was unwilling to say it after asking several times.It suddenly occurred to him that all the illusions of the raccoon showing sight had come true one by one. Could it be that he would really die before Duan Jinming's eyes?He panicked, and the scene in front of him suddenly blurred.

Zhou Qi's voice came: "Concentrate, or the spell will be interrupted."

He quickly put aside distracting thoughts and continued to listen.

"You know, Li Fanggu once made me look bad, and I wanted to kill him at first." Duan Jinming said with an embarrassed smile, "But later, I stayed by his side because of a bet. Keep looking at me with that kind of eyes... I admit that people are vain, and unconsciously, I also started to look at him. Later, he went to the end for me, and protected me again and again Me. A person who has no relationship with me, protects me like this, treats me well, my heart is not made of stone, and before I know it, I already have him in my heart."

Fusu listened quietly, without answering.

"Thinking that he will die in front of me, and I have to make a difficult choice... I can't accept it. So, I know that he wants to help me wholeheartedly. However, the illusion of the raccoon showing sight has happened in Hua'an, Song Weiwei, etc. And Jin Zhicheng's realization, I'm afraid..."

Fusu sighed and said, "I see. No wonder you are determined not to let him come with you. Although Mr. Li is not very strong, I can tell that his intentions for you are beyond doubt. At first I thought You didn't bring him because you still had reservations about him, so you were worried about his safety..."

"Fusu, although I haven't talked about relationships, I'm not stupid. It's hard to pretend that I don't know when I'm stared at by those eyes." Duan Jinming showed a doting smile, "I hope I can finish the task at hand quickly." matter, and then, go to him, get to know him well, get to know him, and live a peaceful life with him.”

Li Fanggu looked at him obsessively, it turned out to be like this, he always thought that Duan Jinming disliked his fleshy feet, that's why he didn't take him to the grave with him, it turned out that he was worried about him.Immediately, he was both moved and guilty.

After this period of time, he blamed himself countless times, why he was so stupid and so bad!When the people around him encountered problems, he could hardly help them.In the wild world, it was also because of his repeated departure from the soul that almost killed them all. This feeling of guilt has been lingering in his heart.

Hearing Duan Jinming's words, he felt even more guilty.But when he heard what Duan Jinming said later, he couldn't help laughing, live a peaceful life?Thinking of the identities of the two of them, he felt that this kind of life was not easy to achieve.

After another moment of silence, Duan Jinming brought the conversation back to the topic, staring at the bonfire with fireworks dancing in his eyes, and said slowly: "Every few hundred years in our Duan family, a bifang with two wings will appear, Bi Fang, who has two wings, is proficient in red flame and blue flame at the same time. The red flame burns the body and the blue flame destroys the spirit. If used at the same time, it is the purple flame. The purple flame is extremely destructive. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can burn the void. The wings Bi Fang is the foundation of our Duan family's family protection. The Duan family has also encountered many catastrophes in history, and they all survived the crisis by relying on their wings."

Fusu didn't interrupt, but listened quietly.

"Shuang Wing of this generation is my elder sister's son, that is, my nephew. I am only seven years older than him. He has been close to me since childhood. It can be said that we are also a pair of playmates. Our relationship is very good, He is a very naughty boy, he would often follow me and let me play with him. And because of the mission of the family, he matured precociously since he was a child."

Duan Jinming showed nostalgic affection on his face, then took a deep breath, and continued: "When the previous generation of Shuangyi was still alive, about 20 years ago, there was a drought event in Jiangxi. At that time, many curse masters were dispatched. Go to deal with it. Fusu, although you are also a zombie, you are different from all the zombies I have seen. You look like ordinary people, and you don’t have any cold breath on your body. In fact, I have been puzzled more than once , how did you cultivate such a special zombie?"

Li Fanggu felt that Fusu's eyes were dodging, and he understood very well, after all, both he and Fusu were hiding secrets from Duan Jinming.Fusu is not a good liar.

He also understood Duan Jinming's thoughts, after all, he had such doubts more than once.Hearing Duan Jinming's doubts, the two could only hey in their hearts, and looked away in a tacit understanding.

Duan Jinming smiled, and continued: "The zombie can only become a drought demon after more than a thousand years of cultivation. The one in Jiangxi, I heard, has been practicing for more than 4000 years."

Fusu was stunned, and exclaimed, "There are still monsters that have lived for so long?"

Duan Jinming smiled and said: "It would not be unusual if it was more than 500 years ago. Since the Lord Wu Zun from the Demon Realm opened up the Demon Realm, most of the monsters in this mortal world have migrated, and there are not many left behind. So, it’s rare to see it now.”

Li Fangu wondered, the drought incident more than 20 years ago?Could it be the time his mother participated?Huh?Did the Duan family also participate in it?

He did some calculations, at that time Duan Jinming was less than ten years old at most, so he got involved at such a young age?Oh, by the way, maybe he heard about it from the clansmen who participated in the war later.

"That battle was brutal, and there were Shadow Curse Masters, that is, the Xiao family who made trouble in it, and the Dark Curse Masters suffered heavy losses. It was also a rare battle in which all five great families participated. , the five great aristocratic families lost personnel. At that time, Li Fanggu's mother was among them."

Fu Su nodded and said, "I know that Mr. Li's mother is Ji Jinxiu. She was poisoned by Hanba in that battle. She fell into a coma and died at a young age."

Duan Jinming was taken aback: "So he told you this a long time ago."

Fusu smiled kindly, without saying the reason.Li Fanggu was also taken aback, strange, he didn't tell Fusu this, how did Fusu know?Could it be that Uncle Zi told him?

Duan Jinming looked at Fusu meaningfully, and continued: "Our Duan family also lost two people. These two people are very important in the clan. One is my own uncle. I was young at that time. It's been a long time now, and I can't remember his appearance. There is another one, the two wings of the previous generation."

"Shuangyi of the previous generation was also poisoned by Hanba. After all, she is much more capable than ordinary people. She persisted for many years, and did not return to Bi Fanghunhuo until my nephew was six or seven years old." Duan Jinming's face became gloomy. When he got down, the flames danced on his face, making his noble features faintly look evil. "Even so, the hare was not eradicated, and it escaped at the end. It can be said that the people in that battle all died in vain."

"But the troubles are far from over. Thirteen years ago, that drought cat found the Duan family again." Duan Jinming said in a heavy tone.

Li Fanggu was startled when he heard this, and vaguely understood what happened below.

"That time the Duan family was in a bitter battle. My little nephew was only ten years old..." Duan Jinming smiled wryly, and said, "You can imagine a ten-year-old child leading a family to resist the infestation of a drought demon who has practiced for thousands of years." I still remember his expression at that time, he chanted the spell in a childish voice, he became Bi Fang's body, and his body was more than a circle smaller than the adult Bi Fang. When he was injured, tears were wrapped in In the eyes, but in order to encourage the people of the tribe, he insisted on not letting it out..."

Li Fanggu's heart was filled with sorrow, this burden was too heavy for a ten-year-old child.He silently calculated in his heart that at that time, Duan Jinming was 17 years old, and according to ordinary people, he was still a high school student.

"I don't need to talk about the battle scene. The Duan family suffered heavy losses, and because of the sudden incident, there was no time to call for help. My nephew was struggling to lead my clansmen to fight. In the end, I can't remember how I persisted. All I remember is that the drought demon almost killed me, and it was my nephew who stood in front of me and endured it for me. The drought demon was finally burned to ashes by his purple flame, and he was also poisoned by the drought demon. into a coma."

Li Fanggu understood, it turned out that this was what Duan Jinming said before and made a mistake, he looked at his tired face with distress, wishing he could step forward to hug him tightly and comfort him.

Duan Jinming rubbed his face again, and said: "Fortunately, our family survived because of the battle over 20 years ago, when the drought maven lost a lot of practice. However, my nephew is still in a coma. Our family is helpless. The poison of Hanba is so powerful that no one can resist it. But I have read it in ancient books. If I can find the divine bird bead with the same origin as Bi Fang, it may be able to wake up my nephew. The Duan family cannot live without wings, and he is my My nephew is also my friend, and I cannot lose him."

Fusu hesitated for a moment, and said slowly: "The divine bird beads that have the same origin as Bi Fang, you mean the Yuan Dan of Phoenix, Suzaku, Qingluan, 鹓鶵, Honghu and 鸑鷟?"

"Yes, including Chongming and Jinwu." Duan Jinming added.

"Then what does this have to do with your going down to the ancient tomb?" Fusu was puzzled.

Duan Jinming covered his face with his slender hands, his eyes were blurred, and he sighed helplessly: "These divine birds are only a flash in the pan, so where can we go to find them now! But I have read in ancient books that there were emperors in ancient times who raised capable people and strange men. , can subdue dragons, and even feed dragons to eat meat, maybe there will be strange hunters who have subdued five phoenixes and brought their Yuan Dan into the tomb to be buried with them."

Li Fanggu was dumbfounded when he heard that, which emperor in history could be so awesome?With such a big pen?But Fusu nodded in agreement, and said, "That's right, I remember seeing a poem some time ago that read: 'Dug the ground to raise dragons, plant tung trees to live in birds', since there is such a description, it is true that it is not true. impossible."

Duan Jinming stared at the flames and said: "I spent 13 years in order to find a Wufeng Yuandan. I gave up my studies and stayed away from my hometown. I also took medicine for a long time to cover up the yang energy on my body, and my body was also affected. Needless to say, the hardships in the middle, what I am most afraid of is that I have paid so much, and it will all be nothing in the end!"

Li Fanggu looked at him with distress, a young man who left his hometown alone, went through all kinds of hardships, just to wake up his relatives, and now, more than ten years have passed, he has not given up and has been working hard.He imagined the suffering he suffered during this period, and his heart ached more and more.

"Fusu, the last time Li Fangu met a demonized phoenix bird in the wild world." Duan Jinming spoke slowly, then raised his head and stared upwards, and said, "Now, that demonized phoenix bird It left the memory of it before death in my soul. It is calling me, hoping that I can return to its homeland, and use the power of Bi Fang's soul fire to restart Guanghuang City."

Fusu also seemed to be stunned, and then said with surprise in his tone: "Guanghuang? Doesn't that mean that there may be the Five Phoenix Yuan Pill you have been looking for in the city?"

Duan Jinming nodded and said: "Yes, so, I have to come to this city no matter what, I want to make this city see the light of day again. Even if I can't find Yuandan, if I can revive Guanghuang, then my nephew Maybe there is still a possibility of waking up."

Fu Su admired: "I never thought that in this primeval forest in Kuankuashui, there would be the ancient Guanghuang City. But, are you sure that Guanghuang will not harm you?"

Duan Jinming smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Not sure. According to the memory left by Guanghuang, this city fell because of the enemy's invasion. And those enemies, if I read correctly, should come from the demon race. Maybe from the Three Realms Smuggled in through the crevice."

"Demons? Are there still demons in the world?" Fusu asked in an uncertain tone.

"Of course there are. The thing that destroyed the Phoenix City is the same thing that killed the Phoenix Bird in the wild world and turned it into a demon. It's a pity that the Light Phoenix was busy hatching at that time and had no time to pay attention to the attack. It was finally hit. Calculated, died in a foreign country, and the little Guanghuang bird also failed to hatch, and died in the egg."

Fusu sighed: "It's a pity for this ancient beast. Mr. Duan, I understand your difficulties. Don't worry, I will try my best to help you."

Duan Jinming smiled gratefully, and said, "Fusu, thank you for your company these days. Although you are a martial god, I feel very sorry for troubling you all the time. It would be great if I could compensate you."

Fusu smiled kindly, and politely declined: "As your Martial God, it's only natural for me to do these things, so you don't have to be polite."

Duan Jinming took a deep look at him, then stretched out his palm, Fusu extended his right palm, and they clapped their hands together.

Duan Jinming smiled and said, "I finally understand why that kid has such a crush on you. Fusu, you are really a good person."

Fu Su was silent for a while, and was about to answer when suddenly a strange sound came from the forest.

Duan Jinming and Fusu stood up, standing side by side.

"Listen to the movement, it's those things again." Fusu said in a deep voice.

Duan Jinming also looked heavy, nodded and said, "We take care of each other."

After the rustling sound, countless scarlet light spots appeared in the dark dense forest, and those light spots were still blinking.

Duan Jinming's Adam's apple slipped, cold sweat rolled down his forehead, Li Fanggu looked over in fear, those light spots turned out to be pairs of scarlet eyes.

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