The strongest magician

Chapter 134 Punishment

Zhou Yu took a towel and wiped off the cold sweat on Zhou Liang's forehead. When he saw him open his eyes, he frowned and asked, "Xiao Liang, what's the matter? What's wrong? You've been sleeping all day. Brother Qi and I are worried. broken."

The black air flowed in Zhou Liang's eyes. After a long time, he calmed down slowly and moaned: "Brother Yu, my head hurts, where's Brother Qi?"

A pair of cold hands stretched out from the side and grabbed his. Zhou Qi was sitting on the side, but Zhou Liang didn't even notice.

"Xiao Liang, are you okay?" Zhou Qi's hands were shaking, and her face was full of worry.

Zhou Liang was stunned for a moment, and then said weakly: "Brother Yu, I may have been too tired a while ago, and my spirit was a little bit out of order. Can you go and get me two tablets of Suleazepam from the medicine cabinet upstairs?"

Zhou Yu hesitated for a moment, then nodded and went out.

Zhou Qi touched his forehead worriedly, and asked, "What's the matter? Aren't you happy outside? Why do you feel uncomfortable when you come back?"

Hearing Zhou Yu's footsteps walking away, Zhou Liang squeezed Zhou Qi's hand tightly, with a vicious smile on his face: "Fang Yanqi, you are really shameless, a blind man pretending to be admonished by my alchemist!" Darling, let me call you your elder brother for more than ten years. What are you?"

Zhou Qi was taken aback for a moment, knowing that something was wrong, and was about to open his eyes. Zhou Liang punched him with a right uppercut, knocking his face to one side, and his body fell on the bed.

Zhou Liang turned over and twisted Zhou Qi's arm behind his back with his left hand, and pressed Zhou Qi's face into the bed with his right hand. He lowered his voice and said with a sneer: "You are really sick, you're blind, I made your eyes go wrong." Blind, you know who I am, and you still pretend to be my good brother, how many years have you endured? Do you feel sick? I feel disgusting myself."

Zhou Qi kicked back with her right foot, but Zhou Liang pressed her tightly, unable to break free, and unable to open her eyes. The nasal cavity was tightly pressed in the bedding, and a feeling of suffocation came.

Sensing Zhou Qi's danger, Bai Fang let out an angry roar, rushed in from the door, flashed his sharp teeth at Zhou Liang, and bit down on his neck.

Zhou Liang turned around and kicked out, Bai Fang flashed past, and rushed forward from another direction.

Zhou Liang's hand holding Zhou Qi loosened. Zhou Qi raised her face and took a big breath. Fighting to break her left hand, she turned her body violently and turned her face to Zhou Liang.

Just open the eyes of the sky, just use the power of the eyes to deal with him...

At the critical moment, Zhou Qi hesitated.

That was the younger brother he had always loved...

Caring for the baby who has been in the palm of my hand for 20 years...

There was a struggling expression on his face.

Zhou Liang glanced at him, snorted coldly, drew a spell with his right hand, and shouted: "Break!" Bai Fang was hit squarely, and his body froze.

Zhou Liang casually picked up the fruit knife on the bedside, and mercilessly stabbed Zhou Qi in the back.

Bai Fang rushed towards him desperately, Zhou Liang's fruit knife was skewed, and stuck in the underarm of Zhou Qi's right arm, blood spurted out.Hearing Zhou Yu's eager footsteps, Zhou Liang spat, let go of Zhou Qi, and quickly chanted a spell.

Zhou Yu broke through the door and saw Zhou Liang disappearing into the void. He wanted to chase after him. Seeing Zhou Qi whose body was half soaked in blood, he hurried over to help him up. He grabbed the bed sheet and tore it off to stop the bleeding. Drive to the hospital.

Zhou Qi's face turned pale from the pain, and she asked weakly, "Where's Xiao Liang?"

Zhou Yu's face was cold, and he comforted him: "He's gone, I didn't hurt him. Just bear with it for a while, and I'll take you to the hospital."

Zhou Qi sighed quietly, with an extremely disappointed expression on his face, and said, "Brother Yu, I thought he would hesitate a bit."

Zhou Yu was silent and did not answer him.

Zhou Qi was pushed into the emergency room, and the doctor came out three hours later.

Zhou Yu's face was as cold as ice, he calmed down and asked, "Doctor, how is my brother?"

The doctor took off the mask, hesitated for a moment, and said: "We have tried our best. Although the operation was successful, several large nerves in the patient's right armpit were severely damaged. In addition, he lost too much blood. There are some difficulties, if the rehabilitation treatment is not strengthened in the later stage, the most terrible consequence may even lead to complete paralysis of the right arm."

Zhou Yu's dark eyes were full of anger. Zhou Liang is a master of medicine. Of course he knew the nerves. He knew the consequences, but he still hurt Zhou Qi like this.

No, according to what Bai Fang said, he originally aimed at the back of the heart, if he hadn't been bumped by Bai Fang...

Alchemist remonstrance, you have such a cruel heart, you have worked together with Xiao Qi for so many years, can't you warm your heart?You have already paid like this, and you can't get even a little return?

Xiaoqi's eyes have been ruined by you, you even took his right arm, no, even his life, alchemist admonished, you are too poisonous!


Fang Shijian appeared in front of the small farmhouse where Jin Shuyan lived. There was silence in the small building. It seemed that there was no one there. Did he move so quickly?

The alchemist remonstrated that his eyes were all black, and he cut deep, so would it be useful to hide?If you dare to treat him like this, you must be mentally prepared to be chased and killed at the ends of the earth.

There was a sound of leisurely footsteps, and Jin Shuyan opened the door unhurriedly and walked out. Seeing his resentful face, he said calmly: "I knew you would come, why, don't you plan to come in and sit around? After all You insisted on staying on my bed yesterday."

The alchemist remonstrated as if he had been humiliated, his face turned pale with anger, You Qie seemed very confident, unexpectedly stayed here alone and did not leave.He knew that Youqie was an aggressive method, he took a deep breath to calm his mind, and asked, "Where is my body?"

"Of course it's ruined. Alchemist advises, now that you don't have that immortal body, it's far from being my opponent." You Qie leaned against the door, looking at him lightly, with a look of complete disbelief. The way he sees him.

Alchemist Jian was murderous in his heart, with a smile on his face, he said with a thorn in his mouth: "You Qie, with your current body, do you think you can win against me? Do you think Fang Yanyu begged for you the 'Twelve Classics'?" Note', you can restore your usual strength? Do you still think that you are the Ghost King Youqie of the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave? You are now at best a waste, a waste of a mother-in-law who is hesitant to do things."

"Alchemist Jian, how did you get here so quickly? With your current strength, even if you remember how to use the shadow piercing technique, you can't go so far from Haizhou to Nanjing. You have a brain problem, and you can't go out. Remember to bring a wallet or something, so you exhausted your strength and used the shadow piercing technique to walk for a while, what happened next? You murdered and robbed? Well, although you are stupid, you will not kill people and get involved in the case for yourself, so you are I used the power of deception to cheat some money, and then drove here directly, am I right? Alchemist Jian, how did you fall to this point?" His expression was still light, even gentle, like a brother He was preaching to his younger brother, but the words he said were extremely harsh to Fang Shijian.

Because he was right on everything, and he didn't even get the details wrong.

"Alchemist Jian, I also know that you are delaying time if you don't do it right away. Your strength has not recovered yet, and I have been preparing here. You are afraid that I will prepare an ambush, so you are observing the situation and even testing me. tone."

Alchemist Jian clenched his fists tightly, You Qie became a fine fox, everything he said was right, it seemed that he would suddenly regain his memory, he was the one who directed it, and he had already figured it all out.Whether he can escape smoothly today is a problem, and it is true that he cannot attack rashly.Before, because of shortness of breath, he came to him when his brain got hot, but now that he calmed down, he began to think of a way to get out.

You Qie looked at his face and said, "Alchemy Admonisher, it's too late to think of leaving now? Since you have come to the door, there is no reason to let you go. You see, I deliberately put this The building has been emptied, just to build a luxury prison for you. You have lived here before, how is it, are you satisfied with it?"

Alchemist Jian felt the blood rushing to his forehead, he took a deep breath, showed a charming smile, and said, "You Qie, are you using this empty trick to catch me or scare me away? You usually You are not such a talkative person, but you actually said so much today, which shows that you are not sure that you can win me. Because you and I know each other too well, you send everyone away because you are afraid that I will be vicious and hurt you. And innocent, right? Your beloved younger brother just died, and you don’t want them to repeat the same mistakes, so you stay alone, right? However, I, an alchemist, never like to go on the road arranged by others. You want me to go, but I Don't go. Youqie, even if I die with you today, I will kill you."

You Qie smiled indifferently: "Alchemist Jian, your paranoid problem has not changed at all. If you want to die with me, it depends on whether you have the ability."

The alchemist smiled admonishingly, revealing a brutal look on his face, and muttered a spell in his mouth, suddenly the wind within ten meters was thunderous, and a circular killing formation took shape.

You Qie glanced indifferently, then turned around, was too lazy to take another look, and was about to enter the door directly.

The alchemist Jianqi's eyes turned black, and he rushed forward without hesitation, drew a talisman with his right hand, and shouted: "Break!"

The power of Bao Yunjuan swept towards Youqie's back overwhelmingly.

The next moment, You Qie's figure disappeared.

The alchemist laughed loudly: "This trick is old, Youqie." He put his hands together and shouted: "Feng!" A gust of wind blew around his body, forming a shield to protect him, and Youqie appeared on his right side, His eyes were deep red, and the fingertips of his right hand dabbed lightly in the air, and a burst of tearing force came.

Alchemist Jian smiled contemptuously, squatted down, and clapped his hands on the ground, the stones on the ground flew up in the air, hitting Youqie like a cannonball.

They are all too familiar with all this. During the time when time and space were distorted, they only need to recover a little each time. It is such a desperate struggle.

Now it's just a repetition of details from the past.

Before he knew it, it seemed that he had returned to the days in the distorted space. The alchemist Jian couldn't help being stunned, and was hit by Youqie, and his attack also knocked Youqie into the air.

The two struggled to get up from the ground. After all, Alchemist Jian took advantage of his youth and physical health, one step faster than Youqie, rushed to Youqie's side, stepped on his shoulder, and he gasped for breath , calmed down, and then said contemptuously: "Youqie, it seems that you have stopped here. Today, let me put an end to our thousands of years of grievances."

Just as he was about to make a move, he didn't watch out for a kick coming from behind, kicking him away directly at his ass.

The alchemist Jianping flew out, and fell into the mud in a mess.Zhou Yu appeared behind him, reaching out to support Youqie.

Alchemist Jian paused in his heart, a sense of fear rose, and he immediately thought about how to escape.

Zhou Yu had already strode up, lifted his back, and turned him around.

When Fang Shijian saw his face so cold that it could almost scrape off icicles, he couldn't help venting his confidence. Before he could speak, Zhou Yu twisted his arms and turned around.

He yelled in his heart that it was not good, and he would rather run away with his arm broken.

With a cold face, Zhou Yu dragged him to sit on the garden table in the yard, then twisted his arms and pushed him down on his lap, raised his right hand high, and slapped him on the buttocks.

Alchemist Jian was stunned, and You Qie was also stunned.The ear-piercing slaps sounded, and the blood in Alchemy Jian's body rushed to his face, his eyes were filled with cruelty, and he lost all thoughts in his head. He shouted loudly: "Fang Yanyu, how dare you!"

Zhou Yu didn't say anything, just kept slapping with his right hand one after another, and the sound of slapping and slapping echoed clearly in the yard.

It was also the first time for You Qie to see him go berserk like this, watching him ravage the alchemist Jian with dumbfounded eyes.

Alchemist Jian was firmly suppressed by him, and he couldn't break free with dancing and dancing, so he could only curse: "Fang Yanyu, as my half-soul, you dare to humiliate me like this! How dare you! I want you to die without a whole body!" What a pity He was usually so eloquent, but at this time he was so humiliated that he didn't know where his sharp tongue went.

Zhou Yu slapped dozens of times in a row, and finally stopped until Alchemist Jian's butt was bleeding through his slacks.

The alchemist remonstrated on his lap, motionless, neither scolding nor fussing, a wisp of bright red blood dripped and landed on the concrete floor under his feet.

Zhou Yu panicked, quickly loosened the grip, and turned him over.

As soon as he turned it over, the alchemist remonstrated loudly: "Break!" He drew a talisman with his right hand, and the power of the talisman struck Zhou Yu face to face.Zhou Yu saw that the blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth. It turned out that he had bitten off his lower lip.

Zhou Yu's movements flashed swiftly, and the alchemist's remonstrance fell to the ground. The shadow on the ground flickered, and his whole body sank into it, disappearing.

Zhou Yu looked at the place where he left, with a silent expression on his face.

After a while, You Qie coughed, sat down, and asked: "Chang Geng, you are so angry, what did the alchemist do?"

Zhou Yu calmed down before answering: "He ruined Xiao Qi's right arm. Xiao Qi's right hand, I'm afraid..."

You Qie's face turned pale, and the guilt in his heart almost swallowed him.

"I'm the one who's sorry for Xiao Qi. He ruined both eyes for me, and now he ruined his right arm... I really, I owe him my whole life..."

Zhou Yu's tone slowed down, and he said, "Brother, you have no other choice. Why did you take all the responsibility on yourself? If it weren't for you, Xiao Qi and I would have died long ago, so why would we be here today?"

He walked up to Youqie and looked at him deeply. After a while, all his calmness finally broke down. He stepped forward and hugged Youqie fiercely, and said, "Brother, I miss you so much! I have been looking forward to it for so many years, and finally I can See you again!"

You Qie caressed his trembling shoulders, with gentle eyes, said: "Chang Geng, big brother has been looking forward to this day, finally, our brothers will meet again."

Zhou Yu buried his face in Youqie's shoulder, his shoulders trembled with excitement, all his arrogance and calmness disappeared, he was just a child who missed his loved ones.After a long time, he calmed down and stood up.

He looked at Youqie and said: "Brother, what is hidden in your hand, take it out and have a look."

You Qie smiled wryly, and said: "I really can't hide it from you." He held out his right hand and showed Zhou Yu what was in the palm of his hand, it was a small bead, the light of lightning flowed in the bead, one could tell it was extraordinary at a glance.

"What is this?" Zhou Yu narrowed his eyes with an unkind expression.

You Qie sighed softly: "This is a thunder ball, if it explodes, it will be as powerful as an electric fireball."

"I knew it, brother, you are never someone who just sits and waits to be killed. Just now, you planned to die with alchemist Jian."

You Qie sighed, and said: "Chang Geng, just now you kicked the alchemist Jian away, was it to save me or to save him?"

Zhou Yu was silent, and then said: "Brother, after all, I have raised him for 20 years. He is just a dog. After a long time, he will have feelings, let alone a living person. Although he hurt Xiaoqi, but I want to watch him helplessly. Let him die, I can't do it. Not to mention, I have to pull you together. Brother, I went to the wild world to find the "Twelve Sutras" for you, not to watch you die in front of me again. In front of you. You do this, it hurts my heart too much. "

You Qie looked at the far-reaching sky for a long time, then sighed, and said, "Chang Geng, big brother is really failing, and he keeps making mistakes lately. I actually feel more and more powerless, and I always make mistakes in judgment. For your sake, you will control your emotions, or you can turn our hostility into friendship. After all, we have slowly let go of it. Who knows, he really doesn't miss any old feelings. I have always believed that people's hearts have never made mistakes. He The degree of coldness and hardness of heart far exceeded my expectation. Chang Geng, big brother made a mistake again this time, it was outrageously wrong."

Zhou Yu frowned, remained silent for a while, and said, "Brother, you are just too tired. You have such a heavy burden on your shoulders, but no one will share it with you. However, I am here, and I will help you in the future, not Made you so tired."

You Qie smiled bitterly: "Ling Duanyang was here before, although he was full of empty words, he did a lot of things for me. I don't believe in others, but I believe in him. But I didn't expect him to die in Qiemo."

"Ling Duanyang is immortal, he will be resurrected soon, why are you so anxious, big brother?"

You Qie shook his head, and said: "Chang Geng, you should have discovered it too. Ling Duanyang's strength has been rapidly depleting, and the interval between his resurrection has been getting longer and longer. He died this time, and he doesn't know when he will recover next time." Resurrected. Now Qing Heng has made his official debut. Although Ling Duanyang is not very powerful, he has outstanding strategies, and he knows a lot, and he also understands the Xiao family very well. Without him, our life will be much more difficult."

"Soldiers will block the water and cover it with earth, brother, let's take one step at a time. We have experienced even the worst, and we can do as much as we can. If it is beyond our ability, we can't force it." Zhou Yu comforted him.

You cut a blank face, and said: "The Xiao family is too powerful, even if I try my best, in front of the Xiao family, we are just toddlers."

Zhou Yu was silent, facing him quietly, seeing his pair of handsome eyebrows raised high, felt uncomfortable.Brother is always so tired, when will he be able to relax?

"There are more troublesome things now." You Qie smiled bitterly and said, "Chang Geng, come with me, you will know what it is after you see it."

Zhou Yu was puzzled, and followed him into the house, all the way to the basement, and watched Youqie open the mechanism, revealing an entrance.

He followed Youqie down, his eyes widened in shock: "Brother, isn't this the Myriad Ghost Cave? You moved it here?"

You Qie chuckled lightly and said, "Chang Geng still remembers this place."

"Of course I remember. For so many years, the furnishings inside have not changed." When he saw the person lying in the ice coffin in the cave, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"Brother, this is the body of Alchemist Jian? Didn't you say it was destroyed?" You Qie told him at the beginning that if Alchemist Jian's soul returns to its place, this body will be destroyed.

You Qie smiled wryly: "This is the trouble. This body died for a while, just for a while, and then came back to life. However, this body is now empty, and there is no soul inside."

"Empty?" That is to say, as long as Qing Heng finds out, he can immediately possess him?

You Qie nodded and said: "You are right. However, I also thought about a possibility, but unfortunately Ling Duanyang is not here, so I can't confront him."

"How to say?"

"Ling Duanyang didn't expect that he would die in Qiemo. I thought about it the day before yesterday. If I were him, then the first thing I would do when I came back from Qiemo was to go to the Wilderness Realm to pick up Lu Zhen."

Zhou Yu sat beside the ice coffin and listened carefully to his analysis.

"After bringing Lu Zhen back, he will definitely ignore my objection and let the alchemist remonstrate with the soul."

Zhou Yu frowned, and said, "According to his personality, it will indeed be like that."

You Qie sighed, and said: "He is bold and reckless, there is nothing he can't do. I thought that he had already revealed to me before, saying that in order to help me, he might use drastic means to make me Don't be angry with him. I guess, what he said may be about Ah Yuan."

Zhou Yu frowned, expressing his confusion.

"I speculate that if Ling Duanyang brings Lu Zhen back, and then asks the alchemist to remonstrate with the soul, then..."

"Then let Lu Zhen attach himself to this body..." Zhou Yu continued his words.

You cut nodded and said: "That's right. Ah Yuan is a part of Lu Zhen's soul. If Lu Zhen's soul is intact, he will kill Ah Yuan. He knows that I hate people hurting my brother the most, so he beat me in advance Greetings. So Ah Yuan's death is inevitable, not the Xiao family, but Ling Duanyang."

Zhou Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "He is really a lunatic. But I have to say, his trick is really effective. He took out the alchemist's remonstrance soul for such a long time, even if the alchemist's remonstrance soul returns, it is still the physical soul Going after the almost complete Xiao Liang who has been raised by me, this body will be empty, and Lu Zhen will be able to attach to it. Since this body cannot be destroyed no matter what, it is better to keep it for your own use. Ling Duanyang , he is too calculating."

"Yes! He died too suddenly, so he didn't tell me these plans. But I made it happen by accident." You Qie smiled wryly, took out the soul purification bottle of Wei Yuan's heavenly soul, and the bottle containing his earthly soul. "Chang Geng, now, I am about to complete Ling Duanyang's plan. Although I am a little bit unwilling, but Ah Yuan is my younger brother, and I am sincerely happy that he can come back."

Zhou Yu smiled bitterly: "Brother, I'm not reconciled. Every step we take is actually in Ling Duanyang's calculations. If he appears in front of me again one day, I really can't bear it, and I will beat him up."

You cut a smile and said: "Beat him, I have tolerated him for a long time!"

He unscrewed the soul purification bottle and the pendant, and two balls of soul light penetrated into the body of the alchemist Jian. After a while, the soul light covered the whole body of the body and slowly melted into it.

You Qie sighed helplessly: "Ah Yuan's soul has been severely damaged, and I'm afraid it will take a while to see the effect. However, when he wakes up, we can be regarded as an extra powerful ally. In this way, our future days will be more or less It will be better."

Zhou Yu nodded, looking at the flesh with a strange expression.

You asked with concern: "What's the matter, Chang Geng, but do you still feel something is wrong?"

Zhou Yu touched his face, and said with some displeasure: "No, I suddenly feel that this face I gave birth to has the smell of a public toilet."

"..." You Qie was silent for a while before realizing it, then sighed, "I have wronged you, Chang Geng."

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