The strongest magician

Chapter 125 Outbreak

Jin Zhicheng's body fell, and he remained calm in the face of danger. The black bone fan deformed into a long stick, and got stuck horizontally in the cracks, and the downward trend was stopped.

As soon as the pressure on his body was gone, he felt a lot more relaxed.His legs turned into split horses, stuck at both ends of the crack, and then transformed the black bone fan into a dagger, inserted into the wall to help him climb up.

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and there is a dark breath coming from the bottomless abyss, as if there is something about to move in the darkness.Jin Zhicheng's back hurt unbearably, and at this moment, there was another layer of gloomy air, and the inside and outside were hot and cold, as if he was in hell.

He gritted his teeth, his face became ferocious, and he climbed up bravely. The life of his lover is in his hands, so don't give up now!

There was another loud noise, and the wall under his hand shook violently. His body was thrown back and forth, and he couldn't hold onto the wall. He could only hold the short sword in his hand tightly with both hands, and try to keep his legs against the wall to keep himself from falling. .

After a burst of roaring sound, the wall where the short sword was inserted into cracked, as if the entire mountain was crushed, and flying rocks fell everywhere around Jin Zhicheng. He could no longer rely on his strength, and his body fell straight down.

A wave of despair rose in his heart. When he saw the pendant with Lu Zhen's soul on his neck, he felt guilty. He was so useless. The purpose of his coming here was to bring back his lover's soul. Now that the soul was found, there was no Take the strength out.

Suddenly, a clear bird song came, and a huge fiery red bird flew down from above. At first glance, the giant bird looked like a phoenix, but when you looked closely, you could see that there were two eyeballs in its eyes, which were the Chongming Bird summoned by Li Fanggu before.Hope was ignited in Jin Zhicheng's heart, and he stretched out his hand to grab Chongming.He was surprised, how could the Chongming Bird appear here?

It turned out that Li Fanggu and the others saw the entire Bixiao Spirit Hall smashed into pieces by giant hands, the Burning Spirit destroyed, and the Spirit Hall turned into ruins.

Song Weiwei's lips turned pale: "Brother Yuan...Ah Cheng!"

Li Fanggu felt cold in his heart, seeing Song Weiwei's face, he gritted his teeth, took a gamble, and watched his partner die in front of his eyes, how could he bear it?

He summoned Chongming in his heart, and the Chongming bird emitted red light, covered with crimson feathers again, flew up in circles, and landed in front of Li Fanggu and the others.

Huozhao glanced at Chongmingniao in surprise, narrowed his beautiful eyes and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Li Fanggu said to them: "Master Ming, uncle, Ah Cheng is our partner, I don't believe he died inside, no matter what, I want to go back and have a look!"

When Song Weiwei heard it, he immediately cheered up, understood his plan, and took a step forward, his slender and fit legs bounced on the ground, and jumped onto Chongmingniao's back. The eight-legged one crawled towards Chongming Bird.

That posture was so ugly that Zhou Yu couldn't bear to see it.

Song Weiwei stretched out her hands on the bird's back to help hold him, and after a lot of effort, Li Fanggu finally climbed onto the bird's back.He wiped off the sweat that came out of his forehead, and said, "Brother Chongming, take us inside, we must find Ah Cheng no matter what!"

The Chongming bird flapped its huge wings and took off, uttering a clear cry, soaring in the air, piercing through the dense fog, and flying towards the collapsing spiritual hall.

Huozhao glanced at Zhou Yu: "Aren't you going to stop me?"

Zhou Yu said coldly, "Why do you want to stop it?" He walked forward with his sword in hand, walked to the edge of the cliff, and looked down cautiously.The cliff where the Spirit Hall is located is collapsing, but there is still something about to move in this abyss, he can't stop Li Fangu, so he can only help as much as he can.

The giant hand in the sky deformed above the Spirit Hall, turning into countless black objects with unidentifiable shapes, and shuttled through the broken Spirit Hall. Li Fanggu urged the Chongming Bird to fly towards the palace where Lu Zhen was originally under great pressure. go.

Song Weiwei squinted his beautiful eyes, trying his best to search for Jin Zhicheng's voice.

She saw that the entire Bixiao Lingdian was reduced to ruins. The original magnificent building was only left with broken bricks and broken tiles.What about Lu Zhen?Could it be that it was crushed under the ruins?

Li Fanggu on the bird's back tightly grasped the feathers of the Chongming bird, his fear of heights and the speed of the bird's back made him almost dizzy and his hands and feet were weak.

The giant hand seemed to have sensed Li Fanggu's intrusion, and streams of black air condensed and attacked Chongming Bird.

The Chongming Bird screamed, opened its sharp mouth, and spit out flames, which burned the incoming black air into ashes.After these few strokes, Li Fangu only felt a burning sensation on his face, and his skin was almost dry and cracked.

Song Weiwei covered the heat with her hands, and saw a huge crack in the ground, and something seemed to be shaking in the crack, she immediately grabbed Li Fanggu and shouted: "Xiao Gu, look down, is Ah Cheng there?" ?”

Li Fanggu stretched out his head and looked in the direction of her finger. The huge height difference made him dizzy and almost fell off the bird's back.Song Weiwei panicked, and immediately pulled him back, and also saw a metallic light flashing through the crack below, that familiar light came from the black bone fan.

She exclaimed in surprise: "Xiaogu, Ah Cheng is still alive, just below. Let's go down and pick him up!"

Li Fanggu immediately lifted his spirits and urged the Chongming Bird to fly downwards, and he saw Jin Zhicheng falling.

The Chongming bird came up behind and flew towards the direction where Jin Zhicheng fell. Seeing that it was getting closer and closer, the space below suddenly became smaller. Chongming's body was about to hit the cliff, unable to fly below Jin Zhicheng.

Song Weiwei has already quickly pulled out the demon-binding rope from her backpack, said a formula in her mouth, and the demon-binding rope went towards Jin Zhicheng, and she shouted: "Ah Cheng, catch it!"

Jin Zhicheng was very pleasantly surprised when he heard the sound and saw the figure protruding from the bird's back. Of course he would not reach out to catch the demon rope. He lifted the black bone fan, which transformed into a long stick, and held the long stick with both hands The demon-binding rope finds the target with great precision, winds up the long stick, and twists it into a strong knot on the long stick.

Song Weiwei succeeded, and immediately yelled: "Take it!" Binding Yaosuo led Jin Zhicheng, and quickly moved upwards, Li Fanggu praised her in his heart, and urged Chongming Bird to fly upwards.

There was black air in the sky attacking Jin Zhicheng, the Chongming Bird spit out flames, and the flames brushed against Jin Zhicheng's body, and there was a smoky smell coming from behind Jin Zhicheng, he gritted his teeth, Song Weiwei's demon-binding rope had brought As he rose to the vicinity of the bird's back, a black air hit Jin Zhicheng's back.

Li Fanggu finally had combat experience. Although he was startled, he didn't panic. He commanded the Chongming bird to fall rapidly to avoid the attack.

Song Weiwei stretched out both hands and grabbed Jin Zhicheng's right hand. Jin Zhicheng jumped up and finally landed on Chongming's bird's back.

Li Fanggu was overjoyed: "Ah Cheng, good job, I know you are not dead!"

Seeing his bruised back, Song Weiwei felt pain in her heart, and quickly opened her backpack to find emergency medicine and apply it on him.

Jin Zhicheng looked at his two partners who returned despite the danger for him, with gratitude in his eyes.

Li Fanggu gave him a hammer: "Don't show that expression, it's weird."

Song Weiwei asked while applying medicine for him, "Where's Brother Yuan?" Seeing Jin Zhicheng struggling to survive, she already knew in her heart that Lu Zhen's soul must be good, otherwise Ah Cheng would not have such a will to survive.

Jin Zhicheng pointed to the pendant on his chest, Song Weiwei and Li Fanggu understood and became excited.

Their purpose of coming this time has finally been achieved, and all that is left is to seize all the time and return to the Yang world.

However, what they have to do now is to escape this crisis.The Chongming Bird was flying in the sky, and the giant hand seemed to have sensed its movement, and the black air condensed in the air again, attacking them in large groups.

Li Fanggu groaned in his heart, urged Chongming Bird to fly towards Zhou Yu and the others.

Zhou Yu stared cautiously at the bottom of the cliff, and sure enough, an object that was about to move in the darkness revealed its figure, and countless huge black snakes broke through the thick fog and came towards them.

Huozhao snorted coldly: "Looking for death!" She covered her face with a ghostly face, covering her overpowering appearance, took off the Fire Cloud Halberd on her back, shouted loudly, the halberd fell down, and the firelight shot out from the Fire Cloud Halberd, like a huge sharp blade, Slash at the attacking giant snake.

The giant snake that was hit head-on was cut into two by the fire blade, and fell back into the bottomless darkness from the sky.

Huozhao waved his right hand and shouted, "The three generals are ready to fight! Our target is about to rush out!"

Seeing that she took the initiative to attack, Zhou Yu retreated behind her and said, "Lend me a flying horse, I want to go up and have a look."

Huozhao's expression under the mask was invisible, but his voice was fierce: "Fang Yanyu, we can still use our fists and kicks here, but when we get to Bixiao Lingdian, we will be trapped in shallow water and unable to use it. You have to think about it clearly." .”

Zhou Yu said coldly, "Xie Mingzhu reminded me, I can't bear to see a few little friends suffer."

Huo Zhao said, "You can do whatever you want. However, don't forget that you have given your life to me for 500 years. If you die, I will arrange for you to be reincarnated. It is such a trouble, and I will charge interest."

With a dark face, Zhou Yu walked towards Fang Yanshuo.

Fang Yanshuo was also used to seeing his boss plotting against him, the smart second brother, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he nodded towards Mo Feng beside him.

Mo Feng nodded, stretched out his hand to separate the Yin soldiers from behind, and then pulled back, countless bones spread, forming a war horse in front of them. The difference was that this war horse had a pair of wings on its back.This pair of wings is not simple, the fan bones are arranged like the most delicate machines, densely packed, and there are fine branches at the end of the joints, forming feathers.The wings are fully extended, almost ten meters long.Only such huge and delicate wings can support the bone war horse to fly in the sky with people.

Fang Yanshuo led the flying horse, and said: "Second brother, be careful, don't be too brave."

Zhou Yu looked at him with soft eyes: "Second brother knows how to take care of himself, you are more careful." He nodded to him, jumped on the bone horse, urged it to fly, and flew towards the direction where Li Fanggu and the others left .

Fang Yanshuo watched his figure disappear, put down the ghost mask to cover his face, and said in a deep voice: "Mo Feng, Ling Lu, I will lead the Chinese army, you and I should pay attention to responding." , standing still behind Huozhao, just waiting for her to give the order to kill.

Zhou Yu tied the jade box that Lu Zhen gave him and the things he found from Tongtian Pavilion neatly around his waist, with a long sword in his mouth, and sharp eyes, searching for Li Fanggu and the others.

From a distance, he saw the figure of the Chongming Bird, which spewed flames from its mouth, resisting the attack of the giant black hand, but the giant black hand could destroy the entire Bixiao Lingdian, how could Li Fanggu and the others resist!They can only dodge and have no power to fight back.

Zhou Yu got up, stood firmly on the bone horse with both feet, grasped the long sword in his hand, and drew up the sword art with his left hand. The divine light flashed in his eyes, and he stretched out the long sword. A huge sword light shot out from him, and chased after Chongming Bird. Behind the black power.

Huozhao looked up and saw it, gritted his teeth and said, "Fang Yanyu, I know you must be hiding something!"

The corner of Fang Yanshuo's mouth twitched, and he muttered in his heart, Lord, you are good at calculating, but unfortunately the second brother is also a genius, you are just like each other, do you think you can take advantage of him?

Zhou Yu didn't know the minds of the people below. He stood firmly on the horseback, swung the sword with his right hand, and performed the sword formula with his left hand. Tens of thousands of sword lights descended from the sky, piercing straight into the black energy that was chasing Li Fanggu and the others.

After the double attack, the black air was chopped into countless pieces, but it did not disperse. After stagnating in the air, it condensed again, met the black air chasing up from behind, and turned into a bigger monster.

Li Fanggu and the others were overjoyed when they saw that it was Zhou Yu who had rescued them, and immediately urged Chongming Bird to fly towards him.

Li Fanggu almost burst into tears: Uncle, do you know how awesome you are, how cool you are, how handsome you are, how much presence you have?ah?If I hadn't already had Jin Ming in my heart, I would have fallen in love with you!So handsome!Is this the kind of sword fairy played in TV dramas?It's a fucking blockbuster!

Zhou Yu shouted in a deep voice: "Speed ​​up, retreat behind the Lord of the Underworld, we will block it here, you hurry back to the Yangshi. Time is running out, don't talk nonsense."

Li Fanggu nodded gratefully, urged the Chongming bird to speed up, swung the tail behind it, and flew towards Zhou Yu.

However, Zhou Yu's complexion changed suddenly, not because of the huge black hand in the sky, but because of the destroyed Bixiao Spirit Hall.

I saw that the entire hill where the Bixiao Lingdian is located suddenly shattered, but it did not collapse from the top, but collapsed from the inside. A huge bag was arched on the entire cliff, and something seemed to explode under it. Come.

His expression changed, he rode on the bone horse, flew towards Li Fanggu and the others, and stood behind Chongmingniao.

His Majesty Bi Xiaoling, a black aura shot up into the sky, rushing out like a volcanic eruption, the force was incomparably huge, it directly rushed the giant black hand in the sky out of a hole, like the eye of a typhoon, a hole in the sky appeared .

Li Fanggu and the others were all affected. Chongming Bird was hit in the air and turned two somersaults, and fell precariously. Zhou Yu rode his horse and flew up after him.

Li Fanggu was inattentive and fell off the bird's back. He kept screaming, closing his eyes and waiting to die.

Song Weiwei got up, stretched out his hand to grab him, the two of them were thrown into the air in a long string, Jin Zhicheng's black bone fan turned into an umbrella handle, stretched out to hook Song Weiwei's feet, he grabbed the feathers on the Chongming bird's back with one hand, Pull Song Weiwei and the others back.

Zhou Yu's flying horse arrived, picked up Li Fanggu who was swinging in the air, and put him on the horse's back.

The pressure in Song Weiwei's hands eased, and the waist bow was pushed back with force, and with the help of Jin Zhicheng's strength, it fell back to the bird's back.

Chongming Bird stabilized his figure, lost Li Fanggu's control, and flew up in a chaotic manner.

Zhou Yu grabbed Li Fanggu's back and threw him back to Chongmingniao's back in the air. Li Fanggu closed his eyes and screamed. Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei joined hands to catch him.

Li Fanggu's hands and feet were weak, and he hated in his heart: "Uncle, you are so good! Do you think I am a prop for juggling? Huh? This is very dangerous, and people will die!"

Zhou Yu didn't have time to pay attention to him, he stabilized the Pegasus and stared nervously at His Royal Highness Bi Xiaoling's things.The current Bixiao Lingdian no longer exists, and there is a huge hole on the entire mountain. There are black flames lingering in the hole, and it is impossible to see what is going on inside. However, the incomparable power emanating from it makes him almost A feeling of dread.

After living for thousands of years, I only ever felt that feeling when dealing with alchemist remonstrance, so powerful!

That aura could not be said to be evil or righteous, he simply couldn't investigate the source of that aura, whether it was a god or a demon?Or a monster of unknown origin?

The giant black hand that was blasted out of the hole in the air condensed again, and the loopholes were repaired. As if looking for the target, ignoring Li Fangu and the others, they directly grabbed the hole underground.

Before it got close, a soaring black flame spiraled upwards, enveloping the giant hand and burning violently.

The breath of the flame was too hot, Li Fanggu and the others who were close felt almost melted by the heat.

Seeing the two forces confronting each other, Zhou Yu automatically avoided them, so he made a quick decision and said, "Let's go!"

Of course Li Fanggu knew that now was not the time to watch the excitement. It seemed like a long time ago, but in fact it was just a snap of the fingers. There was no longer any delay, and he urged the Chongming Bird to quickly fly towards the place where the Yin soldiers were.

Looking at the vision in the sky, Huo Zhao was also extremely shocked: "It's too powerful, I miscalculated, it seems that today, we may not be able to get benefits."

Seeing that he was about to get close to Huozhao and them, Li Fanggu's brows ached, as if his strength had been restrained suddenly, he groaned in pain, Chongming Bird's posture was unstable, trembled twice, and suddenly disintegrated in the air, the fiery red feathers flew away, Chongming Bird Disappeared.

Li Fanggu and the three of them fell from the sky.

Zhou Yu was startled, and immediately rode his horse forward, catching Jin Zhicheng first, and he threw Jin Zhicheng behind him to sit still.

Song Weiwei's figure was nimble, and he remained calm in the midst of danger. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zhou Yu approaching, and immediately stretched out his legs, tightening his legs to one of the bone horse's feet, hanging upside down and clinging tightly to the bone horse. In the air, he took a sit-up posture, grabbed the hands that Jin Zhicheng handed over with his hands, and finally jumped on the horseback and sat firmly.

However, Li Fanggu almost fell into a coma, he couldn't do anything in the air, he could only let his body fall straight down.

Zhou Yu urged his horse hastily, and finally caught up with him just as he was about to hit the ground, and caught him.Pegasus and the four of them landed slowly.

On the cliff, the battle between the black giant hand and the unknown force has begun to emerge. The black giant hand that destroyed the entire Bixiao Lingdian, surrounded by black flames, was defeated and retreated steadily. Finally, it retreated into the sky, and then slowly Slowly disappeared.

Zhou Yu and the others almost broke out in cold sweat. This is probably the main body of consciousness in the wild world.I don't know why it has been suppressed before, and because Ling Duanyang and Lu Zhen reversed the force field, it became the force used by them.Today, I am afraid that the opportunity has come, it broke free from all shackles, and finally broke through the ground.Judging by the situation, although Huozhao led the army to come in person today, I'm afraid it will be difficult to end well.

But, where is this sacred?What kind of thing can have such a terrifying power?

After the defeat of the giant hand, the world returned to peace again.Zhou Yu woke up Li Fanggu who was almost in a coma, looked at the seriously injured Jin Zhicheng and the exhausted Song Weiwei, and said, "I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle here, and I will stay to assist the Lord of the Underworld. The three of you hurry back to Yangshi. You guys, hurry up and go."

Jin Zhicheng was grateful, nodded, didn't say anything more, helped Li Fanggu to ride on the bone horse, and controlled the horse himself, Song Weiwei sat on the back and hugged his waist, Jin Zhicheng tightened the reins, and the Pegasus jumped up and flew to air.

Song Weiwei looked back and saw the Yin soldiers behind them gradually becoming as small as ants, and Huo Zhao they were standing in front of the soldiers, as if they were facing a big enemy, and he couldn't bear it.

It's a pity that these mortals are too insignificant here. If Zhou Yu and the others hadn't given their full help this time, they might have died in Bixiao Lingdian.Who can explain the opportunities in this world?

It's just that Li Fanggu's state is not right.Song Weiwei passed Jin Zhicheng, and asked worriedly: "Xiaogu, what's wrong with you, are you too tired?"

Li Fanggu couldn't answer. What he felt was an unknown sense of trembling. He couldn't tell whether it was fear or excitement, but this stimulating feeling made his whole body tremble uncontrollably.

He didn't know what to do, but he knew something was going to happen.His body seemed unable to bear the heavy load, and once again he watched his body being taken away by Jin Zhicheng and the others on the flying horse, but his consciousness quickly fell behind the horse and flew towards the direction of Bixiao Lingdian.

Song Weiwei exclaimed loudly: "Ah Cheng, it's not good, Xiao Gu has lost his soul again!"

Yangshi Jin's family

Jin Shuyan looked worriedly at the ever-burning lamp above Wei Yuan's head, and Jin Shuting was also worried. This lamp, from the very beginning, has been flickering on and off, and it seems that it will go out at any time.The previous two days were fine, why did it suddenly start like this?

Duan Jinming looked exhausted, and Fusu persisted here for more than two full days.Seeing that the deadline is approaching, Li Fanggu and the others still haven't seen any sign of coming back. What happened there?

Jin Shuting was nervous and wanted to keep talking, but Jin Shuyan was there, so he didn't dare to speak casually, so as not to annoy him.

He raised his eyes and saw that Zhou Liang was standing by the window, thinking hard about something, but Jin Shuting knew, what else could he be thinking about?It's nothing more than how to please his elder brother.

There was a middle-aged man standing behind Jin Shuyan. The eldest brother called him Lao Zhang and said he was the biological father of his second brother.Eldest brother didn't know how to bring back the second brother's heavenly soul, and now he just waited for Li Fangu and the others to bring back the earth soul from the wild world.I don't know if those people are being lazy, why haven't there been any news yet?

Suddenly, Duan Jinming stood up, his face pale and ugly, with a ghostly expression on his face.

Fusu's complexion also changed suddenly, and he stood up.

Jin Shuyan cast his eyes over and was about to ask, when a strange breath came from outside the window, and Jin Shuyan's expression changed.

After a loud noise, flames erupted in the yard outside, and the Jin family was attacked!

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