In Bixiao Lingdian, Li Fanggu and the others watched complex charms appear on the floor tiles in front of them, circles of energy spread on the floor tiles, and Jin Zhicheng's black bone stick could not hurt it at all.

"What's underneath?" Song Weiwei touched the spell with his hand, and there was a familiar energy fluctuation, "Strange, why do I feel this is very familiar?"

Li Fanggu looked at her and thought, you people have lived for thousands of years, there are too many stories!Compared with Ah Cheng, he is really like a newborn baby, too weak.

Jin Zhicheng shook his head, stood up, and said, "I can't open it, this talisman is too strong."

"What's the use of this talisman? Is it sealing something?"

Song shook his head slightly: "I haven't seen it. We can't solve it with our strength, or wait for Zhou Yu."

The battle outside is still going on, and this time the giant black hand seems to have the upper hand, pushing down the black air in the hall, and the raging thunder and lightning are getting closer and closer to them. After a loud bang, a fist-sized fist The white ball of light fell from the sky, slowly falling, rolling, and drifting towards the door of Xiude Hall.

Song Weiwei's expression changed, and he said, "No, I'm afraid it's ball lightning."

Li Fanggu's complexion also changed, no matter how stupid he was, he had never heard of this thing, this thing is also called lightning fireball, usually formed in thunderstorm weather, this thing is extremely powerful, the heat generated when it explodes makes people die at the touch of a touch.If this lightning fireball exploded in the hall, the three of them would definitely have no bones left.

The three of them looked at the ball of light worriedly. Fortunately, the ball of light did not land in the main hall. When it was a few meters away from the main hall, it suddenly disappeared. Then there was a huge explosion, and the whole Hall of Xiude trembled and burned. The airflow rolled towards the three of them, and they quickly covered their faces with their elbows and fell to the ground.

After the blinding white light passed, they stood up and saw that the giant hand in the sky outside was getting closer again, and the black air on the ground was pressed down and lowered, gradually falling to the downwind.

"This is really a dog eats a dog. But no matter which dog wins, we must be the unlucky ones in the end." Li Fanggu smiled wryly.However, the two dogs have not yet decided the winner, they are doomed to be unlucky, I saw several fist-sized balls of light falling from the sky, slowly spreading to all corners of Bixiao Lingdian, and towards Coming from the direction of Xiude Hall was a basketball-sized orange ball of light. The ball was extremely fast. It made a hissing sound when it fell, and entered the room of Xiude Hall in a blink of an eye. It was only one step away from Li Fanggu and the others. remote.

The three of Li Fanggu and the others were completely stunned. Looking at the situation outside, Jin Zhicheng gritted his teeth and said, "Get out!"

Li Fanggu's legs went limp for a while, but he dragged his legs forcefully, followed Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei and ran towards the back window.Going out, under the confrontation of two forces, is a slow death, but if you continue to stay in the house, there will be no ashes left in a blink of an eye.In comparison, the chances of surviving outside are a little higher.

But when they moved, the orange ball of light moved along with it. There was a hissing sound, and it was almost tightly attached to the backs of the three of them.

Li Fanggu was so frightened that his entire back was covered with cold sweat. At this moment, his whole head was blank and he couldn't think of anything.

How long can spherical lightning generally exist, and it seems that it will explode in ten seconds?They are dead this time!

Jin Zhicheng pulled the two of them and said, "Come on!" He moved away with long legs, dragging the two of them, intending to push Li Fanggu out of the window first.

Song Weiwei grabbed him, dragged Li Fanggu back, kicked him inside, and shouted: "Get down!"

Jin Zhicheng didn't react, and was kicked to the ground by her kick. Song Weiwei pulled out the meteor whip from his waist, stood with his back to the window, leaned his waist on the edge of the window, and held both ends of the whip with both hands.

In short, it is death, no matter what, it is a gamble!

She wrapped the orange light ball in the middle of the whip like a diabolo, and flipped back violently.

The ball of light was taken out by her, she flicked both hands, and threw the whip and the ball of light far away, Jin Zhicheng had already stood up and grabbed her leg, and dragged her back into the house, when Song Weiwei came in, he closed the window , and then the three of them rushed in the opposite direction without their lives.

With an earth-shattering bang, the orange ball of light exploded, and the violent impact of the explosion collapsed the wall between them. Three people were knocked into the air and landed on the jade screen. It landed on the ground and rolled several times before stopping.

Li Fangu walked around the gate of the underworld again and came back. For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, the three of them lay on the ground and didn't want to get up. Their bodies were numb with pain, their brains were buzzing, their ears were buzzing, and they couldn't hear anything.

The three of them turned their heads with difficulty, and seeing that each other was still alive, but they were in such a mess, they all laughed heartily.

Li Fanggu had a big bump on his forehead, it was hard, swollen, and the skin was torn, he looked like Zhu Tou San, he laughed wildly, and showed his thumb: "Sister, how are you?" Well done, you guys are so damn exciting!! Hahahahahahaha! So fucking exciting!"

Jin Zhicheng gave a rare smile, sat up, and helped Song Weiwei get up.Half of Song Weiwei's body was numb, and it took a long time to regain consciousness.

The three of them sat back to back, seeing the giant black hands outside pressing down more and more, the wall of the Xiude Hall was blown down by the lightning fireball, and the spiritual pressure that was originally shielded from the outside of the hall squeezed into the hall, and the three felt powerful The pressure made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Song Weiwei smiled wryly: "It's really like a wolf in the front and a tiger in the back. Just escaped one catastrophe, and another catastrophe comes."

Guilt appeared on Jin Zhicheng's face, and Song Weiwei patted him on the shoulder: "Don't show such an expression, I've been partners for several years, I'm not used to it."

Li Fanggu smiled and kicked Jin Zhicheng.

Jin Zhicheng looked at him coldly, Li Fanggu sneered: "I don't usually have a chance, this time I take the opportunity to get some money."

Jin Zhicheng lowered his face: "Go back and run an extra ten kilometers every day."

Li Fanggu howled miserably, Song Weiwei snickered.

The pressure was getting bigger and bigger, and they couldn't laugh anymore.Even breathing is difficult, the giant hand in the sky seems to have opened several holes in the barrier against it, and a dark thing leaked from the midair, turning into a strange object and quickly scurrying around the Bixiao Lingdian.

Those black things looked like the greasy hair on the puppet's corpse, and Li Fanggu felt sick to his stomach when he thought of what happened to Qie Mo.

"What are those things?" Song Weiwei went to touch the whip, only to remember that she had thrown the whip out of the window. I am afraid that there would be no bones left in the blown whip. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, it was so easy to use it, and it was ruined by her again.

Jin Zhicheng shook his head, expressing that he did not know.He opened the backpack and saw that Ai'ai and Lily of the Valley were both depressed. He sighed, muttering something, then stretched out his hand and pulled the doll away, and took out a black jade piece from inside.

Li Fanggu understood that the two dolls still took up a lot of space, it would be safer to send them back to Fengyu directly.

Jin Zhicheng put Feng Yu in his pocket, stroked it twice with his hand, and suddenly said: "If I can't go back then, you can take Aiai back. She has been with me for so long, and I haven't given her a good face. I'm so sorry for her."

This time Song Weiwei couldn't help but kicked him: "What are you doing with these frustrating words? Brother Yuan will definitely come back to life."

The giant hands outside the temple have already pressed on the roof, and it seems that they have the upper hand.The three of them felt more and more difficult to breathe. Jin Zhicheng's face was covered with veins, his eyes were very red, and he was full of bloodthirsty desire.

Song Weiwei and Li Fanggu held his hands tightly, Li Fanggu was so dizzy that he couldn't think at all.He felt the heat between his brows several times, but he couldn't use any strength.

The power of the giant hand is too great, and their physical bodies can't resist it at all. It seems that they are really dead this time.How will you die in the end?Was it suffocation?Bleeding from the seven orifices?Or was the internal organs burst and bleeding profusely?

Duan Jinming... Li Fangu's mind is full of his appearance now, his noble and indifferent face, the corners of his mouth slightly raised when he chuckled, his focused expression when he read a book, and his doting eyes when he looked at him... ...would love to see him again, they're just getting started...

Suddenly, a ray of light rose from the empty ground they hit before, and the originally extremely complicated spell slowly separated from the ground, and then spread suddenly, the pressure on Li Fangu and the others lightened!Instantly freed from the pain of suffocation.

And as the spell spread out, Li Fangu and the others saw the same spell rise up in other corners of Bixiao Lingdian. Several spells were connected together to form a huge barrier in the air, slowly blocking it. Under the giant hand, now, the outside of the hall has become a two-on-one scene.

The confrontation in the arena became more intense. Lightning flashed outside the palace, white snakes ran wild, and the whole palace was shaking. It was a scene of the end of the world.Just when Li Fanggu and the others thought that the entire palace would collapse under the impact of power, they finally saw the effect, and the giant hand retreated slowly.

Li Fanggu exclaimed: "This wild world is really lively, where did this force come from?"

Jin Zhicheng stared blankly at the spell barrier in the air, his face looked like he had seen a ghost, then became more and more serious, and finally became extremely gloomy, as if covering a piece of black cloth could send out thunder and lightning.

Song Weiwei asked strangely: "Ah Cheng, what's wrong with you?"

Jin Zhicheng said in a cold tone, "Wei Wei, you should have heard Ling Duanyang mention this magic circle. Think about it carefully, how many spells have just been raised?"

Song Weiwei thought about it carefully, and then said with certainty: "It's the six divisions, that's right, it's the six divisions." Then she murmured dumbfounded: "I see, this is 'Fen Ling', why, why did it happen? Has such a vicious curse appeared here? Wasn't this the fairy mansion? Who is so capable to cast such a cruel spell here?"

Li Fanggu was puzzled, got up and asked them: "Sister, what is Fen Ling?"

Song Weiwei put away her surprised expression and explained to him: "The so-called Burning Spirit is an extremely vicious curse. It is to divide a person into six parts alive, and use the Burning Spirit to suppress the corpses of these six parts. Then this person's soul will be trapped in the space surrounded by these six points, and he will not be able to reincarnate forever! However, within the range covered by the magic circle, destructive power can also be produced, which is what we see now That barrier."

Li Fanggu was taken aback, this kind of curse is too vicious!To what extent does one have to hate a person to cast such a spell!

Jin Zhicheng gritted his teeth and said, "Except for Ling Duanyang, who else can do such a thing?"

Song was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly, and said, "Yeah, who else could do such a thing except him?" Then her face changed, she turned her head to look at the place where the spell was raised before, with a heavy tone He said: "Ah Cheng, I think I know what's inside. I didn't expect..."

Li Fanggu was puzzled and asked, "Sister, what's inside?"

Instead of Song Weiwei, a voice answered him: "Oh, it contains my head." It was Lu Zhen who spoke, and he appeared again at some point, his face was even paler, his soul and body were light, and he looked like he would dissipate at any time look.

Li Fanggu was startled, looked at him incredulously, and then turned his eyes back to the ground, as if he couldn't figure out how a person who was cast with such a cruel spell could still speak out with a calm face.

Jin Zhicheng stared at him with burning eyes, and asked, "Why did Ling Duanyang treat you like this? What kind of hatred do you have with him?"

Lu Zhen lowered his eyelids, and said lightly: "This is between Ling Duanyang and me, don't worry about Mr. Lao Jin."

Jin Zhicheng's face was cold and he didn't continue to ask.

Song Weiwei was also stunned, and then smiled wryly: "Ling Duanyang has too many secrets." She suddenly felt tired, as if she had never really seen that man clearly.

Although that man is smiling, how many secrets are hidden under that smile?She used to think that she didn't care, but now, she suddenly felt that it was meaningless.

Ling Duanyang has never looked at her directly, even if she is his only disciple, she was once his partner, but she knows no more about him than the others.

In Ling Duanyang's eyes, she should be no different from others.She laughed miserably, and her eyes became confused.

At this time, the thunder outside the hall gradually weakened, and the huge black hand finally retreated.The black air resisting the giant hand slowly sank back to the ground, like a ferocious beast returning to its cage, and there was no more sound.And Fen Ling's charms also slowly spread out, and they each returned to their places.It was finally calm outside.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the Tongtian Pavilion not far from them, the whole tower trembled violently, and then suddenly collapsed.Like a toppled building block, the entire tower was broken into several pieces, and then fell to the ground and turned into a pile of rubble.

Li Fanggu and the others were shocked, Zhou Yu was still inside!The tower has been shattered like this, how could Zhou Yu still be alive?

Li Fanggu's eyes widened in disbelief, and he murmured: "No, it's impossible, my uncle is so strong, how could he just die here like this!" He ran towards the ruins, knelt on the ground, He began to grab and dig up the rubble with both hands, as if Zhou Yu could be dug out that way.

Song Weiwei and the others walked up to Li Fanggu as if waking up from a dream, not knowing whether to help or persuade him to give up.Is it possible to be alive?It's all like this, is there any hope for Zhou Yu to live?Lu Zhen also came to them in a daze, with a cold expression on his face, seeing the expressions of the three of them, he sighed faintly.

Suddenly, the ruins under their feet shook violently again, Lu Zhen suddenly smiled and said to them: "Get out of the way, Zhou Yu is about to come out."

Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng pulled Li Fanggu up and backed away.The ruins on the ground were arched into an arc-shaped package, and then exploded suddenly, and the smoke and dust immediately covered the sky and the sun.

Li Fanggu and the others covered their mouths and fanned the flying dust in front of them with their hands. They stepped back a dozen steps and stopped. The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and a figure walked out of the ruins. His body was covered in blood, and his delicate and stern face was also covered in blood. , the black shiny hair was also sticky together because of the blood stains, and the neat suit turned into a tattered beggar's outfit.Li Fangu had never seen him so embarrassed, one can imagine what kind of fierce battle he had experienced.Holding a sword in one hand and holding something tightly in the other, he walked slowly in front of Li Fangu and the others.

Li Fanggu opened his mouth, went up and hugged Zhou Yu and laughed, "Hahahahaha, uncle, I knew you wouldn't die! I knew it!" As long as you're not dead, as long as you're alive!

Zhou Yu gasped in pain, his cold face twisted, but he didn't push Li Fanggu away, and patted Li Fanggu on the shoulder to express his comfort.Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.Jin Zhicheng looked at Lu Zhen's much calmer face, and was about to speak when Lu Zhen spoke first.

Lu Zhen said to Zhou Yu: "The Immortal Lord is really powerful. He can break into the Tongtian Pavilion alone and escape completely. Even in my heyday, I hardly have the confidence to do so." For more than 300 years, I have been here to protect one thing. This kind of thing has a great relationship with the safety of the world, and you have seen the situation today. I am afraid that if I want to continue to protect it, I am afraid that it will be beyond my power."

He suddenly knelt down towards Zhou Yu, and said seriously: "Maybe it is God's will that Xianjun can come here today. Lu Zhen has a merciless request, and I hope Xianjun can agree to me because of the friendship between you and me in the past."

Zhou Yu didn't expect that he would kneel down to him, he was stunned for a moment, and said, "You want me to take away the thing you guard?"

Lu Zhen nodded: "Xian Jun is smart, that's exactly what I mean, and I ask Xian Jun to agree. This thing is very important. If I am not forced to help, I don't want to give this thing to others."

Zhou Yu frowned, and then said coldly: "Why should I bother to do this for you? I don't know what you want to hand over to me, and you want me to do it for something I don't know the details for no reason. Die for you?"

Lu Zhen's eyes were sincere: "I don't want Xianjun to sacrifice his life. I will ask Xianjun to take care of this thing for a while. Ling Duanyang is dead now, he can't take over, but..." He glanced at Song Weiwei in a subtle way, no Keep talking.

Zhou Yu already understood that this kind of thing must be guarded by Ling Duanyang who told Lu Zhen to guard here. Although Ling Duanyang is dead now, when he is resurrected in the future, he will definitely come to take the thing away. He just needs to take it away. Just wait for Ling Duanyang to come back to life.

Seeing his hesitation, Lu Zhen continued to say: "If Xianjun feels troubled, you can send this thing to Brother Ling. Brother Ling must have a way to properly arrange this thing."

Zhou Yu sighed and said, "Okay, since my elder brother is also involved, there is no reason for me to sit idly by. Where is the thing?"

Lu Zhen bowed down gratefully, bowed deeply, and said, "Thank you Xianjun for not getting to the bottom of it. It's not that I don't want this thing, but I really can't say what it is. It's just that this thing is the one that the Xiao family has always What I want. I know that Xianjun and the Xiao family also have a festival, so I dare to entrust things to Xianjun with confidence."

Zhou Yu was speechless and could only nod his head, motioning for him to take them to get things.

Jin Zhicheng stared at Lu Zhen's face, and secretly clenched his fists.

Lu Zhen stood up and said, "Everyone, please follow me." He said as he walked, "Although I am a Yang Ji, I was originally only a human being. But every time I reincarnate, I carry the memory of my previous life. For thousands of years, I have been traveling around the world, helping to eradicate the scourge left by the demons. More than 3000 years ago, I became an immortal and ascended to this Bixiao Lingdian. I also lived here for a while, but everyone The world is full of wars, but these immortals don't care about it, they only care about their own enjoyment, and even try to open the passage of the Three Realms. The human world itself is already in chaos. If the passage is opened and the demons invade, the human world will be reduced to hell in an instant. So I left again Here, go to the world."

"As a result, after I came back, the ancestors here have become what they are now." His handsome face drooped slightly, "After Ling Duanyang discovered this place, he reversed the fate of this place and made it a tomb. He paused. "My grave."

Li Fanggu couldn't help it, and asked: "This is too cruel. You are a fairy, and you are still alive. How could he kill you alive and trap you in this place? Is that thing really that important?"

Lu Zhen sighed slightly, and said, "Didn't you already see that giant hand just now?"

Li Fanggu and the others nodded.

Lu Zhen said: "That giant hand is the incarnation of the core of the Xiao family, but it's not the body, it's just a part of the body."

Li Fanggu was puzzled and asked, "What is the inner core of the Xiao family?"

Zhou Yu said, "I'll tell you later." He turned to Lu Zhen and said, "Go ahead."

Lu Zhen nodded, leading them to another path, and said: "The inner core of the Xiao family has been pursuing this thing that I guard. If this thing were placed in the mortal world, it would have already been taken by it. Ling Duanyang and I In order to stop it, I thought of using the consciousness of the wild world here to resist the core of the Xiao family and protect things here. In the past 300 years, the core of the Xiao family has come here many times, but it started to devour this place The power of this thing. Until more than 20 years ago, the aura of this thing was detected by it, so it began to suspect, and attacked here with all its strength. I was guarding here before, and I could fight it evenly.”

He took Li Fanggu and the others to the outside of a tall palace, motioned them to open the door, and said: "A few days ago, the inner house of the Xiao family was completely destroyed by the trap set by Ling Duanyang and the others. blow, but what I can't figure out is that the power of the core has become more fierce."

Li Fanggu and the others were taken aback, what?Xiao's inner house was destroyed?When did this happen?How did they know nothing about it?

With a sound of "squeak", the door of the main hall opened, and seeing the things in the inner hall, Li Fanggu and the others stared wide-eyed in surprise.

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