Zhou Yu also noticed that the few people behind him didn't keep up, turned around strangely, and saw Li Fanggu scratching his ears and slapping out of thin air anxiously, as if there was a wall blocking them in front of him, and walked back strangely.

"What's going on?" His sword-like brow furrowed, and he also touched the invisible wall.

Song Weiwei patted it a few times, then sighed, and said, "It seems that we accidentally activated some formation again. Now it's troublesome."

Now Zhou Yu couldn't get out of it, and they couldn't get in either, and the people on both sides stared anxiously.

Zhou Yu thought for a while with a cold face, and said: "Maybe only immortals can enter this tower. Although I am in a physical body now, I still have immortal spirits in me, so I can enter. Otherwise, you can wait for me outside."

Li Fanggu was worried, and said: "How can this be done, uncle! If this is the case, why can't you come out now? There must be a mechanism here!" He hurried around outside, tried various methods, Song Weiwei I tried Jin Zhicheng's meteor whip and Jin Zhicheng's black bone stick, but they couldn't break the wall.

Zhou Yu looked at them calmly and was about to speak.Suddenly, the wind and clouds moved above their heads, and the sky changed rapidly. There seemed to be a hole leaking in the drowsy sky. A huge hand stretched out from the hole, and grabbed them like a mountain top.That hand seemed to be completely condensed by darkness, covering almost the size of the entire sky. Before they got close, Li Fangu and the others felt the thick magic energy coming from above.

That hand covered the sun like a dark cloud, and they were almost suffocated by the huge magic pressure. Li Fanggu and the others were in a state of anxiety. Seeing that the hand was about to be pressed to the top of their heads, suddenly the ground under their feet trembled. The incoming magic circle started to rotate. Li Fanggu was lying on the invisible wall, but he suddenly felt the wall collapse, and he had nowhere to rely on his body, so he fell directly to the ground.

Seeing the giant hand pressing down, Zhou Yu made a decisive decision and shouted "Go". Li Fanggu got up from the ground immediately withstood the tremendous pressure, and followed Zhou Yu into the tower with Song Weiwei and the others.Once inside the door, the pressure was off and they both gasped.

Looking out from the tower, the giant hand stopped at a distance of tens of meters above the main hall, and bursts of black aura rose from the ground in front of them, and the black aura condensed into layers, slowly Rising to the top of the hall, as if to fight against that giant black hand.

Finally, the giant black hand in the sky met the black air rising from the hall, and the interface where the two forces came into contact suddenly burst into thunder, and a white electric snake burst out, scurrying around in the void, tearing the sky above them apart It has become a piece of area.

Li Fanggu heard thunder in his ears, and he watched the two forces fighting in a daze, completely unaware of what happened.What is that giant black hand?What is the black air rising from the hall?

Huge power raged in mid-air, and the ground under Li Fanggu's feet trembled, as if it was overwhelmed. Li Fanggu heard something breaking in his ears, and his heart jumped suddenly, and he said in a low voice: "Have you heard?" What sound did you hear? It sounded like something was broken."

Zhou Yu said in a cold voice: "It came from the tower. Maybe the one fighting against the giant black hand is the consciousness of the wild world that Lu Zhen said, and that giant black hand is what he said is more terrifying than the consciousness of the wild world." Yes. But it’s just a guess, I don’t know if it’s right. It’s been thousands of years since the wild world was born. If these two forces keep fighting, no matter how strong the buildings here are, they won’t be able to withstand it. So I need to find something quickly , get out early, or you might be buried alive in this tower."

Li Fanggu suddenly felt a thorn in his back. Now that the two tigers are fighting outside, they can't go out. If they go out, the huge magic pressure can directly crush their internal organs.

However, they can't stay here for a long time. If the tower can't bear the power of the battle and crashes into the tower, they will directly become meatloaf.

Zhou Yu straightened his clothes and walked forward with his sword in hand, followed by Li Fanggu and the others.The first floor of the tower is empty, except for the reliefs on the wall.

All the carvings on the relief were related to ascension to immortality. Zhou Yu glanced at it and was not interested in looking any further. He found the upward stairs and walked up.

The first floor was about five meters high. Through the stairs, they came to the second floor. They were disappointed to find that the second floor was also empty, and even the content of the reliefs on the wall remained unchanged.

Zhou Yu frowned, didn't say anything, found the stairs upstairs, and continued to the third floor.

When he came to the third floor, Li Fanggu saw that there was still nothing on the third floor.Li Fanggu and Song Weiwei looked at each other, what's going on?

Zhou Yu walked to the window of the room and looked down, saying, "No problem, the height is changing."

Li Fanggu looked at the room, full of wonder, and said: "What's the situation? The room is empty, and the layout is exactly the same. I thought I was in a hallucination."

He also came over to look out the window, two huge forces were still fighting, lightning flashed and thundered outside the window, black energy was running wildly, from here you could see the towering roof of Chaotian Temple, a thick layer of black clouds on the roof, The gorgeous and exquisite glazed tiles conceal the eclipse.And the room they were in was calm and calm, and it was completely impossible to see what happened.

Zhou Yu's face darkened a little, even though he couldn't detect any danger here, he still had a bad premonition.Years of combat experience made him very alert, and the calmer he was, the more disturbed he was.

Li Fanggu turned to them with an embarrassed face and said, "Well, you go up first, and I will follow right away."

Zhou Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at him, then almost thought of what he was going to do, so he nodded and found the stairs to go up first.

Song slightly raised his eyebrows, and with a smile on his lips, he pulled Jin Zhicheng up.

Seeing that the figures of several people disappeared, Li Fanggu touched his nose, walked to the corner, opened the zipper and started to release water.It's been a long time since they've been here, and they haven't eaten anything, but they've been hydrated.He had the urge to urinate just now at the bottom of the tower, but unfortunately the place below was so big that there was not even a place to cover it. When he got here, it seemed very quiet again, and he finally couldn't help it.

He sighed comfortably, and suddenly released it after holding it in for a long time, it was so comfortable!

While urinating, he suddenly screamed: "Damn!" The wall that was splashed by his urine began to be mottled and deformed, shaking as if alive, and the originally smooth surface suddenly turned into a pitch-black The colors are different, and there are weird charms jumping on the wall, flickering as if electrified.

Li Fanggu was so frightened that he almost held back his urine.Could it be that he was punished for urinating everywhere?ah?He is already very civic-minded, and he even went to the corner to urinate, and he didn't even open the window to stand outside, okay?Even if he wants to find a toilet, there is no one here!As for scaring him like this?Is this the rhythm that makes him impotent?

Zhou Yu and Song Weiwei upstairs thought he was in danger, so they rushed out from the stairs and jumped down.

Li Fanggu's things were still dripping, before they could put them away, Song Weiwei and the others rushed over.

Li Fanggu shook the thing in embarrassment, put it in his pants, zipped it up, and suddenly wanted to die.

Song Weiwei calmly pretended not to see it, and went up to stare at the wall where his urine was splashed, then she turned her head and asked Zhou Yu, "What's going on here?"

Zhou Yu stared at the wall for a while, and said, "So, we have really fallen into an illusion, and this illusion is very high-level. If it weren't for Xiaogu's peeing, I'm afraid we would have gone all the way to The top will not see the true appearance of this tower."

Li Fanggu's face was flushed, and she was about to cry, but why could they be so calm?Although he is a man, he feels ashamed to death, okay?

Zhou Yu turned to him and said, "Xiao Li, it's time for you to show off, paint your... all over this wall."

"What?" Li Fanggu thought he was hallucinating, and he was going to piss to paint the wall when others sent excrement to paint the wall?Then he realized, yes, this is the wild world, not the real world.

But thinking that the treasure he just threw would be painted all over the wall, the strong sense of shame almost overwhelmed him, what a fucking bad luck!Why does this happen to him every time?

He closed his eyes and forced himself to concentrate on imagining that all the urine he spilled on the ground crawled up, and he burrowed towards the wall as if alive, and soon, a wall became wet.

Following this, the situation around them changed drastically. The clean and tidy room changed. As the walls revealed their true faces, they also saw the real situation they were in. Where are the mural reliefs?There are no stairs at all!

They are now more like in the body of a living thing, the surrounding walls are beating, like the beating of the heart, it looks like the stomach wall of a creature, covered with dense blue blood vessels.The so-called staircase looks like a thicker blood vessel, extending upward into an unknown dark place, covered with tumor-like protrusions.

Li Fanggu opened his eyes, saw this scene suddenly, almost vomited in disgust, and said, "What the hell is this?"

Zhou Yu said coldly: "This tower has been demonized. Originally, it should indeed be a tower, but it was controlled by the consciousness of the wild world and turned into a conscious monster."

Li Fanggu rushed to the previous window position, there was only a gap left, he looked out from that gap, the confrontation of forces outside was almost coming to an end, the color of the giant black hand above the main hall faded, slowly moving towards The cloud shrank, and the Lei Guang movie disappeared, and the outside gradually calmed down.

At this time, they felt a violent vibration under their feet, and several people felt that the bottom was lifted up, as if the huge monster stood up.There is a black liquid flowing down the wall on them, and there is an unpleasant smell coming from where the liquid passes, as if it is highly corrosive.

Li Fanggu and the others retreated to Zhou Yu's side, surrounded him, and asked, "What should I do?"

Jin Zhicheng said: "Break a hole and get out." He transformed the black bone fan into a thick-backed machete, trying to cut through the wall and jump out.

Zhou Yu held him back and said, "No, climb up. If my guess is right, this is where the stomach is. We have to climb to the heart."

What?Li Fanggu was taken aback, what is the remaining liquid?Seeing that the liquid piled up under their feet, they were about to be surrounded by it.Zhou Yu took the lead, dragging the thick and long blood vessel in the middle to climb up, saying: "This should be the place to deal with the enemy. If you want to go out, you have to climb to the heart and pierce the heart."

Song Weiwei pushed Li Fanggu to the front and said, "Xiaogu comes first, and Ah Cheng and I are behind."

Li Fanggu climbed up in a hurry, pressed his hands on the black tumor, and felt that it was hot and hard, which made him feel sick and a little scary.

Song Weiwei crawled behind, and Jin Zhicheng crawled last.Zhou Yu moved quickly, Li Fanggu followed behind with difficulty, all the way up, the darkness shrouded, Li Fanggu panicked, and Zhou Yu's voice came from above: "Xiao Li, light the lamp."

Li Fanggu clamped his blood vessels in his legs, trying to grab the light from his backpack.

Zhou Yu said helplessly: "Don't bother, just imagine a lamp."

Li Fanggu said oh, yes, he forgot where this is, he closed his eyes, and imagined that the surrounding walls would automatically glow. Obviously, his idea required too much effort and was not realized.He could only do the next best thing, imagining a star falling from the sky, giving off a dim light.

He opened his eyes and looked up, a soft lamp came down and stopped above them, illuminating the surrounding scene for them.

With the light, they seemed to have a sense of security, so they settled down and continued to climb.

Below them, a layer of black viscous liquid has been filled, and there is a pungent and unpleasant smell. Li Fanggu looked down in fear, and Zhou Yu's calm voice came from above: "Don't look down, be careful not to look down." Fall. It's safest to climb faster."

They speeded up behind Zhou Yu, and they didn't know how long they had been climbing. Li Fangu felt that they had been climbing for almost half an hour, but they still didn't see the end.And by the light, they saw that the space above was getting narrower and narrower, and soon those fleshy walls were almost attached to their backpacks.Li Fanggu's hand accidentally rubbed against the liquid flowing from the flesh wall, a burning pain came, and he almost let go of his hand due to the pain.

Song Weiwei put one hand on his buttocks below, and said: "Xiaogu, hold on, don't fall."

Li Fanggu made up his mind, that's right, if he went down, Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng would definitely be hit.So he endured the pain and continued to climb up.

Zhou Yu's stamina is very impressive. He actually saw Zhou Yu touch those liquids several times, but his face hardly changed, as if he was very used to pain, and he really could bear it, he thought.

Not long after, Zhou Yu's voice came: "Attention, we have reached the top."

Li Fanggu sighed and looked up.On the top is a layer of flesh that looks extremely thick, and the thick blood vessels disappeared after that. It seems that they need to break through this layer of flesh to go to the upper layer.

Zhou Yu said coldly: "Hold on tight!" He grabbed the climbing object with one hand, and swiped down with the sword in his right hand at an extremely fast speed.

Li Fanggu and the others felt that the whole space was shaking violently, as if the monster was shaking violently because of the pain.

Zhou Yu warned again: "Hold on tight, don't fall!" He mercilessly chopped down with one sword after another, and soon a blood hole was alive on the top of the fleshy wall, black devil blood The few people splashed all over their heads and faces, but they didn't bother to wipe it off.

The long-term shaking made Li Fanggu dizzy, chest tight and flustered, wanting to vomit but unable to vomit, he remembered Zhou Yu's order, grasped it tightly, and dared not let go no matter how violent the shaking was.

Zhou Yu swung his sword and made the bloody hole bigger, big enough for two people to pass through.The monster seemed to be in extreme pain, and moved violently. Li Fanggu didn't notice it for a while, his hands loosened, his legs were not caught, and he fell down.

Song Weiwei was startled, exerted force on his legs, and at the same time dodged sideways, an upside-down golden hook grabbed his hand in time.Jin Zhicheng also grabbed the clinging object with one hand below, and a split horse came up in the air, blocking his fall, quickly pulled him back, and grabbed the thick blood vessel again.

Zhou Yu was also taken aback. Seeing that Li Fanggu was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, took the lead to grab the edge, and jumped up with all his strength.

Song Weiwei saw that Li Fanggu had grasped it steadily, and speeded up to follow behind. Zhou Yu stretched out his hand and let her use his strength to climb up.

Li Fanggu shook his head to get rid of the boredom in his chest, and also speeded up to follow behind, finally Jin Zhicheng.Climbing to the top, Li Fanggu felt exhausted, his body was filthy with the blood of monsters, and even Zhou Yu, who was always neat and tidy, looked extremely embarrassed.

Zhou Yu looked around here. The space here is very narrow, and several people are almost side by side. He looked at a spot, and there was a clear movement from that spot.

The smell here is too smoky, and extremely boring, Li Fanggu's stomach is churning violently, his legs are weak and his feet are weak, stepping on the ground made of fleshy walls, he feels like he is floating in the boundless sea , There is a feeling that there is no limit.

Zhou Yu saw his irritability, and said softly, "Persevere a little longer." He aimed at the jumping place, made a tactic with his left hand, held the sword in his right, and murmured a spell in his mouth. With a burst of blue light, it ruthlessly inserted into the violently throbbing place.

After a burst of blue light, the space they were in shook violently.

Zhou Yu yelled: "Hold on tight! The illusion is about to break!"

Li Fanggu was taken aback, what illusion?Soon he understood, the soles of their feet seemed to be suddenly empty, the bodies of several people began to fall sharply, the surrounding scenery changed rapidly, what kind of flesh wall, what kind of blood vessel?They only saw white walls passing by, and they fell rapidly like cannonballs.

Zhou Yu shouted: "Xiao Li, find a way!"

Li Fanggu was dizzy, what can be done at this time?If you fall to the ground, your arms and legs will be broken, and your stomach will be broken!

At this time, another voice sounded in my ear: "Wings!"

Li Fanggu was reminded that when he entered the wild world, he also let Jin Zhicheng and the others grow wings, and now he is doing the same.

He yelled: "Fly up, go up!"

Two huge wings of light stretched out from Zhou Yu's shoulders, covering the sky and covering the sun. With his wings flying, he rushed to them, grabbed Jin Zhicheng with one hand, and took Song Weiwei with the other. Seeing him coming, Li Fanggu hurriedly hugged him thigh.Zhou Yu flapped his wings twice, leading them to the ground.

The first thing Li Fanggu did when he landed was to lie on the ground and vomit violently. His stomach almost turned over before he stopped.Song Weiwei came up to help him caress his back, and then handed him a bottle of water.

Li Fanggu said thank you, then rinsed his mouth with water, and looked up, only to find a huge tower in front of them, almost soaring into the sky, it wasn't the Tongtian Pavilion before!


What the fuck does that mean?Haven't they already broken the demonized monsters?What's happening here?

A voice came and said: "You have just stepped into the magic barrier created by the consciousness of the wild world. Fortunately, the fairy has broken the illusion, otherwise you will be trapped there to death sooner or later."

What?Was that just a phantom formation?They haven't stepped into Tongtian Pavilion at all?So what were they busy with just now?

Zhou Yu wiped off the dirt on his face and said, "The magic circle here is really powerful, and I didn't even notice when I entered it."

Lu Zhen sighed quietly, and said: "I advised you to retreat, but you don't believe me."

Jin Zhicheng stared at his face and asked, "You don't look well, what happened?"

Li Fanggu looked over after hearing his words, and sure enough, Lu Zhen's complexion didn't look very good, as if he was much weaker.He is only in a state of soul body now, but it seems to be weak caused by using too much power.

Lu Zhen said calmly, "It's nothing. There should be no obstacles in front of Tongtian Pavilion now. It's just that Xianjun is right. This Tongtian Pavilion has indeed been demonized by the consciousness of the wild world. There are probably many traps inside, and this It is true that only immortals can enter the Tongtian Pavilion. I am afraid that the treasures inside will have to be retrieved by Xianjun alone, even if I can’t continue to accompany you.”

Zhou Yu nodded and said, "Thank you, you have helped a lot." He turned to Li Fanggu and the others and said, "Okay, I'm going to go in and find what I want. Be careful outside, if you encounter If you are in danger, find a place to hide first. Or just withdraw first. Since I said that I will accompany you to the end, I will accompany you to the end. A gentleman says, it’s hard to chase, wait for me.”

Jin Zhicheng opened his mouth, thinking that since only immortals can enter this tower, Wei Yuan's earth soul must not be inside, so he nodded gratefully and watched him go in.

Li Fanggu looked at Lu Zhen next to him, and saw that he was calm and calm, and thought to himself: This Lu Zhen seems to have been following them all the time, and they really know everything about them. , I don't know where his real body lives.Moreover, since they are not their enemies, why don't they just help each other, instead of just giving them verbal advice every time?

Maybe, it's out of reach?Up to now, he has only released a shadow of his soul to communicate with them. Isn't it because he is unwilling to show up, but because he can't do it?

Jin Zhicheng stared at Lu Zhen for a while, Lu Zhen sighed, and said, "Mr. Jin, I know you hate me for telling the truth, but I'm under a lot of pressure when you look at me like this."

Jin Zhicheng's face turned cold and he didn't speak.

Lu Zhen curled his lips indifferently, and waited for Zhou Yu to come out with Li Fanggu and the others.

Li Fanggu wanted to ask Lu Zhen more about the situation in the wild world, and was about to speak, when there was a strange noise in the sky, he looked up at the sky, there was a huge hole in the sky, and a giant black hand pierced through the clouds , like Mount Tai pressing down on them, pressing down on them!

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