The strongest magician

Chapter 115 Soul Fire

Li Fanggu saw that his body was pulled up, but his consciousness fell into the abyss, he knew it immediately, he had left his soul again!

ah ah!really!He had long expected this to happen.Fortunately, he had the foresight to keep Fusu in the Yangshi.

His consciousness fell towards the abyss, and there was darkness stirring in the abyss, as if he smelled the smell of his soul, and wanted to rush out to capture him.

Li Fanggu was anxious and concentrated on calling Fusu, help, Fusu!Great beauty, hear my call!Grandpa is going to die!

In the abyss, a huge black snake-like monster came out of the darkness, opened its scarlet bloody mouth, revealing its sharp and tough teeth, and devoured Li Fanggu's spirit body. Li Fanggu's spirit body was like The thin needle placed near the magnet irresistibly flew towards the huge mouth. He was so anxious that he almost lost his mind. Seeing that the teeth were about to capture his spirit body, at the critical moment, he opened a passage until Straight to the mouth of the giant snake.

Li Fanggu rushed into the giant snake's mouth before it closed, narrowly passed the giant snake's teeth, and fell into the passage.There was a wave of power coming from behind, and something chased after him and rushed into the passage together.

Li Fanggu didn't dare to look back, and accelerated to squeeze into the passage.The passage was dark and long, and he struggled to swim forward in it. After a long time, a dim yellow light appeared in front of him.Li Fanggu followed the direction of the light and moved forward at a high speed.It was an ever-burning lamp, the one that Jin Shuting lit on top of Wei Yuan's head. Standing in front of the lamp, Fusu's figure was warm and reliable by the light.Seeing his spirit body, Fusu stretched out his hand directly, Li Fanggu hurriedly held his hand, and was dragged out of the passage by him.

The passage closed at the moment he left, and Li Fanggu stood in front of Fusu in shock, and saw pitch-black tentacles sticking out at the moment the passage closed, grabbing at Li Fanggu.

Fusu took a step forward, protecting him behind him, swiped out his sharp claws, cut off the tentacles, those tentacles fell to the ground, turned into black mist and dissipated, and the passage was completely closed.

Li Fanggu was still in shock, he calmed down a bit, looked around, and returned to the room where Wei Yuan's body was buried.All the curtains in the room were drawn, and the lights of the long lights flickered dimly, looking like they would go out at any moment.Jin Shuting was standing beside Wei Yuan's bed, looking at him with his mouth open in surprise.

"You, why are you back? No, you are a spirit body, are you dead?" He asked in surprise.

Li Fanggu let out a yell: "You just died! Crow's mouth! The young master is just too tired and left his soul."

Fu Su asked worriedly: "Isn't it chaotic over there? Isn't it dangerous to leave the soul at this time?"

Li Fanggu comforted him with a smile, and said, "It's okay, don't worry, they may be too busy for the time being with my body, just wait for them to settle down and call me back."

He saw that Wei Yuan's body on the bed had undergone a huge change again, the original miserable appearance had almost recovered, revealing a clean and gentle face, with short hair growing on his head.Li Fanggu remembered the last time they met in the hospital. At that time, Wei Yuan seemed to be full of life, but now he is lying on the bed like a living dead, while Jin Zhicheng is desperately trying to rescue his lover in the wilderness that is in crisis every step of the way. I couldn't help feeling sad for a while.

"Where's Jin Ming?" He saw that there were only Jin Shuting and Fu Su in the room, Duan Jinming was not there, and he stretched his head to look around.

Fusu's eyes dimmed a bit, and he replied with a smile: "He is worried about Mr. Jin's health, he just went to see it, and he should be back immediately."

Li Fanggu nodded and asked, "How is Brother Jin doing now?"

"The high fever doesn't go away. Your uncle has been taking care of it. I hope it will get better soon."

Just as he was talking, the door of the room opened, and Duan Jinming stepped in. Seeing the translucent Li Fangu, panic appeared in his eyes for a moment.

Li Fangu's eyes revealed a surprised expression, what is it like not seeing each other every day, how long has he been separated from him, and seeing him, he was very happy, and his thoughts immediately overflowed.

"You...?" Duan Jinming was obviously surprised that Li Fanggu would appear here, Li Fanggu went up with a smile, and said, "I accidentally left my soul. Don't worry, just call me back when my uncle and the others settle down. "

Although he said it easily, Duan Jinming was still worried. Seeing the smiling expression on his face, he sighed helplessly, thought for a while, as if he had made up his mind, and said to him, "Come with me."

Li Fanggu followed him out in confusion, only to find out that the sun was already rising outside the door, and they had been going to the wild world for more than half a day.They can't perceive the passage of time in it, and they rely on guessing every time.He felt that it didn't take long, but it has been so long in Yangshi.They only had three days, and Li Fanggu suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

Duan Jinming took him to the next room, closed the door after entering, but didn't look at Li Fanggu, went to the table and sat down, then lowered his head without any response.

Li Fanggu's face was inexplicable, what is this going to do?Are you angry?He thought anxiously.

Not long after, he knew what Duan Jinming was going to do. He saw a translucent Duan Jinming slowly stand up and walk in front of him.

Duan Jinming actually let his soul out of his body! !

The emotion in Li Fanggu's heart suddenly flooded like a flood, and the apex of his heart ached, his heart seemed to be severely grabbed by someone, wishing he could fall on him and kiss him fiercely now.

Duan Jinming walked up to him and said, "Now we can touch it." His fingertips touched Li Fanggu's cheek, and the spirit body directly touched it, making Li Fanggu's soul tremble.

Li Fanggu looked at him with burning eyes, wishing he could eat him now.

Duan Jinming responded to his gaze, and said worriedly: "If I knew it was so dangerous, I should have asked Fusu to go with you. It would be of some help."

Li Fanggu rolled his eyes and thought to himself, luckily he didn't take Fusu with him, otherwise his departed soul would have no one to respond to him, he might be swallowed up by some ghosts and ghosts, and Duan Jinming would never look at it again Not to him.He smiled and said, "It's not that dangerous. I was not careful. Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Duan Jinming looked at him disapprovingly, Li Fanggu quickly smiled flatteringly, and said, "Don't be angry, I will be careful in the future, and take good care of myself." He moved closer, and said in an ambiguous tone: "I'm still I haven't had a relationship with you, so I can't bear to die."

He made up his mind that Duan Jinming would be reluctant to beat him up now, so he boldly flirted with him.

Duan Jinming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, there was nothing he could do about him, and he was still in the mood to say this at this moment!But he was very helpless towards him, and his worries turned into soft fingers, the spirit body stepped forward a little, moved his cheeks closer, and kissed him.

It's a different feeling from the physical touch, neither heat nor touch, but Li Fanggu felt extremely excited, as if the whole soul and Duan Jinming were slowly merging, he closed his eyes, and felt this strange feeling. feel.

Duan Jinming hugged him, and his spirit body was tightly attached to him. Li Fanggu half-opened his eyes, and saw a red light in front of him. The spirit bodies of the two seemed to blend together slowly, and there was an indescribable feeling The pleasure came.

Duan Jinming hugged him even tighter, and Li Fangu's soul became hot because of this hug, and he felt the warmth surrounding him, as if immersed in warm water, his soul felt floating for a moment.

He opened his eyes wide, and found that he was in a void, surrounded by something like a red liquid, but there was no feeling of restraint, which was a comfortable and reassuring feeling.He looked at the place where the liquid came from, his eyes widened in surprise.

Duan Jinming disappeared, and a huge bird appeared. That bird was so noble and gorgeous. Li Fanggu searched all the words, but couldn’t describe it. At first glance, this bird looked like a red-crowned crane , but its feathers are dreamy light blue, under the blue cover, is a radiant fiery red, that fiery red is like a quiet magma, it seems that it only needs a gap, and it will erupt.

The bird has a long white beak and a pair of slender and noble eyes. It looks like the majesty of a phoenix, but not the arrogance of a phoenix. There is a light flame color in the eyes of the bird, and it is looking at him gently.Its legs are thin and long, standing in the void, and its wings are shining towards Li Fanggu. There is only one wing, which is a single-winged Bi Fang.

It's Duan Jinming, this is his lover!It is the true face of his lover, so noble and gorgeous, like a god in a dream.

Bi Fang raised his slender and graceful neck, raised his head and neighed, making a crisp sound, then stepped forward gracefully, looked down at Li Fanggu's bewitched eyes, which showed tenderness.

This is his beloved child, although not strong, but brave and fearless;

The tall Bi Fang lowered his head, his long neck intersected with him, and his wide single wing gently covered him.

Li Fanggu should have been afraid when he saw flames raging towards him.However, the flame was bright red, but glowing with warmth. He closed his eyes and accepted it calmly. This is his lover, how could he hurt him?

Surrounded by warmth, Li Fangu felt as if his limbs and five bodies were soaked in hot water. He sighed comfortably and let the heat flow on his soul and body.

Thousands of strands of warm current entangled and converged on his body, and finally concentrated at the position between the eyebrows. Li Fangu felt that his forehead seemed to be scalded by charcoal fire, and then the hotness instantly turned into an indescribable warmth, filling his chest. spirit body.This feeling was too exciting, Li Fanggu felt himself trembling, extremely excited, if there was a body, he would definitely ejaculate directly.The soul is soothed by the abundant spiritual energy, and the fatigue is instantly swept away.

It seemed that after a while, the warmth gradually cooled down, and he opened his eyes again. Bi Fang was gone, and Duan Jinming was gone too. He searched in panic, and saw Duan Jinming who was sitting at the table standing up, his soul The body is in place.

Li Fanggu felt a little regretful in his heart, the feeling of this kind of spiritual body directly intersecting was so wonderful, that kind of pleasure made his soul tremble.But the soul of a living person coming out of his body was too hurtful, so he walked up to Duan Jinming, even though he couldn't touch it, he still made a snuggling motion, imagining himself leaning in his arms.

Duan Jinming's face was full of exhaustion, and he looked at him with doting eyes. There was a fiery red dot between the child's eyebrows, and there was a flame boiling inside.

Li Fanggu leaned against him, imagining that he was breathing the refreshing smell of body wash on his body, and felt extremely at ease by his side, he asked softly, "What was that just now?"

Duan Jinming stroked the top of his hair, but did not answer.He kissed his forehead and said in a low voice, "Take care of yourself and let me watch you come back safely."

Li Fanggu was moved in his heart, and hummed vaguely.

There was a faint call coming from his ear, Li Fanggu recognized it was Song Weiwei's voice, he let go of Duan Jinming reluctantly, and said: "They are calling my soul body to return to its place, I want to go back. "

Duan Jinming nodded, and put his palm on his cheek. Although he couldn't touch it, Li Fangu still received the ambiguous affection.

When entering the wild world, Li Fangu entered with a physical body, so it felt extremely difficult, but it seemed much faster to go back in a spiritual state.With Song Weiwei's voice leading the way, he opened the passage very quickly this time.

Duan Jinming watched his lover disappear in front of him, straightened his clothes, and returned to Wei Yuan's room.Fusu raised his head, narrowed his gentle eyes, and asked, "Mr. Duan, your soul light seems to be a bit dimmed, what's the matter?"

Duan Jinming smiled and said: "I just don't trust him, so I shared the soul fire with him."

Fusu's eyes dimmed, and he said with a smile, "I heard that Bi Fang's soul fire is only shared with his lifelong lover, has Mr. Duan made up his mind?"

Duan Jinming smiled, turned his face to look at Wei Yuan on the bed, he had already confirmed his heart when he accepted the ring.

A few seconds later, Li Fanggu opened his eyes and saw Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng looking at him worriedly. Zhou Yu was standing with his back to him, holding a sword in one hand, tall and tall, guarding them like a god of war.

Li Fanggu blinked, and the mental distress was swept away. Is this the power of seeing a lover?No wonder people say that if you are full of water, seeing your sweetheart once is more effective than any panacea.

He said with a smile: "I made you worry. I'm back."

Song Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I was scared to death, this time it's really hard work for you."

Jin Zhicheng also showed a guilty expression, fell silent for a while, and said, "Thank you, Xiaogu."

Li Fanggu gave him a hammer and said, "My brother, why are you being so polite! We are willing."

Zhou Yu looked back at him, and said in a flat tone, "Just come back."

Li Fanggu stood up and looked at their current location. This place seemed to be in a large hall. The main hall looked dilapidated and decayed because of its age, but it was not difficult to see the luxury of the past from the layout. "What is this place? How did we get here?"

Song Weiwei brushed her hair and said: "Mr. Zhou said this is the Nantian Gate. We stepped on the cliff and saw you had left your soul. Unfortunately, there was no time to summon your soul. There were monsters attacking us at the main entrance. Mr. Zhou and us, After fighting all the way and coming here, I finally settled down a little bit."

"Nantianmen?" Li Fanggu looked at them strangely, only then did he realize that Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng looked quite embarrassed, and it was not difficult to see that they had experienced a fierce battle.Although Zhou Yu still looked chic, he was also slightly disheveled.But their whole body was intact and unharmed, and they protected themselves very well, so they couldn't help but feel a little moved and feel a little guilty.I am really useless, I really hope that I can become stronger as soon as possible, and don't hold back like this.

Seeing his complexion, Song Weiwei smiled and said, "Yes, you thought of the residence of the Jade Emperor? Mr. Zhou also said that folk myths and legends should have their original form. It was passed down orally, and after being processed by literati, it became what we are familiar with now. Mr. Zhou also guessed that this was the residence of the immortals because of the name of the Nantianmen, and I believe it more and more now."

Zhou Yu stood for a long time, feeling that the surroundings were a little safer, so he put away his sword and walked over, saying: "This is the main entrance of Bixiao Lingdian, and the words Nantianmen are written on it in ancient seal characters. I came to investigate, but I was forced to retreat as soon as I reached the main entrance. I came in a spirit state at that time, and the consciousness here was too strong. I never thought of coming here. If it wasn't for the treasures here, I wouldn't want to come here again."

Song Weiwei and the others had only heard Li Fangu roughly say that Zhou Yu was an immortal, so they were not very familiar with him, and this was the first time they worked together as a partner.She smiled and asked, "What did Mr. Zhou come for last time?"

Zhou Yu was silent for a while, and said: "It was to find my missing lover. It's a pity that I returned in vain. Both my lover and I have planted magic treasures on our bodies. If we get close, we will feel it. Unfortunately, I didn't feel it here. , he should not be here, so I left."

Jin Zhicheng's expression was gloomy. Did Zhou Yu have such an experience?He empathizes with him now.Thinking of Wei Yuan who might be trapped here, he was very worried, and took out the pendant from his pocket, but was surprised to find that there was no response from the pendant here.

Li Fanggu asked in surprise: "What's going on? Why doesn't the pendant indicate the direction? Is Brother Yuan not here?"

Zhou Yu glanced at it calmly, and said: "No. The energy field in this hall is too strong. Relatively speaking, the magic power exerted on the pendant is a little weaker, so the power of the pendant here is suppressed, and it is impossible to instruct Wei Yuan. Where the soul of the earth is. This is the center of the wild world, and it is also the final destination of the souls who strayed into the wild world. Wei Yuan should be sure that it is here."

Song Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's just that this palace looks very big, and I don't know where Brother Yuan is!" According to her idea, if they knew the location of Wei Yuan's earth soul, they would go straight to Huanglong and find the target. They immediately withdrew to save time and ensure safety. However, Zhou Yu came to hunt for treasure, so I don't know what he thought.

Zhou Yu said with a blank expression, "The soul will go to the place with the strongest power. What I'm looking for should be with Wei Yuan's soul. We have the same goal, so don't worry."

Only then did Li Fanggu remember that he hadn't said anything about Zhou Liang, so he told Zhou Yu about their last trip while resting.

Zhou Yu had a strange expression on his face, and asked, "You said Xiao Liang saw Jin Shuyan?"

Li Fanggu nodded, and said: "Yes, my uncle seems to have fallen in love with Brother Jin at first sight, and now he is pestering him every day. Brother Jin is not in good health recently, and it is my uncle who takes care of him personally. My uncle told me clearly that Jin The elder brother is the kind of person he is looking for."

Zhou Yu: "..."

Li Fanggu looked at Zhou Yu's face, and felt that Zhou Yu seemed to have just eaten dozens of catties of weird mushrooms that fell from outer space. Is it gay?

It was the first time he saw such an expression on Zhou Yu's face, and he felt an indescribably funny feeling in his heart.

It seemed that after a while, Zhou Yu came to his senses and nodded, expressing his understanding.

Several people took a short break again while discussing the follow-up course of action.

Zhou Yu took the scabbard as firewood, drew a map on the ground, and explained: "I have seen the layout of this heavenly palace from a high place before. We are now at the main entrance, which is the South Heaven Gate." He drew a rectangle , indicating their current location, "Entering the Nantian Gate, it should be the Chaotian Palace. Although these immortals have lost their desires a lot after cultivating immortals, they have the right to pursue them as long as there are people. Therefore, the main hall of this palace is also named Chaotian Palace just like the mortal palace. There are many palaces behind Chaotian Palace, and side halls on both sides. The goal is very clear, and it should be right to go to the place with the strongest power."

Li Fanggu frowned and said: "I don't quite understand, Uncle, how can I find the place with the strongest power? I feel like my whole body is suppressed here. It seems that the power here is everywhere, and the power of thinking is not here. What worked."

Zhou Yu nodded and said, "You're right. Because the power here is too strong, it has formed a restricted area. Here, our thinking consciousness can't be used, but you are different. You are more restricted than we should be." Much smaller, because you have the blood of the demon race on your body after all. Divided according to the origin of power, the power on your body is actually a power against light, which is close to darkness, but it is different from the essence of darkness. Darkness is that light cannot reach Formed, Ah Cheng has ghost blood on his body, and his power belongs to the power of darkness. However, your power should be more like black light than light. So the power here suppresses you, But you can resist again. To find the place where the power is most concentrated, it depends on your perception."

Li Fanggu was taken aback for a moment, and then he secretly rejoiced, he didn't expect that Li Fanggu would be so useful!He was about to speak when there was a violent fluctuation above their heads, and a man's figure appeared above their heads.

Zhou Yu quickly stood in front of them, facing the man.Li Fanggu looked at the man, the man had a beautiful face, he looked like a fairy, and his figure was elegant and moving.

Zhou Yu looked at the man, but frowned, and said, "Why are you?"

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