The strongest magician

Chapter 112 Xin Mi

It was already midnight, Xiao Lian was still sitting in the yard, a pot of tea and two teacups were placed on the table in front of him, Xiao Rong sat opposite him, frowning and urged: "Ah Lian, it's getting late, it's time go to bed."

Xiao Lian took a sip of tea, and said leisurely: "Ah Rong, don't go to sleep, there is a big event going to happen in a while, so don't miss it."

Question marks all over Xiao Rong's head, what's the big deal?Xiao Lian's opponents had already been eliminated, so what else could happen?

Xiao Lian looked at the scene in front of him. There was devastation in front of his eyes. The originally luxurious pavilions, exquisite gardens and vast buildings were all destroyed by the star scroll. The courtyard they are currently in is the farthest corner from the Xingyun Pavilion at that time. Even so, they were also shaken into a mess, the stone table in front of them was full of cracks, and it seemed that it would burst open at any moment.

Xiao Lian lowered his eyelashes, suddenly smiled and said: "Look, we have guests here before the big event happens. Ah Rong, can you go and get a teacup?"

Xiao Rong nodded, turned and entered the room.

The space in front of Xiao Lian was distorted, and a tall and thin figure stepped out, it was Jin Shuyan.

Xiao Lian was not surprised to see him here. He stood up, made a gesture of invitation and said, "It seems that your Excellency is Jin Shuyan, the eldest son of the Jin family. It's the first time we meet. There is nothing to entertain you. Please invite me." Sit down, we two have a good cup of tea."

Seeing his face, Jin Shuyan was stunned, and asked, "Chang Geng?"

Xiao Lian smiled charmingly, and replied: "No way. I'm Xiao Lian, but I don't know who Chang Geng is?"

Jin Shuyan smiled gently, and sat down across from him. Xiao Lian smiled, and he knew that the person in front of him was not Chang Geng, nor was he an alchemist. Although the appearance was the same, the temperament was completely different.

Xiao Rong came out of the room, put the cup on the table, and made tea for Jin Shuyan.

Jin Shuyan looked at him, with a puzzled expression on his face, wondering, why does this person seem familiar?It seems to have seen it somewhere.

Seeing his expression, Xiao Lian said to Xiao Rong, "Ah Rong, sit down too, the three of us have a cup of tea together."

Jin Shuyan suddenly realized, by the way, this person is Ji Weirong!It is Chang Geng's love that he always misses.They met a few times a thousand years ago, but Ji Weirong's face was full of scars at that time, but now his face is intact, revealing a handsome face, no wonder he didn't recognize it at first, but although his face has changed, the body His demeanor didn't change much, when he heard Xiao Lian calling him Arong, he immediately recognized it.

what happened?Didn't Chang Geng's lover disappear during the war 500 years ago?Why did it appear in the Xiao family?And actually he seems quite close to Xiao Lian, the former Patriarch of the Xiao Family?

Jin Shuyan calmly took the teacup Xiao Rong handed over, and thanked him in a low voice. He lowered his eyelids and took a sip. It was the top Biluochun.

Xiao Lian smiled and said: "Mr. Jin is indeed very generous, you have no doubt that I will play tricks on this tea?"

Jin Shuyan smiled, but did not answer.

Xiao Lian said: "Mr. Jin must have something to visit today, but don't worry about it, the time is almost up now, I invite Mr. Jin to watch a good show."

Jin Shuyan raised his eyes in doubt, and doubts appeared in his warm eyes.

When the moon was in the middle of the sky, Jin Shuyan felt a breeze blowing by, then he stood up with a shocked expression on his face, and suddenly, as if time was being reversed, he saw the messy ruins in front of him. The shattered bricks re-condensed and returned to their original positions, and the collapsed walls were erected again; the branches and leaves of the destroyed trees returned to the trunk; the water in the dry pond slowly filled again; the attic that was crushed into powder , a gust of wind blew, piled up again, and slowly recovered...

The completely destroyed Xiao family is slowly recovering at a speed discernible to the naked eye.How can it be?Is there an invisible hand re-stacking, or is time running backwards?

Xiao Rong also stood up in extreme surprise, watching what could be called a miracle happen before him.

Xiao Lian remained calm, sipping tea leisurely, staring at the changes in front of him, his enchanting eyes were full of thoughts, but he didn't seem to be thinking about anything.

After a long time, all the buildings have been restored, Jin Shuyan sat down again, and said in a gentle tone: "Mr. Xiao, are you going to explain to Jin?"

Xiao Lian smiled and said, "Of course I would. Ah Rong, please sit down and listen to me."

He glanced at the gorgeous courtyard that had been restored to its original state, took another sip of tea before opening his mouth, and said, "This is the power of the 'core' of the Xiao family. Are you also surprised? Hehe, when I saw it for the first time It’s the same expression. No, I was not as good as you at that time, but I just exclaimed. But Mr. Jin, don’t worry, Xiao Sheng and those people will not come back for at least a hundred years. The core can restore these buildings. It is not easy to restore the shattered soul."

Xiao Rong was also shocked from ear to ear, what?The building that had been completely destroyed was restored to its original state in just a short while. What happened?

Xiao Lian closed her eyes, seemed to think for a while, and said, "Mr. Jin, do you want to know the secrets of the Xiao family?"

Jin Shuyan raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't the secrets of the Xiao family not to be disclosed?"

Xiao Lian said with a smile: "Since you and I have already concluded the covenant, there is no reason to hide it. Mr. Jin seems to be a little unwell, or we can talk about it another day. You want to go back and rest first?"

Jin Shuyan supported his forehead, gathered his strength, then shook his hand and said: "This time I came here to ask for something, and if the thing is not done, there is no reason to go back."

Xiao Lian asked with a concerned expression on his face, "What's the matter, Mr. Jin? You've helped me so much. As long as I can do it, I won't refuse."

Jin Shuyan lowered his eyes and said, "It's because of my brother."

"Is it Jin Zhicheng? Was he injured at the end of Qiemo?"

Jin Shuyan shook his head, and said bitterly, "It's not Ah Cheng, but Ah Yuan."

Xiao Lian was silent, and said: "Mr. Jin, I'm really sorry, your younger brother was killed by someone sent by the second elder Xiao Sheng. Although Xiao Sheng and the others have been wiped out by you and me, as the head of the Xiao family, I have made a lot of mistakes. This kind of thing is hard to blame. I just don’t know, Jin Ershao is dead, why Mr. Jin came here?”

Jin Shuyan smiled wryly and said: "To be honest, my second brother is actually from the Xiao family. I know that the Xiao family is not in reincarnation. After death, the soul of the sky returns to the core, and the soul of the earth goes to the wild world. This time, I just want to ask for it back. My second brother's heavenly soul."

Xiao Lian was moved, "Oh? Brother Ling is actually from my Xiao family?" His eyes moved bewitchingly. He didn't expect Jin Shuyan to know the core of the Xiao family, but he didn't know how much he knew.This Jin Shuyan came to the door through Ling Duanyang, let alone Ling Duanyang's life experience is weird and unpredictable, although he has investigated Jin Shuyan's life experience privately, so far he still knows nothing about it.

Before he was seriously injured, he deliberately pretended to hide from the world in order to keep a low profile. He basically never asked about the affairs of the Xiao family. Seeing that Xiao Sheng's ambitions were getting bigger and bigger, he also learned about some things about the Xiao family through Xiao Rong. Xiao Sheng has run into walls frequently these years. The Xiao family has been secretly controlling the fate of Shenzhou for thousands of years. Except for the time 500 years ago, it can be said that they have never suffered such a big loss. However, Lian had already seen that there was another person behind the scenes leading the changes.

Sure enough, Ling Duanyang took the initiative to come to the door, and he didn't know the existence of Jin Shuyan.He still can't figure out the origin of Jin Shuyan, but after hearing what he said today, he couldn't help laughing, and said: "As far as I know, Er Shao grew up in Jin's family since he was a child. Although he has no blood relationship with the Jin family and broke away from the Jin family some time ago, he is indeed an ordinary person, why did the young master say he is from the Xiao family?"

Jin Shuyan stroked the wall of the teacup with his fingers, and said: "My second brother's biological father and I have an old friend. He died early, and entrusted him to me before he died, so that he can live an ordinary life. I promised him But today because of my relationship, my second brother died tragically, I feel deeply guilty, I am really sorry for my old friend."

Xiao Lian frowned and asked, "Your brother's biological mother is from the Xiao family?"

Jin Shuyan shook his head: "My second brother's biological mother is an ordinary person, she died of illness not long after my second brother was born."

Xiao Yan chuckled and said, "Mr. Jin is here to tease me."

Jin Shuyan narrowed his eyes, displeased in his heart, but did not show it, and asked with a smile, "Why did Mr. Xiao say that?"

Xiao Lian said with a smile: "Since Mr. Jin knows the core of the Xiao family, he should know that the Xiao family has always managed the bloodline extremely strictly. Except for the alchemist a thousand years ago, it is impossible for the bloodline to fall apart."

Jin Shuyan lowered his eyebrows and said, "That's right, I've heard about it."

Xiao Lian took a sip of tea, and said with a leisurely smile: "Actually, this is the Xiao family trying to lose face. This rule has not been exceptional until now. It's not all because the Xiao family is afraid of family rules and dare not violate them. It's really because, The Xiao family and the outsiders really can't have children."

Jin Shuyan was taken aback, then laughed, and said, "Mr. Xiao is serious?"

Xiao Lian sighed, and said: "The Xiao family is not in reincarnation. If after death, they return directly to the core, and then go through the core to be born, this is equivalent to rebirth. For thousands of years, the Xiao family has been multiplying like this It's just that some Xiao family members can maintain the memory of the previous life after rebirth, and some of them look like newborns after returning from the inner core. If you are able to raise up, you will only return to the inner house. I say this, does Mr. Jin understand? The so-called Xiao family’s inner house and outer house are different forms of return. In other words, the children of the Xiao family’s outer house are just It is a failed product from the core. Tell me, how could such a Xiao family have children with ordinary people?"

Jin Shuyan was shocked, there was such a method of reproduction in this world, but he didn't know how the Xiao family did it?He pondered for a while and said, "Mr. Xiao doubts the identity of my second brother's biological mother? Is it possible that my second brother's biological mother is also from the Xiao family?"

Xiao Lian smiled wryly, and said: "Well, I'll just say this kind of embarrassing thing bluntly. What I mean is that members of the Xiao family don't have the ability to reproduce. Otherwise, Lingdi would also return from the core of the Xiao family. Yes, but he is a failure, so he is not the biological son of your old friend."

Jin Shuyan thought to himself, could it be that Lao Zhang lied to him?But it doesn't matter, no matter what Wei Yuan's life experience is, he will bring back his heavenly soul today, so he smiled and said: "Maybe, but my friend has passed away for many years, and I don't care about the facts. Clear. It’s just that I’m here today to bring back his heavenly soul. I got a method from a friend that can bring him back to life, so I have to gather all his three souls and seven souls. Ah Cheng has already gone to the wild world to bring them back. Ah Yuan’s Earth Soul is only missing his Heaven Soul.”

Xiao Lian pondered for a while and said: "According to the records of the Xiao family, all returnees have files to follow. According to the records, there is no trace of blood. There may be some stories about your second brother's life experience. But if Mr. Jin doesn't want to If I pursue it, I will naturally give up. If Brother Ling's Heavenly Soul really returns to the core, it may not be easy to get it back. After all, the core is too powerful, even if it is me, there is no way to enter the core."

Jin Shuyan was silent, and said: "I heard that if the Xiao family returns to the inner core, they must be guided by someone. Is there someone who is responsible for guiding such a big event in the Xiao family these days? I think, my second brother Will it still linger around the inner core and never return?"

Xiao Lian narrowed his eyes, what is the identity of this Jin Shuyan?He actually knows a lot about the secrets of the Xiao family.He said: "Mr. Jin knows a lot about the Xiao family. But you are right, how about this, if a soul returns to the core, the core will automatically appear within seven days, and it will not be seen at other times. Seeing Brother Ling’s Heavenly Soul near the inner core, I will take it personally and send you back to Jin’s house, which can be regarded as compensation for Brother Ling, and if Mr. Jin needs other things, I will be fully responsible, how about it?”

Since Xiao Lian had already spoken like this, it meant that the matter should have been half done, Jin Shuyan heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

However, Xiao Lian asked: "Mr. Jin called me by a name when he first saw me, Chang Geng, right? I want to ask Mr. Jin, who is this Chang Geng? But he looks exactly like me?"

Seeing that their teacups were empty, Xiao Rong filled them up for them, Jin Shuyan looked at him calmly, what happened to Ji Weirong?His appearance has not changed much from his previous life. Ah Rong should be able to recognize him. Why do you look at him like a stranger?He heard from Ling Duanyang that Ji Weirong also became a Sanxian in the end, so it is not surprising that he is still alive for so many years and his face has not aged. What is strange is why he is here, and he seems to not remember anything. Could it be a memory? was taken?Chang Geng has been looking for him, since he has seen him today, of course he has to find out.

He pretended not to care and said: "Chang Geng is my younger brother in the previous life, and his appearance is indeed somewhat similar to that of Mr. Xiao, but it was dark just now, so I misread it. Mr. Xiao doesn't need to care."

Xiao Lian smiled, this Jin Shuyan is really not an ordinary person, since he has a past life, and he has the memory of the previous life, does it have something to do with the Xiao family?In this world, there are only alchemist Jian and Fang Yanyu who are similar to him. Over the years, he has not discovered that Jin Shuyan has any relationship with Fang Yanyu. Could it be that his younger brother in the previous life was Alchemist Jian?

After thinking about it, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. Could it be that Jin Shuyan dealt with Xiao's family for the alchemist's advice?impossible?

He took a sip of tea calmly, and said, "Mr. Jin is said to be a descendant of alchemist Jian, the god son of the Xiao family. Have you heard of him?"

Jin Shuyan smiled gently, pretending not to know, and asked: "Because of the war, the genealogy of the Jin family was also lost. I only know that the Jin family changed their surnames to avoid disasters. The alchemist remonstrated that his ancestors were 500 years ago. His Things have been lost in the family, does Mr. Xiao know about him? And why is he said to be the son of the Xiao family? I would like to hear more about it."

Xiao Lian smiled and said: "Don't be afraid of Mr. Jin's jokes. Everyone in the Xiao family has no ability to reproduce, except the alchemist. So he is the god son of the Xiao family, which is also his special feature. Originally, he was the son of the Xiao family. The Xiao family still counted on him to change the predicament, but who knows that many things happened later, causing him to live outside, and all the hard work before was wasted."

Jin Shuyan could see that he had something to say, so he didn't interrupt, waiting for him to speak.

Xiao Lian continued: "Since we are allies, please let Mr. Jin tell me about the origin of the Xiao family." Seeing Jin Shuyan listening attentively, he smiled and began to speak: "This is Suiping , that is how the Xiao family made their fortune. Before the Xiao family, it was just a big local family. The Xiao family was a bit capable. It is said that they have the blood left by the ancient demon war ghosts. However, after a long time, there is no Take people seriously. The story has to start with a young man from other places, this young man, his name is Qing Heng."

"Qing Heng has no father and no mother. He has a handsome appearance and a gentle and pleasant personality. After he came here, the daughter of the head of the Xiao family quickly fell in love with him, so Qing Heng joined the Xiao family."

Jin Shuyan didn't interrupt, and listened patiently.

"Although Qingheng is a married man, he has excellent ability and is deeply trusted by the patriarch. The patriarch loves his daughter very much, so he has a plan to hand over the Xiao family to Qingheng. If this kind of thing happens in the big family, it will definitely happen. There was obstruction, and one day, Qing Heng was found dead in the yard, covered in bruises."

Xiao Rong was also listening, with a look of sympathy on his face, Qing Heng must have blocked some people's way and caused revenge.

"The patriarch was furious, and sternly told the family to notify the government and ask them to thoroughly investigate the matter. What people didn't expect was that Qing Heng was resurrected in the coffin that night."

Jin Shuyan's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly thought of Ling Duanyang, resurrected from the dead?Is it a coincidence?

Xiao Lian stared at his calm eyes and asked with a smile, "Mr. Jin thinks of Ling Duanyang?"

Jin Shuyan said: "I'm thinking that Qing Heng's death may have been set up jointly by him and the patriarch, or that he wanted to eradicate those who have different intentions."

Xiao Lian laughed and said: "Mr. Jin, you think too much. Qingheng is indeed dead and then resurrected. This incident caused a sensation in the Xiao family. Why don't Mr. Jin imagine Qingheng's end?"

Xiao Rong had a guess in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out.Jin Shuyan was silent for a while, and said, "Qingheng probably wished that he would die at that time and never come back to life, right?"

Xiao Lian nodded: "That's right. After Qing Heng came back to life, he was locked up by the Xiao family. The Xiao family suspected that he had supernatural powers, so they locked him into the stone room and killed him again and again. , Sure enough, every time Qingheng dies, he can be resurrected without any damage."

Speaking of this, both Jin Shuyan and Xiao Rong understood Qing Heng's end, being locked in the stone room, being killed again and again, and then resurrected, the Xiao family must be boiling and crazy.No longer afraid of death, who in this world can resist such a temptation?

"Not only that, the Xiao family also discovered that Qingheng's appearance has not changed the slightest after decades have passed. I was also blinded by greed. No one can tell what happened afterwards, but after hundreds of years, a brand new Xiao family was born, and the Xiao family also broke away. Reincarnation has nothing to do with hell."

Jin Shuyan frowned and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. What happened later?"

"Later, things became more troublesome. The Xiao family found that although they obtained longevity and unique powers, troubles also followed. The Xiao family found that there were fewer and fewer people in the family, and they could not give birth to descendants. And at this time, a core was born in the Xiao family, and the dead Xiao family returned through this core. After many years, even if they can return, the number of people in the Xiao family is still decreasing. If this continues, the Xiao family will be wiped out sooner or later. Moreover, Xiao The family members found that, for some reason, they couldn’t take another step forward in Suiping, and they spent countless efforts, but they couldn’t find the reason.”

Jin Shuyan's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered that he had experienced this kind of thing in his previous life, but at that time it was because of the gods in the sky, the Sky Profound Realm, what was the reason for the Xiao family?

"Now the Xiao family is not subject to this restriction, how did they solve it?"

Xiao Lian took a sip of tea and said: "Later, the Xiao family selected a saint named Yunji, and Yunji was approved by the core to enter it. The Xiao family thought that Yunji would not come back again, but after three years Afterwards, Yunji walked out of the inner core and became pregnant. The child she was carrying in her belly was the alchemist's admonishment."

Jin Shuyan frowned, was this how Fang Shijian was born?Isn't his father an ordinary man?This seemed to be a bit different from what Ling Duanyang said, he didn't rush to interrupt, and continued to listen to Xiao Lian.

Xiao Lian said: "Ever since she was born, Yunji has been trapped in the family, yearning for the outside world. One year, a young man surnamed Fang passed by here, and Yunji fell in love with him at first sight, so a different thought arose in her heart. The Xiao family absolutely cannot tolerate people with foreign surnames entering the Xiao family, so naturally they will not agree with her relationship with her lover, especially since her status is not ordinary, she thought about it and thought of a way."

Xiao Lian lowered his brows and smiled, dipped his lips with tea, and continued: "Yun Ji used the blood of herself and the fetus in her womb to transform into another fetus with a forbidden technique, and implanted it in her womb, so her womb became They became twins. And she concealed her pregnancy and entangled with her lover day and night. The boy surnamed Fang thought that Yunji was pregnant with his son. In order to get rid of the Xiao family's control, he made up his mind to take Yunji away. .”

Jin Shuyan looked at Xiao Lian's bewitching face in front of him, and he already understood Xiao Lian's life experience in his heart, no wonder he and Fang Shijian looked exactly the same, that's why.

"Mr. Jin's guess is right. The fake fetus made with the forbidden technique is me. At first, Yunji never thought that I would survive. Maybe the alchemist's remonstrance was too powerful. Not only was I born, I was lucky enough to survive. After Yunji gave birth to me and Alchemist Jian, she left me in the family, took Alchemist Jian and followed her lover away. The Xiao family only wanted the Son of God, and did not care about her whereabouts. Knowing that the Xiao family can't bear children, even if they go out, nothing will happen, and the Xiao family will return sooner or later, as long as they hold the Son of God in the palm of their hands, so I was placed with high hopes and raised as the heir of the patriarch. Maybe an alchemist Jian's background really changed something, the Xiao family found that the restrictions that trapped them disappeared, and they believed more and more that I was the 'son of God', and never doubted me. The Xiao family also began to flex their muscles in Shenzhou."

Jin Shuyan frowned, so it turned out that Xiao Lian was from such a background, he lowered his head to sip his tea, and then suddenly raised his head and asked: "Since the Xiao family never suspected you, how did you know about the descendants of the Xiao family's blood?" ? Could it be that someone informed you?"

Xiao Lian laughed a few times in a low voice, and said, "It was not the alchemist who remonstrated me at first, but me!"

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