Seeing a foreigner coming out of the bronze door, Jin Zhicheng and all of them had a thought in their hearts, the door must be opened in the wrong way.

However, the foreigner was indeed standing in front of them alive.Now, the foreigner was looking at something inside the door with horror on his face, maybe because he was too busy and frightened, he didn't notice that there were people like Jin Zhicheng beside him.

Jin Zhicheng's pupils constricted, and he noticed that the foreigner's movements were a bit unusual. The figure that just rushed in was too fast, which was beyond the speed that ordinary people could achieve.Sure enough, the foreigner's face began to change, his eyes were bloodshot, and two long fangs appeared at the corners of his mouth.It's a vampire.

Li Fanggu suppressed his breath, and excited in his eyes, a vampire, a foreign zombie, is still such a beautiful one, I really want to put him in my collection room.

The vampire stared at the things inside the door in horror, not daring to move.Everyone waited impatiently, Jin Zhicheng patted Ai'ai on the shoulder, Ai'ai let out a shriek and rushed over, the vampire didn't expect someone to be there, turned his head in a hurry, Ai'ai rushed towards him, but still As we approached, suddenly, an extremely swift thing protruded from the door and pulled the vampire in.

The vampire still had a look of horror on his face when he was pulled in.Jin Zhicheng and the others only heard a sharp scream, followed by a continuous whine, which came from the vampire that was dragged in.After a long time, the sound finally weakened, and then there was a continuous ticking sound, like the sound of liquid falling and falling on the water.The vampire was never heard from again and appeared to be dead.

Jin Zhicheng and the others thumped in their hearts. What was in the door that wiped out a vampire in an instant?

Jin Zhicheng signaled Ling Lan to check the things inside the door, Ling Lan looked at him dissatisfied, but Jin Zhicheng's face was cold and he couldn't see any pity.

I'm so miserable, Ling Lan thought sadly, Ai Ai lay on Jin Zhicheng's back and smiled strangely, looking very proud.

Lily of the Valley flew to the door, looked inside, then turned her head dully, and stammered, "Master...Master...Master,'s the ghost-eating branch."

Jin Zhicheng was stunned for a moment, and the others were also stunned. Li Fanggu quietly asked the general, "Uncle, what is the ghost-eating branch?"

The general's face was solemn, "Strictly speaking, ghost eaters are a kind of demon. They like to entangle in the ground, with thick roots and long branches. They like to suck human blood and devour ghost energy."

Song Weiwei stepped out under Jin Zhicheng's signal, and when she saw the scene inside the door, her eyes widened in surprise, and the smile on her face froze.The ghost-eating branch in the door is too huge.Inside the door is a square space with a length of more than 70 meters and a width of about [-] meters. It is about ten meters high. Several stones about the size of basketballs are inlaid on the walls around the space. Gray and bright.The top of the space was densely sealed with bricks, only an extremely thick trunk extended down, and countless roots began to extend down from the trunk about three meters down, those roots were very long, like living tentacles Generally, waving in this huge space.The vampire just now is now wrapped by a thick root, and the tail of the root stretches into his chest. A huge hole is broken in his chest, and the blood is dripping down the hole, forming a strange hole on the ground. Big or small pools of blood.On the other tentacles of the ghost-eating branch, there are densely packed corpses, including humanoid ones, animaloid ones, and unknown creature shapes, which are particularly infiltrating under the dim light.

Under the huge ghost-eating branches, that is, on the ground of the space, the layout should have been neat, but now it is a mess.There were three huge coffins on the ground.The coffin couldn't be seen what kind of material it was made of, and it looked extraordinarily heavy.The pottery shards piled up messily on the ground should be funerary objects, and they should have been smashed when the vampire was avoiding the ghost-eating branch just now.

There are several bronze tripods placed in the four corners of the space. The bronze tripods are about one person tall. They look simple and bulky, and they are dark inside.Other places are full of gold, silver and jade objects, which look extraordinarily luxurious.Occasionally, one or two dead bones fell on the ground, which shows how many souls were buried here in the long years.

Ghost Eater Branch seemed to have sensed Song Weiwei's breath, several tentacles rolled towards her, Song Weiwei moved quickly, and dodged backwards two times, a tentacle rubbed her foot and was about to roll up, but When he was about to touch it, he suddenly retracted.

Jin Zhicheng made a move immediately when Song Weiwei turned back, stretched out his hand to support her waist and led her away from the door.Everyone booed.

Several people gathered under Jin Zhicheng's gesture, stayed away from the door, and sat down in a safe place.

"It seems that it was the inner room just now. Since there is a coffin, then this is an underground tomb, that's for sure." Jin Zhicheng pondered.

Old Wei interjected, "I don't know what's in those three coffins. It should be the remains of the owner of the tomb. It may belong to the owner of the tomb and his wife. It would be good if we could go down and have a look. However, there are ghost-eating branches , I'm not sure."

Jin Zhicheng said, "If we are not sure, we have to go down. We can't get out here, we can only go down and have a look. If we can't get out, we can only be buried here."

Everyone thought about the end of the vampire just now, and couldn't help but feel uneasy, "Why are there vampires here?"

Everyone looked at Elder Wei, who coughed, "Don't look at me, I don't know either."

Song Wei smiled charmingly, "Old Wei, if you still have to hide it now, don't blame me for being cruel and throwing you to the ghost eater."

Elder Wei believed that she would definitely be able to do this, so he shuddered and said awkwardly, "Well, in fact, we've heard about this underground building for a long time, and it wasn't because those little ghosts who were rowing boats discovered it by accident last time. But what's inside, we really don't know. I also came here to know that the door leads to this underground building. I really didn't know it before."

"Old man, you can tell what you know now." A Hua said coolly.

Elder Wei glanced at Song Weiwei, "Speaking of it, the one who knows the most clearly should be Ling Duanyang."

Hearing that name, Li Fangu noticed that the complexions of several people changed, especially Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng, both of them trembled.

"Uncle, who is Ling Duanyang?" Li Fanggu asked secretly.

The general lowered his voice, "I only know that Ling Duanyang is known as the strongest curse master in China, but I don't know what kind of person this person is. I have never fought against him before. I only heard that this person is very powerful. Like a monster."

"Ling Duanyang is dead." Ahua continued coolly, "Wei Wei is Ling Duanyang's apprentice. If Ling Duanyang knew, why didn't he tell Wei Wei? Not to mention that Wei Wei and Jin Zhicheng were his partners for several years. .”

Hearing this, Li Fanggu suddenly realized that this Ling Duanyang was the partner of Song Weiwei and Jin Zhicheng who died before.He always felt weird when he heard that the strongest curse master in China died like this.

Old Wei asked tentatively, "Wei Wei, Ling Duanyang really didn't tell you anything?"

Song Weiwei smiled coquettishly, "I wish he had told me, but unfortunately I have never heard of it."

Jin Zhicheng regained his frozen face and shook his head, "He didn't say anything." After speaking, he lowered his eyes to cover his emotions.

Old Wei sighed, "We only heard him say that there is such a building here before, and that it is extremely dangerous. According to Ling Duanyang, there is something very important in it. We don't know what it is, but you should also I know," he smiled wryly, "the most important thing for this person is curiosity. Since I heard about this place, I want to come in no matter what. It's just that I didn't expect it to be so thrilling."

Li Fanggu complained, "Jindu came in, and I'm also curious about what's inside, so don't pursue the responsibility. But you still didn't tell us where the vampire came from."

Ahua looked at him, "Since Ling Duanyang knows about this place, it's not surprising that other people know about it. But it's not a curse master, but a vampire from abroad, which is quite puzzling. Unless, There are other people who are also interested in things here, and maybe foreign forces are involved."

Li Fanggu rubbed his nose, "Speaking of which, I want to know what's inside. Let's not talk about this, let's think about how to go down and open the coffin. This ghost-eating branch is a troublesome thing. How do we get rid of it?" it?"

Song Weiwei smiled at him, and the hairs on his body stood on end, "How many of us want to deal with the ghost-eating branch? It's a dream. It's an authentic monster. Fortunately, it can't get out of the tree trunk to come here, otherwise we would have finished the game."

Jin Zhicheng pondered, "There is no need to knock it down completely, as long as it can restrict its movements for a while, it is enough for us to open the coffin on the ground and get the contents inside."

Restricting the actions of Ghost Eater Branch?That space was almost filled with ghost-eating branches, and it was not easy to restrict the actions of such a monster.

After a while, Ahua said, "Maybe, I mean maybe, if we draw a paralyzing spell in that room to paralyze the ghost-eating branch for a period of time, maybe it's okay."

Jin Zhicheng interjected, "How much scope do you want to portray?"

Ahua calculated, "I have to trace a circle along the ground for such a big ghost-eating branch."

Song Weiwei: "If you want to paint with peace of mind, someone needs to attract the ghost-eating branch. How long will it take you to paint such a big curse?"

Ahua calculated again, "If everything goes well, it will take about 10 minutes if I use the fastest movement. Just be on the safe side, it will take 15 minutes."

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