The strongest magician

Chapter 105 Xiao Min

Li Fanggu grinned and endured the pain, feeling the movement below him, couldn't help imitating Hua An's catchphrase: "Your father, Master Xiaowan is dead, so what kind of movement is this! Is it over? "

Duan Jinming helped him stand up, and protected him behind him, Li Fanggu was stunned, and felt moved.

Hua An sat on the ground half dead, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Don't talk like me!" Then his face twitched with pain, and he almost passed out.

Song Weiwei comforted him, then raised his eyes to search for Ling Duanyang's shadow, Ling Duanyang stopped whispering to Jin Zhicheng, looked around vigilantly, and said: "It should be the Xiao family's ambush, come closer, be careful."

Ling Duanyang walked up to Zhou Liang, took out the jade box from his bag and said to him, "Xiao Liang, I will hand over this box to you first. You have to keep it safe."

Zhou Liang picked up the box and curled his lips in disdain.

Several people looked at the jade box, this is the goal of their visit this time, it is for this thing, they have worked so hard until now, what is that thing?

Jin Zhicheng was naked from the upper body, showing his strong and healthy back. He transformed the black bone fan into a long stick, and signaled everyone to surround Hua An and Li Fanggu, ready to deal with the crisis at hand.

The shadows on the ground slowly gathered in the turmoil, and then turned into tall and strong giants one after another, and then roared and surrounded them with murderous aura.

Ling Duanyang stood beside Song Weiwei, and said, "Wei Wei, I'm going to use the mad monk, now we have less combat power, so we'd better fight quickly."

Song Weiwei nodded, and put her hand in his. Ling Duanyang held her jade-like hand, and felt dazed for a while. He looked at Song Weiwei, and Song Weiwei also looked back at him. The two stared at each other briefly, and then Ling Duanyang turned his eyes away.

Ling Duanyang smiled and whispered: "You don't cry as much now as before."

Song Weiwei looked at him obsessively: "Because you don't like girls who love to cry, I don't want to annoy you."

Ling Duanyang said softly: "No." He paused and said, "You are my good partner, my good apprentice, how can you be annoying."

Song smiled wryly, forget it, it was her one-sided attachment to him, she never expected him to respond to her, whether he pretended to be stupid or ignored her, it was better than avoiding her and disappearing in front of her Good to see.

Ling Duanyang began to mutter curses, Li Fanggu and the others saw a layer of rose-like red mist rising from Song Weiwei's body, and then slowly separated from her body, one, two... five in a row, five blood A human figure formed by the fog.

Li Fangu had seen these five people before. The experience of meeting them for the first time is still fresh in his memory. He will always remember the hell-like scene at the foot of Yuntai Mountain, but Song Weiwei used it by himself at that time. Made out of blood, this time it was Ling Duanyang who summoned them out of thin air, Ling Duanyang was really powerful.

Li Fanggu looked at Ling Duanyang with a complicated expression, and now he finally remembered that Ling Duanyang was Jin Zhicheng's original partner, and he was just a backup.Now that he's back, does it mean that he should be more sensible, withdraw by himself, and let Wei Wei and the others welcome Ling Duanyang's return?

Anyway, Song Weiwei and the others are looking forward to Ling Duanyang more than the fleshy Li Fanggu.

Jin Zhicheng saw his expression from the side, and said in a low voice: "These five crazy monks were led by Ling Duanyang to subdue Weiwei at that time. Their power is too crazy, only Weiwei can't suppress it alone. So when Ling Duanyang and Weiwei were together When they are together, their strength is the most complete. If Wei Wei only manipulated it by himself, these five crazy monks would not be able to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and could only attack indiscriminately. With Ling Duanyang around, they would not accidentally injure their own people."

Hearing his explanation, Li Fanggu looked at him in surprise, Jin Zhicheng's expression was as cold as usual, but what is the explanation?

Immediately he understood his intentions, he still regarded Li Fanggu as a partner, if it was someone who had nothing to do with him, he wouldn't say so many words to explain.

Li Fanggu has a lot of feelings in his heart, and now he can't tell whether he feels envy or jealousy towards Ling Duanyang.

Duan Jinming reached out and squeezed his fingers soothingly, then let go.Li Fanggu turned his face and saw his light expression, his heart was itchy and warm.

The black shadow finally approached them, Ling Duanyang pointed out, and shouted: "Kill!"

The five crazy monks shouted slogans and rushed towards the black shadow. The ground shook and the mountains shook. The slashing movements of the five crazy monks seemed to have double images. Li Fanggu and the others saw the five blood shadows rushing to kill Afterwards, those heavy black shadows became fragmented, but those black shadows seemed to be endless, they seemed to be dark elements that permeated the entire space, endlessly, after one layer was torn apart, another layer surrounded them again soon. come up.

However, the figures of the five crazy monks gradually began to fade away. Song Weiwei took a deep breath, and another layer of dark red thick mist emanated from her body, dispersed and merged with the five crazy monks, becoming them. part of the body.

Li Fanggu and the others took advantage of the dim moonlight in the sky, only seeing one piece after another of blood shadows and black shadows merging and separating. The sky was too dark, and they couldn't tell what happened around them.

Except for Jin Zhicheng, his five senses were developed to the extreme. He paid close attention to the movement in the field. He saw something else slowly approaching under layers of darkness. He narrowed his eyes and asked Lin Jiajia in a deep voice. : "Mr. Lin, can you use the alienation technique again now?"

Lin Jiajia stood up, showing his muscles made of fine iron, and signaled to Jin Zhicheng that he still had the ability to fight again.

Jin Zhicheng nodded and said, "There are a few sneaky rats in our direction at three o'clock. You will clean them up later."

Lin Jiajia nodded.

Jin Zhicheng's ears moved, and he told Li Fanggu: "Xiaogu, I'll leave it to you at six o'clock behind us, can you still hold your gun steadily?"

Li Fanggu grinned and made an OK gesture.

Jin Zhicheng snapped his fingers, it's now.

Lin Jiajia roared violently, and a huge black bear rushed out. Wherever it passed, the ground shook. The huge bear claws swung out, and the darkness in front of it was torn apart. The whole body of the black bear turned around, and the three The black figure was pulled out from the ground by it. The black bear stood on two hind legs, opened its huge mouth and roared, and the world trembled. It slapped its sharp claws on the ground, and a black figure howled miserably, and was pressed to the ground by it. , it bit down with its sharp mouth, and then pulled hard, a black shadow was torn apart by it.The other black shadow seemed to be fleeing backwards. The black bear opened its mouth and roared, and a strong sound wave was emitted. The sound wave turned into a tangible attack in the air, piercing the fleeing black shadow.

Li Fanggu praised the brave Lin Jiajia in his heart, and then he quickly drew his gun, turned around, and shot, a round of bullets shot out, and the ground that was hit was twisted, and then a circle of black flames rose up, a burst of light and shadow After the distortion, the mottled gravel texture returned to the ground, and the shadow attached to it disappeared.

Li Fanggu put down the gun, the wound on his shoulder made his face contort due to the pain.

Suddenly, there was a strange whistling sound, which seemed to be far away, and seemed to be right next to their ears. Ling Duanyang's expression changed, and he said, "It finally came out."

A black shadow spread out, and they saw a tall figure walking out. The shadow was slender and slim, and it looked like a woman's figure.

The moonlight in the sky shines on the shadow, revealing a face that is all over the country, with slender and deep eyes, a tall and delicate nose, and a small cherry mouth that seems to be drawn with the finest embroidery thread, against the fair skin, This woman is like a god walking under the moonlight. She is dressed in the moonlight and steps on the stars. Shi Shiran slowly approached them like a stroll in the courtyard.

Li Fanggu's eyes widened in amazement, who is this enchantingly beautiful woman?

Li Fanggu didn't see any movement of this woman, she just walked leisurely like this, the slender skirt swayed at her feet, like a tail flower in the wind, but boundless pressure was exerted on them, she walked The closer they got, the more obvious the pressure was, as if a thick layer of cloud covered their heads, and it gradually became difficult for them to breathe.

When the woman came within 20 meters of them, the momentum of the five mad monks who were fighting high immediately weakened. Song Weiwei took a deep breath and wanted to release more red mist, but Ling Duanyang grabbed her hand to stop it Leaving her behind, he said: "It's useless, Wei Wei, Xiao Min, one of the five elders of the Xiao family, made a move, the mad monk is no match. Put it away, don't waste your energy."

Song frowned slightly, and asked, "What should we do? Just let her go?"

Ling Duanyang smiled lowly: "Wei Wei, it's useless for us to attack, but don't worry, someone will take care of her."

Song Weiwei glanced at him suspiciously, obeyed his suggestion, and beckoned, all the crazy monks slowly returned to her side, turned into bright red mist, condensed into strands, and penetrated into her body.

The black shadow receded and gathered behind Xiao Min.

Lin Jiajia regained her human form, revealing her mountainous naked body. The thick hair on her lower body and the huge bird-like object were clearly visible under the moonlight.

Xiao Min stopped in her tracks, her eyes turned to Lin Jiajia's lower body unexpectedly, she showed a surprised expression, then turned her eyes away in embarrassment, and the atmosphere in the field suddenly changed subtly.

Lin Jiajia picked up the rags on the ground to cover the key parts, and stepped back between Li Fangu and the others with embarrassment on her face. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Li Fangu felt that Xiao Min's face seemed to be covered with a layer of blush.

What the hell is this! !Li Fanggu was speechless, the tense atmosphere was completely gone, okay?

However, it only took less than a second for Xiao Min to adjust her mood, and continued to walk over with a smile. Every time she took a step forward, the irresistible pressure was heavier on them. Blood oozes from the wound again, soaking the gauze quickly.

Li Fangu also felt the pain on his body was unbearable. The wound corroded by the venom before was like countless needles being pricked one by one, and his face was covered with cold sweat due to the pain.Duan Jinming noticed that his breath was not stable, turned around and looked over, with a look of worry in his eyes, Li Fanggu pretended to be indifferent and smiled, and clenched his fists tightly in private.

It hurt so fucking badly, he felt that the gauze on his shoulder was wet, and blood beads came out one after another, what kind of sorcery is this?What the hell is this woman playing?

Panting heavily, Ling Duanyang took two steps back, standing side by side with Jin Zhicheng and Song Weiwei, Fu Su and Duan Jinming also stepped forward, standing in front of several people, bearing the heavy pressure from Xiao Min for the people behind them , Li Fanggu and Hua An felt a little lighter, and their breathing became smoother again.

It's too evil, Li Fanggu thought, this Xiao Minguang doesn't do anything, the pressure from his body can almost kill people, is this the most terrifying power of the Xiao family?This Xiao Min is one of the five elders of the Xiao family?That is to say, there are four other monsters as powerful as her?

Xiao Min walked within ten meters away from them, and then about twenty figures stood behind her. They stood respectfully behind her, without any movement, declaring Xiao Min's absolute noble status.

Ling Duanyang cleared his throat, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that even the third elder was alarmed. It seems that we have a lot of face."

Xiao Min tilted her head and smiled softly, and said: "Ling Duanyang, you really are not dead. Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for a long time, 300 years?"

Hua An sneered: "This woman is crazy! Does she think she is a thousand-year-old tortoise?"

Ling Duanyang, who has been an immortal turtle for thousands of years, smiled without changing his face: "I didn't expect you to be alive. This time you came here in person. It seems that you are really coveting this thing."

Xiao Min covered her mouth and smiled softly, her voice was piercingly charming, and said: "Since you know, just hand over the things obediently, do you want me to get them by myself? Ling Duanyang, unless Fang Yanyu and Wu Zun I can still be a little bit shy about making a move, but obviously they are not here now. Just a few kittens and puppies on your side, I don’t pay attention to them.”

Ling Duanyang let out a muffled laugh, and said, "Xiao Min, you are really old, who said Fang Yanyu is gone? Who do you think is holding something?"

Xiao Min looked over puzzled, saw Zhou Liang's face through Jin Zhicheng's figure, her beautiful eyes widened in shock, and she took a step back. Immediately, Li Fanggu and the others felt their bodies relax and the pressure stopped.

Zhou Liang thought to himself, Fang Yanyu?Isn't that the name of his brother Yu's previous life?He and Brother Yu look very similar, Ling Duanyang gave him the things, is it the idea of ​​pretending to be a tiger?He figured it out, so he lowered his face and imitated Zhou Yu's cold face. He had been with Zhou Yu for a long time, and he really looked good after learning it.

Xiao Min was startled for a moment, thinking about it, Zhou Yu is here too?Impossible, didn't the news come from my family that Zhou Yu was not at home, where did he go?When did Zhou Yu come with you?Got their intelligence wrong?She thought that Zhou Yu was not there, and she didn't pay attention to people like Ling Duanyang at all, but she didn't expect that this evil star was there, it seems that the strategy needs to be adjusted.

Before she could figure out what to do, Ling Duanyang spoke again and said, "Xiao Min, I have worked so hard to lure you out. It has been more than 20 years since I released the fake news. You will not let me down today." Bar."

Xiao Min was taken aback, looked at the jade box in Zhou Liang's arms, and said, "What do you mean? Fake news? You mean this box is fake? Ling Duanyang, you spent a lot of time using a fake box just to lure me come out?"

Ling Duanyang rolled his eyes: "What do you think?"

Xiao Min snorted and said: "Ling Duanyang, you are full of tricks and you have no truth. No matter whether this box is real or not, or what is inside, I will order this box. Are you going to deliver it yourself? , or should I get it myself?"

A soft voice continued: "I am more inclined to take your life, do you want to add this option?"

Li Fanggu and the others looked in the direction of the sound. Why, besides them, are there other people here?The Gobi Desert is really lively today, everyone is here, who is talking?Sounds like someone from their side.

I saw them in the southeast direction, and a person showed his figure. That person looked very thin and tall, with a tall and elegant figure, and under the moonlight, he revealed a gentle and handsome face. What impressed people was not the gentle and handsome face. It was not her face, but those deep and moving eyes, those eyes that looked extremely gentle, filled with blood.

It was the first time for Li Fanggu and the others to see red eyes. They had only heard that the most evil ghost in hell had blood-red eyes, but they did not expect to see such blood-red eyes in the human world. However, those eyes The eyes are so gentle, looking at his eyes, Li Fanggu felt that the soft light in those eyes could almost drown people.The man came by the moonlight, and the places where his feet passed were bloody, and Li Fanggu felt as if his footsteps had cut through the blood pool of hell, and came to the world like this.

Zhou Liang watched that person approaching, his heart suddenly jumped up uncontrollably, bang bang bang, the blood flow all over his body accelerated, rushing to his forehead, his eyes stuck to that person uncontrollably, his brain There was a voice calling: This is him, this is the man.

Zhou Liang murmured and asked, "Who is he?"

Jin Zhicheng showed a surprised expression, and called softly: "Brother."

Jin Shuyan smiled gently, and said to Xiao Min, "Third Elder, it's the first time we meet, let me introduce myself, my name is Jin Shuyan."

Xiao Min was taken aback, tilted his head and smiled, and said softly: "It's our first meeting. Who are you, Jin Jiawei?"

Jin Shuyan smiled and said, "It's my father."

Xiao Min snorted and said, "You are from the Jin family. Speaking of which, you are a descendant of Fang Shijian. Hmph, did you inherit the blood of the Son of God? But after so many years, this blood is also very thin, Xiao Min The family doesn't like it anymore. Except for Fang Yanyu, there is no one from the Jin family."

Jin Shuyan just smiled and didn't speak.

Xiao Min said: "It's getting late at night, hurry up and bring the things here, I can reward you with a whole corpse."

Jin Shuyan smiled and said, "The third elder is really confident. How do you know that you won't be the one who left the whole body today?"

Xiao Min looked at him amusedly, and said, "Is it me who is confident, or you? Why don't you stop rambling and let's see who has the last laugh."

Jin Shuyan said: "That's exactly what I meant." After he finished speaking, he raised his hand, and the blood under his feet spread. Suddenly, there was a burst of howling ghosts and wolves, and Li Fangu saw a huge blood-red circular shape appearing under their feet. Rune array, Xiao Min's face changed when he saw this rune array.

"What? This is the Ten Thousand Ghost Cracking Sky Formation? When was this formation carved? No, you have already prepared a trap?" Xiao Min showed a panicked expression on his face.

Jin Shuyan smiled gently: "Yes, the situation that has been laid out for more than 20 years must of course have a perfect ending. I will accept your life today."

Xiao Min pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "I miscalculated, but do you think we were not prepared? If I were defeated by someone as unknown as you, I would have lived for thousands of years in vain."

I saw Xiao Min's body backed away, her body fainted immediately, turned into a shadow, stuck to the ground and disappeared.

Jin Shuyan didn't care, looked up at the moonlight, stomped heavily, Li Fangu saw the ground around them tremble, suddenly, countless dry bones came out of the ground, thousands of skeletons came out of the ground , The entire Gobi Desert was densely packed, and skeletons drilled out of the ground, and immediately stood neatly in teams, like a strictly trained army.Li Fanggu gasped, this Jin Shuyan was so awesome, he actually summoned an entire army of skeletons!

Ling Duanyang seemed to have known his ability a long time ago, and smiled as he watched Jin Shuyan show his supernatural power.

Zhou Liang looked at Jin Shuyan with burning eyes, he is so strong, this man is really strong, not weaker than his brother Yu, and he has such a bearing that he can't move his eyes away.Jin Shuyan, Jin Shuyan, he remembered the name.

Under the command of Jin Shuyan, the army of skeletons on the ground began to march and form formations. Driven by the skeletons, the members of the Xiao family suddenly turned their backs on their backs, and a big scuffle broke out in the field.

Li Fanggu looked at the melee in front of him, and suddenly felt an eye-opening feeling, so strong, are these people monsters who have lived for thousands of years?It's a pity that Zhou Yu is not here, otherwise he would definitely be more interesting to join the fight.

Hua An murmured: "Your father! There is no human here! They are all monsters! Monsters!"

I don't know how long it took, but there were fewer and fewer shadows in the field, and there were fewer and fewer skeletons. Jin Shuyan stood beside them, covered his mouth and coughed a few times, and said in a low voice, "Ayang, I always feel Xiao Min still has another move, tell me, what move will she use?"

Ling Duanyang frowned: "Youqie, one of my original intentions is to attract the big heads of the Xiao family, whichever one can be taken down, so that we can save effort in the future. It would be a good thing if we can get deeper. But look Xiao Min's movement today, I also think it seems to be a little too smooth."

Jin Shuyan nodded, coughed a few more times, turned to Jin Zhicheng and asked, "Ah Cheng, are you not hurt?"

With a shy expression on Jin Zhicheng's face, he nodded and shook his head again.

Zhou Liang looked at him with burning eyes, and asked, "Isn't your name Jin Shuyan? Why did Ling Duanyang call you Youqie?"

Jin Shuyan looked at him with complicated eyes, but turned away without answering him.

Zhou Liang was obviously dissatisfied with being ignored, and his mouth was tightened, showing a dissatisfied expression.

At this time, there was a loud noise suddenly from the place surrounded by skeletons. They saw a black wave surging, countless skeletons were pushed away, and Jin Shuyan's killing array was suddenly rushed out of a gap.

Jin Shuyan frowned, swung his right hand, and the skeleton on the right wing blocked the exit, preventing the shadow from escaping. At this time, something was thrown from the commotion and came towards them, but the momentum was not enough, just After being thrown in front of them, it landed on the ground two or three meters away from them. Li Fanggu and the others stared at it, and saw a rotten human-shaped object, as if it had been skinned alive. monster.

The monster fell to the ground, twitched and struggled a few times, and stopped moving.

Li Fanggu and the others let out a sigh. It seemed that they were the Xiao family who were beheaded by the skeletons. It's just that the death was too tragic. I don't know what methods these skeletons used to make people look like this.

Jin Shuyan looked at the unrecognizable corpse, and suddenly his heart moved, something seemed wrong.

A sudden movement came from behind Li Fanggu and the others. Several people who were standing still were overturned on the ground, and several people were pushed away from Zhou Liang's side.

Xiao Min didn't know when she got under their feet, revealing her figure.

Zhou Liang was taken aback, and was about to draw the talisman on Bao Yunjuan, but before he had time, Xiao Min hugged him tightly, and Zhou Liang felt like he was bound by fine iron, unable to break free.Xiao Min smiled slyly: "I took the people and things together." After she finished speaking, she pulled hard, and Zhou Liang, who was holding the box, was pulled into the shadow by her.

Jin Shuyan couldn't react in time, he gritted his teeth and rushed over, chasing Zhou Liang's figure and sinking into the dark shadow together.

This happened so quickly, Li Fanggu only had time to call out: "Uncle!" He watched the three of them disappear into the darkness.

Ling Duanyang was also about to catch up, when suddenly, an insignificant crackling sound came into his ears, he froze for a moment, turned around and looked at the bloody corpse on the ground, he rushed forward, and kicked the corpse with his feet Turn over.

An unrecognizable man bared his teeth and sneered at him, his chest was full of bombs.The fuse of the bomb has been ignited, and it will explode in a moment.

Ling Duanyang looked back at Song Weiwei who was stunned, smiled wryly, threw himself on the man, chanted the mantra, and dragged the man into the darkness.

Song Weiwei only had time to see his back before she realized what he was going to do, she screamed: "No! Ling Duanyang! Don't!"

Suddenly, a shocking explosion sounded from a hundred meters in front of them, a mushroom cloud rushed into the sky, bright red and bright yellow exploded in front of them, the sky seemed to be torn apart, the shadow of the moon in the sky flickered, and the moonlight distorted , all the skeletons and black shadows on the ground were involved, the power of the explosion was so great, and the strong airflow raged horizontally, Li Fanggu and the others had no time to guard against them, they were overturned by the power of the explosion, and they rolled over more than ten meters away before stopping.

Lin Jiajia protects Hua'an, Duan Jinming protects Li Fanggu, Jin Zhicheng and Fu Su pull Song Weiwei who is rushing forward madly...

The clouds and smoke slowly dissipated, and darkness returned to the Gobi. Song Weiwei looked blankly at the scene in front of her. The scorching heat of the scene made her eyes burn. Her eyes were blood red, and she couldn't tell whether it was an explosion or not. The fireworks produced are still Ling Duanyang's blood.

After a long time, she opened her eyes wide, covered her face with her hands, and let out a sharp scream: "Ahhhhhh!!! Ling Duanyang! You liar!"

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