A burst of severe pain came, and Li Fanggu screamed and fell down. He felt countless fists hitting his body like raindrops. A shrill little girl screamed: "Stop beating, stop beating!"

Li Fanggu was in a trance for a while, what's going on?

Someone kicked him in the abdomen, and the severe pain made his eyes go black for a while, and then there was a sound of chaotic footsteps, and someone shouted angrily: "What are you doing? Xiaogu, Fangquan, what's wrong with you?" It was Li Sicheng's sound.

The teenagers who had besieged Li Fanggu scattered away, Li Sicheng chased after them, but unfortunately those teenagers were nimble and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Lin Yuehua ran out of the house in a hurry, and tears fell when she saw Li Fanggu's miserable appearance. Li Fangquan, who was crying beside her with pear blossoms and rain, threw herself into her arms, and told her the reason intermittently.

Li Fanggu struggled to open his eyes, his eyes hurt so badly, he thought in a trance, what's going on?No, he should be in Master Xiaowan's tomb just now, Zhou Liang, he...

No, what is Master Xiaowan?Is it the manga he just read?Who is Zhou Liang?Is it his kindergarten classmate?

Oh, by the way, he is only six years old this year. He was playing with Li Fangquan at the door just now. A few teenagers came over to strike up a conversation and wanted to bully Li Fangquan. Yes, they were very rude and asked Li Fangquan to After taking off her pants, Li Fanggu wanted to pull her away, but they refused to let her go, and beat Li Fanggu directly.

Lin Yuehua pitifully ran over to help Li Fanggu up. Li Fanggu struggled to get up, but his body was in severe pain, his hands and feet felt weak for a while, and his head sank so badly that he passed out.

When he became conscious again, he heard someone talking beside him, it was Lin Yuehua and Li Sicheng.

Lin Yuehua cried in a low voice: "Lao Li, what should we do? We don't have enough money, and the remaining money is only enough for Xiaogu to live in the hospital for one day. It will be Chinese New Year in a blink of an eye, and we have no money at all."

Li Sicheng sighed deeply, and said: "Yuehua, I'm sorry for you, you followed me and never had a good life."

Lin Yuehua interrupted him: "Don't talk about this now, think about how to save Xiaogu first. He is getting weaker and weaker, what happened? What did Dr. Wang mean just now? Are you telling us to give up Xiaogu?" Wiping away her tears, she blew her nose and said in a nasal voice: "Li Sicheng, although I am not Xiaogu's real mother, I brought up Xiaogu, and I can't just let him go. You look at him here, I'll go to my mother's house to see if I can still borrow money."

Li Fanggu secretly opened his eyes and looked at the two of them. Lin Yuehua sat with his back to him, buried in Li Sicheng's arms and wept softly.Li Fangquan stood on the side. He was beaten by those ruffian teenagers to protect her before. Li Fangquan rushed up to bite him in order to grab him, and was slapped on the face. Now her face is swollen high, she stood Don't dare to make a sound beside the two of them.

What about Uncle General?He rolled his eyes and saw Jiang Zi sitting silently on the side, with a serious and heavy expression.

Li Fanggu felt that his body was very soft and painful, his chest was uncomfortable, and it was difficult to breathe. He raised his hand secretly, and the back of his thin hand was really connected to a hose, and he was still infusion.

He might be dying, Li Fanggu thought in a panic, he saw Lin Yuehua's back, he was not yet 30 years old, but looked so tired, Lin Yuehua hadn't worn new clothes for several years...

What about Fangquan?Li Fangquan was looking at him, his pale mouth was tightly pursed, the clothes on his body were picked up from someone else's house, she was obviously a pretty little girl, but she could only pick up old clothes to wear.

Would the family be better off without him?He thought in a daze.

After a while, he opened his eyes again, and there was no one in the room.The needle in my hand was also pulled out, and the sky was so dark that I couldn't tell whether it was morning or dusk.He was so thirsty, but he didn't even have the energy to get up.

Suddenly, a cold hand covered his forehead, and he turned his face to look at it. He didn't know when there was a woman sitting beside the bed, a very young looking woman, and she was also very beautiful, glamorous and full of energy. face, long black hair, tall and thin figure, he had seen this woman in a photo, it was a black and white photo, his father usually kept it on top of the cooker as a treasure, and once his mother packed things at home He saw it before, who is this woman?For some reason, her smile made Li Fanggu feel very kind.

"Who are you?" Li Fanggu asked timidly.

The woman stroked him lovingly: "Xiaogu, I am mother, don't you recognize mother?"

By the way, this is Ji Jinxiu, his biological mother.He stretched out his thin hand to hug her: "Mom!"

His hand went straight through Ji Jinxiu's body, Li Fanggu froze.

Ji Jinxiu looked at him amusedly, and said, "You forgot, mom died a long time ago."

Li Fanggu's eyes turned red, and he called out in a low voice: "Mom."

Ji Jinxiu touched his head and said, "It's okay, Xiaogu. Do you want to be with mom? Come here, come here, and you can be with mom forever."

He lifted the quilt from his body, followed Ji Jinxiu's guidance, got out of bed and walked to the window.

This is the fifth floor, and there are no anti-theft windows installed on the windows. He dragged a chair and stepped on the chair to look down. The height from the ground made him dizzy for a while.

He took a few breaths with difficulty, comforted himself, don't be afraid, closed his eyes, and jumped down.His life is also a burden to his family. He has been in poor health. The family has spent all their money for his treatment. He will only cause trouble to the family if he lives.Besides, death is not terrible. After death, you can be with your mother forever.

He tremblingly climbed onto the window sill, fear of heights made his legs weak, Ji Jinxiu seemed to understand his fear, and comforted him softly.He closed his eyes and wanted to jump, when suddenly, a strong hand grabbed him.

He opened his eyes in a panic, looking at the person who grabbed him.It was a young-looking man, about 30 years old, with delicate features, beautiful eyes, and a generous smile on the corner of his mouth.

He said softly: "Xiaogu, what are you doing? You are too naughty, the general will worry about you."

Li Fanggu looked at his face, tears fell down.He turned his head and saw that Ji Jinxiu was standing outside the window, still looking at him tenderly, and continued to bewitch him: "Xiaogu, come on, jump off, jump off and be with mom forever. You don’t have to suffer, and no one will bully you.”

Li Fanggu turned to look at the man, trying to break free from his hand.

The man sighed, ignored his refusal, stretched out his strong hands and hugged him off the windowsill.Ji Jinxiu's face outside the window was distorted. She wanted to continue to say something, but the man ignored him and slammed the window shut, shutting her out.Ji Jinxiu's voice was cut off.

Li Fanggu was like waking up from a dream, with cold sweat dripping from his body.He was like a life-saving rope caught by a drowning person, tightly clutching the clothes on his chest, buried in his chest and wept silently.

The man hugged him and sat by the window, comforting him softly and said: "Xiaogu, what can't you think about? Tell uncle, maybe uncle can help you."

Li Fanggu lowered his head and wiped away his tears, and asked timidly, "Uncle, who are you?"

The man smiled gently, went to the side and picked up the towel on the washbasin stand, wiped his face clean, and said, "You can just call me Fusu. What happened to you just now? Is there anything unhappy? It's still on your body. Does your wound hurt?"

Li Fanggu lowered his head, not daring to look at him, and said, "Uncle, I won't live long. I've been in poor health, and my parents have spent all their money to see a doctor for me. I'm going to die anyway, so die sooner and It's the same as dying later."

Fu Su laughed, and said, "Who said you're going to die? You're just injured, and you'll be fine soon."

Li Fanggu sobbed: "I overheard what my parents said. Leave me alone, I don't want to burden them anymore."

Fusu looked at him pitifully: "Xiaogu, I think it's better for you to ask them yourself. If you really die, they will be very sad."

Li Fanggu hugged his legs: "But I will die sooner or later. My father said that I am a man and I have to choose the way to go. Living like this will always waste the family's money. I would rather jump off by myself and end sooner."

Fu Su snorted, patted his head pityingly and said, "Xiaogu, uncle thinks you may not be saved. Why don't you think about it, who saved you later? Think hard, how did you get back to health later?" of?"

Li Fanggu raised his head in doubt. This uncle spoke strangely, but he kept looking at him with gentle eyes, making him feel that what he said was true.

Really?Did he recover later?Then his parents must have spent a lot of money for him.Thinking of this, the expression on his face became even more flustered.

Fusu patted him on the back and said, "Xiaogu, not only have you recovered, but your family's conditions have also improved completely. Really, if you don't believe me, ask your general uncle, he must know how you recovered. Take care of yourself. Think about it, you asked your general Zishu to come and ask the truth, okay?"

Li Fanggu was held in his arms, and gradually felt at ease.It's just that when he saw Fusu's expression was not quite right, he asked carefully: "Fusu, what's wrong with you?"

Fusu's face was not good-looking, Li Fanggu looked over his shoulder secretly, there seemed to be countless black tentacles pulling him behind Fusu, and Fusu seemed to be struggling against those black tentacles.Ji Jinxiu outside the window was smashing the glass frantically, but no sound could come in at all.

Fu Su turned his body to the side, not letting him see Ji Jinxiu's appearance, he forced a smile to comfort him: "It's okay, Xiaogu. Think about it carefully, you recovered from your health later, and the situation at home has completely improved, you want to Think about it, what happened. You have to think about how you recovered."

Li Fanggu felt that his eyelids were heavy, and Fusu's voice came to his mind firmly, and he slowly fell asleep in Fusu's arms, and slowly, a voice came from his ear.

"Mr. Zhou, can Xiao Gu be saved? Please, even if there is only a little hope, please save him. I can do whatever you want." It was the general's voice, where is Fu Su?Why is he missing?

Li Fanggu opened his eyes, and saw a slender white hand pressing on his forehead, a burst of cold came, and he shivered.

He looked at the owner of that hand. It was a boy who looked only twelve or thirteen years old. His facial features were extremely exquisite, but he was also cold, as cold as a doll made of ceramics, and looked lifeless.Who is this brother?Can he save him?

"You're awake, Xiaogu." Sitting beside his bed, Jiang Zi looked at him with concern.

"Who is he?" He asked the general softly.

Jiang Zi buried his face in his hands excitedly, then exhaled, and said, "His name is Zhou Yu, you can call him uncle."

Zhou Yu's voice was colder than anyone's, and he said: "No one has successfully eliminated the poison of Hanba until now, but fortunately, when he was in his mother's womb, his mother has already shared part of it for him. I can treat it in his body. Set a seal on him to isolate the poison from him first. This seal should last his lifespan for decades. But you remember, this seal can save him, and at the same time, it is also extremely harmful to his body. A heavy burden. Originally, his pedigree was very good, which could make him an excellent spellcaster, but because of this seal, he might be inferior to ordinary people, he would become stupid and weak... It is best for him to be able to live forever. Just be an ordinary person and don't follow his mother's path again."

The general looked at Li Fanggu, then gritted his teeth: "Okay, no matter what, I can save him. As long as I can save him, I can do anything."

Zhou Yu glanced at him coldly, and when he turned to Li Fanggu, he became a little confused again: "It's strange, thousands of years have passed, and this is the first time I've seen eyes so similar to Qingyang's." He was cold Touching Li Fanggu's forehead with his hand, his tone was as gentle as possible: "I can see the stubbornness in your eyes. Do whatever you want, I saved you, you can do whatever you want in the future, and come to me when you have difficulties. I There are also two younger brothers, if you have the opportunity to take you to meet them in the future, they will definitely like you."

Li Fanggu looked at him suspiciously. He felt that Zhou Yu was doing something, but he didn't understand what he was muttering, but after a long time, Zhou Yu's face turned pale, making him look like Like an ice sculpture.

Li Fanggu felt that the pain in his body disappeared, and his body seemed to be much lighter. This time, he no longer had the emotion of wanting to die like before.

Seeing Zhou Yu's back leaving, he wanted to fall asleep again, when Fusu's anxious voice came from his ear: "Xiaogu, wake up quickly! If you don't wake up, Zhou Liang will be in danger. And Mr. Duan , Didn’t you come to look for him? He is by your side, if you don’t wake up, you will lose him.”

Li Fanggu's whole body trembled suddenly, all the memories came back, he struggled to open his eyes, unable to sleep!

The boundless darkness faded away, Li Fanggu got up from the ground, in front of his eyes was the sapphire bed, a furry face on the bed was facing him, there was a huge green eye like a ping pong ball on the face, circled and circled in the eyes The green halo of the circle flickers.Li Fanggu looked at that eye, and suddenly felt that his soul was about to be sucked away.

Yuan Die's voice sounded, it sounded extremely painful, she said with great effort: "Xiao Gu, use the confuse sound I taught you to break this illusion! Hurry up, I can't hold on anymore."

Li Fanggu's throat trembled a few times, and he shouted: "Break!"

A tragic baby cry sounded, the face on the sapphire bed was torn apart, the single eye on the face burst open, and scorching liquid sprayed onto Li Fanggu's face.

Li Fanggu's figure was also shaken, and he retreated several steps before stabilizing his body. His legs softened and he almost fell to the ground. A pair of hands behind him stretched out to support him.He looked up, and it was Duan Jinming, his indifferent and noble face was dripping with sweat and full of worry.Li Fanggu grabbed his hand and stood up, and found that his palm was also wet and cold.

Duan Jinming hugged him tightly, his body almost trembling a little.

Li Fanggu didn't know what he saw just now, but it must not be a good thing, but now is not the time to ask in detail, so he could only hug him back and pat him on the back comfortingly.

Duan Jinming quickly returned to normal, let go of his arms, and wiped off the liquid on Li Fanggu's face.

Li Fanggu let go of him and went to check the surrounding conditions.On the sapphire bed, there was the body of Master Xiaowan. There was only the corpse of a monster he had never seen before. The monster was locked on the sapphire bed by four slender chains. Its body was like a large civet cat, earth Yellow fur, but with three tails, fluffy, long and big, this monster has only one eye, and now that eye has exploded, leaving only a dark black hole on the head, and black blood is gurgling flow out.

It seems that they have been confused since they entered the door. Li Fanggu looked at the others, and except for him and Duan Jinming, they all sat down on the ground with uneasy expressions. In the boundless pain, Yuan Die beside her supported her, and her face was also very ugly; Jin Zhicheng's face was cold, his expression was numb, and he looked like he had no love in his life. Aiai lay on his back, weeping faintly Lin Jiajia's face was full of anger, his eyes were wide open, and his fists were tightly clenched; Hua An's face was full of fear, his pale face looked pitiful; Zhou Liang's face was expressionless, and Li Fanggu couldn't tell what he was thinking.

He looked worriedly at Zhou Liang's abdomen. Fortunately, there was no sharp knife sticking out there.

Duan Jinming asked him to go to Zhou Liang's to have a look, and wake up the others by himself.

Li Fanggu walked to Zhou Liang's side and called out, "Uncle, are you okay? Did you see something too?"

Zhou Liang's eyes were empty, and it seemed that it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He looked at Li Fanggu, moved his lips several times, and finally made a sound: "I saw Brother Yu just now. I told Brother Yu that I was hungry. But Brother Yu ignored me, and even changed into an ancient costume, chasing me with a sword, I asked Brother Qi to help, but Brother Qi told me that I caused his eyes, let me die..."

Li Fangu sweated wildly, Uncle, you are doing well, even if you are trapped in an illusion, what you think about is eating and your two brothers, he comforted Zhou Liang and said: "It's okay, Uncle, you have watched too many cosplays, and you are crazy gone."

Zhou Liang said angrily: "I never watch those."

Li Fanggu smiled apologetically: "Okay, that is, you are too hungry, do you want to eat something?"

Zhou Liang pushed him away with a displeased expression, and went to check on the monster on the sapphire bed. Li Fanggu said helplessly, "Uncle, the one who doesn't need an autopsy..."

Zhou Liang turned around and was about to speak when Li Fanggu suddenly exclaimed, "Get away! Uncle!"

Behind Zhou Liang, a dark shadow came straight towards him...

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