Sunny 2014.08.30 Saturday

Today は食茶店に行って酒をDong Xiangyou びましたが, Dongxiangya みんながとてててもbusyしいので, 圣晚日にお客さんが多いので, Jiuziしかない自分と游びましたが, たくさん食べべましたるスの女子Student の お 引时, delicious し い で す よ!

PS: Today will be った肉が白いの毛?br>晴れのち暗りだそう2014.08.31

Today Mao ga admission したので, しかし酒子知ったの名前か, kanekiken Kanekiken はとても良いです! o(≥v≤o~素敵. Jiu の 子 が ま た 消 え た stick の liang い Youda!

Darkness 2014.09.01



Liquor は小さい研の女友达になる!


Today は酒ちゃんの生日プレゼント, Sister Jiuzi が一伊好きなバラの花が, Kosanakenの友达も送って酒はイヤホン, Dong Xiangjiuko Benをあげました... Ichiba!Xiaoyan 帯酒子に游びに行き、もった小熊ヘアピンを酒の子!

Darkness 2014.09.07


Darkness 2014.09.20

Today is おねしょた wine!Cutting の楽しい!もう少しで小研発见しましたね.

Light Rain2014.09.26Tanri

Dong Xiang today はbody tune が悪いので, そして酒子て向こうの小さいスーパーをbuy ってあげげたいいのよ――Sake child は 利口ですか?まだ见た东香の中の学校の友达、最高のお姐さん、另女はまた饭ですか。

Light Rain2014.09.30Tanri

Today—today—“涙のインク”——染め野子さんが死んで, 处と母と同じように少年の二度と会えない——小実とても悲しい,酒の子も很に悲しい,しかし酒子知っている自分はもう子供ではない, さらには, 女の子のので, お酒はもう摩いた.

Sunny 2014.10.04

Today is Xiaoyan Wine and Amusement Park Niyouびに行ったが, 楽しかった, Kosanakenshou伝って酒子帖った大きなクマちゃん, こんな纸が前回 Sayuriを酒の子のテディ游びました. "Photography of Ermeiyan Kanekiken Amusement Park" "Photography of Kumachan"

Overcast 2014.10.11

Sayuri こ の big party!お酒は饮み酒を游びも子小研の川をたたく! "絵つかい呪い!"

Darkness 2014.11.04


Darkness 2014.11.12


Darkness 2014.11.15


Overcast 2014.11.21

Hair は白になった。

Overcast 2014.11.22

wine no child to small research

Sunny 2014.11.26

Xiaoyan は悲しそうですね、いつも空に反してぼんやりし.

Overcast 2014.11.29

Today は[-]つのmission を to rescue して, そしてとてもないつだ——Naki!はまだ転んで酒子のおもちゃ!I hate it!

Snow 2014.12.02

OK きました...CCG, sister さんに penalty food.


Xiaoyan は発病したムカデなんてThis should be ni dislike!

Sunny 2014.12.05


Snow 2014.12.07

Then 発する.

Snow 2014.12.10


Snow 2014.12.13

Private たちは Today's コーヒー店に戻ったが、酒の子しか切が女の子のGreat, too bad!Dong Xiang を beat っ た small research!口ずさむ.

Light snow 2014.12.14 rainy

Today is バリンタインデーを抱きしめて!Jiu の 子 と小研デートに行くよ!

light rain

At 2014 o'clock in the morning on December 12, 15 -- "涙开きのはっきりしない字染め" -- "涙金木研は染め开、足跟み长い" を死くし.

Sunny 2014.08.30 Saturday

Today Jiuzi went to the coffee shop to play with Dong Xiang, but Dong Xiang and everyone were very busy, because it was a Saturday with a lot of customers, so Jiuzi had to play with himself, and also ate a lot of lunch boxes made by the female students in the class , very delicious!

PS: I met a black hair with very fair skin today!

Sunny to cloudy 2014.08.31

Kuromo was hospitalized today, but Jiuzi knew his name, kanekiken 金木研, isn’t it nice! o(≧v≦)o~~ Awesome.Jiuzi has another great friend!And Jiuzi wants to play in his house.

Cloudy 2014.09.01


Cloudy to overcast2014.09.02

Jiuzi has become Xiaoyan's girlfriend!

Light rain turns cloudy 2014.09.03

Today is Jiuzi's birthday, sister gave Jiuzi his favorite rose, Xiaoyan's friend also gave Jiuzi earphones, Dong Xiang gave Jiuzi a book... the best thing is!Xiaoyan took Jiuzi to play, and bought a bear card for Jiuzi!

Cloudy day 2014.09.07


Cloudy 2014.09.20

Jiuzi wet the bed today!be happy!It was almost discovered by a small researcher.

Cloudy and light rain2014.09.26

Dong Xiang was not feeling well today, and then Jiuzi ran to the small supermarket opposite to buy sanitary napkins for her—is Jiuzi very good?I also saw Dong Xiang's friend in school, a wonderful sister who can also cook.

Cloudy and light rain2014.09.30

Today——Today—[Ink stained by tears]—Miss Ryoko died, and I will never see her again like her parents—Hinami is very sad, and Jiuzi is also very sad, But Jiuzi knew that he was no longer a child, let alone a girl, so Jiuzi couldn't cry anymore.

Sunny 2014.10.04

Today Jiuzi and Xiaoyan went to the amusement park, very happy, Xiaoyan helped Jiuzi win a big bear baby, so that Zhi could play with the teddy that Sayuri gave Jiuzi last time. 【Two photos with Ken Kaneki in the amusement park】【Photos of Baby Bear】

Overcast 2014.10.11

Sayuri, the big villain!Take Jiuzi out to play and drink, and let Jiuzi get spanked by Xiaoyan! 【Draw a circle to curse you! 】

Cloudy 2014.11.04

So boring.

Cloudy 2014.11.12


Cloudy 2014.11.15


Overcast 2014.11.21

Hair turned white.

Overcast 2014.11.22

Jiuzi and Xiaoyan joined the bronze tree

Sunny 2014.11.26

Xiaoyan looks very sad, always staring at the sky in a daze.

Overcast 2014.11.29

I did a mission today and rescued a very nasty guy - Naki!He even threw Jiuzi's toy!annoying!

Snow 2014.12.02

Went to... CCG, was fined by my sister.

Sunny to cloudy 2014.12.04

Xiaoyan is sick again, centipedes are really annoying!

Sunny 2014.12.05


Snow 2014.12.07

Fall ill again.

Snow 2014.12.10

Xiaoyan him...

Snow 2014.12.13

We went back to the coffee shop today, but Jiuzi can only be dressed as a girl, disgusting!Dong Xiang also played a small research!hum.

Light snow and rainy 2014.12.14

Today is Hug Valentine's Day!Jiuzi and Xiaoyan are on a date!

Light rain turns cloudy2014.12.15

December 2014th, 12 at 15 o'clock in the morning - [fuzzy handwriting stained by tears] Kaneki Ken - died [stained by tears, paused for a long time].

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