After Siegel grabbed the board, he grabbed it hard with his fingers and grabbed five holes, allowing him to use the board as a shield.He stood in front of the spiky monster with his shield in his hand, watching him carefully from above the plank.

The pointed monster writhed, not paying attention to this at all.It rushed over quickly again, and the spire seemed to stab a hole in the man in front of him.At this time, Siegel showed a smile, and the smile was fleeting. He bent down, his leg muscles tightened, and he exerted force just before the monster was about to touch him, like two carriages moving at full speed They collided together and made a terrible sound.

Things happened so fast, Avya didn't see the whole picture clearly, she stuck her head out anxiously, and was pleasantly surprised to see that the spiers of the spiky monster had been cracked by this blow, turning into countless broken stones, scattered everywhere .

Barney pulled her head back and hid behind the table with her: "Little girl, stones kill."

"Sig is really powerful." Avya's smile this time was admiration from the bottom of her heart, "I haven't seen it before."

Barney chuckled again: "Of course, this team is composed of the elite among the elites of the imperial capital."

"You too?"

"No, Barney..." Barney's tone darkened, "Barney is just a lingering insect."

Avya stared at him with wide eyes, but didn't speak.

By this time, the mummy-like killer laughed instead: "Little girl, you are very suitable here. However, you know too little..."

On the other side of the room, Siegel hit the stone monster several times with his makeshift shield.There was a crease on the temporary shield, so he simply threw away the obstructing wooden board, used it as a cover to rush in front of the monster, and punched him in the head.

The monster let out a rumbling whine, retreated backwards, and retracted into the book.The book was also shrunk, trying to close it, Siegel grasped the page quickly, and then naturally felt a suction force coming from the book.

"Eve! Barney!" He yelled loudly, half of his body fell into the scene of the book when the words fell.

Barney rushed out holding Avya, grabbed Siegel's arm, and the three of them fell into the next world together.

Kneeling in front of the puzzle in the hut, Jill desperately ordered herself to calm down so he could continue thinking.

First of all, it must be confirmed that this maze is absolutely safe.

The school book said so, my sister Evya said so, and the village observer Effie said so.

Absolutely safe, so... the little prince will not be harmed.

But even so, she couldn't let it go. Jill posed various poses on the maze, hoping that she could also enter the puzzle—but nothing happened, and the puzzle seemed to be dead without any change.

Whether it is the mechanical dragon or the little prince Kevin, they are all lying in the center of the puzzle like a real painting, motionless, and in a different dimension from Jill.

Jill knelt in front of the jigsaw puzzle, her face contorted, and her fingers were pressing on the jigsaw puzzle, as if she would overturn the whole jigsaw puzzle at any moment.

But he didn't.

Until the end, he just knelt there, staring at the puzzle in front of him with murderous eyes.

Kevin walked into the world of puzzles completely unprepared.He just greeted Jill, and when he walked around again, he was no longer in front of a cozy hut, but a battlefield in the setting sun of the doomsday.

A huge shadow enveloped his body, he raised his head, and saw a mechanical dragon standing in front of him, spewing out flames.

Kevin didn't panic, his body miraculously retreated smoothly, easily avoiding the flames sprayed out by the flame spray gun.

There is a difference between a mechanical dragon and a real dragon. Compared with the manic and casual fighting style of a real dragon, every move of a mechanical dragon is precise and efficient.In comparison, it is more difficult to deal with than a real dragon.

However, Kevin didn't think so.

"Don't be kidding, it's just a fake, I won't lose in this kind of place." At this moment, he said to himself, "Jill is waiting for me outside!"

Thinking of the people so far away, Kevin was full of guilt at this moment.

I am the only one who makes mistakes, but it is not only me who is worried about this.

While avoiding the flames of the mechanical dragon, the little prince thought inappropriately: "This is the so-called, it feels like a family."

"Roar!" The mechanical dragon seemed to be irritated by the opponent's teasing action, and roared to the sky, and the sound wave was torn towards Kevin with a huge impact force.

Kevin stopped in his tracks at this moment, put his hand on the hilt of his sword, sighed contentedly, and pulled out his Sword of Glory with ease.Without a long struggle, it was as natural as breathing. He pierced the sword into the chest of the mechanical dragon, as if he had stuffed a huge furnace into the dragon's chest, gathering infinite energy.

Kevin smiled: "Sad creature, I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood to play with you today."

With the influx of power, the furnace finally couldn't bear it, and exploded from the inside, blasting the mechanical giant dragon outside into pieces.

The mechanical dragon twisted its body and roared, but it still couldn't escape the fate of becoming the original steel sheet.

With the shattering of the mechanical dragon, the world was distorted, and the sky and the earth were mixed together and turned into a huge whirlpool.The whirlpool swallowed the whole world with a grin, including the little prince who was unprepared for the current development...

Jill's expression fluctuated in the hut, undecided whether to contact the maze controller.While he was hesitating like this, a gust of wind blew into the hut, knocked open the door, lifted the curtains, and blew away the jigsaw puzzle that had just been put together on the ground, turning it into a mass of fragments flying in the wind again.

Jill stretched out her hand and grabbed a piece in a hurry, only to find that it had become blank.Blank fragments were flying in the air, and flew towards the outside of the house with the strong wind.

Jill ran out of the room following the gust of wind, and felt a strong force as soon as she walked outside the door.He tried to steady his feet, opened his eyes, and looked up in the gust of wind——

When they arrived, the peaceful scene had been completely broken, and the quiet houses and plants were blown into pieces by the strong wind, whirling in the air.The tornado moved slowly in the street, and the houses on both sides and the road under their feet were then sucked into the strong wind.

Everything collapsed in the hurricane in front of him. Jill held on to the door frame and moved outward inch by inch.As soon as his thoughts turned, thick vines grew on the ground, wrapped around his body, and firmly fixed him to the ground.

Jill tried to sense the wind element, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea, without any response.He frowned, his eyes flashed red, and he began to analyze the composition of the tornado.

When he was concentrating, a black figure appeared behind him.The man was wearing a black robe with a hat covering half of his face.A smile appeared on Hei Ying's lips, and he stretched out his hand and pushed behind Jill suddenly. The vines on Jill's body suddenly disappeared, and he staggered into the tornado.

"Hee hee...don't use cheats to destroy my labyrinth, this is my cherished work." After Soi Ying finished speaking, his figure disappeared in the gust of wind.

Jill was pushed into the tornado by this force and completely lost control, allowing the tornado to take him anywhere.

"Damn it!" He couldn't help yelling, but at the same time, he felt a strange sense of peace in his heart.

The evil companion is right here, controlling the flow of the maze with absolute power, he doesn't need to worry about anything.

He raised his voice and asked, "Is the little prince all right?"

There was only the sound of wind whistling around, but there was no response.

But Jill has relaxed, taking this as a default from his peers.

He flew higher and higher in the tornado, and the storm in front of him became a spiral staircase, unfolding in front of Jill.He no longer resisted the arrangement of the maze, stepped on the steps of the spiral staircase, and walked higher and higher along the stairs.

The storm gradually disappeared under the feet, leaving only a long spiral staircase, extending upwards infinitely.

...Isn't trying to exhaust him to death?

Jill sighed, and reluctantly continued his seemingly never-ending stair climbing.

What a disgusting design.

Decky and Angela held hands and were sucked into the book. When they woke up again, they were lying in a living room. The blue sky and white clouds they saw in the book before had disappeared, surrounded by boring sofas and fireplaces. The difference will make people mistakenly think that they are back in the previous hunter's lodge.

The two girls woke up almost at the same time, opened their eyes and looked at each other, and asked, "Where is this?"

An Ruila understood the situation in an instant, sat up with her head pressed down, and observed the surrounding scenery.The floor is gradually infiltrated with blue, which is opposite to the original yellow, as if the waves hit the beach.She tried to walk back and forth on it, but she didn't get into the new scene of the beach, which made her a little disappointed.

"An Qi, what are these for?" Deitch squatted in front of a pile of large and small white stones, grabbed a handful, and let them slide from her palm, showing a childish smile, "Like a child by the sea They are playing with white stones."

"Beach?" An Ruila asked after thinking for a while, "Daiqi has indeed been to the beach, right? Is there such a stone in the sea?"

Dai Qi was stunned for a while, wondering: "It's not that it's definitely... But it will be more beautiful if it is. Besides, these are like white waves."

"I see." An Ruila showed a charming smile that people couldn't refuse, "Can Decky put them out like this? I want to see."

"There's nothing wrong with that."

The author has something to say: I don’t know if you have read Da Liu’s "Three-Body Problem". The pinnacle work is "Three-Body 2", probably it was created in the prime time when he was at the peak of writing and could devote himself to creation.

The most amazing thing about "Three-Body Problem 1" is the human-based computer. "Three-Body Problem 2" has its own characteristics for the wall-facers. The best thing about "Three-Body Problem 3" is the fairy tale written by Mr. Brain.Well, it’s the best way to express dimensionality reduction attacks by drawing~ Yes, it’s the stalk in the title.

People in the three-dimensional world cannot live in Two-dimensional, so as long as you first turn yourself into a Two-dimensional person, and then turn the world into a Two-dimensional, you can destroy the enemy!Isn't this logic wonderful!But WG ruined the Milky Way is already very 2333.

In other words, I seem to be writing soft and broad.

Forget it, the abuse will start in the next chapter (small abuse, small abuse), even if you are not high-powered, give a warning in advance.

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