Uchihaji didn't know what Tajima saw, he just felt that Tajima's emotions were obviously wrong.

Although Tajima likes to hug him and lift him up on weekdays, he has never hugged him so tightly. He tilted his head, poked Tajima's waist curiously, and asked, "Look Why is it so sad? It has something to do with me?"

Tian Dao calmed down, looked at his younger brother who was troublesome, and sighed, "Yeah..."

He knew that if he didn't give Uchihaji a reasonable explanation, the other party would definitely not accept it, and he would even deduce the real answer from various details by himself.

Since I have acted so clearly, and the answer is obviously related to my baby brother, let's talk about a credible one~

Stretching out his hands, he rubbed Uchihaji's little face, Tajima's face was full of sadness, "I saw Aji being abducted by someone... a particularly annoying monster came out to snatch me Brother, in the end you actually vowed to marry him."

He even covered his chest pompously, and took a deep breath, "Brother, my heart is broken all at once!"

Unexpectedly, Tajima loves to act so much, Uchihaji stared at him suspiciously, but didn't see anything unusual, so he could only temporarily accept this statement.

He waved his hand casually, and didn't take Tian Dao's words seriously at all, "How can I marry someone, no matter what, it has to be the one who gets married!"

Even if the partner is a slug, it is definitely a slug marrying me, not me marrying a slug!

The title of Mrs. Daming will definitely belong to Miss Chuya in the future!

Thinking angrily, Uchihaji was really distracted, changed the subject, and talked about other issues, "Besides, how could I be abducted by a monster? If it is a monster, probably You have to beat your brother!"

He knows Tajima's brother-in-law very well. If Slug comes out in the future and wants to marry him, he probably has to pass the two hurdles of Tajima and Izumi Qingyun first. Maybe Erwei and Xingsuke will also intervene?

Shaking his head, Uchihaji selectively put this question to the back of his mind.

Why think about this kind of future at this time?These troubles should be faced by the slug who can't use his brain, so I don't want to help him solve them! ! !

Seeing Uchihaji say this, Tajima raised his vigilance to full level.

Uchihaji knows Tajima, and Tajima knows Uchihaji.

After all, he is the younger brother he raised by himself. He is both an older brother and an old father. How can he not see through his younger brother's little problems and preferences?

For Uchihaji to say that, at least his younger brother should have a target in his heart!

That is to say, my baby brother was abducted before he knew it, and he has his own heart. Otherwise, with Azhi's character, he would not say that he needs his brother's verification!

His face darkened, he grabbed Uchihaji's wrist and asked coldly, "Who is it?"

"Ah?" Uchiha Haru was stunned by his sudden attack, and only then did he realize what his brother was talking about.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to say that he was getting more and more open in front of these people, or that his brother's understanding of him had gradually surpassed his imagination.

However, Uchihaji didn't mind telling Tajima the answer. Anyway, as a baby brother who Tajima held in his hand and was afraid of falling into his mouth, he would never be condemned.

That's right, Brother Tajima will definitely feel that all the faults are the slug's fault!

It was that bastard who abducted my precious brother, actually wanted to rob my brother... something like that, Tajima would definitely think so!

Uchihaji stroked his hair, and said casually, "I said it before, the girl of my dreams, the orange-haired beauty~"

"What's your name?" Tajima narrowed his eyes slightly and continued to ask, "At your level, it's easy to ask for a name, right?"

Well, this is indeed a very easy thing, but the problem is that the slug has not been resurrected yet, do I have to say my real name?

There won't be any guy who is good at cursing among ninjas, right?What if my brother finds someone to curse the slug?

The little dwarf is already brainless enough, if he is cursed again, he might really become a brainless fool, and I will definitely not take over by then!

Uchihaji had an idea, and decisively made up an identity for Nakahara Chuya, "It's Miss Nakahara Nakako, she is a fairy!"

There are also wild gods in the Central Plains, and it would be wrong to convert them into immortals!

Tajima let out a cold snort, and remembered the name "Nakahara Neutron" deeply in his heart. He grabbed Uchihaji and chanted it for a whole hour. The main content was——

"Boys should learn to protect themselves outside", "Boys don't believe what vixen say casually", "You can't eat candy when others give you, you should refuse it directly", "If anyone dares to touch you, you should interrupt His hands and feet, I will support you"... something like that.

Uchihaji: ...

My brother is becoming more and more like an old father, why is he getting more verbose as he gets older?Besides, is there still something in this world where people fool me?It's all me fooling others, okay? !

Taking a deep look at the disapproving Uchihaji, Tajima finally realized that sex education needs to be put on the agenda.

My baby brother is different from other clan children. He spends his time in the world of feasting and debauchery every day. I don’t know how many girls are eager to make love to him. What if he is abducted by some girl one day?

He is still so innocent, even a girl in his dreams can make his heart flutter, so what if those red flowers, leaves and greens fascinate his eyes?

No, xing education must be put on the agenda!We must instill various concepts into my precious brother as quickly as possible to keep him away from danger!

By the way, City Lord Hequan also needs to get in touch, and the two sides cooperate to completely eliminate all possible "threats" around Azhi! ! !

Action is not as good as heartbeat, Tajima pulled Uchihaji into the room that night, and even his wife, and gave his younger brother a science-informed boudoir secret, and warned him not to be blinded by flowers and plants, and to learn to protect himself .

Uchihaji:? ? ?

He never thought that he would have to receive this kind of education when he returned home. Uchihaji tried to escape, but every time Tajima caught him back for science popularization.

I have to say that Tajima's persistence in this aspect is really astonishing, and even Meilin can't stand it anymore.

"Aji is a boy, no matter what happens, nothing will happen. Besides, don't you still believe in Aji's fighting power?" Meilin persuaded, trying to help Uchihaji escape the week-long lecture, "You Aren’t you busy with work on weekdays? There’s also air traffic control.”

"I don't care if it's okay? He is still fascinated by the Zhongyuan neutron who doesn't know where it came from!" Tajima said coldly, "Time is something that can be squeezed out!"

Meilin has nothing to do with her husband, so she can only shake her head at Uchihaji apologetically, watching her husband drag Uchihaji, who is loveless, to make up lessons.

Since there is no way to avoid it, then pervert in silence!

After experiencing these few days, Uchihaji decisively chose to do something to solve the problem.

He first walked around the house, and then went to the places that Tian Dao often visited. He dug out Tian Dao's private money and private collection of pornographic books, put them in a gift box, and sent them to Meilin. before.

Seeing Tian Dao being picked up by Meilin's ears, he was overjoyed, and then expanded this "prank".

I'm not happy, you're all going to be unhappy :)

In the past few days, he walked around the public space of the clan several times. With tricky eyes, he searched out the small yellow books hidden by the clansmen from various corners. After collecting them, he folded them into a tall pile of books and placed them on Tiandao In his study, he even pasted the owner's name on each notebook to ensure that Tajima would not let anyone go.

Tajima:! ! !

I never thought that it would be fine for the members of my family to hide the small yellow books, but each of them was not good at collecting books, and Uchihaji found them directly.

With a sullen face, he called the owners of these books over, and gave them a profound education, asking them to learn real hiding techniques.

Tajima even took out the sealing technique that had been buried in the family for a long time, and said solemnly, "If you don't know how to collect books, learn the sealing technique for me!"

Tribal people:? ? ?

"I have asked the elders to seal your book," Tian Dao, who was driven to sleep in the study by Meilin for several days in a row, roared, "unless the seal is unlocked, no one will read it!"

Tribal people:! ! !

This move was so ruthless that it stunned the eyes of all the clansmen.

They gritted their teeth with hatred for Tajima who proposed this new decision, but there was nothing they could do.

Because they were so angry that they rushed up to Tajima for a one-on-one challenge, and they were all defeated, and even the one-to-many behind them were also defeated.

Standing on a piece of "corpses", Tajima felt that the accumulated anger had been completely vented, and his mood suddenly improved again.

Sure enough, when you are in a bad mood, you just need to punch someone, and you will feel better~

The clansmen who failed to resist and turned into corpses: ... qaq

Uchiha has always respected strength. Tajima killed all those who opposed him, which directly led to the thorough implementation of this order. No matter who raises an objection, it will be refuted by the previous sentence:

"Want to object? Then go and fight the patriarch, and we'll talk after winning."

Opponents had nothing to say about this, retreated one after another, and reluctantly accepted the ordinance.

From then on, the small yellow books of the Uchiha family no longer need to be hidden secretly, but a whole bookcase is arranged in the library generously. If you just want to read it, you must first untie the seal array around the bookcase, and then crack it. The little yellow book above that book is fine.

In fact, Tajima just wanted to vent his anger. His little yellow books have been confiscated. Why can you still read them?

Since I have a hard time, let everyone have a hard time!

Tajima's idea and Uchihaji's idea successfully coincided, and a large number of people in the clan were deceived. It's just that neither of them thought of the implementation of this measure. On the contrary, it led to a large number of people in Uchiha who learned the sealing technique in an instant—— All for reading pornographic books.

It has to be said that the fighting power of the LSPs is really amazing. They forcibly mastered all the sealing techniques from the entry level to the basic level and even the middle level, which can be said to be exhausted.

Tajima had no intention of self-reflection on this phenomenon, but was full of surprises, and even wanted to stir up another fire.

Looking at the high borrowing volume of the bookcase in the library, he waved his hand, indicating that since it is not enough, he should add a few more bookcases, and then decisively increased the difficulty of the sealing technique by several degrees.

Since you can learn the medium-level sealing technique just to read the little yellow book, I believe that no matter how hard you work, you can also learn the high-level sealing technique, right?As long as the level improves, I will not refuse to read any pornographic books :)

Clan people: Abnormal patriarch qaq

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