Uchihaji said the answer he had guessed, and got Izumi Qingyun's approving gaze.

Pulling out the secret letter from Uchihaji's hand, Izumi Qingyun swept aside all the other documents on the table, revealing the map underneath, and said softly, "Tiger City is located in the upper reaches of the Luoshui River. In winter, the glaciers increase and the river water decreases... ..."

Uchihaji nodded, looked at the map carefully, and pointed to the area between Tiger City and Luoshui City. The area was covered with mountains and mountains, far away from the water source necessary for survival. There were some small villages all over the place, and there were no big cities. Existence, "combat zone."

He frowned, recalling Uchiha's battle arrangements in the past five years, usually he did not accept the winter battle list.

"February and March?"

"So, we still have time." Izumi Qingyun smiled as he brushed the hair that had fallen in front of him behind his ears. He naturally knew this. Even Ren Jun could not avoid hiring ninjas to guard the city many times matter.

"Hagoromo or the pool of blood?" Uchiha Haru narrowed his eyes, staring at the edge of the land enclosed as a war zone, where two ninjas made a choice.

Hequan Qingyun nodded, and naturally kicked out Yuyi who was fighting with Qianshou and suffered a lot of losses, "Pond of blood."

Hearing this choice, Uchihaji drew an asterisk on the blood pool settlement with a red pen.

He recalled the strength of Blood Pond. It was a ninja with a "one"-shaped blood dragon eye. Both physical and ninjutsu had a certain level. The strong could even make people into human bombs. However, the overall level of strength Speaking, it is weaker than Uchiha.

Hequan Qingyun drew a straight line between Hucheng and Luoshui City, divided the two into different areas, and finalized a few places near Luoshui City, "Arranging the relocation of the people before the winter has completely entered... "

"Increase the task level of hiring Blood Pond and ask them to strengthen border patrols," Uchihaji followed Izumi Qingyun's words, "Let's spend the rest of the time enjoying the banquet~"

Izumi Qingyun was very satisfied with Uchihaji's cleverness. He vaguely saw that the other party didn't want to stay in his arms, but he didn't let go. Instead, the hands around his waist tightened. When he stood up, he didn't forget to adjust the angle so that he could stabilize Be firmly held by yourself.

"Such a big heart? Still caring about the banquet?" He nodded Uchihaji's nose, slowly carried him to the cabinet, opened a small compartment, and took out the safety lock necklace inside.

The safety lock is made of silver as a whole, inlaid with jade, small and exquisite, hanging on the silver chain, and you can find the hidden buckle on the side if you look closely. When you open it, there is a small hidden compartment inside. The silver medal under the pseudonym "Izumi Kiyoki".

Izumi Qingyun hung the safety lock around Uchihaji's neck, and hid it under his clothes, and said with a smile, "Your birthday has passed, this is to make up for you."

"It's not necessary, I didn't spend my birthday here." Uchihaji looked down at the finely crafted safety lock, and then at Izumi Qingyun's smile, saying so, but didn't take off the safety lock .

Seeing Uchiha Haru's non-resistance, Izumi Qingyun is very aware of the child's disposition, he is extremely intelligent, and he will do it when he should. He is full of Uchiha-style awkwardness and arrogance, but he will never resist pure kindness.

Well, he's a good boy after all, isn't he?

Thinking of this, his eyes became more gentle.

Putting Uchihaji on the ground, Izumi Qingyun led Uchihaji out of the door, looked at Yamato butler who had been guarding the door, and said, "Eat food and send it to Qinghui's room."

"Yes, my lord." The empty-handed Yamato Butler responded with a smile.

The tip of his nose moved, and Uchihaji seemed to smell the smell of firewood mixed with herbs and spices. He glanced at Butler Yamato, but he didn't say anything, but followed Izumi Qingyun to his own city lord's mansion, and said after waving away the attendants , "Butler Yamato is pretty smart."

After setting up the chessboard, Izumi Qingyun twirled a chess piece and replied casually, "He is an old man who has been around since my father's generation, so he is naturally clever."

"No wonder..." Uchihaji nodded.

From Izumi Qingyun's words, it can be seen that his guess just now was indeed correct. The housekeeper Yamato took some time to go to the kitchen to arrange for someone to cook, and not long after he came back, he caught up with the two of them to go out.

Uchihaji mentioned Yamato butler just casually, but he still left some traces in his heart, probably he was calculating something?

Seeing the change in Uchihaji's thoughts, Izumi Qingyun didn't say anything, but slowly dropped the chess pieces, playing games on the chessboard, but in words, he was concerned about Uchihaji's life in recent days.

I haven't seen Uchihaji for a few months. What kind of new power and knowledge did this kid get from Uchiha? He wants to find out, even if he can't get it from Uchihaji. With all the information, he can also use his ingenuity to push out one or two.

Uchihaji told him about it, more expressing his troubles about teaching his nephew, or in other words, irritability.

The whole person had to lie on the table, he fiddled with the chess pieces in his hand, randomly landed somewhere, and ate a few of Izumi Qingyun's chess pieces on the chessboard, muttering, "Children are so troublesome, crying, cowardly , nor smart..."

In Uchihaji's eyes, the type that can be called a non-ant is probably like Izumi Qingyun. In his eyes, Xuan's cleverness is a bit of a smart idiot, not to mention Ming who has always been straightforward.

Lying on his arms, he shook his head and looked up at Izumi Qingyun, who was contemplating the chess game. The other party still maintained a gentle smile, and his brown eyes were crystal clear, completely different from his own depth.

If you want to compare, the other party is more like the summer breeze blowing by your side, carrying the salinity and coolness of the sea water, and like the smudge of the setting sun, pink and orange intertwined to form a colorful drawing, exciting and exciting. People are intoxicated.

Uchihaji is well aware of the extent of his black mud, and he knows what people with the same intelligence as him probably look like. There are black and white sandwiches like Mori Ogai, and there are white and black muddy things like Fei Jia. ...Ranpo-san is the rarest kind of person with the heart of a child.

If there is no president, Mr. Ranpo probably won't still maintain that pure and unpolluted heart, right?

Hequan Qingyun is also a rare intelligent person, with a gentleness that I have never seen before. It is completely different from the false gentleness I met when I was young. His gentleness comes from the inside out, not embedded in the appearance with gold, silver and jewelry, let alone Those guys who are so rich and jaded.

He propped his chin and looked at Izumi Qingyun quietly, as if looking through the other person's body to see the bright flower of soul inside.

"What's wrong?" After dropping the chess piece, Izumi Qingyun noticed Uchiha Haru's gaze and tilted his head in doubt, "Are you tired?"

He looked at the sky outside the window, the moon was shining, the stars were dotted, the warriors were still stationed on the verandah lit with candles, and the attendants were all standing there with downcast eyes. The bell in the distance rang, reminding him that it was time child time.

"It's time..." Izumi Qingyun put down the chess pieces in his hands, put the chess box in the cabinet, and smiled, "I'll play again tomorrow, let's sleep first."

Uchihaji shook his head, he was still awake and didn't really want to sleep now.

It's a pity that he is only a five-year-old child now, and his resistance was ineffective. He was picked up by Izumi Qingyun, put on the couch, pressed against the jade pillow on the pillow, and covered with a quilt.

Hequan Qingyun was sitting on the side of the couch, softly singing the ballads that have been handed down for a long time in Luoshui City, his voice was soft and full of charm, and his erratic heart gradually slowed down with the rhythm.

Even though Uchihaji was still energetic, his body was already exhausted. Amid the singing, he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

"Sweet dream." His fingers brushed Uchihaji's bangs, and Izumi Qingyun thought for a moment, but he still didn't kiss Uchihaji goodnight like his mother did to him in the past.

He got up and put on a feather, returned to the study, and fought a bloody battle with a large number of documents.

The halo of the next day fell into the room through the paper window and turned into several light spots, one of which fell on the couch, bringing some warmth to the sleeping child.

Drowsily kicking the quilt, Uchihaji turned over, pressed the quilt under his body with his backhand, muttered something, cowered and continued to sleep in the depths of the couch, trying to escape from the light.

There was an annoying knock on the door, and Yamato butler's gentle voice came from outside the door, "Xiao Shizi, it's time to get up."

"Ugh..." Uchihaji rubbed the quilt in his arms, waved his hand, and almost shot a water bomb directly, but fortunately, he woke up suddenly at the moment when his power was activated, and stopped the mobilization of power.

Recalling what happened when he came to the City Lord's Mansion, he finally came to his senses, stretched his waist, and lazily thought about the possibility of skipping class.

However, the noise he made was a bit loud, and the housekeeper Yamato outside the door obviously realized that his little prince had woken up. He opened the door and waved his hand. Freshen up and dress up.

Uchihaji, who only needs to raise his hands to make a dress-up doll, is still a little confused. Seeing him falling backwards, it is obvious that he wants to go back to sleep again.

How could the housekeeper let this kind of thing happen after finally dressing up Xiao Shizi well, he quickly gave a look and signaled the attendants to surround Xiao Shizi to the restaurant.

Sitting on the cushions in the dining room, Uchiha Haru stared at the breakfast in front of him, and then at Izumi Qingyun who was already dealing with affairs at the main seat, and finally woke up completely.

After drinking a sip of miso soup, he took chopsticks and crushed the fish on the plate, muttering: "It would be better if it was more salty~"

Taking a look at Uchiha Haru, Izumi Qingyun couldn't help laughing, "You child, you have been with me for a long time, but you are a little let go."

After being said by Izumi Qingyun, Uchihaji's body couldn't help but froze for a moment. Indeed, he was not so casual before, and even lay in bed under the eyes of a group of people in the morning...

He glanced at Izumi Qingyun, turned his face away, so it must be caused by this guy's strange temperament, I am not like me anymore!

Well, I can’t say that, at least when I’m not teasing Zhongye, I act like a baby at home, and Zhongye will be very happy to take care of me at that time~

Biting his chopsticks, Uchihaji thought fiercely, and suddenly heard a light sound in his mouth, and he paused, only feeling a tingling pain coming from his upper right tooth.

He who has never liked pain immediately raised his hand to cover his cheek, poked his tongue into that position, and touched his crumbling teeth, a bomb exploded in Uchihaji's mind, feeling bad.

Before he could do anything, Izumi Qingyun noticed his strangeness, put down the documents and walked over, grabbed Uchihaji's chin, pushed his hand away, forced him to open his mouth, and took a closer look at himself.

Seeing the tooth sticking to the gums on one side, he smiled happily, rubbed Uchihaji's little head with displeasure, and said with emotion: "It's time for my Qinghui to change his teeth too. ~"

Seeing that Uchihaji was still not very happy, he asked again, "When it falls, I will take a box and put it away. This is a sign that Qinghui has grown up~"

Uchihaji had sharp eyes and shook his head frantically.

How could this kind of black history allow you to stay? What if the Chinese Communist Party uses it to laugh at me in the future?Also, my growth doesn't need a tooth change at all to prove it :)

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