If Uchihaji was allowed to perform these follow-up operations himself, it would only take a year to complete, but he let Quanna go for a trial and take one to do a skill training. After this, the time spent much longer than normal.

When all the dust settled, Uchihaji was 16 years old, and Quanna was [-] years old.

Facing the prostration of all the great names in the world, Uchihaji behaved calmly, held a cup to communicate with them, did not step on or demean, but announced his rules before the banquet started.

- All vassals must use the same government system that their Kingdom of Thunder uses.

That is to say, the system in which civilians, nobles and ninjas can all become subjects.

The ninjas in other countries laughed when they heard this.

The ninjas are very self-aware, and they will definitely not be able to do it by relying on their own strength to fight against the nobles. That's why they try hard to encourage the country to become a vassal, isn't it because there is strong pressure and the country has to change?

The attitudes of the daimyos vary, but no one accepts this.

If ninjas and civilians want to become officials, they still need to go through the assessment, and in the end, they account for only half of the government.

And nobles who want to be officials don't need any assessment, they just need to stand out from the academy, and their proportion still accounts for half.

More importantly, the identity and status of the nobles have not been lowered because of this. Even if they are not officials, they are still nobles, with fiefs and titles.

The daimyo is still a daimyo, sitting in a high position, without any changes, the only difference is that there is an extra Uchihaji who doesn't care much on top of them.

Although a bit aggrieved, it doesn't seem to affect my status or life much, so it doesn't matter if I bear it for a while.

Osamu Uchiha ignored the thoughts of these people. He promoted this system to improve the status of the ninjas. As for whether the ninjas in those countries can keep this opportunity, it depends on themselves.

Everything can only be achieved with the addition of external forces, and they are really hopeless.

He blinked at the inferior Quan Nai, gave him a look, and motioned him to lead the three members of the Qianshou family and the spy girl to find him.

After hovering at the banquet for a while, Uchihaji flicked away the group of people who surrounded him attentively, and then went to the private room for talks.

In the private room, Su Chuanyong and others have been sitting and waiting for a long time.

Slowly white smoke drifts out from the incense burner, permeating the air, bringing a hint of freshness. On the beige tatami, there are eleven low tables. , Junhao, Quanna, Hasakawa Isamu, Tajima and Madara, and the right side is where the people from the Land of Fire are sitting.

Seeing Uchiha Haru come in, the people inside stood up one after another, saluting and greeting.

Ignoring this group of people, Uchihaji went straight to the smiling spy girl and said gently: "Madam, sit down, the country of fire is now attached to the country of thunder, and the name of the country of fire is naturally my nephew." , Madam is my sister, why should the whole family be so courteous?"

The spy girl blinked her eyes, and said softly: "Since you say so, I will dare to call you brother, sister."

"If my brother doesn't sit, how can my sister dare to sit?"

The two flattered them back and forth, and after they were seated one by one, the others breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly sat down.

"I already know the purpose of my sister's visit this time," Uchihaji did not call himself "solitary", maintaining an equal attitude, and took out those coveted title deeds from his sleeve, "The issue of this land is a matter of itself. It should be a good discussion."

"Really? His Royal Highness Jun Hao." He turned his head and called out to Jun Hao, who was second from the bottom left.

This is to directly point out Jun Hao's identity as the prince of the Kingdom of Morning, and explain why he, as a subject of the Kingdom of Thunder, can sit in front of the prince Quannai.

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Dawn laughed, and toasted everyone in the Nation of Fire, "My little brother ran away from home. We didn't know he could do such a great job, and we only recognized each other when we met today."

This is another explanation of why Jun Hao can still become a courtier, and why everyone only knows Jun Hao's identity now.

But these are all explanations on the surface, and everyone will not believe it secretly.

The spy girl glanced at this side weakly, and responded, "This is a blessing, congratulations to this brother."

My son is only two or three years old, so he is not suitable for such a big meeting. She is naturally the person with the highest status in the Fire Nation, and she is naturally responsible for the response.

The Thousand Hands Clan didn't say a word, they just watched the three big figures chatting in silence, and they finally got to the land issue.

This matter was settled by Isamu Hasakawa. The Minister of the Taizheng was not a simple person. He joined the Daimyo of the Kingdom of the Dawn to show no weakness to the diplomat Qianshoubeijian, and pressed him every step of the way. Feijian also lost the wind and gradually lost the battle.

Seeing Qianshou being stunned and speechless, and even being ridiculed with the "black bone cypress fan", Quan Nai was in a particularly comfortable mood, with an indescribable joy, and a smile on his face.

Madara didn't pay much attention to this matter, his uncle and Hasakawa were in charge, no matter what, he wouldn't let the Kingdom of Thunder suffer, so his thoughts had long drifted to the distance, only occasionally pulling back to fight with Senju Bashirama Eye contact one or two.

The matter of land deed exchange was finally settled according to Uchihaji's idea.

The Kingdom of Fire returned half of the land that was originally annexed to the Kingdom of Dawn, and half of this land was returned to the Kingdom of Thunder.

In addition, the Kingdom of Thunder has to leave the radiation range of a city near the sea. Although the range is not large, correspondingly, the sea area within the radiation range of this city also belongs to the Kingdom of Thunder.

Everyone in the Land of Fire was sad and happy. The sad thing was that they ceded too much land, which was equivalent to only half of their annexation war many years ago. The happy thing was that the land deed of Nanhe District was finally taken back, and the Senshou Clan and Hyuga The family is no longer subject to foreign constraints.

However, they did not expect that after the agreement was signed, Uchihaji happily handed over the title deed to the spy girl.

Qianshou was dumbfounded immediately, and immediately set his eyes on the spy girl, and asked with a frown, "This title deed..."

"The land of the Land of Fire is naturally named after my son." The spy girl said with a smile, she put the land deed into her arms, her eyes swept over her, she was still beautiful and weak, "What do you think of the Qianshou family?"


Where can I have an opinion!

Didn't you hear what this lady said?This land belongs to the daimyo!

In other words, if the Senju clan wants to hold the land of their ancestral home like the Uchiha clan, they have to find a way to make a private transaction with the daimyo themselves, and they will not get any benefits at this meeting.

But this is also normal. After all, it was the three daimyo who actually reached the agreement. Naturally, the name of the new daimyo was signed on the transfer letter. Even if they snatch it, it will be useless.

The political system has just been reformed, and the ninjas have not flexed their muscles in the political field, let alone occupying an important position. At this time, angering the nobles who were originally dissatisfied with the reform will only make their own people's lives worse .

Even if he was dissatisfied, Qianshou Feijian could only endure it temporarily and think of a solution after returning.

Uchihaji smiled and sent away the people at the meeting, and after making sure that everything was done, he ran back and threw himself into Chuya Nakahara's arms.

"That girl will have a good life." He recalled the performance of the spy girl in the meeting just now, and said with a smile, "Although she is different from Mrs. Tong, she will enjoy endless prosperity and wealth throughout her life, and eventually die."

"That's pretty good." Nakahara Chuya chuckled while helping Uchihaji to take care of his hair.

After fulfilling his "dream", Uchihaji did not fall into official duties, but left the government affairs behind, let Quanna supervise the country, and took Chuya Nakahara to find Izumi Qingyun.

Izumi Qingyun's lifespan is coming to an end, and Uchihaji hopes that this father can live a happy life before he passes away.

——For example, traveling abroad to relax with the company of your children.

With the protection of Nakahara Chuya and Uchihaji, Izumi Qingyun finally stepped out of the territory of the Land of Thunder, and traveled around the continent, playing and making trouble, and talking to Uchihaji about his past from time to time What I experienced when I traveled the world, recalled the good times in the past, and even met many old people, it was very enjoyable.

After these itineraries were finished, Izumi Qingyun couldn't hold on any longer. They returned to Luoshui City, and returned to the room where he had been living since he was a child.

Lying on the bed, although his face was a little pale, he still looked very healthy overall, but the internal organs of the inner bottom could no longer support him.

"I fulfilled my promise." Uchihaji said so, twisting the corner of the quilt for Izumi Qingyun.

Before Izumi Qingyun died, let him see himself as the number one in the world, this promise has been fulfilled.

"I know you are the best child..." The movement of reaching out to touch Uchihaji's head was as gentle as ten years ago, Izumi Qingyun took a breath and asked softly, "Qinghui, are you happy?" ?”

"Happy." Uchihaji replied without hesitation.

"That's good."

Patting Uchiha Haru on the shoulder, Izumi Qingyun's eyes were gentle, looking at him, he seemed to see the child clamoring to dominate the world in front of him more than ten years ago, and couldn't help laughing.

"I used to be very worried about you. You, a child, seem to be too heavy-hearted and a bit deserted. It's really difficult for you to find the meaning of life."

His eyes fell on Nakahara Nakaya who was standing against the wall not far away, he blinked, and pinched Uchihaji's face twice, "But now I feel relieved."

"Don't worry... the slug needs to be taken care of by me, otherwise he would have died a long time ago~" Uchiha Haruhito retorted.

Hequan Qingyun shook his head, "It doesn't matter if you want to take care of me or you, it's something to be happy to have someone who will stay with you for a lifetime."

"Go and call Xiaomata here, I want to see him." He let go of his eyes and let Uchihaji leave the room.

Ignoring Erwei who rushed into the room, Uchihaji walked out slowly, closed the door, walked to Chuya Nakahara, and poked his head curiously, "What are you thinking?"

"Aren't you sad?" Nakahara pushed Uchihaji's head back, and looked puzzled at the guy next to him who had grown taller than himself in a year.

The 15-year-old Uchihaji was still 1.6 meters last year, and now he is 1.7 meters four.

Witnessing Uchiha Haru's growing pains, Nakahara didn't know what to say, so he reluctantly chose to fix his height at 1.6 meters [-], so he didn't raise himself.

how to say?In recent years, his feeling of watching Uchihaji from a high place is particularly subtle, and now he has recovered, and for some reason, he feels a little comfortable.

Cursing himself for something wrong, he reached out and touched Uchihaji's hand, and asked in a low voice, "Is this your father? He is going to die."

In the previous life, when Oda Sakunosuke passed away, this guy could be so sad, but now he doesn't look so sad, but it makes people feel a little distressed.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not that me anymore." Uchihaji smiled, without explaining too much, just quietly looked up at the sky.

He is no longer the person in the past who suffers from the pain of losing someone he cherishes. Growing up always means losing something, and the regret has already been filled. Now he has to look to the future.

He grabbed Zhongyuan Chuya's hand and said suddenly, "Let's go to Yunlei Shrine to hold a wedding in the future."

Zhong Yuanzhong was also slightly stunned. After realizing it, he smiled brightly, "Okay."

Izumi Qingyun finally went.

His body was destined to have this day as early as when he contracted the second tail, but because of the appearance of Uchihaji, he can be dragged to his current age.

Uchihaji held a funeral for him, watched the funeral, and watched the god of death send Izumi Qingyun to reincarnation with his own eyes, so he was completely relieved.

Afterwards, he stated in the court hall that he would become a partner with the patron saint, Aragami, and stay together for a lifetime.

The courtiers below looked at each other, and after a while, they all expressed their approval.

In fact, this is not a big problem. Aragami lived in Uchihaji's harem for so many years. Everyone knows that these two people are actually together. One is a god and the other is a daimyo. What does it matter if they are together?

Anyway, the heir, Prince Quan Nai, has done a very good job, and the heirs after Quan Nai will still come out of their nobles!Marriage or something does not affect our interests at all, okay? !

Quan Nai thought that the group of guys in the court would at least object, but they didn't expect them to recognize it so quickly, and they were a little surprised. The next second, the failure of expression management was discovered by Uchihaji, and he was directly arranged to prepare for the wedding matters.

The wedding held in the Yunlei Shrine was very grand, and famous people from many countries came here to express their congratulations and sent countless congratulatory gifts.

Uchihaji didn't care about these things, but just clinging to Nakahara Chuya's hand, standing in front of the priest, looking at the other party, and seemed to see the world consciousness of this world through the other party, and said softly:

"Thank you."

If they hadn't chosen to trade, there would be no Uchihaji's life, let alone the resurrection of Nakahara Chuya, and they would naturally not have the happiness they are today.

"You are living well is the best gift." The priest glanced at Nakahara Chuya, his eyes turned cold again, he grabbed Uchihaji's hand, and said quietly, "If he bullies you, tell me, We settle accounts with him."

Nakahara Chuya: ...

Oh shit!The favourites of this world are at it again! ! !

Uchihaji smiled, but shook his head, "No."

Under the gaze of the priest, they became a couple and swore to stay together for a lifetime and share everything.

Holding Nakahara Chuya's hand, Uchihaji stood on a high place, looked at the large group of guests and courtiers below, glanced at the smiling elder brother and two nephews, and suddenly said:

"Chu Ye, follow me to see my brother in the next life."

Not Tajima in this life, but Fumichi Tsushima who was like a brother and father in the previous life.

Zhong Yuanzhong also froze for a moment, then laughed, "Then follow me to see Rimbaud."

Uchiha Haru held Nakaya's hand tighter, as if he wanted to convey all his emotions to the other party. Although his voice was very soft, it was sincere enough:


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