Uchihaji maintained a supportive attitude towards Madara's ideals. After coaxing the other party to work hard happily, he turned his head and asked about the situation in Senju Bashirama in the Kingdom of Fire next door.

Knowing that the other party is indeed thinking about finding the descendants of the daimyo of the land of fire to become an excellent new daimyo, he lightly read a series of orders, directing the next action of the spy girl in a foreign country.

After unfolding the juniper fan, he raised the corner of his mouth lightly, with a bit of interest in his eyes.

"Brother, are you going to fight with the Thousand Hands?" He turned his head and asked Tian Dao beside him.

Tajima shook his head subconsciously. He has seen too many things with Uchihaji recently, such as the black man, and his son opening a kaleidoscope, all of which are shattering his three views. He thinks it is better for him to take a good rest.

Well, didn't my brother come back a long time ago with the tablet of the ancestors and other things?I'll go research that.

Seeing that Tajima was not happy, Uchihaji raised his eyebrows slightly, and said very suggestively, "The taxes of the Thousand Hands Clan have not been paid~"

Tajima looked suspiciously, "Senju is now from the Fire Nation, haven't you traded for a few years?"

"Yeah, the deadline I set is coming." Uchihaji knocked on the table and said casually, "Just leave it to them to operate."

This is to say that this huge benefit is handed over to the group of spies in the country of fire to play a role.

Tajima didn't understand Uchihaji's secret words very well, and said casually, "If you need my help, just say it."

"No need, no need," Uchihaji waved his hand with a smile, "Brother really wants to help me, so just urge Madara to take medicine every day, that kid must use kaleidoscope a lot, and it happens that Yukai has developed a new nutrient, which is sea crab Taste oh~”

Tajima: ...

The crab-flavored nutritional supplements are outrageous! ! !

The so-called nutrient can actually be regarded as a concentrated product of Baijue Dabu Tang. At the beginning of the research, they could only cut Baijue into pieces and cook the soup. Now that Youhai's research has deepened, they have been able to extract Extract the nutritional essence in Baijue's body, and even find certain substitutes to produce nutritional supplements with even better efficacy.

The only problem is that Uchihaji, who likes to stimulate, always asks Yukai to make various nutritional supplements with strange flavors.

What kind of dish soap smell, what kind of dishcloth smell, what kind of white vinegar smell... all kinds of things.

People who use nutritional supplements have given feedback on this issue for a long time. The high-ranking researcher Uzumaki Yukai is a diehard Uchiha fan. The taste is getting weirder than the other!

The last time Tajima ate durian flavor, he almost killed him on the spot!

Now when he heard the taste of sea crab, Tajima knew that it was definitely Uchihaji's request again.

Who doesn't know that his kid likes to eat crab meat!

All the national alliances outside know it!If you come here to give gifts, you will always give some crab meat!

Catching Tajima's speechless expression for a moment, Uchihaji secretly smiled, but felt that it was not a big problem.

Well, as a human being, you should try a lot. Besides, isn't it something that tastes like detergent?It's not like I didn't drink cleanser directly in my previous life!

Of course, as an extremely vigorous vitality and self-help instinct, Uchihaji certainly did not die.

Ignoring this problem, Uchihaji sent his brother out in a few words, turned around to deal with the work that he didn't do today, and didn't forget to take a closer look at the recent developments in various countries to ensure that things are going smoothly.

Time flows by, and in the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

Quan Nai, who was still a child in the past, can now sit in a high position calmly and deal with the big and small affairs of Luoshui City. With a smile, he gently responds to various questions raised by his subordinates, and the heavy official duties are no longer his burden.

From being able to sleep only two hours a day in the past to now only needing to spend three hours a day working, the effort he has put in is unimaginable, but it is also surprising.

He has been to slums, attended banquets of nobles, walked in country alleys, worked with farmers, and personally went to deal with the blockage of rivers. His footsteps have traveled all over Luoshui City, and every place is deeply remembered in his heart. , can casually say anything about Luoshui City.

Not only Luoshui City, Quan Nai has also traveled to many places in the past two years. He has been to the deep mountains of Beilei and the sea area of ​​Nanyun. He has witnessed the moment of flowers blooming and the moment of melting snow. .

Compared with the past, he is more calm and restrained, and his down-to-earth work has brought him far more than the point of "communicating" with others in the officialdom. Everything has been transformed into his experience, thoroughly Into his soul, reshaping his life and soul.

Seeing the subordinates and nobles who obeyed her obediently at the annual meeting, Quan Nai couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

When he took office, how could he have thought that he would be what he is today?

Uncle once said that he should go for a walk by himself, and now it seems that it is indeed effective, at least he has really improved, hasn't he?

Thinking of this, he arranged everything calmly, and then returned to the Santo's Mansion to inquire about the arrangements for the Santo's Banquet to be held by the daimyo tomorrow.

This is a bad point during the Chinese New Year. There are always various banquets to attend, one after another, and I can’t stop at all. The only thing I’m lucky about is that as the city lord, I don’t need to attend the banquets of my subjects. Otherwise, it would be too busy to touch the ground.

The loyal subordinate reported the arrangement to Quanna, and then whispered the news he had just received.

Quan Nai listened, his face suddenly stained with joy, and a smile came into his eyes. He didn't maintain his original gentle and elegant posture for a while, and subconsciously reached out and grabbed his subordinate's arm, and asked:

"Is what you said true? Are you sure there is no problem with this news? Madara..."

He paused, suppressed the title "Ban Ge", and changed it to another title.

"Mr. Madara is coming back?"

"Yes, the Uchiha patriarch will attend the annual meeting tomorrow." The subordinate carefully looked up at Quanna's face, and quickly lowered his head to answer, pretending that he didn't notice the joy of his lord jumping on his face.

"That's great!"

Quan Nai clapped her hands subconsciously, and then realized that she was a little too excited. She glanced at her subordinates and saw that he lowered his head vigorously, not daring to raise his head to speculate. He said lightly, "Go down and get ready." Bar."

After his subordinates retreated, he formed a seal and pinched a sealing formation to ensure that no one could detect his situation, and then continued to resume his excited state.

He hasn't seen Madara for two full years, and he misses it a lot.

After Madara opened the kaleidoscope before, he found his goal under Uchihaji's suggestion, took a round fan and a long sword, and went to the world alone.

Oh, it's not even considered a person, and there is a Senshou Bashirama by his side...

In the past two years, news of Madara defeating various opponents and countless powerful enemies kept coming, which made Quanna feel proud and worried. hinder.

As for the eyes-obscuring Senshou Zhujian, I can't get rid of it for the time being, so I can only pretend that I didn't find it.

Quan Nai rolled her eyes, thinking that her uncle was really too tolerant, why did she let Senshou Zhujian play with Brother Ban?What if Brother Ban is tricked into building some Muye Village again?

Although I really believe that Brother Ban will definitely choose to stand on my side, but I am not afraid of everything, just in case.

Now that Brother Ban is coming back, Quan Nai doesn't think about these things, and happily prepares for tomorrow's banquet, only waiting for the reunion with Brother Ban tomorrow.

When the time comes, you must take a good look at Brother Ban. After so many years without a home, Brother Ban wonders if he will lose weight...

Quan Nai tossed and turned on the bed, so excited that she couldn't sleep.

After finally surviving until the next day, he got up early, stared at the insomnia exhaustion in front of his eyes in the mirror, hurriedly cheered up, and took a nutritional supplement to recover.

Putting on the formal attire for the banquet, he sat in the carriage with two or three confidantes behind him, thinking about Brother Ban in his heart, and he did not forget to let his confidantes follow the plan to deal with the city lords of other cities.

If there is cooperation, Brother Ban also needs it!

If Quanna's joy reached its peak when he saw the dark blue at the banquet, then his dissatisfaction also reached its peak when he saw the yellow at the banquet.

Madara didn't come back alone.

Beside him was Senju Bashirama.

When traveling abroad, Madara did leave alone, but soon, Senju Bashima also ran out.

Compared with Madara's simple idea of ​​wanting to sharpen himself, Senju Bashima's reason for going out is much more complicated.

The Senshou clan has completely raised the idea of ​​​​surrounding the new daimyo, and has been operating secretly in various ways. Senshou Zhujian is the strongest of the Senshou clan and the future patriarch of the Senshou clan. But this trick is not enough to be seen in front of the nobles, and it is easy to be exposed.

Therefore, his younger brother, who was good at dealing with nobles and was more cunning, talked with his father, and unanimously decided to throw his eldest brother out on a mission.

It is best to go to a place that is not easy to be discovered by the most important courtiers of the Kingdom of Fire.

Therefore, when Senshou Zhujian went out, he received a lot of entrusted missions, big and small, but without exception, they were all outside the country of fire. It happened that he could also take this opportunity to see the situation in other countries, Maybe it can be used as a reference.

It was also in this situation that he reunited with Madara and started their travel journey.

Compared with Quan Nai's traveling only in the Land of Thunder, these two people have traveled a long way. They have been to the opposite side of the sea, to the distant land of ghosts, and even to the abyss of the seabed, and even tried to go to the infinite land. Human Realm Find out where the Wetbone Forest is.

They have tasted wine from various countries, been kicked out of casinos with nothing, watched conflicts and battles in many cities, seen rainbows after rain, and touched corals in the depths of the ocean...

There are many, many things that they have never savored in the past.

Also, as a ninja, it is very difficult to survive. Where can I have this leisure time to enjoy this kind of enjoyment?

The more and more places Madara has traveled, the more Madara realizes, and the more he feels that his uncle is a great person.

Not knowing that many wars in other countries originated from the hands of his good uncle, Madara expressed his heartfelt emotion:

Other countries are still in dire straits, but the Kingdom of Thunder can continue to thrive and even improve the treatment of ninjas. Now which country can have the happiness of the Kingdom of Thunder?

Of course, the vassal state of the country of water does not count.

After all, as a vassal state, the ninjas of the Land of Water also followed the treatment and policies of the Land of Thunder, and lived a barely decent life.

Senjujuma also felt all these differences, and became more and more admirable for Thunder Country and Uchihaji.

Thinking back to everything in the country, and thinking about the choice of the new daimyo chosen by Senshou Tomona and his father in a letter some time ago, that one or two-year-old child will be the future daimyo they fully support, and he wants to sigh.

There are still many lucky things in this world. Perhaps in the future, the people of the Land of Fire will be able to live a life like the Land of Thunder.

It would be nice if ninjas could get the same treatment.

The vision of Senju Hashirama, who is full of great love, still falls on all ninjas, hoping that all ninjas can have the same happiness.

It is impossible for war to disappear, but the age of casualties falls on adults, which is the happiest thing.

If the Kingdom of Fire really can't do this, it's not impossible to force the whole country to surrender to the Kingdom of Thunder.

Anyway, the Kingdom of Thunder did not intervene too much in the vassal states. The only requirement is that the regime needs to ensure that it is in line with them. Isn't that just developing in the direction it wants?

The daimyo of Lei Zhiguo knew that he was traveling with Madara, and he had no objections. Instead, he would help take care of them, and even give them some pocket money. Looking at his internal policies, he was extremely gentle with ninjas, and even agreed with himself. Stay here to learn about the policies of the Kingdom of Thunder, no matter how you look at it, you are a very good person!

Thinking so, he followed Madara to Uchihaji who was sitting in a high position, showed his bright smile, and said hello:

"Hello, I am Senju Hashirama of the Senju Clan, thank you for your trust and care!"

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