Uchihaji saw the appearance of Ninja Taka Ara rushing to the street again, and his whole body was not well.

Well, to be precise, I have a more "clear" understanding of Ah Huang's strength.

This is probably an eagle that is useless and can only be cute?

With the reason of "let him go back to rest", he stuffed Ninja Hawk back, Uchihaji overturned this matter, and shifted the topic to his own study today.

After a wonderful birthday, it was time for Uchihaji's "long-awaited" trip to Luoshui Castle.

He did not choose to leave by himself, but tentatively asked Heijue for cooperation.

Of course, what is said on the surface is "Great Uchiha Will, I send you a sincere wish, I only hope that I can go to Luoshui Castle without being exposed".

Uchihaji still doesn't intend to expose his doubts and guesses about Hei Ze, and the repeated temptations are not only to find Hei Ze's position and purpose, but also to explore Hei Ze's strength.

Although limited by age and physiology, Uchihaji will unconsciously act like a child, but his thinking is growing rapidly, completely abandoning the normal growth law of children.

Hei Jue still remembered the failure of the previous night attack. He didn't show it on the surface, but he kept looking at Uchihaji, trying to find the source of the strange flame monster.

Beware of the flame monster, he pretended to say "you are the one I protect, and I will naturally fulfill your wish", summoned Bai Zee, asked him to pretend to be Uchihaji, and rolled up the other party himself, directly from the Run out of the clan underground.

Uchiha Haru is even more afraid of the dark side. This guy is really familiar with Uchiha. He is so familiar with which direction he can avoid people. Moreover, the ability to escape is too strong, and he is also very good at concealing with breath. It is not something ordinary people can handle.

It seems that we have to wait until later to find Hei Jue's weakness, and completely press this guy to death or control him!

Coincidentally, Hei Jue felt the same way.

When he swept Uchihaji away, he was a little bit ruthless, but he didn't force out the strange flames on the opponent's body, as if the flame monster knew that it would not hurt Uchihaji now.

Heijue felt that he couldn't do it alone, but it didn't matter. Didn't the flame monster say that Uchihaji belonged to him?Then I control Uchihaji, doesn't this guy have to listen to me?I'm the best at fooling around.

It seems that when the other party is not paying attention, Uchihaji must be completely controlled in his hands!

After leaving the clan ground, Uchihaji and Heijue looked at each other and smiled, they looked very harmonious, but in fact, the black mud in the hinterland was rolling and never stopped.

Luoshui City is a city near the river. The long river flows through the front of Luoshui City, leaving behind the fertile land washed by the flowing water. On the back is continuous hills and dense forests. The back is against the mountains and the front is against the water. It is located in such an excellent location.

Stepping on the edge of the stream, Uchihaji flicked his feet and made some water droplets, which were crystal clear under the sunlight, shining with a peaceful and serene brilliance.

Surrounded by the sound of children playing and playing, and further away, the sound of men fetching water. The river in front of Luoshui City is the source of water for their entire city. Without this water, the city will disappear.

Seeing the disadvantages at a glance, Uchihaji didn't say anything, but when the other children threw the water over, he squatted down immediately, splashed water on them, and fought together.

Xingsuke was still greeting the guards at the city gate, so he could collect information now.

Children are the easiest group to break into. Most of them are not wary of strangers, especially strange children. Their similar age and cute faces are enough for them to accept themselves and chatter about many things.

The adults nearby saw that Uchihaji was brought back by a samurai, and guessed that it was the child of a big man, but they didn't stop them from getting along.

Tired of splashing water, the children began to pick up rocks and casually asked about the identity of the newly joined Uchihaji.

"I'm Qinghui, and I'm here to find my father." Uchihaji said frankly his false identity, "Mr. Samurai found me and said that I was the child of someone he knew. My mother died and I was in the woods. No one can survive alone, so I simply followed."

"Ah..." The children didn't expect Uchiha Haru to be a poor child who lost his mother. They immediately realized that they had poked him in a sore spot, and quickly changed the subject, bringing up gossip about someone else's family.

Feeling the thoughtfulness and tenderness of the children, Uchihaji's impression of the city has improved a lot. At least, only by being able to provide the children with a gentle and happy environment can they develop such a way of dealing with others.

Uchihaji heard the love and hatred of the Tianhe family, the rats of the Sato family stole food... all kinds of trivial things, compared with their gossip, he learned a lot of details from it.

The children talked about it, and Uchihaji was already a little tired. The three-year-old baby accepted the long-distance trek and played with other people. He was too sleepy. Just fell asleep.

Suddenly, a meow sounded beside him, waking up the drowsy Uchihaji.

Waking up suddenly, Uchihaji turned his head and saw a snow-white kitten playing by the water, with its small claws reaching into the water and stirring vigorously.

"It's Xiaobai!" The children cheered, and ran over to touch the kitten one after another, not forgetting to drag Uchiha Ji, who had just joined the group, over.

"Huh?" Uchihaji didn't notice for a while, but was pulled away straight away.

The children licked Xiaobai, pushed Uchihaji in front of Xiaobai, and introduced Uchihaji, "Xiaobai Xiaobai, this is the new Kiyoki!"

Xiaobai flicked his tail, stared at Uchihaji for a while, and then let out a faint sneer, which was not heard by other children, but Uchihaji heard it clearly as a ninja.

Uchihaji's eyes suddenly turned wrong. I always feel that this cat is more like... a human?

Recalling the state of the ninja cats at home, each of them eats desserts better than him, oh well, cats are just like people.

Thinking of this, Uchihaji felt that there seemed to be no problem, the only problem was whether the cat in front of him was just a ninja cat.

If it's a ninja cat, it's Uchiha's cat, I don't know if it's Xingsuke's...

Uchihaji guessed, and cautiously stretched out his hand, trying to touch Shiro, but was avoided by the other party.

Although Xiaobai avoided Uchihaji's hand touching it, he jumped up and onto his shoulder, his wet little paws trampled his clothes, and waved his paws, pointing to the city gate.

The raised chin and wagging tail all show its pride, as if it uses Uchihaji as a car.

But the children didn't think there was anything wrong with this, and even envied Uchihaji who was "lucky" by Xiaobai.

Uchihaji: ...I don't feel grateful at all, but I want to abuse cats a little bit :)

It happened that Xingsuke was calling him, so Uchihaji took the cat to the city gate along the way.

Seeing that he was far away from the group of children and also some distance away from the city gate, Xiaobai opened his mouth decisively, "Uchiha kid, what are you doing here?"

Uchihaji:! ! !

He pretended to be calm, and blinked innocently, "My name is Qinghui, the samurai-sama said to bring me to find my father, is my father's surname Uchiha?"

"In a sense, it's okay." Xiaobai patted Uchihaji's little head, "Don't lie, I can see it. Although the chakra on your body is well sealed, but the breath is too strong. You can still smell it."

"Although there is a smell of fairy art." It muttered in a low voice, without Uchihaji hearing, and then changed the subject, "If you want to make trouble, as the owner of this city, I will kill you directly Yes! And that Uchiha idiot named Kosuke!"

Uchihaji: What does the owner of this city mean?Also, the identity of that guy Xingsuke has been exposed long ago!But looking at the appearance of this uncle cat, it doesn't look like he wants to expose me, so he should be fine for the time being?

Thinking in his mind, Uchihaji took out the best secret canned cat food at home, "O owner of Luoshui City, please accept it, this kindness from the residents of Xincheng!"

Seeing the secret canned cat food, Xiaobai's eyes lit up in an instant. He stretched out the cat's paw, grabbed the canned food, and changed his rhetoric in an instant, "For the sake of your knowledge, I will protect you, boy."

Is it because of the Uchiha family's secret canned cat food?

Uchihaji didn't know whether to laugh or cry, watching Uncle Cat swaggering away with the can in his mouth, he shook his head.

At least, the temporary identity is guaranteed and will not be exposed, but is my Chakra seal not enough?I can't rely entirely on Xingsuke, I have to learn the sealing technique myself.

Uchihaji pursed his lips, followed Xingsuke into the city, and only temporarily relieved himself when he reached the resting place.

Heijue, who wanted to ask Uchihaji what to do next, just came up and realized something was wrong. He subconsciously sensed Uchihaji's breath, his face changed, and he couldn't hold back for a while, exclaimed:

"Two tails?!"

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