Happily published some wolf-hug words, Uchihaji quickly put this matter behind him, and agreed to the next promotional activities and some variety shows, he packed his things, Keeping up with Edogawa Ranpo's pace, he ran away.

Chief Zai: ...

Although this guy is not pestering Odasaku, I am quite happy, but seeing him fall into Ranpo-san's arms so happily, it still feels very subtle...

The leader Jae couldn't understand why Uchihaji and Edogawa Ranpo could develop friendship so quickly.

Because no matter which world he is in, his relationship with Mr. Ranpo cannot actually reach such a level.

Even Buteizai, the relationship with Edogawa Ranpo is more of a colleague, and they can make plans and do things together, but it is absolutely impossible to be so close that they stick together.

Not to mention anything else, just Dazai Osamu's black heart is hard to get the intimacy of Edogawa Ranpo, not to mention that he still often skips work and runs away.

When Uchihaji came back to life again, the darkness on his body was almost washed away, and it was more of the nobleness and indifference that belonged to the superior.

His attitude towards many people is actually somewhat subtle. There are those who are superior, but also the gentleness and friendliness towards his own people. In a sense, this perspective is consistent with Edogawa Ranpo.

The same see through the truth, can't understand the troubles of "idiots", like desserts, don't be stingy with the time he spends on his own people, is trusted and worshiped by everyone, is the pillar of the "organization" ... The friendship between Uchiha Osamu and Edogawa Rampo was built today.

Sharing desserts in the dessert shop, Uchihaji tilted his head, and naturally told about Tajima's attempt to upgrade his eyes, complaining in his mouth:

"So, I really don't understand why elder brother gave me his eyes!"

Ranpo Edogawa stuffed the cut cake into his mouth and chewed it, and said inarticulately: "My lord is like this! There are many things we don't understand, which are easy to solve, but we have to hide them , this may be their fun~”

"That's right! You have to hide this and make some sacrifices. I don't need any sacrifices from him!" Uchihaji slapped the table and took a sip of milk tea indignantly, "I don't plan to ask before making a decision. Ask me what I think, and treat me like a child..."

"You are just a child, a ten-year-old baby." Edogawa Ranbu blinked, and said bluntly, "Occasionally, uncle will make his own decisions, but it doesn't matter, we will just cover for them!"

He patted his chest and vowed, "If it suits me, everything will be fine!"

Uchihaji's eyes widened, and soon he collapsed again, "I still can't reach Mr. Ranpo's level..."

Poking the soft disease in front of him with his fingers, Edogawa ranbu hummed twice, "You just think too much, you want to conceive everything perfectly, but such things are too brain-intensive, and Take your energy."

"Why do you need to set up so many levels when you can see the ending at a glance?" He waved his hands, "But you are already very good, much better than that guy here!"

"Of course! I'm living very hard!" Uchihaji said immediately, "That guy is actually living very hard, but it's still a little different."

Lowering his head, he muttered, "Living for yourself is still different from living for others."

"Think about it from another angle, you and him are both chosen by fate! Otherwise, he would have waited for you? Do you have the life you have now?" Ranpo Edogawa thought of the "protagonist" settings in some boring novels , I think it is very suitable for Uchihaji's body.

"The Chosen One?" After Uchihaji finished saying this word, he laughed first.

However, there is nothing wrong with this statement.

I will travel to another world, which was originally chosen by myself, at least from the words of the priest.

In order to save the slugs, the world in his first life agreed to a deal, and threw himself to the world that always wanted him, on the condition that he helped get rid of the slugs.

Therefore, I am the one who is really chosen, and the slug is an incidental item.

It doesn't really matter, both left and right are good~

Uchihaji thought so, drinking milk tea, his consciousness drifted back to the mental space, looked at the state of Chuya Nakahara, and felt that this guy would probably come out after a while.

When can I come out?After about half a year, I will be able to walk around this world.

But if he leaves this world and goes back, Chuya probably needs to adjust for a while before he can roam freely.

Uchihaji counted the time, and felt that the time to come out in the ninja world is probably the time when he intends to dominate Yunlei, and it happens that he can have an extra combat power!


I don't think there is any problem with letting Chuya start fighting as soon as he comes out, and I don't think it is a kind of exploitation. Uchihaji thinks it is an equivalent exchange.

He even lost his life because of Zhong Ye, and reincarnated to painstakingly help him recover, so let the other party pay the price no matter what!

Thinking of this, Uchihaji's eyes lit up, and he turned to Edogawa Ranpo, "When can I be the master?"

"A year and a half later..." Edogawa Ranpo glanced at him and gave him an approximate time.

Seeming to have seen something, he raised his spirits and suggested solemnly, "Do it when you are not clear-headed!"

Uchiha understands it, very good, then attack when the opponent is in the fluctuating stage between Huangbatu and Nakahara Chuya!

A consensus was happily reached. He hummed a ditty, flipped through his schedule, and pouted, "Why do you still want to go to Benzhou to do a variety show? You don't want to go at all!"

"Anyway, it's work, so I have to go when I'm bored." Edogawa Ranpo knew that Uchihaji's birthplace was Kitatsugaru County in Honshu. God, he discovered this from the leader Zai.

As for why you didn't get this from Uchiha, of course it's because Uchiha left more traces on Uchiha!

Uchiha has completely transformed into a standard Uchiha who was loved and raised by his elder brother. The only difference between him and the Uchiha people is probably the breath of the superior.

Edogawa Ranpo thought of something, and asked curiously, "How is your brother?"

Uchihaji knew that the other party was not talking about Tajima, but the elder brother of the Tsushima family. He thought for a moment, and gave a very standard answer, "The governor of the Chinese family."

Hearing this word, Edogawa Ranpo understood.

"Then you are quite troublesome." He muttered so, changed the subject, and chatted with Uchihaji about the recent affairs of Oda Sakunosuke, "If you want to read, you'd better take him with you."

"I see," Uchihaji nodded, "I'll entrust a bodyguard when I get back!"

The two cats got together, chatting about various trivial things, finalized the plan to deceive people, and then ran stickily to the detective agency to play detective games.

The entrusted mission under Uchiha's rule transferred Oda Sakunosuke, bit the leader Zaiqi's teeth, and couldn't say anything about these two people.

The reason given by Uchihaji is impeccable: "I am still a ten-year-old baby, and I am easily in danger when I am alone, and I need someone to protect me."

Oda Sakunosuke accepted this rhetoric, and began to go in and out of various program shooting locations as Uchihaji's bodyguard, protecting the ten-year-old baby.

The leader Jae can only choose to continue to contact online, chat with Oda Sakunosuke, and learn about the other party's current situation and writing situation.

After learning that the other party was inspired by the bodyguard mission and started to code, he couldn't help being a little excited. His excitement didn't last long, and was buried by Zhong Ye with a lot of work.

In the chat room——

[Disqualification in the world: The slug is pressing me with work again!It's so boring, can you lose the position of the leader! 】

[Super-spicy curry: Azhi is making the legendary spicy curry recently, I think it's okay. 】

[Disqualification in the world: Wow, as expected of Oda Tsukuru!Tell me more~]

[Super-Spicy Curry: My job is very ordinary, that is, to send Aji to work, send him back, run around with him, and finish the pranks on him and Meili. 】

[Disqualification in the world: He actually asked you to finish it for him?Really spoiled! 】

The leader stared at the chat records in the chat room, scrolling all the way up, and there were many daily exchanges. He and Oda Sakunosuke gradually became familiar with each other, and gradually felt like friends.

He never thought of such a thing, maybe the future will really be better...

So I still have some use for that, and you can still praise him in this regard, but you can never forgive Oda Tsukuru for causing trouble or anything!I also want Odasaku to be with me all the time!

Thinking of this, the leader Jae finally remembered that today is the day Uchihaji came back.

Uchiha Haru's idol career has developed rapidly in the past six months. Although the port mafia is behind it, it is inseparable from the dedication of him and Merlin.

Who would have thought that Uchihaji would actually work there seriously?Obviously logically speaking, it is enough to play things like debut, who would play for so long!

The leader Zai never thought that Uchihaji was so serious because the blame would be on him. He knocked on the table, thinking about what he needed to say to Uchihaji next.

Should I ask about Fuyuki City first?Or ask about the Holy Grail?

Before making a decision, the leader Zai saw a black and red light break through the floor-to-ceiling windows and the protective cover of the office, making a huge hole, and a figure came out of the hole, followed by cursing words.

"Even if you can actively control 'Disqualification in the World' now, it doesn't mean that I can be your mount and fly with you. I will only do this once, you know?"

Holding the ten-year-old Uchihaji, the orange-red haired youth stepped on a piece of broken glass, looked over with a frown, and nodded calmly when he saw the leader Zai wearing a black coat and a red scarf:

"My child is in trouble for you to take care of it."

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