The leader Zai is not a person who can't accept new things. After confirming the identity of the "Dazai" in front of him from the "book", he calmly picked up the contract in front of him, and even patted Nakahara Chuya who was stupid beside him. shoulder, said with emotion:

"The slug's brain is really small, and it will explode on the spot if it is stimulated~"

Uchihaji also said in a girlish voice, "The little dwarf can't do it~"

Central Plains Chuya:? ? ?

"What's wrong? What's the situation with you? These two people... magical girls? Save the world?"

Nakahara also said that his brain could no longer understand the situation in front of him. Seeing the leader Jae and Uchihaji get together and start to read the contract, there are question marks all over his head.

The leader looked through the contract and found that it was an idol contract signed by a real firm. For a moment, he looked at Uchiha Haru who was beside him, and when he saw the other party's overly exquisite and beautiful dress, he felt blind feeling.

"Are you really planning to debut?"

"We passed both interviews, why didn't we debut? Anyway, we'll just stay for a year for vacation, so why not have a good time!" Uchihaji calmly accepted that he would hold a concert as an idol in the next year. "You saw it too, didn't you?"

The leader Zai was a little silent.

Indeed, he has just learned Uchihaji's identity from the "book", and he also knows that the other party will live in this world as an "anchor" for a year, so as to integrate this world with another world, and this world will also will no longer be vulnerable.

The leader Zai knew the fragility of this world a long time ago, and even planned to die a year later.

But who would have thought?The world has to do it by itself first, and personally find someone to come and solve the fragile problems of the world.

"You want to protect this world, I also have it!" Uchiha Ji raised his chin slightly, "It's hard to create such a world, how can you not read this book!"

The leader Zai knew very well what Uchihaji was talking about, and it was nothing more than his own desire to preserve this world where Oda was alive and writing.

The leader Zai will doubt Uchihaji's purpose and the opponent's motives, but he will not doubt Uchihaji's thoughts on the issue of Oda.

——No matter which Dazai Osamu, he would want to read the book written by Oda Saku!

"And, you didn't remind me!" Uchiha Haru patted the table indignantly, and said loudly, "If this is in my place, I will definitely lock him up with a sealing array, and don't think about it before finishing writing! "

Chief Zai:! ! !

Fuck, is this person actually taking a tough line?

Uchiha Ji tilted his head slightly, stared at the leader Zai, and said softly, "Don't tell me, you don't want to live to see that day, it's Odasaku's book!"

Chief Jae: Crazy Heartbeat.jpg

"In a word, sign or not?" Uchihaji clapped his hand on the contract.

"Sign!" The leader Jae thought of Odasaku and accepted it decisively, "But we need to work out the details!"

In a sense, the "book" is the original power of this world. It is clearly written on it that Uchihaji is the helper he called to integrate the world. The leader Zai will not doubt this.

However, it is another problem to let him completely let go of his guard and face the other party. At this stage, he can still get along well, so let's observe slowly later.

"Wow~ You guys are so fast!" Merlin applauded the speed of the two of them, and began to think about it, "The idol of the year, no matter what, I can go to the Budokan to hold a concert!"

"Budokan?" Uchihaji froze for a moment, thinking it made sense.

Now that we have decided to do a wave, why not go straight to the extreme?Anyway, what they have are connections (from the leader), power (from Uchiha), favoritism (from the world)...

The leader Zai's eyes lit up, and he said immediately, "It's easy! I'll give you the plan!"

"Since you have all signed with the office, I will let...Ozaki cadre follow you to the office tomorrow to talk about the debut concert or something. You can reserve a venue now, and the entire Kanto area can be used!"

He recruited Nakahara Chuya with one hand, and directly ordered, "Go to the cameraman, take promotional videos and photos for them, and then place an advertisement for the debut concert in the Kanto area, and the big screens in Yokohama will play it in rotation!"

Uchihaji: ...

Hey hey hey, there is no need to do this level, thank you!

Don't think I don't know you're joking at me :)

Leader Zai: What a novelty!

My self in another world is going to debut with me!Why do you want to make a big deal?

Therefore, with both sides actively advancing, the combination of "Mei Li☆Tanxi" composed of Uchihaji and Mei Lin successfully embarked on the road of idols who debuted and became popular.

Bird Tour Office

As a manager, Dagami Wanli received Ozaki Momiji, who was said to be Uchiha Haru's parent, and looked at the red hair of the other party, and then at Uchiha Haru's black hair, and always felt that something was wrong.

"The concubine is the spokesperson sent by the child's brother, and wants to talk to you about some detailed contract matters."

Shocked by Ozaki Hongye's self-proclaim, Immediately the master Wanli was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly poured tea for the other party, before asking, "Is there anything in the contract that needs to be revised?"

Koye Ozaki glanced at Osamu Uchiha beside him. Although she was puzzled by where her leader's younger sister came from, she still explained the request that Osamu Dazai said very reliably:

"Our Tan Qian only intends to sign a one-year contract with you. I hope you will not refuse the various resources we provide for your children. Of course, we will not affect your itinerary and resource arrangements. Everyone They are working hard for their idol career."

Great God Wanli:? ? ?

resource?Are you going to provide resources?

"Cough... We can have a detailed chat about resources." Ogami Wanli and Ozaki Koyo quickly started exchanging details on the contract, and the lawyer brought by Hongye also started to speak. Uchihaji and Meilin were completely absent from the scene. when.

Merlin blinked, and his eyes fell on the back of Uchihaji's hand covered by gloves, "The other you are too reliable, why don't we go to Fuyuki City first?"

"Hmm... go after the debut concert?" Uchiha Haru tilted his head, "Anyway, isn't there a date for Meili☆Tanxi's debut concert? We're not in a hurry."

Merlin pulled him and let out a long sigh, "Although I said that, I never thought it would be so fast! I thought I could take a break!"

Uchihaji also sighed, "Obviously he really wants to keep me, and Odasaku is really attractive!"

The two got together and muttered together, and after a while, I saw that Ozaki Wanli and Ozaki Koyo had negotiated, and even signed and stamped the contract.

"Then these two children will be entrusted to you," Ozaki Koye said with a smile, "I will take my leave first."

As she said so, she stuffed two black cards for Uchihaji, and left here with the lawyer.

Looking at the black card in his hand, Uchihaji's eyes lit up, "You can go eat crab pot!"

"No! I don't want to eat crab meat anymore! I want to eat something else!" Merlin protested. He almost vomited after eating crab meat with the two Dazai these two days!

Great God Wanli looked at the black card in Uchihaji's hand, then thought about the details of the exchange just now, and deeply realized the depth of Uchihaji's background.

However, there are quite a few rich people in their office, including princes and young masters, and it would not be a big problem to have one more mafia lady.

After thinking about the background combination of the idols in the office, the master Wanli immediately adjusted his mentality, smiled and took the two newcomers to meet the seniors.

idolish7 is a well-known idol group in their agency, and Wanli, the master, intends to let "Mei Li☆Tanxi" take a look at idolish7's concert to catch the heat, make a show, make a preview, and prepare for the official debut in the future.

"Hello seniors." Uchihaji and Merlin greeted the seven seniors.

"It's the rookie group of Wanli lottery." The leader of idolish7, Nikaido Yamato, was the first to stand up and communicate with the two girls.

He took them around the office and blended into the atmosphere of the office, and then asked with a smile, "We are going to the next concert location, do you want to go and see it together?"

Senior Izumi Sanyue also said, "You guys have to play there too, it would be better to familiarize yourself with the environment first!"

Uchihaji and Meilin glanced at each other, accepted their kindness, and walked out of the office together, planning to go to the venue of the concert.

A few seniors fully equipped themselves before stepping out the door. The group walked for a while talking and laughing, when they suddenly heard a loud sound coming from the big screen across the street, subconsciously stopped and looked up.

A blue sky appeared on the big screen, and the camera moved from top to bottom, across the sky, the ocean, and finally landed on the white-haired girl by the sea.

From far to near, the white-haired girl is wearing a beautiful white robe-like dress, stepping on the sand, dancing on the sea water that hits from time to time, her posture is elegant, and every move makes people feel a kind of beauty and joy happiness.

The girl stopped and looked towards the coastline. At this time, the camera moved from far to near, and finally fell on the close-up shot of the girl. She raised her hand and brushed her hair behind her ears, revealing a delicate and beautiful side face.

She looked sideways, her purple eyes were shining brightly, and she raised a bright smile. At this time, the picture paused for a few seconds, and then began to pull back a little bit. The girl moved her hand towards God, and said with a smile:

"I'm the magical girl Meili-chan~ Do you want to go with me to the distant Utopia?"

Afterwards, countless fine golden sands flew up from the beach, and the scene changed accordingly, falling on the hillside by the sea. On the top of the green grass, a huge tree glowed with life.

The camera zooms in slowly, and a girl with black ponytails is sitting under a tree, flipping through a book in her hand.

She was wearing a black and red halter dress, with blue gemstones on the chest as buttons, and the derived white long sleeves wrapped her arms, revealing only her white shoulders. When the wind blows, her skirt floats slightly, The fire patterns on the skirt became lively as if they were swallowing flames.

Feeling the wind, the girl raised her head slightly. At this time, the camera zoomed in and gave her a close-up shot, showing that beautiful face. She blinked her eyes, and she smiled and said softly:

"I am the magical girl Tan Qian..."

As she spoke, she made heart-to-heart gestures with her hands towards the camera, tilted her head slightly with a smile, "Do you want to experience the world with me?"

The grass was flying, the screen turned black, and two close-up photos of professional training appeared on the big screen, and a line of words gradually appeared below them——

"On xx, xx, at xxx theater, let's have a journey of dreams and magic with Magical Girl Meili☆Tan Xi!"

After watching the entire advertisement broadcast, the seven seniors and the two managers showed shocking expressions at the same time. They were shocked to find that the nearby screens were also displaying this promotional advertisement, and they couldn't help turning their eyes to the two people beside them at the same time.

As a manager, the master Wanli took out his mobile phone immediately, checked the information on the Internet, and successfully found that this promotional video appeared in all the lively areas of the entire Kanto area, and it was broadcast on various conspicuous large screens.

Closing the phone, he took a deep breath, "It seems that I don't need to make a promotional video for you, this one is pretty good..."

Isn't it great?This is a big-screen carousel for the entire Kanto area!

Is there any combination that has not yet debuted that can enjoy such treatment?Even popular idol groups from their agency and other agencies don't have this kind of treatment!

Merlin/Uchihaji: ...

Isn't the speed of the leader Zai too fast?The film that was filmed yesterday is released today?How afraid he is that the two of us will run away!

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