【The sky pier has arrived. Passengers who disembark please take your luggage and disembark from the exit position one by one...】

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the cruise ship arrives at Sky Pier.The sun was shining brightly at this time.Zheng Jialiang packed his luggage and led Heizi to the nearest exit.

Zheng Jialiang is 1.9 meters tall and has a fierce temperament when he is not smiling.Heizi black-backed dog with black and red patches on its body.Standing together, one person and one dog, there is a message all over the body: I ​​can't afford to mess with it.

One person and one dog are too vicious, and there are many tourists around.Zheng Jialiang turned a blind eye.In the past three years, he has become accustomed to all kinds of gazes.

Zhao Lifang walked out of the cabin with her grandson in her arms, and when she saw Zheng Jialiang, she pulled her grandson behind her: "Let's go over there and line up."

Everyone goes to the island to find comfort.Zheng Jialiang not only brought a dog, but also brought such a fierce one... He didn't consider other tourists too much!

Zhao Lifang searched for Sky Island's complaint phone number as she walked.

Half a minute later, all the tourists on the cruise ship disembarked.

"Let's go to the fairy tale town first, then go to the gourmet country, and then go to the sky and the sea to watch the big whale at night..." Zhao Lifang said happily, pulling her grandson.Lele's parents both work in financial institutions. She took Lele to play for three days first, and planned to travel with the whole family again at the end of the year.

While Zhao Lifang and Lele were taking the sightseeing car, Zheng Jialiang brought Heizi to the beach of Kongdao.

At this time, many tourists went straight to the sky service station, and many tourists clocked in and took pictures around the pier.The entire sky island was in a warm atmosphere.

Zheng Jialiang helped Heizi take two photos, and asked, "Where are we going now?"

"Woo." Heizi looked around curiously.

Zheng Jialiang opened the Sky Island Forum.There are many sky island strategies on the Internet.Most of the guides are about shopping, eating and playing. He looked around and didn't have much interest.

One person and one dog looked around in a daze.

"Hello." At [-]:[-], there were fewer and fewer tourists at the pier, when a hesitant male voice came from behind.

"Hello." Zheng Jialiang turned around.This is a young man in his early twenties, wearing a red vest.Holding a small red flag in his hand, the red flag reads: Atlantic Tour Group.

"We are an Atlantic tour group. There are currently 34 people in the group, and there is one quota short..." The young man pointed not far away.

In order to celebrate the opening of Sky Island, the island now launches the [Group Fun and Enjoyment] activity.When tourists purchase non-landscape items such as sky balloons and whale riding fishing during the island, they can form a group on the spot.Successfully organized a group can enjoy a [-]% discount.

They are in groups of five and five, and now they are one position short.

Zheng Jialiang looked into the distance.Now there is a row of uncles and aunts sitting under the pier. Everyone is wearing a vest and a little red riding hood, and they are generally over 60 years old.

After thinking about it, Zheng Jialiang asked, "I have pets with me."

"You're wearing a dog harness, it's fine." The boy waved his hand.

The guy's name is Wang Mingming, a third-year student at Jiangxi Tourism College.Now at home during the summer vacation, the Atlantic Dance Troupe where my grandfather belongs is going to organize a group to participate in the Sky Island tour.In a moment of excitement, he signed up with him.In this way, I became a temporary tour guide for the tour group.

"You can form a group with other people." Zheng Jialiang is used to being alone and doesn't want to make friends with strangers.

"No one is in the group." Wang Mingming sighed.

Tickets for Sky Island are now loose.Tourists mostly travel together.Even if there is a solo trip, everyone looks at a large circle of uncles and aunts, and they are not interested at all.

"[-]% off, you can save a lot."

Wang Mingming observed just now, Zheng Jialiang grew up a little fierce.But the back is straight, and the black back is silent, and it doesn't look difficult to get along with.

Now at [-]:[-], under Wang Mingming's persuasion, Zheng Jialiang joined the elderly tour group.

Now there are 35 people including Zheng Jialiang.Everyone formed a group through the bracelet software and bought sky discount tickets.

The Sea of ​​Sky mainly has eight major projects, including whale belly universe, riding a whale to break waves, underwater exploration, and whale back fishing.

They plan to play whale riding first.

Everyone bought the tickets and boarded the back of the sea whale smoothly.This is a giant sea whale with a length of [-] meters and a width of [-] meters.At the moment when he saw the sea whale, Zheng Jialiang had only one feeling: big.

Very big.

Looking away.

He felt that he was looking at a huge hill.

"Is this an artificial sea whale?"

"Looks like a real whale..."

"a little nervous."


There are already many tourists sitting on the back of the whale.The back of the sea whale was soft and sticky. Looking at the pattern on the back of the whale, they felt that they were not sitting on an AI.But the real giant whale under the sea.

At [-]:[-], the sea whale let out a low cry and swam towards the bottom of the sea.Sea Whales, like Sky Cruises, have air shields all around.The back of the whale can effectively block tourists and the surrounding sea water.

Lanternfish, Anglerfish, Blobfish...

The bottom of the sea is surrounded by sea fish swimming around.In addition to the common deep-water fish in China, they also saw various flower fish.These flower fish are oddly shaped.There are also a lot of radiance all over the body.

"Are these real or fake?"

Tourists feel that their eyes are not enough to see.With the improvement of residents' living standards, various oceanariums and aquariums emerge in endlessly.They think they have seen the market, but the city aquarium is not at the same level as it is now.

Many tourists reached out to touch it.

There seems to be a soft membrane between the back of the whale and the underwater world, and they feel like they are touching a water bag.It's soft and slippery, but you can't touch the creatures in the water.


While watching curiously, a golden figure swims from a distance.

The figure has silver hair like seaweed, a slender golden fish tail, and its arms and waist are exposed.

"A real mermaid!"

"Let me see!"


The golden figure was getting closer and closer, and the tourists were instantly excited.

Just as the tourists were about to take out their mobile phones to take pictures, the mermaid figure slowly turned its head.


"It's scary."

"Undersea Thriller..."


The tourists looked at the front of the goldfish and were completely relieved.Goldfish with golden tails and whiskers, like a brawny man in a mermaid suit.

At this time, the strong man looks at the tourist, and the tourist also looks at the strong man.

The strong man smiled and made a heart gesture to everyone.


What a big man!

"so many people?"

"It should be a new tourist. I still have the suitcase."


At this time more and more 'mermaids' swam over. 'Mermaid' is available in yellow and blue, looking from a distance, it looks like an illustration in a fairy tale textbook.

"Where are you from? I'm from the Eastern Province!"


The mermaid greeted the tourists.

Half a minute later, the tourists understood what had happened.

They are also sky island tourists.At this time, I am experiencing Sky Island's latest project: Mermaid Princess.

The Mermaid Princess adopts the ninth-generation deep-sea waterproof technology, and tourists can swim in the sea wearing specific clothing.Because it belongs to the research and development of new technology, it is only used for the test of Sky Sea.

"Aren't you afraid of being eaten by sharks?" The tourists on the back of the whale were curious.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a day trip to the whale universe." The mermaids didn't care.

The tourists turned around.The sea of ​​sky is an artificial sea, and there are no dangerous creatures at all.As for other small fish and shrimp... the mermaid suit is excellent in protection, and tourists are not bitten by small fish.

"How to charge?" Tourists asked.

"Two hundred an hour, but you have to make an appointment with the bracelet." Said the mermaid princesses.

There are also entertainment projects such as deep-sea diving and deep-sea swimming all over the world.But this is a rich kid's game, not to mention 200 yuan, 20 sets of equipment can't afford it.Compared with it, the Mermaid Princess project is a conscience in terms of novelty and entertainment!

"Shall we make an appointment now?"

"The fee is okay."

"It's much more cost-effective than the scenic spot project."


The tourists were instantly excited.

Zheng Jialiang looked around.He hadn't felt such a cheerful atmosphere for a long time.Looking at the tourists at this time, he always has an unreal feeling.

"Why are you so serious?" In a daze, Wang Mingming threw a can of Coke.

Zheng Jialiang took over.

"I bought it at the ticket gate just now. Five yuan, not expensive." Wang Mingming sat next to Zheng Jialiang.Sky Island has a distinctive diet, but there are also many supermarket foods such as instant noodles and ham.

"Thank you." Zheng Jialiang didn't give way, and opened the can directly.

The two chatted for a while, and Wang Mingming looked at Heibei.

Wang Mingming raised a golden retriever.When he first saw Heibei, he was startled by his body turning blue and red.However, after 10 minutes of contact, he found that the black back was clever and completed various instructions very well.In the end, with Zheng Jialiang's eyes, Heibei knew what he was doing.

Season golden retriever raised by Wang Mingming.Such a comparison, it seems that I am not as smart as a black back...

"What's the dog's name?" Wang Mingming asked curiously.

"Heizi." Zheng Jialiang touched Heizi and said.

"It fits the image quite well." Wang Mingming stretched out his hand to touch it.But Heibei's eyes were too calm, he stretched it, and finally put it down.

"You trained yourself?" Wang Mingming continued to ask.

Zheng Jialiang nodded slightly.

"Then..." Wang Mingming was about to ask how to train the dog, when the back of the whale suddenly shook violently.

"Everyone sit down quickly."


There are tourists maintaining order.

Wang Mingming was as calm as possible, and before he could react, he felt the sea whale below him keep rising.

The sea whale jumped out of the sea.

Blue sky, white clouds, rainbow bridge.

The scene of the empty island appeared in everyone's eyes very pleasantly.At the moment when the sea scene appeared, there was only one word in everyone's mind: riding a whale and breaking the waves.

"It's so fun." Wang Mingming looked around in surprise.

At this time, following the perspective of the sea whale, the scene in front of him changed from the surface of the sea to the interior of the sea.The whole process was more exciting than a roller coaster, and he felt his heart go out of his throat.

Heizi was taken aback by the scene in front of him, and looked around vigilantly.

"It's okay, it's a whale blowhole." Zheng Jialiang told Heizi not to be nervous.

In this tense atmosphere, Zheng Jialiang and a small group of tourists were sprayed into the sky, and then fell heavily.


Wang Mingming looked at the water column in front of him in a daze.Sky sea whales are artificial whales.He didn't expect that now that the technology is advanced, even artificial water jets can be simulated...

Half a minute later, the water spray column disappeared.Zheng Jialiang and Heizi landed heavily on the back of the whale.One person and one dog were a little wet.

Both Zheng Jialiang and Heizi saw ease in each other's eyes.

In the next two hours, Zheng Jialiang and the senior group experienced other projects together.They fished with the sunset group, visited the universe, and explored the mysteries of the seabed...

Zheng Jialiang had a great time, and he hadn't been this happy for a long time.

"An appointment tomorrow."

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the tour group left Sea of ​​Sky, and Wang Mingming was going to send Zheng Jialiang a WeChat message.I just opened the interface and found a WeChat red envelope.

Wang Mingming opened it.WeChat red envelope: five yuan.

Wang Mingming thought for a while before he remembered that this should be the can of Coke on the back of the whale.

"Why are you giving out red envelopes?" Wang Mingming was a little depressed, and was about to tell Zheng Jialiang that you're welcome, when he found a red exclamation mark in the Liantian box.

Wang Mingming:! ! !

At the same time that Wang Mingming was reflecting on whether he was too enthusiastic, Zheng Jialiang and Heizi walked along the main street of Fairy Tale Town.

He has been alone for three years, and he has rarely been as happy as he is today.It's just that after being happy, there is a deep self-sabotage.

His life was picked.

Back then, if he rushed into the fire, the one who survived would be another comrade in arms.

He can't be happy, and he doesn't deserve to be happy.This is a betrayal of sacrificed comrades.

In the next two days, Zheng Jialiang took Heizi to wander around cyberpunk and two-dimensional towns.

The environment of the sky island is more beautiful than in the video, it seems like a paradise.Zheng Jialiang often has a trance feeling of living in the painting.

On the afternoon of the third day, Zheng Jialiang followed Heizi to Sky Ranch.

Sky Ranch is a large area on the south side of Fairy Tale Town.This is not a scenic spot, but the scenery is so beautiful that there are often tourists riding brooms wandering in the pasture sky.

Zheng Jialiang is not riding a broom this time.Instead, Heizi made a friend.

A snow-white alpaca half as tall as a human.

According to the introduction from previous tourists, the alpaca is named Huahua.Originated in Australia, it was brought up from the Inner Mongolia region of China.

Huahua has a cold personality and likes to spit on tourists who are too enthusiastic.But because it is white all over and looks so beautiful, it belongs to Sky Island's internet celebrity alpaca.

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