"Sky Island is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, stretching from [-] to [-] square kilometers. The island has beautiful scenery and is the largest sky island in the world..."

[Condemn the Sky Island] From the geographical location to the technological environment, everyone praised the Sky Island.In the end, he silently said: The diving deeds of the owner of Dajiang are commendable, but personal morality should not be involved with the management of Sky Island.Dajiang Nongfu hurt Huaxia's feelings, and hoped that Kongdao could re-select foreign partners.


In the office building of Jiang Province, Yu Dong was so angry that his teeth hurt when he watched the report of "Huahua Entertainment".What does it mean that Dajiang Nongfu hurt Huaxia's feelings, and I hope Kongdao can choose again?

They are hackers on the Internet, but they are completely different from the usual black products, black little fresh meat.This one is not so much black as it is like gaining attention if you can't love it. The bright side of "Huahua Entertainment" is to fight against Chinese netizens.But the more Yu Dong looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong...

Yu Dong opened [Sky Fans Group], which is a Tengqi group created after Dajiang's bad marketing.From one group of sky fans to seven groups, there are seven groups in total. Yu Dongyin is fighting on the front line of anger, and now he is a group administrator.

Yu Dong sent screenshots of "Huahua Entertainment" news.

"Brother Dong also watched the trending searches?"

"I've read this news twenty times. I know every word, and it feels awkward to put them together..."

"This scolding is too high-level."


The moment Yu Dong sent it, countless group friends showed their heads and erupted.Everyone chatted for a while, and a group of friends posted a screenshot on the external network: "God damn it, it's unfair. "Huahua Entertainment" asked Dajiang for a ticket, but he didn't get it! [Screenshot]"

[Screenshot] An editor-in-chief of "Huahua Entertainment" sent a private message to Dajiang.Private message content——

[Hello, I am Bruce, the editor-in-chief of "Flower Entertainment". 】

["Flower Entertainment" hopes to get three tickets to Sky Island, and sincerely requests cooperation. 】

[Hi, I'm really Bruce [picture] [picture]. 】


The private messages were from March 23th to March [-]rd, with a total of [-] scattered messages.

The last item of the private message: [Your attitude is too arrogant. "Flower Entertainment" was very disappointed. 】

Huahua's private message was written in English, but at the end she might be worried that Dajiang would not understand it, so she used a translation software to convert it into Chinese, and the overall word order was very awkward.

"Is this really Huahua's editor-in-chief's private letter?" Yu Dong asked in a daze.

"A fight in the office. A Huahua employee was exposed. Now it has spread on the Internet." The group of friends wentssip.

Everyone looked at the screenshot of Huahua's editor-in-chief's private message.I finally realized that this god is so injustice.It's a complete public revenge, using Chinese netizens as gunmen.

"Insidious, these foreigners are too insidious!" The group of friends sighed.

"It is suggested that Sky Island open the qualifications for ticket sales to the world."

"Coordinates Australia, want to go."

"I hope Sky Island can be replaced by a North American partner."


Netizens posted comments on the Internet.

The group of friends felt a little erratic.They complained about the scarcity of tickets for Dajiang.But in comparison, netizens on the Internet are not even qualified for the scarcity of tickets...

"Are we going too far?" a netizen asked weakly.

It has been a month since Sky's second round of ticket sales.They are using their own way to attract Sky Island's attention.And now... things seem to have gone too far.

"Sky Island won't really change its partner, right?" Netizens speculated.

Crowd:! ! !

They black stickers belong to black stickers, but they didn't want to really replace Dajiang.

"Actually, think about it, Dajiang is pretty good."

"Dajiang vegetables are more expensive. But there is no price increase. The cabbage has been [-] since it was launched. The cattle have been fried to [-]."

"The vegetables from Dajiang are transported by air to the island, and they are sold as soon as they are available. They are all real sales."

"Sky Island tickets have something to do with Dajiang? It's all the share given by Sky Island."


Netizens feel that Dajiang is a diligent old scalper.They're just kids who don't get candy.

The bear kid is fooling around in front of the scalper because he can't get candy, he's so fucking stupid.

"Kongdao can't really change Dajiang, right?" Everyone returned to Dajiang's entanglement.

If Kongdao really switches to a foreign partner, they won't even be able to get cabbage, let alone tickets!

"Support the transformation of the empty island. Wait for the third wave of tickets for the empty island to be sold."

Netizens gradually turned around.In the past, Hei Dajiang was just a place where children at home fought, but now "Flower Entertainment" has to be a regular guest when it travels across the ocean.They must disagree.

As the trend of netizens turned around, many netizens also posted apology posts such as "belated apology" and "sorry Dajiang".They are sunspots, but not stupid.The whole thing is far from a contradiction of principle.The apology post is a bit shameful, but it's wrong if it's wrong.They don't mind apologizing either.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the [Sword Mountain and Fire Sea] punishment. Punishment reward: [Sword Mountain and Fire Sea] panorama is open."

At the same time that the online reviews were changing, the giant tree in the sky, Dang Jiang Chao walked the last inch of the 'flaming mountain'.A system prompt sounds.

The system is currently down for updates.Except for the [Mountain of Swords and Sea of ​​Fire] progress bar at 100%, the entire system panel remains unchanged.

"It's too difficult..." Jiang Chao returned to Sky Castle. He felt that he had played single-player games for seventeen days, which was seventeen days of extremely masochistic.

Jiang Chao stayed for a while, then opened Weibo.

Since coming to Sky Farm, Jiang Chao hasn't checked Weibo for a while.In view of the rising popularity of "Dajiang bad marketing" and "Dajiang bad tickets".Jiang Chao speculates that Dajiang black material will continue to rise.Putting himself in his shoes, if he were an ordinary netizen, he would be insanely tortured by Dajiang's continuous snap-ups for nearly a year.


He totally understands.

Jiang Chao opened the private message interface.

"Don't care about black comments, manage well, and be optimistic about you!"

"It hasn't been updated for 20 days. Was it really withdrawn by Sky Island?"

"Sorry. I made a snowflake."

"I'm sorry. [Dajiang Consignment Cooperation Proposal]."


Jiang Chao had already prepared for a bad review, but he was at a loss when he saw the private message on Weibo.At this time, the private messages on Weibo were very peaceful, and I was not used to the peacefulness.

Jiang Chao searched for news about recent events, and after half an hour, he learned all about it.

Jiang Chao: It's just... quite ups and downs.

After serious thinking, there was a new private message: "Makoto Oe and Sorashima have terminated their cooperation? [panic] [panic]"

Dajiang has not updated his blog for 20 days, and the termination of cooperation between Dajiang and Sky Island is also the most widely speculated.


I regret it so much.

Netizens are in a state of intense regret.One aspect of this is the difficulty of buying tickets.More importantly, everyone is a new-age Internet citizen who has received basic education.They were a little excited some time ago, but Dajiang lay innocently.To make Dajiang pay for them excitedly...they really can't do it.


It is not their intention that things have developed to the point where they are now.

Jiang Chao is not the Holy Father.There is also an element of anger in not replying during this period of time.Looking at the private messages of netizens at this time, the unhappiness before has also faded a little.

Jiang Chao thought seriously and updated Weibo——

Deputy Farmer Dajiang: They were not withdrawn. 【Happy】【Happy】

Jiang Chao felt that his explanation was not clear enough, so he continued to add: "Dajiang is the only partner of Sky Island in the world, and the cooperation between the two parties is very pleasant. [Picture] [Picture]"

[Picture] is the distant view taken by Jiang Chao in Sky Castle.Sky Castle is a forbidden area on Sky Island, although this photo is not as convincing as the contract photo.But it also indirectly proves that Oe and Sky Island are still in the honeymoon period.

"Ding! The sky system has been successfully updated. The latest version: 3.7. The system is being installed and loaded..." Just as Jiang Chao replied, the system was updated.It's like hitting the start button all around.Everything is moving slowly.

Half an hour later, the system was installed successfully.

Jiang Chao opened the system interface.

Host name: Jiang Chao.

Unlocked area: [My Territory] [Sea of ​​the Sky] [Skeleton World]...

Unlocked area: [Princess Odin's Gourmet Country].

Sky Island Level: One star.

Starlight value: 200.


Now the sky island level is still one star.The system points and energy value are canceled, and the starlight value option is added later.

Starlight value: the sum of all values ​​such as the attention and pleasure of the tourists who land on the island to the sky island. (Sky system operating currency)

Jiang Chao opened the system mall.

Crazy Racing: 3000 starlight value.

Flying seesaw: 5000 starlight value.

Sky Island Bungee Jumping: 5000 star value.


Now that the system products are refreshed, all products use starlight value as the settlement unit.

Jiang Chao: ...

"Is this a system update?"

"The starlight value is the highest currency authority of the sky system. Congratulations to the host for unlocking the starlight value system."

Jiang Chao: Heh.

Jiang Chao opened the update log.Before the system update, he had a total of 6500W+ points and 21W+ energy value.

21W+ energy value is generated by 25 tourists.Now all evaporate to 0.

"The starlight value is the highest currency in the sky system. You can buy regional cards for lottery draws, with a single 2000 starlight value. 2000 times you must win a random regional card." 3709 explained the further functions of the starlight value.

System tasks are the only way to unlock random area cards.Now the starlight value system is enabled, that is to say, as long as Jiang Chao krypton gold, 100% of the random area will be obtained.

The starlight value comes from the degree of attention and pleasure of tourists who land on the island to Sky Island.Restrictions: landing on the island.

The problem is back to square one: no tourists.

"To make up for the update loss. Now the system rewards the update spree: Tourist tickets x20. Random lottery x3." In silence, 3709 said.This is also the maximum compensation for system updates.

1W energy value = 1 ticket.Now 20 tickets barely make up for the loss of 21W energy value.

After Jiang Chao read it carefully, he clicked on the random lucky draw.

With the previous lottery drawing as the basis, Jiang Chao directly drew three times in a row.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the flying item: [Butterfly Wing] X1."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the flying prop: [Sky Wheel] X1."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a limited-time item: [Ticket for internal testing] X1000."


[Butterfly Wings] and [Sky Wheel] are both flying props, both are worth 6000W+ points, and the loss of points will be fully recovered.

After Jiang Chao finished watching, he set his sights on [Interview Ticket].

[Closed Beta Tickets]: Limited tickets.New area visits only.Remarks: Tickets for the internal test cannot enter other areas.

Limited tickets.

New regions only.

After Jiang Chao finished reading, he opened the system backpack: [Princess Odin's Food Country].

[Princess Odin's Gourmet Country] is an A-level regional card.Jiang Chao opened the island sand table and directly selected [Gourmet Country] on the south side of the Two-dimensional town.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chao stood at the gate of the city in a daze.

This is a [-]-meter-high yellow gate made of cheese.The gate is covered with chocolate jam, cookies, strawberry pie... in front of it is a moat of cream.Chocolate pie-shaped boats float on the moat.There is also blueberry juice on the boat...

Two soldiers stood guard in front of the city gate.

Soldiers in chocolate military uniforms with biscuit silver swords in their hands.

While Jiang Chao looks like a soldier, the soldier also looks majestic like Jiang Chao.

The two sides looked at each other for three seconds, and Jiang Chao stepped forward.

"[Odin Gourmet Country] is a non-open area. Please visit the host after it is open." The system prompts.

Jiang Chao:? ? ?

Jiang Chao tried three times, all prompting 'non-open area'.Jiang Chao opened the system details: system update, the host does not have permission to explore the first area.Need to explore with tourists OR after tourists.

Jiang Chao: ...The system has been updated, and the authority has been lost?

Jiang Chao rode on the broom a little bit unwillingly.Float along the sky over [Gourmet Country].It was gray and gray, and there was no scenery to see.

Jiang Chao completely gave up.


The author says:

Jiang Chao: _(:з」∠)_

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