"The edible and medicinal value of sky radish..."

At seven o'clock in the evening on December 25th, Wang Qisheng checked Weibo while eating tomatoes.Wang Qisheng is the owner of Jiangzhou Honghuo Fruit Shop.Five days ago, he pre-ordered Sky Carrot on Taobao.The price of radish is one thousand and eighty.At that time, the daughter had to pay the tuition fee, so he discussed with his wife and decided to withdraw the carrot.

Wang Qisheng did not lack one thousand and eight.It's just that the sky radish is too fresh, he's not sure if it's good or not.As soon as Wang Qisheng retired, he felt a little regretful.He was about to buy again, but unexpectedly the sky suddenly ran out of radishes.

He didn't take it seriously.Just reading the news every day, my heart is getting colder and colder.

Now Weibo is full of news about sky radish price increases.The radish of [-] rose to [-], and its growth rate was comparable to bitcoin financial management.


I am very sorry.

When he has nothing to do, he searches for the keyword 'sky radish'.His heart was no longer bleeding, but a knife.

For psychological balance.He now thinks darkly: Maybe the sky carrot is just a fancy thing, just a big plush toy.Everyone was fooled, and after two days, they all came back to their senses.

In this constant reverie, the Huaxia Academy of Sciences posted a Weibo.

"Carrot is a biennial herb. The rhizome is slender and rich in carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin B1. It can effectively treat anemia and colds, strengthen the stomach and spleen. According to the research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, sky radish is an advanced version of carrot. It is helpful It plays an important role in enhancing functional immunity and preventing cancer cell lesions.

According to the analysis of Huaxia Agricultural Planting Institute.The size change of sky radish may be related to high-altitude planting and climate soil.Sky radish is now being used in clinical trials for lung cancer.There was a significant change in the control of lung cancer cells, which could be a major advance in lung medicine..."

The Weibo of Huaxia Academy of Sciences is rigorous.It's all about appreciation for Sky Farm's food value.And at the end of Weibo, it is difficult to buy sky radishes, and the Academy of Sciences hopes to order two radishes for research.

Rich in vitamins, advanced version of sky radish, clinical research on lung cancer... Wang Qisheng feels like he doesn't know radish anymore, this is obviously the ancient version of Shiquan Dabu Pill!

Before Wang Qisheng could react, another Weibo was trending: "Sky Radish Products: Radish Kart".Blog ID: Big Bamboo.

"Carrot Kart" was published half an hour ago, with 12W+ likes and 2W+ comments.

Wang Qisheng clicked.

"It's a bit cool in the early morning of November. After a simple cleaning, the Dazhu Courtyard welcomes a very special guest..."

As soon as the video was opened, it was a clean and leisurely bamboo forest courtyard.There are some fences and bamboos in the small courtyard, and a man in his thirties, wearing hemp trousers and apron, appears on the stage.The man's original name is Xue Gang, and his Weibo ID is Dazhuzi. He is a well-known craftsman on Weibo.Wang Qisheng had watched the video of Big Bamboo, and at this moment he was gnawing on tomatoes while scrolling through the video.

After cleaning the bamboo courtyard, Da Zhuzi opened the gate of the bamboo courtyard.

A small white van was parked outside the gate.A dark-skinned delivery man got out of the car: "What did you buy? It's heavy."

The delivery man is a local villager who has appeared in previous videos.

Dazhu and the delivery man worked together to unload the box, and said mysteriously, "Carrot."

"How can there be such a big carrot." The delivery man seldom reads the news, and his expression is disbelieving.

This box is one meter wide and two meters three high. At first glance, it looks like a large valuable item. How could it be a carrot!

"The air conditioner you bought here?" the delivery man guessed.

Da Zhuzi smiled, and dragged the box to the open space in the courtyard.Then wash your hands and cut the nylon rope around the box with a sickle.

The box was opened, and inside was a huge carrot that was two meters long and 3 centimeters wide at its widest point.The radish is wrapped in a plastic bag, and a 5X[-] hard paper description is on the outermost side.

The delivery man leaned over to look, and there were four large characters printed on the instruction manual: Sky Carrot.

"Really a radish?" The delivery man was surprised.There is also a radish field in Zhuxi Village, but it is the first time he has seen such a big radish after seeing so many radishes.

"Sky radishes were shipped from the Pacific Ocean Island." Da Zhuzi explained.

Five days ago, Xue Gang and Zhao Zhiyuan had finished watching Da Jiang's reservations, and immediately had the plan for "Carrot Kart".This is a craft plan combining bamboo weaving and radish.The two talked about the details, and the more they talked, the more feasible it became.

That night, the two held their mobile phones to grab carrots.

Not only them, other employees of Chuan Shang Media also followed suit.Everyone stayed until midnight, but they didn't even grab a cabbage, not to mention the sky radish.

Now Xue Gang has been making videos for two months.Zhao Zhiyuan persuaded him and suggested that he replace the radish kart with a bamboo marquee.

Xue Gang has done marquee videos before.Although the response was excellent, he had no marquee inspiration.

After a lot of tossing, Xue Gang found a transfer radish from Amoy Xianyu.The transfer price is 1.3W, which belongs to Tao Xianyu.

Xue Gang chatted with the delivery man for a few words.The deliveryman left, Xue Gang motioned for the camera to get closer——

"Bamboo weaving in Sichuan Province is one of the handicrafts in the southern part of Sichuan Province. It originated from the Shang Dynasty and has a history of 300 years. In the Song Dynasty, it was famous for dragon lanterns and revolving horse lanterns. Today, Dazhu takes everyone into a different world of bamboo weaving. Dazhuzi To create a bamboo radish convertible for everyone.”

Xue Gang opened the radish plastic bag, and then used a gel pen to carve a mark on the radish.

"This radish is two meters long, and the widest width is [-] centimeters. It's a bit difficult to make a convertible for two people, but it should be fine for one person..." The explanation continued.While carving with a carving knife, Big Bamboo put the extra radish into his mouth.

"Very crisp. A little sweet, but not cloyingly sweet."

"The radishes are well hydrated and very fresh."

"I ate such a radish. This is the first time I have eaten such a delicious one!"


Xue Gang is carving.While eating the radish, at the end, the movements of the hands slowed down, and all the attention was focused on the radish.Go-kart manufacturing has become like a turnip after eating it.

The forehead of the photographer next to him reminded: "Go-kart."

Da Zhuzi put the leftover radish in the bamboo basket and stuck it with a toothpick reluctantly: "Try it, it's delicious."


Under the warm invitation of Xue Gang, the photography team began to eat radishes suspiciously.And then...the camera was put aside, Xue Gang and the photographers gathered around the bamboo baskets to sign radishes.The go-kart painting style is very magical and turned into a radish exchange meeting.

"Pfft!" Wang Qisheng was saddened by the increase in the price of radish, but seeing the change in painting style, he didn't know whether to be sad or laugh.

Video continues.

After Xue Gang and the others finished eating the radishes, they continued to carve radishes.Only this time, after Xue Gang finished carving the scraps, there were always different big hands quietly reaching into the camera.The big hand picked up the leftovers, and the sound of "creaking" and "creaking" radish came from the direction of the camera.

Wang Qisheng looked at the tomato in his hand.Looking at it, he also wanted to eat carrots.

It takes a long time to make a video, and the flash is fast forwarded directly.In this poetic shooting, the carving of the radish kart was completed in the early morning of the next day.

This is an open-top kart with a turnip as the main body.The main body of the convertible is radish, the four tires are green rubber tires, the steering wheel and torsion bar are all made of bamboo and wood, and the skeleton of the convertible is also woven from bamboo and wood.

After Xue Gang finished the kart, he faced the camera exaggeratedly: "The carrot is too small to sit on it."

Wang Qisheng: ...a radish that is two meters long is too small, why don't you grow him a 20-meter one?

Xue Gang lives in Zhuxi Village, Sichuan Province.In the past few days, he has been ping-pong-pong, and many villagers have watched him.Xue Gang turned around, and finally, with the cooperation of enthusiastic villagers, a three-year-old girl was put in the convertible driver's seat.

The girl is petite. Sitting like this, she looks slender and streamlined in the convertible.

"Is this a pumpkin cart?" the girl asked cautiously in an ill-fitting pink sweater.

"It's a turnip kart." Xue Gang helped the girl put on a simple seat belt.

"Will the carrot cart find the fairytale castle?"

"The turnip cart is from the fairy-tale castle."

The girl smiled shyly.She felt like a pumpkin princess from a fairy tale.It's just the pumpkin cart that Princess Pumpkin rides, and she rides the carrot cart.

Under Xue Gang's explanation, the girl turned the steering wheel, and the carrot cart creaked forward.

Although the carrot cart looks high-end, its principle is the same as that of baby toys.In the rendering of the video, the girl looks like an elf falling into the bamboo forest, having fun.

At the end of the video, Xue Gang gave a close-up of the kart.Then he took out a half-meter-long narrow knife: "It's eleven o'clock at noon, and it's time for a happy dinner. Now, sponsored by Chuan Shang Media, we are preparing Zhuxi's specialty: bamboo shoot and radish soup for the photography team and villagers."

After Xue Gang finished speaking, the go-kart was cut in two with a knife.

"Ah!" Wang Qisheng felt his heart was bleeding.Such a delicate go-kart was cut off so ruthlessly?

What a waste.

Wang Qisheng opened the barrage in distress.

"Damn! It's fun to watch. This is too cruel!"

"Just cut it like this? Ahhh, two days of hard work."

"The radish cart looks like a fairy tale. It's just like that. It hurts a bit."


Radish Karts are made from radishes.After the peeling and carving process, it cannot be preserved for a long time.Tourists know that go-karts cannot escape the fate of rotting/being eaten.But they saw the go-kart take shape step by step.There is a heartache feeling that a beloved toy has been damaged.

The big bamboo is the devil.

The tourists were heartbroken, and the video continued.

With the joint efforts of the villagers.After a while, two large pots of bamboo shoot and radish soup were freshly baked.Huge radishes are a rarity, and some villagers dare not eat them.Some have no such scruples.They grew up in the mountains, and the quality of radishes passed the inspection. Now the photography teams in the city dare to eat radishes.What else are they afraid of?

Many villagers finished serving the radish soup and repeatedly asked the photography team: How do the big radishes grow?Is the island in the sky really growing in the sky?How do you grow radishes on that high island?

Villagers have various problems.Some photography teams will answer these questions, while others are at a loss.

As the sun sets, Zhuxi Village is bustling with activity, all immersed in a peaceful and lively atmosphere.

After 3 minutes, the video ends.

The entire video is 21 minutes and 32 seconds in total, and it is also Xue Gang's longest production work since he became famous.The video shooting process was easy. This is not so much "Carrot Kart", but more like "The Artistic Way of Eating a Giant Radish".

Netizens replay the video.Watched the clip of Xue Gang hacking [the car] three times.Although I know this is a shooting effect, but I cut down the carrot cart so mercilessly...

The heart is still twitching.

"I want to drink a big pot of carrot soup."

"I just watched "Parent's Wish" yesterday, and I want to eat carrots +1."

"Ahhh, is there any radish local tyrant who promotes the spirit of China, and everyone crowdfunds to drink soup?"


Now "Edible and Medicinal Value of Sky Radish" is still on the hot list.With the endorsement of the Huaxia Academy of Sciences, coupled with the huge drive of the two videos.Netizens want to hold radishes to play with, but also want to stew them into radish soup...very tangled.

"There is a pickle factory near my house. Such a big radish can pickle a hundred catties of pickles."

"Such a good radish pickle? What a waste."

"It's so delicious with pickled vegetables and steamed buns."

"It can be divided into one hundred parts. All of them can be made into radish handicrafts."

"There is no need to divide it. Only such a large handcrafted radish can be appreciated."


Netizens discuss fancy applications of giant radishes.It’s just that at the end of the discussion, I realized that it’s more serious: there are only 500 radishes on the market, and they can’t touch them when they see them.

"One person wrote in blood, begging Dajiang Agricultural Deputy to increase the purchase of radishes."

"The two wrote in blood, Qiu Dajiang, the deputy farmer, canceled the rush to buy radishes."

"Three blood books..."


"Nine blood letters, begging Dajiang to establish Dajiang Pickle Factory."

"There's something wrong with you upstairs."


The blood book building is so crooked.But after the Huaxia Academy of Sciences, the parents' wish, and the three news blessings of the radish kart, the popularity of the sky radish is unprecedented.


"Boss Jiang, this is the advertising plan. Let's see if there are any other changes..." While the netizens were playing with bloody book stalks, Sun Hongwei took Jiang Chao to inspect the workshop in Xiamen High-tech Park.His expression was unconcealable excitement.

[Dajiang Dasao] is expected to be officially listed at the end of October.It's just that there was a mistake in the advertisement review, and it was delayed until mid-November.Sun Hongwei originally thought that [Sister-in-law Dajiang] was not as popular as before.But seeing the news of the past two days, he only had one thought: Mrs. Huo is so lucky!

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