On July [-]rd, a thrilling and mysterious island in the high altitude of the Pacific Ocean.

On August [-]th, Sky Island was surrounded by a huge ocean.


On October 23, the global media reported that the mysterious island is an artificial island of M32 Company.

The sky island is mysterious and unpredictable, and everyone has speculated that the sky island is related to alien creatures.Many directors of online dramas are preparing to shoot fantasy literary films such as "Island Love Story", "Island Love" and "Island Giant".There are a lot of island comics on the Internet, and I didn't want to go around.Sky Island is not an alien island, but a modern technology island...

They feel their alien dreams have been shattered.

A netizen opens a popular video.

At 32 o'clock this morning, Dajiang Agricultural Deputy was interviewed by Fuzhou News Channel: Dajiang Agricultural Deputy has signed a global distribution contract with M32. M[-] is a low-key technology-based company, and Dajiang is very much looking forward to the cooperation between the two parties.

Netizen: ...

Islands can go to the sky, God TM low-key technology company!

All the netizens have finished the news highlights of the past two days.Realized a serious problem.

Ruo Dajiang vegetables really come from M32 company.So... is this the highest vegetable production base in the world?

Netizens look at the sky.

3000 meters altitude.



At the same time that the whole people were discussing it, Jiang Chao came to the high-speed railway station in Xiamen City.

Yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Huo received a notification from her superiors that Mrs. Huo passed the health inspection and can be produced and sold normally.It's just that some details need to be renegotiated due to the Sky Island issue.

"Mr. Jiang." Sun Hongwei was the first to shake hands at the high-speed rail exit.Since Mrs. Huo's health inspection, he hasn't had a good rest for the past two days, and the dust didn't settle until last night.Now the hygiene problem is solved.The rest is follow-up publicity.

The two sides exchanged simple greetings, and everyone went to Xiamen High-tech Park.

"Dajiang's agricultural deputy has communicated with M32. If Mrs. Huo cancels the [Dajiang's sister-in-law] project, the agricultural and sideline store will buy back unused vegetables at the original price, and Dajiang's agricultural deputy will also compensate to a certain extent for Huo's current losses." Both sides Coming to the conference room, Jiang Chao cut to the chase.

Now Sky Island has become a popular spot for the whole people.Mrs. Huo just made an appointment for tea because of [hygienic problems].Jiang Chao guessed that M32 should be on Mrs. Huo's high-risk list.

"No compensation." After Jiang Chao finished speaking, Sun Hongwei was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Chao:?

Sun Hongwei knew that Jiang Chao had misunderstood him, and quickly said: "Sister Huo wants to talk about some publicity issues. It's not a return..."

Sun Hongwei ordered the staff to turn on the projector.

"Fresh green cabbage, refreshing and pleasant radish, rich and overflowing fresh broth...this is what I want!"

The projector just turned on.An office worker sits in a lattice office.The office worker wears a gray suit and holds a green bucket of noodles in his hand.As the man moved, the other colleagues beside him were all shocked and exaggerated.

After 30 seconds, the ad ends.

"Mr. Jiang, this is an advertisement for [Sister-in-law Dajiang's] new product. Now the superior requires that some changes be made to the advertisement and packaging. If it goes well, it is expected to be launched by the end of the month." Mrs. Huo's agricultural deputy is a partner of Mrs. Huo.Now that the advertisement is finished, Sun Hongwei is asking Jiang Chao for his opinion.If Jiang Chao has no objection, the advertisement will be sent to the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television for review.

Half an hour later, Sun Hongwei took Jiang Chao to inspect the workshop.Now [Sister-in-law Dajiang]'s outer packaging has been re-typeset, and the scale and appearance are more high-end than before.

Jiang Chao picked up a bucket of noodles.

Under the existing public opinion, he originally thought that the sales of vegetables would be affected.Looking at it now... the situation is not the same as imagined?

"M32 here..." Jiang Chao asked about his concerns.Now Sky Island is attracting worldwide attention.Mrs. Huo is also a stable company. He is not sure whether Sky Island will affect the sales of barrel noodles.

Sun Hongwei laughed after hearing Jiang Chao's concerns, "Boss Jiang, is the M32 planting base a sky island?"


"Non-genetically modified vegetables that are pollution-free and pollution-free?"


"Planting at an altitude of 3000 meters?"


"Green vegetables at an altitude of 3000 meters. It's rare to put them anywhere!"

Jiang Chao just graduated.Now only consider the possible negative effects of public opinion.But Mrs. Huo's high-level executives are old fritters who have been fighting in the mall for many years.Sky Vegetables is endorsed by international and domestic double quality inspections, pollution-free, non-polluting, non-GMO, and grown naturally at an altitude of 3000 meters... These are the hot spots of publicity!

Even if Mrs. Huo doesn't buy advertisements now.Tap water is also available everywhere on the Internet.As for returns...remove the wool!Still want to order!

Half an hour later, Sun Hongwei re-drafted the contract.I hope to renew the order of 10000 Dajiang vegetables each.There were too many things to do during this period, and Jiang Chao temporarily refused because of limited production.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Chao returned to the small fishing market.

Just as Jiang Chao came to the market, he saw Xiao Fangyong squatting at the door.Xiao Fangyong was about to make a phone call when he saw Jiang Chao and quickly got up: "Boss Jiang."

"Hello." Jiang Chao opened the shutter door and poured water for Xiao Fangyong.

"Boss Jiang, can we order extra large radishes?" The two sides exchanged simple greetings, and Xiao Fangyong got straight to the point.

"Extra big radish?" Jiang Chao was taken aback.He guessed that Xiao Fangyong's purpose was related to vegetables.How does this jump directly to extra large radishes?

"It's a radish that is two meters long and [-] centimeters wide..." Xiao Fangyong turned on his phone and described the extra-large radish to Jiang Chao.

Jiang Chao clicked, this is the screenshot of Sky Carrot.

"This is a good thing." Xiao Fangyong said with emotion after the introduction.

Half an hour later, Jiang Chao understood what had happened.

Exposure from the island of M32.The flow of visitors to the farmhouse increased by 20%.Reasons for growth: Dajiang cabbage is now the vegetable with the highest altitude in the world.In addition, Dajiang vegetables have passed international and domestic certification.There is nothing better than a 3000-meter cabbage jackpot.

3000 meters of cabbage, which means rising step by step.

Now [-] sets of natural cabbage have been ordered.The latest bookings are scheduled until the end of next month.In addition, half of the cabbage bought by the farmhouse last week has been sold.I don't know if the rest can last until the end of the month...

Now Xiaoyu Catering Alliance was established.Everyone discusses that Da Jiang's agricultural deputy will order next month, and the person in charge ridiculed: the most luscious thing now is not the M32 cabbage, but the super-large radish.There is nothing more attractive than a two-meter-long turnip.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.All together, regardless of whether the super-large radish is edible or not, it is a gold-lettered signboard at the door!

After discussing with the people in charge, they decided to order a batch of super-large radishes from Dajiang Agriculture and Deputy.

Now the super big radish is too popular, they are worried that Jiang Chao will not agree.Only then did Xiao Fangyong show up to discuss.

"Boss Jiang, is this radish for sale?" Xiao Fangyong asked nervously after explaining the cause and effect.

Jiang Chao was silent for a while: "Sell."

Xiao Fangyong sat upright: "How much?"

They are all high-end restaurants in small fish markets.If the production of radishes is scarce, the budget for one radish is 100 million, which is the price in their hearts.

Jiang Chao looked at Xiao Fangyong.

Xiao Fangyong looked at Jiang Chao.

Just when Xiao Fangyong thought that Jiang Chao had quoted a sky-high price, he only heard Jiang Chao say: "One eight nine nine."

"Eighteen million?" The number is a bit high.

"One thousand eight ninety nine." Jiang Chao corrected.

"Super big radish?"


"Exactly the same super-large radish as in the video?"


Xiao Fangyong: ...he felt that he had auditory hallucinations.Jiang Chao seemed to be talking about cabbage radishes instead of giant radishes.

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